* This OracleConnectManager class is written for a web application project.
* This class will manage the connection for oracle, written for php >=5 (for 11g, it is working).
* Written by Mohammad Ashrafuddin Ferdousi.
* email: [email protected]
* Licensed under GNU, GPL.
class OracleConnectManager {
//oracle database username.(root)
private $oracle_user = NULL;
//oracle database password. (password)
private $oracle_password = NULL;
//oracle database hostname. (xxx.xxx.x.xx)
private $oracle_host = NULL;
//oracle database port. (xxxx)
private $oracle_port = NULL;
//oracle database sid. (db10g and db11g)
private $oracle_sid = NULL;
/****oracle connection string. ((DESCRIPTION =
(ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = %s)(PORT = %s))
(SID = %s)
private $connection_string = NULL;
* The __construct method of OracleConnectManager class is used to
* initialize the private property,
* oracle_user,
* oracle_password,
* oracle_host,
* oracle_port,
* oracle_sid
* with default values.
* Change this property's value from setDefaultProperties, as required.
function __construct() {
*Calling setDefaultProperties method of OracleConnectManager class.
* The setDefaultProperties method of OracleConnectManager class is used to
* initialize the private property,
* oracle_user,
* oracle_password,
* oracle_host,
* oracle_port,
* oracle_sid
* with default values.
* Change this property's value from setDefaultProperties, as required.
function setDefaultProperties() {
//oracle database username.(root)
$this->oracle_user = 'database_username_here';
//oracle database password. (password)
$this->oracle_password = 'database_password_here';
//oracle database hostname. (xxx.xxx.x.xx)
$this->oracle_host = 'xxx.xxx.x.xx';
//oracle database port. (xxxx)
$this->oracle_port = 'xxxx';
//oracle database sid. (db10g and db11g)
$this->oracle_sid = 'database_name';
/****oracle connection string. ((DESCRIPTION =
(ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = %s)(PORT = %s))
(SID = %s)
$this->connection_string = " (DESCRIPTION =
(ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = %s)(PORT = %s))
(SID = %s)
* set private property, oracle_user.
public function setOracleUser($userName=NULL) {
*set oracle_user by given database username.
$this->oracle_user = $userName;
* get private property, oracle_user.
public function getOracleUser() {
*return oracle_user.
return $this->oracle_user;
* set private property, oracle_password.
public function setOraclePassword($password=NULL) {
*set oracle_password by given database password.
$this->oracle_password = $password;
* get private property, oracle_password.
public function getOraclePassword() {
*return oracle_password.
return $this->oracle_password;
* set private property, oracle_port.
public function setOraclePort($port=NULL) {
*set oracle_port by given database port.
$this->oracle_port = $port;
* get private property, oracle_port.
public function getOraclePort() {
*return oracle_port.
return $this->oracle_port;
* set private property, oracle_sid.
public function setOracleSid($sid=NULL) {
*set oracle_sid by given database sid.
$this->oracle_sid = $sid;
* get private property, oracle_sid.
public function getOracleSid() {
*return oracle_sid.
return $this->oracle_sid;
* set private property, oracle_host.
public function setOracleHost($hostName=NULL) {
*set oracle_host by given database host.
$this->oracle_host = $hostName;
* get private property, oracle_host.
public function getOracleHost() {
*return oracle_host.
return $this->oracle_host;
* set private property, connection_string.
public function setConnectionString() {
*set connection_string with oracle_host, oracle_port and oracle sid.
$this->connection_string = sprintf( $this->connection_string, $this->oracle_host,$this->oracle_port,$this->oracle_sid );
* get private property, connection_string.
public function getConnectionString() {
*return connection_string.
return $this->connection_string;
* establishConnection is a public method for OracleConnectManager class. It is a wrapper class of oci_pconnect.
* the username, password and connectionstring parameter is called by $this->getOracleUser(), $this->getOraclepassword() and
* $this->getConnectionString(), respectively.
public function establishConnection() {
* try to establish the connection. if exception created, that will throw an OracleConnectManagerException else return the $connection.
$connectionResources = @oci_pconnect($this->getOracleUser(), $this->getOraclePassword(), $this->getConnectionString());
throw new OracleConnectManagerException("Connection failed for oracle database.");
}catch(OracleConnectManagerException $exceptions){
print('<pre style="color:#f00;">');
print_r( "<br />Error: ".$exceptions->getMessage()."<br />File: ".$exceptions->getFile()."<br />Line no.: ".$exceptions->getLine() );
return $connectionResources;
* setConnection is a public method which acts as a wrapper class of setConnectionString.
* It sets the hostName, port, sid, username and password as given parameter. if any parameter is missing, it will set the class's default
* properties.
public function setConnection($hostName=NULL, $port=NULL, $sid=NULL, $userName=NULL, $password=NULL) {
* Check is there any host name, if available, then set the hostname property, else set default property value.
if (!empty($hostName)) {
} else {
* Check is there any port, if available, then set the port property, else set default property value.
if (!empty($port)) {
} else {
* Check is there any sid, if available, then set the sid property, else set default property value.
if (!empty($sid)) {
} else {
* Check is there any userName, if available, then set the userName property, else set default property value.
if (!empty($userName)) {
} else {
* Check is there any password, if available, then set the password property, else set default property value.
if (!empty($password)) {
} else {
* This OracleConnectManagerException class is written for a web application project.
* This class will manage the connection exception for oracle, written for php >=5 (for 11g, it is working).
* Written by Mohammad Ashrafuddin Ferdousi.
* email: [email protected]
* Licensed under GNU, GPL.
class OracleConnectManagerException extends Exception {
* __construct method for OracleConnectManagerException.
* It calls the __construct method of main php exception class "Exception".
public function __construct($message, $code = 0){
parent::__construct($message, $code);
* __toString method for OracleConnectManagerException.
* Overridden the Exception class's _toString method.
* use getMessage(), getFile(), getLine() and getTrace() methods of parent class.
public function __toString(){
*overridne the parent __toString method.
* __construct method for OracleConnectManagerException.
* It calls the __construct method of main php exception class "Exception".
return "<b style='color:red'>".$this->getMessage().$this->getFile().$this->getLine().$this->getTrace()."</b>";