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File: vendor/phpcsstandards/phpcsextra/Universal/Docs/WhiteSpace/CommaSpacingStandard.xml

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File: vendor/phpcsstandards/phpcsextra/Universal/Docs/WhiteSpace/CommaSpacingStandard.xml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Download Installed Plugin
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<?xml version="1.0"?> <documentation xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" title="Comma Spacing" > <standard> <![CDATA[ There should be no space before a comma and exactly one space, or a new line, after a comma. The sniff makes the following exceptions to this rule: 1. A comma preceded or followed by a parenthesis, curly or square bracket. These will not be flagged to prevent conflicts with sniffs handling spacing around braces. 2. A comma preceded or followed by another comma, like for skipping items in a list assignment. These will not be flagged. 3. A comma preceded by a non-indented heredoc/nowdoc closer. In that case, unless the `php_version` config directive is set to a version higher than PHP 7.3.0, a new line before will be enforced to prevent parse errors on PHP < 7.3. ]]> </standard> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: Correct spacing."> <![CDATA[ isset($param1<em>, </em>$param2<em>, </em>$param3); function_call( $param1<em>,</em> $param2<em>,</em> $param3 ); $array = array($item1<em>, </em>$item2<em>, </em>$item3); $array = [ $item1<em>,</em> $item2<em>,</em> ]; list(, $a<em>, </em>$b<em>,</em>,) = $array; list( , $a<em>,</em> $b<em>,</em> ) = $array; ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: Incorrect spacing."> <![CDATA[ unset($param1<em> , </em>$param2<em>,</em>$param3); function_call( $a <em>,</em>$b <em>,</em>$c ); $array = array($item1<em>,</em>$item2<em> , </em>$item3); $array = [ $item1, $item2<em> ,</em> ]; list( ,$a, $b<em> ,</em>,) = $array; list( , $a, $b<em> ,</em> ) = $array; ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <standard> <![CDATA[ A comma should follow the code and not be placed after a trailing comment. ]]> </standard> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: Comma after the code."> <![CDATA[ function_call( $param1<em>,</em> // Comment. $param2<em>,</em> /* Comment. */ ); ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: Comma after a trailing comment."> <![CDATA[ function_call( $param1 // Comment. <em>,</em> $param2 /* Comment. */<em>,</em> ); ]]> </code> </code_comparison> </documentation>