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File: frontend/src/components/Routes/Home/BlogSection/index.tsx

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  Classes of Carlos Carvalho   yrprey PHP application   frontend/src/components/Routes/Home/BlogSection/index.tsx   Download  
File: frontend/src/components/Routes/Home/BlogSection/index.tsx
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: yrprey PHP application
Web app to learn about OWASP API vulnerabilities
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 months ago
Size: 5,249 bytes



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import AOS from "aos"; import CardBlog from "@/components/CardBlog"; import { StyledBlogSection, ContainerCarousel } from "./style"; import { useContext, useEffect } from "react"; import { Context } from "@/context/context"; import { Swiper, SwiperSlide } from "swiper/react"; import "swiper/css"; import "swiper/css/pagination"; import "swiper/css/navigation"; import "swiper/css/effect-fade"; import SwiperCore, { Autoplay, EffectFade, Navigation, Pagination } from "swiper"; import "swiper/swiper-bundle.css"; SwiperCore.use([Autoplay, EffectFade, Navigation, Pagination]); const BlogSection = () => { const { isMobile } = useContext(Context); useEffect(() => { AOS.init({ duration: 2000 }); }, []); return ( <StyledBlogSection id="blog"> <div className="container-blog"> <p className="title-blog" data-aos="fade-in"> Blog </p> <h4 data-aos="fade"> Read Our Latest <span>Blog and News</span> </h4> <div className="content-center"> { isMobile ? <> <ContainerCarousel> <div className="content"> <Swiper spaceBetween={30} navigation pagination={{ clickable: true }} className="mySwiper" slidesPerView={1} > <SwiperSlide> <div data-aos="fade"> <CardBlog background_color="var(--grey-0)" details_color={"var(--grey-2)"} link_color={"var(--secondary-color)"} image={"/arrow-red.webp"} title="Protect Your Workplace From Cyber Attacks" text_details="Mynex has been providing managed web, email and co-location an hosting for local small- to medium-sized Businesses." route="/blog" /> </div> </SwiperSlide> <SwiperSlide> <div data-aos="fade"> <CardBlog image={"/axe-red.webp"} title="The Security Risks Of Cyber Changing Package" text_details="Mynex has been providing managed web, email and co-location an hosting for local small- to medium-sized Businesses." route="/blog" /> </div> </SwiperSlide> <SwiperSlide> <div data-aos="fade"> <CardBlog background_color="var(--grey-0)" details_color={"var(--grey-2)"} link_color={"var(--secondary-color)"} image={"/sword-red.webp"} title="Avoid Mistakes In Social And Media Posts" text_details="Mynex has been providing managed web, email and co-location an hosting for local small- to medium-sized Businesses." route="/blog" /> </div> </SwiperSlide> </Swiper> </div> </ContainerCarousel> </> : <> <div data-aos="fade-right"> <CardBlog background_color="var(--grey-0)" details_color={"var(--grey-2)"} link_color={"var(--secondary-color)"} image={"/arrow-red.webp"} title="Protect Your Workplace From Cyber Attacks" text_details="Mynex has been providing managed web, email and co-location an hosting for local small- to medium-sized Businesses." route="/blog" /> </div> <div data-aos="fade"> <CardBlog image={"/axe-red.webp"} title="The Security Risks Of Cyber Changing Package" text_details="Mynex has been providing managed web, email and co-location an hosting for local small- to medium-sized Businesses." route="/blog" /> </div> <div data-aos="fade-left"> <CardBlog background_color="var(--grey-0)" details_color={"var(--grey-2)"} link_color={"var(--secondary-color)"} image={"/sword-red.webp"} title="Avoid Mistakes In Social And Media Posts" text_details="Mynex has been providing managed web, email and co-location an hosting for local small- to medium-sized Businesses." route="/blog" /> </div> </> } </div> </div> </StyledBlogSection> ); } export default BlogSection;