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File: class.csv2tbl.php

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  Classes of Mark Berube   csv2tbl   class.csv2tbl.php  
File: class.csv2tbl.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main Class
Class: csv2tbl
Display the contents of a CSV file in a HTML table
Author: By
Last change: This is a big update. The class has been re written to view CSV files like spreadsheets and viewing colums by letter (instead of trying to decide whether to use 0 or 1 indexing) you refer to columns as "A", "B", etc. This will also fascilitate future features of calculations and CSV editing.

Another major update is the ability to output column data from templates. So you can create hyperlinks or call scripts etc by accessing any column data from the template. See the example (the method set_template_cols_array() allows you to template column output)
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 10,885 bytes

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