namespace RedUNIT\Base;
use RedUNIT\Base as Base;
use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
use RedBeanPHP\Observer as Observer;
use RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;
use RedBeanPHP\Adapter as Adapter;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\AQueryWriter as AQueryWriter;
* Foreignkeys
* Tests whether foreign keys are correctly generated and whether
* depending beans are correctly removed. Also tests auto resolving
* types inferred by inspecting foreign keys.
* @file RedUNIT/Base/Foreignkeys.php
* @desc Tests foreign key handling and dynamic foreign keys with
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
* @license New BSD/GPLv2
* (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
* This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Foreignkeys extends Base implements Observer
* To log the queries
* @var array
private $queries = array();
* Test whether unique constraints are properly created using
* reflection.
* @return void
public function testUniqueInspect()
$writer = R::getWriter();
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$category = R::dispense( 'category' );
$book->sharedCategory[] = $category;
R::store( $book );
asrt( count( get_uniques_for_type('book_category') ), 1 );
asrt( are_cols_in_unique( 'book_category', array( 'book_id', 'category_id' ) ), TRUE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$category = R::dispense( 'category' );
$book->via( 'library' )->sharedCategory[] = $category;
R::store( $book );
asrt( count( get_uniques_for_type('book_category') ), 0 );
asrt( are_cols_in_unique( 'book_category', array( 'book_id', 'category_id' ) ), FALSE );
asrt( count( get_uniques_for_type('library') ), 1 );
asrt( are_cols_in_unique( 'library', array( 'book_id', 'category_id' ) ), TRUE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$category = R::dispense( 'category' );
$book->sharedCategory[] = $category;
R::store( $book );
asrt( count( get_uniques_for_type('book_category') ), 1 );
asrt( are_cols_in_unique( 'book_category', array( 'book_id', 'category_id' ) ), TRUE );
asrt( count( get_uniques_for_type('library') ), 0 );
asrt( are_cols_in_unique( 'library', array( 'book_id', 'category_id' ) ), FALSE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book2 = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->sharedBook[] = $book2;
R::store( $book );
asrt( count( get_uniques_for_type('book_book') ), 1 );
asrt( are_cols_in_unique( 'book_book', array( 'book_id', 'book2_id' ) ), TRUE );
try {
$result = R::getWriter()->addUniqueConstraint( 'nonexistant', array( 'a', 'b' ) );
} catch( \Exception $e ) {
print_r( $e ); exit;
pass(); //dont crash!
asrt( $result, FALSE );
* Tests foreign keys but checks using ProxyWriter.
* @return void
public function testFKInspect()
$faultyWriter = new \FaultyWriter( R::getDatabaseAdapter() );
try {
$null = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $faultyWriter, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'test', 'test' );
} catch( \Exception $e ) {
asrt( is_null( $null ), TRUE );
$writer = R::getWriter();
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$book->xownPage[] = $page;
R::store( $book );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'page', 'book_id' );
asrt( is_array( $keys ), TRUE );
asrt( $keys['on_delete'], 'CASCADE' );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'page', 'id' );
asrt( is_null( $keys ), TRUE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$book->ownPage[] = $page;
R::store( $book );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'page', 'book_id' );
asrt( is_array( $keys ), TRUE );
asrt( $keys['on_delete'], 'SET NULL' );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'page', 'id' );
asrt( is_null( $keys ), TRUE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$book->alias('magazine')->xownPage[] = $page;
R::store( $book );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'page', 'magazine_id' );
asrt( is_array( $keys ), TRUE );
asrt( $keys['on_delete'], 'CASCADE' );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'page', 'book_id' );
asrt( is_null( $keys ), TRUE );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'page', 'id' );
asrt( is_null( $keys ), TRUE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$book->cover= $page;
R::store( $book );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'book', 'cover_id' );
asrt( is_array( $keys ), TRUE );
asrt( $keys['on_delete'], 'SET NULL' );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'book', 'page_id' );
asrt( is_null( $keys ), TRUE );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'book', 'id' );
asrt( is_null( $keys ), TRUE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$category = R::dispense( 'category' );
$book->sharedTag[] = $category;
R::store( $book );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'book_category', 'book_id' );
asrt( is_array( $keys ), TRUE );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'book_category', 'category_id' );
asrt( is_array( $keys ), TRUE );
$keys = \ProxyWriter::callMethod( $writer, 'getForeignKeyForTypeProperty', 'book_category', 'id' );
asrt( is_null( $keys ), TRUE );
* Test dependencies.
* @return void
public function testDependency()
$can = $this->createBeanInCan( FALSE );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
R::trash( $can );
// Bean stays
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
* Test dependencies (variation).
* @return void
public function testDependency2()
$can = $this->createBeanInCan( TRUE );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
R::trash( $can );
// Bean gone
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 0 );
$can = $this->createBeanInCan( FALSE );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
R::trash( $can );
// Bean stays, constraint removed
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 0 );
//need to recreate table to get rid of constraint!
$can = $this->createBeanInCan( FALSE );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
R::trash( $can );
// Bean stays, constraint removed
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
* Tests dependencies (variation).
* @return void
public function testDependency3()
$can = $this->createCanForBean();
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
R::trash( $can );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
* Tests dependencies (variation).
* @return void
public function testDependency4()
$can = $this->createBeanInCan( TRUE );
R::store( $can );
R::trash( $can );
$can = $this->createCanForBean();
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
R::trash( $can );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 0 );
$can = $this->createBeanInCan( TRUE );
R::store( $can );
R::trash( $can );
$can = $this->createCanForBean();
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
R::trash( $can );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 0 );
* Issue #171
* The index name argument is not unique in processEmbeddedBean etc.
* @return void
public function testIssue171()
R::getDatabaseAdapter()->addEventListener( 'sql_exec', $this );
$account = R::dispense( 'account' );
$user = R::dispense( 'user' );
$player = R::dispense( 'player' );
$account->ownUser[] = $user;
R::store( $account );
asrt( strpos( implode( ',', $this->queries ), 'index_foreignkey_user_account' ) !== FALSE, TRUE );
$this->queries = array();
$account->ownPlayer[] = $player;
R::store( $account );
asrt( strpos( implode( ',', $this->queries ), 'index_foreignkey_player_accou' ) !== FALSE, TRUE );
* Tests whether foreign keys are created correctly for certain
* relations.
* @return void
public function testCreationOfForeignKeys()
$this->queries = array();
$account = R::dispense( 'account' );
$user = R::dispense( 'user' );
$player = R::dispense( 'player' );
$user->account = $account;
R::store( $user );
asrt( strpos( implode( ',', $this->queries ), 'index_foreignkey_user_account' ) !== FALSE, TRUE );
$this->queries = array();
$player->account = $account;
R::store( $player );
asrt( strpos( implode( ',', $this->queries ), 'index_foreignkey_player_accou' ) !== FALSE, TRUE );
* Test helper method.
* Creates a bean in a can. The bean will get a reference
* to the can and can be made dependent.
* @return OODBBean $can
private function createBeanInCan( $isExcl )
$can = R::dispense( 'can' );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$can->name = 'bakedbeans';
$bean->taste = 'salty';
if ($isExcl) {
$can->xownBean[] = $bean;
} else {
$can->ownBean[] = $bean;
R::store( $can );
return $can;
* Test helper method.
* Creates a bean in a can beginning with the bean. The bean will get a reference
* to the can and can be made dependent.
* @return OODBBean $can
private function createCanForBean()
$can = R::dispense( 'can' );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->can = $can;
R::store( $bean );
return $can;
* Log queries
* @param string $event
* @param Adapter $info
public function onEvent( $event, $info )
$this->queries[] = $info->getSQL();