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File: vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/src/Standards/PSR2/Docs/Methods/FunctionCallSignatureStandard.xml

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File: vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/src/Standards/PSR2/Docs/Methods/FunctionCallSignatureStandard.xml
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<documentation title="Function Call Signature"> <standard> <![CDATA[ Checks that the function call format is correct. ]]> </standard> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: Correct spacing is used around parentheses."> <![CDATA[ foo<em></em>(<em></em>$bar, $baz<em></em>); ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: Incorrect spacing used, too much space around the parentheses."> <![CDATA[ foo<em> </em>(<em> </em>$bar, $baz<em> </em>); ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: Correct number of spaces used for indent in a multi-line function call."> <![CDATA[ foo( <em> </em>$bar, <em> </em>$baz ); ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: Incorrect number of spaces used for indent in a multi-line function call."> <![CDATA[ foo( <em> </em>$bar, <em> </em>$baz ); ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: Closing parenthesis for a multi-line function call is on a new line after the last parameter."> <![CDATA[ foo( $bar, $baz <em>)</em>; ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: Closing parenthesis for a multi-line function call is not on a new line after the last parameter."> <![CDATA[ foo( $bar, $baz<em>)</em>; ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: The first argument of a multi-line function call is on a new line."> <![CDATA[ foo( <em>$bar</em>, $baz ); ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: The first argument of a multi-line function call is not on a new line."> <![CDATA[ foo(<em>$bar</em>, $baz ); ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: Only one argument per line in a multi-line function call."> <![CDATA[ foo( $bar, <em>$baz</em> ); ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: Two or more arguments per line in a multi-line function call."> <![CDATA[ foo( $bar, <em>$baz</em> ); ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: No blank lines in a multi-line function call."> <![CDATA[ foo( $bar, $baz ); ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: Blank line in multi-line function call."> <![CDATA[ foo( $bar, <em></em> $baz ); ]]> </code> </code_comparison> </documentation>