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File: phpsecureurl_en.pclass

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  Classes of pascal CASENOVE   PHPSecureURL   phpsecureurl_en.pclass   Download  
File: phpsecureurl_en.pclass
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: class + english comments
Class: PHPSecureURL
hide link parameters
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 3,365 bytes



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* Titre........... : PHPSecureURL
* Description..... : Hide URL parameter to secure PHP pages
* version......... : 0.51
* date............ : april 16 2003
* file............ : phpsecureurl.pclass
* Auteur.......... : Pascal CASENOVE
* licence......... : The GNU General Public License (GPL)
* changement...... : 0.51 the first publishing version
* A faire......... : Waitting for suggest
* Suggestion...... : don’t hesitate… CONTACT ME !!
* Description ... : With PHP, to pass parameters between two pages you can use something like this
* A visitor can modify thoses parameters just to see
* or to test parameters.
* Example he modify user parameter and he see the account of another user.
* This classes hide parameters. You don't have to modify your code.
* You have just to add some lines and your link become somethig like
* remarques ...... : it not use cryptography.
* It just use a difficult read format
* Methodes........ : **encode($var) return the hide URL with original URL in parameter.
* **decode($var) internal methode
* Proprietes...... : **decode_url URL unhide
* Parametres...... : $var_name the name of the parameter transmit by the URL default aku
* class

class phpsecureurl{

$var_name="aku"; // you hide all your URL in thid parmeter "aku" is an example you can redefine
var $decode_url; // url unhide
function code_param_url(){
function encode($url){ // methode to encode $url = par1=toto&par2=tioti& ...
$pos_debut=strpos($url,"?"); if(!$pos_debut){$sep="&";}
$pos_fin=strpos($url," ");
$pos_long=$pos_fin-$pos_debut-1; $fin=substr($url,$pos_fin);
$code = base64_encode($param);
// methode return ?aku=dfgdfgdgdfgdgdfhgjdfhjghj all parameter are hide in one
    // methode returm something like ?aku=dfgdfgdgdfgdgdfhgjdfhjghj all parameters un one
    // $url can be " var2=fdsgdf&var3=dfg "
    // or " var2=fdsgdf&var3=dfg target=_self"
    // or only "?var1=dfdf& var2=fdsgdf&var3=dfg"

//**************** decode and change global variables
function decode (){ // methode to unhide
parse_str($this->decode_url, $tbl);
$tbl as $k=>$v){
                global $
