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File: assets/js/light-gallery.js

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File: assets/js/light-gallery.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Biggidroid Wordpress Gallery Plugin
Display an image gallery on WordPress post pages
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Date: 11 months ago
Size: 80,064 bytes



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/** * lightgallery | 2.7.2 | September 20th 2023 * * Copyright (c) 2020 Sachin Neravath; * @license GPLv3 */ !(function (t, e) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? (module.exports = e()) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : ((t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).lightGallery = e()); })(this, function () { "use strict"; var t = function () { return (t = Object.assign || function (t) { for (var e, i = 1, s = arguments.length; i < s; i++) for (var n in (e = arguments[i])), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); return t; }).apply(this, arguments); }; var e = "lgAfterAppendSlide", i = "lgInit", s = "lgHasVideo", n = "lgContainerResize", o = "lgUpdateSlides", r = "lgAfterAppendSubHtml", l = "lgBeforeOpen", a = "lgAfterOpen", d = "lgSlideItemLoad", g = "lgBeforeSlide", h = "lgAfterSlide", c = "lgPosterClick", u = "lgDragStart", m = "lgDragMove", p = "lgDragEnd", f = "lgBeforeNextSlide", y = "lgBeforePrevSlide", v = "lgBeforeClose", b = "lgAfterClose", I = { mode: "lg-slide", easing: "ease", speed: 400, licenseKey: "0000-0000-000-0000", height: "100%", width: "100%", addClass: "", startClass: "lg-start-zoom", backdropDuration: 300, container: "", startAnimationDuration: 400, zoomFromOrigin: !0, hideBarsDelay: 0, showBarsAfter: 1e4, slideDelay: 0, supportLegacyBrowser: !0, allowMediaOverlap: !1, videoMaxSize: "1280-720", loadYouTubePoster: !0, defaultCaptionHeight: 0, ariaLabelledby: "", ariaDescribedby: "", resetScrollPosition: !0, hideScrollbar: !1, closable: !0, swipeToClose: !0, closeOnTap: !0, showCloseIcon: !0, showMaximizeIcon: !1, loop: !0, escKey: !0, keyPress: !0, trapFocus: !0, controls: !0, slideEndAnimation: !0, hideControlOnEnd: !1, mousewheel: !1, getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt: !0, appendSubHtmlTo: ".lg-sub-html", subHtmlSelectorRelative: !1, preload: 2, numberOfSlideItemsInDom: 10, selector: "", selectWithin: "", nextHtml: "", prevHtml: "", index: 0, iframeWidth: "100%", iframeHeight: "100%", iframeMaxWidth: "100%", iframeMaxHeight: "100%", download: !0, counter: !0, appendCounterTo: ".lg-toolbar", swipeThreshold: 50, enableSwipe: !0, enableDrag: !0, dynamic: !1, dynamicEl: [], extraProps: [], exThumbImage: "", isMobile: void 0, mobileSettings: { controls: !1, showCloseIcon: !1, download: !1 }, plugins: [], strings: { closeGallery: "Close gallery", toggleMaximize: "Toggle maximize", previousSlide: "Previous slide", nextSlide: "Next slide", download: "Download", playVideo: "Play video", mediaLoadingFailed: "Oops... Failed to load content..." } }; var C = (function () { function t(t) { return ( (this.cssVenderPrefixes = [ "TransitionDuration", "TransitionTimingFunction", "Transform", "Transition" ]), (this.selector = this._getSelector(t)), (this.firstElement = this._getFirstEl()), this ); } return ( (t.generateUUID = function () { return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace( /[xy]/g, function (t) { var e = (16 * Math.random()) | 0; return ("x" == t ? e : (3 & e) | 8).toString(16); } ); }), (t.prototype._getSelector = function (t, e) { return ( void 0 === e && (e = document), "string" != typeof t ? t : ((e = e || document), "#" === t.substring(0, 1) ? e.querySelector(t) : e.querySelectorAll(t)) ); }), (t.prototype._each = function (t) { return this.selector ? (void 0 !== this.selector.length ? [], t) : t(this.selector, 0), this) : this; }), (t.prototype._setCssVendorPrefix = function (t, e, i) { var s = e.replace(/-([a-z])/gi, function (t, e) { return e.toUpperCase(); }); -1 !== this.cssVenderPrefixes.indexOf(s) ? (([s.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + s.slice(1)] = i), (["webkit" + s] = i), (["moz" + s] = i), (["ms" + s] = i), (["o" + s] = i)) : ([s] = i); }), (t.prototype._getFirstEl = function () { return this.selector && void 0 !== this.selector.length ? this.selector[0] : this.selector; }), (t.prototype.isEventMatched = function (t, e) { var i = e.split("."); return t .split(".") .filter(function (t) { return t; }) .every(function (t) { return -1 !== i.indexOf(t); }); }), (t.prototype.attr = function (t, e) { return void 0 === e ? this.firstElement ? this.firstElement.getAttribute(t) : "" : (this._each(function (i) { i.setAttribute(t, e); }), this); }), (t.prototype.find = function (t) { return x(this._getSelector(t, this.selector)); }), (t.prototype.first = function () { return this.selector && void 0 !== this.selector.length ? x(this.selector[0]) : x(this.selector); }), (t.prototype.eq = function (t) { return x(this.selector[t]); }), (t.prototype.parent = function () { return x(this.selector.parentElement); }), (t.prototype.get = function () { return this._getFirstEl(); }), (t.prototype.removeAttr = function (t) { var e = t.split(" "); return ( this._each(function (t) { e.forEach(function (e) { return t.removeAttribute(e); }); }), this ); }), (t.prototype.wrap = function (t) { if (!this.firstElement) return this; var e = document.createElement("div"); return ( (e.className = t), this.firstElement.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this.firstElement), this.firstElement.parentNode.removeChild(this.firstElement), e.appendChild(this.firstElement), this ); }), (t.prototype.addClass = function (t) { return ( void 0 === t && (t = ""), this._each(function (e) { t.split(" ").forEach(function (t) { t && e.classList.add(t); }); }), this ); }), (t.prototype.removeClass = function (t) { return ( this._each(function (e) { t.split(" ").forEach(function (t) { t && e.classList.remove(t); }); }), this ); }), (t.prototype.hasClass = function (t) { return !!this.firstElement && this.firstElement.classList.contains(t); }), (t.prototype.hasAttribute = function (t) { return !!this.firstElement && this.firstElement.hasAttribute(t); }), (t.prototype.toggleClass = function (t) { return this.firstElement ? (this.hasClass(t) ? this.removeClass(t) : this.addClass(t), this) : this; }), (t.prototype.css = function (t, e) { var i = this; return ( this._each(function (s) { i._setCssVendorPrefix(s, t, e); }), this ); }), (t.prototype.on = function (e, i) { var s = this; return this.selector ? (e.split(" ").forEach(function (e) { Array.isArray(t.eventListeners[e]) || (t.eventListeners[e] = []), t.eventListeners[e].push(i), s.selector.addEventListener(e.split(".")[0], i); }), this) : this; }), (t.prototype.once = function (t, e) { var i = this; return ( this.on(t, function () {, e(t); }), this ); }), ( = function (e) { var i = this; return this.selector ? (Object.keys(t.eventListeners).forEach(function (s) { i.isEventMatched(e, s) && (t.eventListeners[s].forEach(function (t) { i.selector.removeEventListener(s.split(".")[0], t); }), (t.eventListeners[s] = [])); }), this) : this; }), (t.prototype.trigger = function (t, e) { if (!this.firstElement) return this; var i = new CustomEvent(t.split(".")[0], { detail: e || null }); return this.firstElement.dispatchEvent(i), this; }), (t.prototype.load = function (t) { var e = this; return ( fetch(t) .then(function (t) { return t.text(); }) .then(function (t) { e.selector.innerHTML = t; }), this ); }), (t.prototype.html = function (t) { return void 0 === t ? this.firstElement ? this.firstElement.innerHTML : "" : (this._each(function (e) { e.innerHTML = t; }), this); }), (t.prototype.append = function (t) { return ( this._each(function (e) { "string" == typeof t ? e.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", t) : e.appendChild(t); }), this ); }), (t.prototype.prepend = function (t) { return ( this._each(function (e) { e.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", t); }), this ); }), (t.prototype.remove = function () { return ( this._each(function (t) { t.parentNode.removeChild(t); }), this ); }), (t.prototype.empty = function () { return ( this._each(function (t) { t.innerHTML = ""; }), this ); }), (t.prototype.scrollTop = function (t) { return void 0 !== t ? ((document.body.scrollTop = t), (document.documentElement.scrollTop = t), this) : window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0; }), (t.prototype.scrollLeft = function (t) { return void 0 !== t ? ((document.body.scrollLeft = t), (document.documentElement.scrollLeft = t), this) : window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft || 0; }), (t.prototype.offset = function () { if (!this.firstElement) return { left: 0, top: 0 }; var t = this.firstElement.getBoundingClientRect(), e = x("body").style().marginLeft; return { left: t.left - parseFloat(e) + this.scrollLeft(), top: + this.scrollTop() }; }), ( = function () { return this.firstElement ? this.firstElement.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(this.firstElement) : {}; }), (t.prototype.width = function () { var t =; return ( this.firstElement.clientWidth - parseFloat(t.paddingLeft) - parseFloat(t.paddingRight) ); }), (t.prototype.height = function () { var t =; return ( this.firstElement.clientHeight - parseFloat(t.paddingTop) - parseFloat(t.paddingBottom) ); }), (t.eventListeners = {}), t ); })(); function x(t) { return ( (function () { if ("function" == typeof window.CustomEvent) return !1; window.CustomEvent = function (t, e) { e = e || { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1, detail: null }; var i = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); return i.initCustomEvent(t, e.bubbles, e.cancelable, e.detail), i; }; })(), Element.prototype.matches || (Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector), new C(t) ); } var w = [ "src", "sources", "subHtml", "subHtmlUrl", "html", "video", "poster", "slideName", "responsive", "srcset", "sizes", "iframe", "downloadUrl", "download", "width", "facebookShareUrl", "tweetText", "iframeTitle", "twitterShareUrl", "pinterestShareUrl", "pinterestText", "fbHtml", "disqusIdentifier", "disqusUrl" ]; function S(t) { return "href" === t ? "src" : (t = (t = (t = t.replace("data-", "")).charAt(0).toLowerCase() + t.slice(1)).replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (t) { return t[1].toUpperCase(); })); } var T = function (t, e, i, s) { void 0 === i && (i = 0); var n = x(t).attr("data-lg-size") || s; if (n) { var o = n.split(","); if (o[1]) for (var r = window.innerWidth, l = 0; l < o.length; l++) { var a = o[l]; if (parseInt(a.split("-")[2], 10) > r) { n = a; break; } l === o.length - 1 && (n = a); } var d = n.split("-"), g = parseInt(d[0], 10), h = parseInt(d[1], 10), c = e.width(), u = e.height() - i, m = Math.min(c, g), p = Math.min(u, h), f = Math.min(m / g, p / h); return { width: g * f, height: h * f }; } }, E = function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (n) { var o = x(t).find("img").first(); if (o.get()) { var r = e.get().getBoundingClientRect(), l = r.width, a = e.height() - (i + s), d = o.width(), g = o.height(), h =, c = (l - d) / 2 - o.offset().left + (parseFloat(h.paddingLeft) || 0) + (parseFloat(h.borderLeft) || 0) + x(window).scrollLeft() + r.left, u = (a - g) / 2 - o.offset().top + (parseFloat(h.paddingTop) || 0) + (parseFloat(h.borderTop) || 0) + x(window).scrollTop() + i; return ( "translate3d(" + (c *= -1) + "px, " + (u *= -1) + "px, 0) scale3d(" + d / n.width + ", " + g / n.height + ", 1)" ); } } }, O = function (t, e, i, s, n, o) { return ( '<div class="lg-video-cont lg-has-iframe" style="width:' + t + "; max-width:" + i + "; height: " + e + "; max-height:" + s + '">\n <iframe class="lg-object" frameborder="0" ' + (o ? 'title="' + o + '"' : "") + ' src="' + n + '" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>\n </div>' ); }, D = function (t, e, i, s, n, o) { var r = "<img " + i + " " + (s ? 'srcset="' + s + '"' : "") + " " + (n ? 'sizes="' + n + '"' : "") + ' class="lg-object lg-image" data-index="' + t + '" src="' + e + '" />', l = ""; o && (l = ("string" == typeof o ? JSON.parse(o) : o).map(function (t) { var e = ""; return ( Object.keys(t).forEach(function (i) { e += " " + i + '="' + t[i] + '"'; }), "<source " + e + "></source>" ); })); return "" + l + r; }, L = function (t) { for (var e = [], i = [], s = "", n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var o = t[n].split(" "); "" === o[0] && o.splice(0, 1), i.push(o[0]), e.push(o[1]); } for (var r = window.innerWidth, l = 0; l < e.length; l++) if (parseInt(e[l], 10) > r) { s = i[l]; break; } return s; }, z = function (t) { return !!t && !!t.complete && 0 !== t.naturalWidth; }, M = function (t, e, i, s, n) { return ( '<div class="lg-video-cont ' + (n && ? "lg-has-youtube" : n && n.vimeo ? "lg-has-vimeo" : "lg-has-html5") + '" style="' + i + '">\n <div class="lg-video-play-button">\n <svg\n viewBox="0 0 20 20"\n preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"\n focusable="false"\n aria-labelledby="' + s + '"\n role="img"\n class="lg-video-play-icon"\n >\n <title>' + s + '</title>\n <polygon class="lg-video-play-icon-inner" points="1,0 20,10 1,20"></polygon>\n </svg>\n <svg class="lg-video-play-icon-bg" viewBox="0 0 50 50" focusable="false">\n <circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="20"></circle></svg>\n <svg class="lg-video-play-icon-circle" viewBox="0 0 50 50" focusable="false">\n <circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="20"></circle>\n </svg>\n </div>\n ' + (e || "") + '\n <img class="lg-object lg-video-poster" src="' + t + '" />\n </div>' ); }, G = function (t) { var e = t.querySelectorAll( 'a[href]:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), input[type="text"]:not([disabled]), input[type="radio"]:not([disabled]), input[type="checkbox"]:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled])' ); return [], function (t) { var e = window.getComputedStyle(t); return "none" !== e.display && "hidden" !== e.visibility; }); }, k = function (t, e, i, s) { var n = [], o = (function () { for (var t = 0, e = 0, i = arguments.length; e < i; e++) t += arguments[e].length; var s = Array(t), n = 0; for (e = 0; e < i; e++) for (var o = arguments[e], r = 0, l = o.length; r < l; r++, n++) s[n] = o[r]; return s; })(w, e); return ( [], function (t) { for (var e = {}, r = 0; r < t.attributes.length; r++) { var l = t.attributes[r]; if (l.specified) { var a = S(, d = ""; o.indexOf(a) > -1 && (d = a), d && (e[d] = l.value); } } var g = x(t), h = g.find("img").first().attr("alt"), c = g.attr("title"), u = s ? g.attr(s) : g.find("img").first().attr("src"); (e.thumb = u), i && !e.subHtml && (e.subHtml = c || h || ""), (e.alt = h || c || ""), n.push(e); }), n ); }, A = function () { return /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }, P = function (t, e, i) { if (!t) return e ? { html5: !0 } : void console.error( "lightGallery :- data-src is not provided on slide item " + (i + 1) + ". Please make sure the selector property is properly configured. More info -" ); var s = t.match( /\/\/(?:www\.)?youtu(?:\.be|be\.com|be-nocookie\.com)\/(?:watch\?v=|embed\/)?([a-z0-9\-\_\%]+)([\&|?][\S]*)*/i ), n = t.match( /\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:player\.)?\/(?:video\/)?([0-9a-z\-_]+)(.*)?/i ), o = t.match( /https?:\/\/(.+)?(wistia\.com|wi\.st)\/(medias|embed)\/([0-9a-z\-_]+)(.*)/ ); return s ? { youtube: s } : n ? { vimeo: n } : o ? { wistia: o } : void 0; }, B = 0, F = (function () { function w(t, e) { if ( ((this.lgOpened = !1), (this.index = 0), (this.plugins = []), (this.lGalleryOn = !1), (this.lgBusy = !1), (this.currentItemsInDom = []), (this.prevScrollTop = 0), (this.bodyPaddingRight = 0), (this.isDummyImageRemoved = !1), (this.dragOrSwipeEnabled = !1), (this.mediaContainerPosition = { top: 0, bottom: 0 }), !t) ) return this; if ( (B++, (this.lgId = B), (this.el = t), (this.LGel = x(t)), this.generateSettings(e), this.buildModules(), this.settings.dynamic && void 0 !== this.settings.dynamicEl && !Array.isArray(this.settings.dynamicEl)) ) throw "When using dynamic mode, you must also define dynamicEl as an Array."; return ( (this.galleryItems = this.getItems()), this.normalizeSettings(), this.init(), this.validateLicense(), this ); } return ( (w.prototype.generateSettings = function (e) { if ( ((this.settings = t(t({}, I), e)), this.settings.isMobile && "function" == typeof this.settings.isMobile ? this.settings.isMobile() : A()) ) { var i = t( t({}, this.settings.mobileSettings), this.settings.mobileSettings ); this.settings = t(t({}, this.settings), i); } }), (w.prototype.normalizeSettings = function () { this.settings.slideEndAnimation && (this.settings.hideControlOnEnd = !1), this.settings.closable || (this.settings.swipeToClose = !1), (this.zoomFromOrigin = this.settings.zoomFromOrigin), this.settings.dynamic && (this.zoomFromOrigin = !1), this.settings.container || (this.settings.container = document.body), (this.settings.preload = Math.min( this.settings.preload, this.galleryItems.length )); }), (w.prototype.init = function () { var t = this; this.addSlideVideoInfo(this.galleryItems), this.buildStructure(), this.LGel.trigger(i, { instance: this }), this.settings.keyPress && this.keyPress(), setTimeout(function () { t.enableDrag(), t.enableSwipe(), t.triggerPosterClick(); }, 50), this.arrow(), this.settings.mousewheel && this.mousewheel(), this.settings.dynamic || this.openGalleryOnItemClick(); }), (w.prototype.openGalleryOnItemClick = function () { for ( var t = this, e = function (e) { var s = i.items[e], n = x(s), o = C.generateUUID(); n.attr("data-lg-id", o).on( "click.lgcustom-item-" + o, function (i) { i.preventDefault(); var n = t.settings.index || e; t.openGallery(n, s); } ); }, i = this, s = 0; s < this.items.length; s++ ) e(s); }), (w.prototype.buildModules = function () { var t = this; this.settings.plugins.forEach(function (e) { t.plugins.push(new e(t, x)); }); }), (w.prototype.validateLicense = function () { this.settings.licenseKey ? "0000-0000-000-0000" === this.settings.licenseKey && console.warn( "lightGallery: " + this.settings.licenseKey + " license key is not valid for production use" ) : console.error("Please provide a valid license key"); }), (w.prototype.getSlideItem = function (t) { return x(this.getSlideItemId(t)); }), (w.prototype.getSlideItemId = function (t) { return "#lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + t; }), (w.prototype.getIdName = function (t) { return t + "-" + this.lgId; }), (w.prototype.getElementById = function (t) { return x("#" + this.getIdName(t)); }), (w.prototype.manageSingleSlideClassName = function () { this.galleryItems.length < 2 ? this.outer.addClass("lg-single-item") : this.outer.removeClass("lg-single-item"); }), (w.prototype.buildStructure = function () { var t = this; if (!(this.$container && this.$container.get())) { var e = "", i = ""; this.settings.controls && (e = '<button type="button" id="' + this.getIdName("lg-prev") + '" aria-label="' + this.settings.strings.previousSlide + '" class="lg-prev lg-icon"> ' + this.settings.prevHtml + ' </button>\n <button type="button" id="' + this.getIdName("lg-next") + '" aria-label="' + this.settings.strings.nextSlide + '" class="lg-next lg-icon"> ' + this.settings.nextHtml + " </button>"), ".lg-item" !== this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo && (i = '<div class="lg-sub-html" role="status" aria-live="polite"></div>'); var s = ""; this.settings.allowMediaOverlap && (s += "lg-media-overlap "); var n = this.settings.ariaLabelledby ? 'aria-labelledby="' + this.settings.ariaLabelledby + '"' : "", o = this.settings.ariaDescribedby ? 'aria-describedby="' + this.settings.ariaDescribedby + '"' : "", r = "lg-container " + this.settings.addClass + " " + (document.body !== this.settings.container ? "lg-inline" : ""), l = this.settings.closable && this.settings.showCloseIcon ? '<button type="button" aria-label="' + this.settings.strings.closeGallery + '" id="' + this.getIdName("lg-close") + '" class="lg-close lg-icon"></button>' : "", a = this.settings.showMaximizeIcon ? '<button type="button" aria-label="' + this.settings.strings.toggleMaximize + '" id="' + this.getIdName("lg-maximize") + '" class="lg-maximize lg-icon"></button>' : "", d = '\n <div class="' + r + '" id="' + this.getIdName("lg-container") + '" tabindex="-1" aria-modal="true" ' + n + " " + o + ' role="dialog"\n >\n <div id="' + this.getIdName("lg-backdrop") + '" class="lg-backdrop"></div>\n\n <div id="' + this.getIdName("lg-outer") + '" class="lg-outer lg-use-css3 lg-css3 lg-hide-items ' + s + ' ">\n\n <div id="' + this.getIdName("lg-content") + '" class="lg-content">\n <div id="' + this.getIdName("lg-inner") + '" class="lg-inner">\n </div>\n ' + e + '\n </div>\n <div id="' + this.getIdName("lg-toolbar") + '" class="lg-toolbar lg-group">\n ' + a + "\n " + l + "\n </div>\n " + (".lg-outer" === this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo ? i : "") + '\n <div id="' + this.getIdName("lg-components") + '" class="lg-components">\n ' + (".lg-sub-html" === this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo ? i : "") + "\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n "; x(this.settings.container).append(d), document.body !== this.settings.container && x(this.settings.container).css("position", "relative"), (this.outer = this.getElementById("lg-outer")), (this.$lgComponents = this.getElementById("lg-components")), (this.$backdrop = this.getElementById("lg-backdrop")), (this.$container = this.getElementById("lg-container")), (this.$inner = this.getElementById("lg-inner")), (this.$content = this.getElementById("lg-content")), (this.$toolbar = this.getElementById("lg-toolbar")), this.$backdrop.css( "transition-duration", this.settings.backdropDuration + "ms" ); var g = this.settings.mode + " "; this.manageSingleSlideClassName(), this.settings.enableDrag && (g += "lg-grab "), this.outer.addClass(g), this.$inner.css( "transition-timing-function", this.settings.easing ), this.$inner.css( "transition-duration", this.settings.speed + "ms" ), && this.$toolbar.append( '<a id="' + this.getIdName("lg-download") + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="' + + '" download class="lg-download lg-icon"></a>' ), this.counter(), x(window).on( "" + this.lgId + "" + this.lgId, function () { t.refreshOnResize(); } ), this.hideBars(), this.manageCloseGallery(), this.toggleMaximize(), this.initModules(); } }), (w.prototype.refreshOnResize = function () { if (this.lgOpened) { var t = this.galleryItems[this.index].__slideVideoInfo; this.mediaContainerPosition = this.getMediaContainerPosition(); var e = this.mediaContainerPosition, i =, s = e.bottom; if ( ((this.currentImageSize = T( this.items[this.index], this.outer, i + s, t && this.settings.videoMaxSize )), t && this.resizeVideoSlide(this.index, this.currentImageSize), this.zoomFromOrigin && !this.isDummyImageRemoved) ) { var o = this.getDummyImgStyles(this.currentImageSize); this.outer .find(".lg-current .lg-dummy-img") .first() .attr("style", o); } this.LGel.trigger(n); } }), (w.prototype.resizeVideoSlide = function (t, e) { var i = this.getVideoContStyle(e); this.getSlideItem(t).find(".lg-video-cont").attr("style", i); }), (w.prototype.updateSlides = function (t, e) { if ( (this.index > t.length - 1 && (this.index = t.length - 1), 1 === t.length && (this.index = 0), t.length) ) { var i = this.galleryItems[e].src; (this.galleryItems = t), this.updateControls(), this.$inner.empty(), (this.currentItemsInDom = []); var s = 0; this.galleryItems.some(function (t, e) { return t.src === i && ((s = e), !0); }), (this.currentItemsInDom = this.organizeSlideItems(s, -1)), this.loadContent(s, !0), this.getSlideItem(s).addClass("lg-current"), (this.index = s), this.updateCurrentCounter(s), this.LGel.trigger(o); } else this.closeGallery(); }), (w.prototype.getItems = function () { if (((this.items = []), this.settings.dynamic)) return this.settings.dynamicEl || []; if ("this" === this.settings.selector) this.items.push(this.el); else if (this.settings.selector) if ("string" == typeof this.settings.selector) if (this.settings.selectWithin) { var t = x(this.settings.selectWithin); this.items = t.find(this.settings.selector).get(); } else this.items = this.el.querySelectorAll(this.settings.selector); else this.items = this.settings.selector; else this.items = this.el.children; return k( this.items, this.settings.extraProps, this.settings.getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt, this.settings.exThumbImage ); }), (w.prototype.shouldHideScrollbar = function () { return ( this.settings.hideScrollbar && document.body === this.settings.container ); }), (w.prototype.hideScrollbar = function () { if (this.shouldHideScrollbar()) { this.bodyPaddingRight = parseFloat(x("body").style().paddingRight); var t = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(), e = window.innerWidth - t.width; x(document.body).css( "padding-right", e + this.bodyPaddingRight + "px" ), x(document.body).addClass("lg-overlay-open"); } }), (w.prototype.resetScrollBar = function () { this.shouldHideScrollbar() && (x(document.body).css( "padding-right", this.bodyPaddingRight + "px" ), x(document.body).removeClass("lg-overlay-open")); }), (w.prototype.openGallery = function (t, e) { var i = this; if ((void 0 === t && (t = this.settings.index), !this.lgOpened)) { (this.lgOpened = !0), this.outer.removeClass("lg-hide-items"), this.hideScrollbar(), this.$container.addClass("lg-show"); var s = this.getItemsToBeInsertedToDom(t, t); this.currentItemsInDom = s; var n = ""; s.forEach(function (t) { n = n + '<div id="' + t + '" class="lg-item"></div>'; }), this.$inner.append(n), this.addHtml(t); var o = ""; this.mediaContainerPosition = this.getMediaContainerPosition(); var r = this.mediaContainerPosition, d =, g = r.bottom; this.settings.allowMediaOverlap || this.setMediaContainerPosition(d, g); var h = this.galleryItems[t].__slideVideoInfo; this.zoomFromOrigin && e && ((this.currentImageSize = T( e, this.outer, d + g, h && this.settings.videoMaxSize )), (o = E(e, this.outer, d, g, this.currentImageSize))), (this.zoomFromOrigin && o) || (this.outer.addClass(this.settings.startClass), this.getSlideItem(t).removeClass("lg-complete")); var c = this.settings.zoomFromOrigin ? 100 : this.settings.backdropDuration; setTimeout(function () { i.outer.addClass("lg-components-open"); }, c), (this.index = t), this.LGel.trigger(l), this.getSlideItem(t).addClass("lg-current"), (this.lGalleryOn = !1), (this.prevScrollTop = x(window).scrollTop()), setTimeout(function () { if (i.zoomFromOrigin && o) { var e = i.getSlideItem(t); e.css("transform", o), setTimeout(function () { e .addClass("lg-start-progress lg-start-end-progress") .css( "transition-duration", i.settings.startAnimationDuration + "ms" ), i.outer.addClass("lg-zoom-from-image"); }), setTimeout(function () { e.css("transform", "translate3d(0, 0, 0)"); }, 100); } setTimeout(function () { i.$backdrop.addClass("in"), i.$container.addClass("lg-show-in"); }, 10), setTimeout(function () { i.settings.trapFocus && document.body === i.settings.container && i.trapFocus(); }, i.settings.backdropDuration + 50), (i.zoomFromOrigin && o) || setTimeout(function () { i.outer.addClass("lg-visible"); }, i.settings.backdropDuration), i.slide(t, !1, !1, !1), i.LGel.trigger(a); }), document.body === this.settings.container && x("html").addClass("lg-on"); } }), (w.prototype.getMediaContainerPosition = function () { if (this.settings.allowMediaOverlap) return { top: 0, bottom: 0 }; var t = this.$toolbar.get().clientHeight || 0, e = this.outer.find(".lg-components .lg-sub-html").get(), i = this.settings.defaultCaptionHeight || (e && e.clientHeight) || 0, s = this.outer.find(".lg-thumb-outer").get(); return { top: t, bottom: (s ? s.clientHeight : 0) + i }; }), (w.prototype.setMediaContainerPosition = function (t, e) { void 0 === t && (t = 0), void 0 === e && (e = 0), this.$content.css("top", t + "px").css("bottom", e + "px"); }), (w.prototype.hideBars = function () { var t = this; setTimeout(function () { t.outer.removeClass("lg-hide-items"), t.settings.hideBarsDelay > 0 && (t.outer.on("mousemove.lg click.lg touchstart.lg", function () { t.outer.removeClass("lg-hide-items"), clearTimeout(t.hideBarTimeout), (t.hideBarTimeout = setTimeout(function () { t.outer.addClass("lg-hide-items"); }, t.settings.hideBarsDelay)); }), t.outer.trigger("mousemove.lg")); }, this.settings.showBarsAfter); }), (w.prototype.initPictureFill = function (t) { if (this.settings.supportLegacyBrowser) try { picturefill({ elements: [t.get()] }); } catch (t) { console.warn( "lightGallery :- If you want srcset or picture tag to be supported for older browser please include picturefil javascript library in your document." ); } }), (w.prototype.counter = function () { if (this.settings.counter) { var t = '<div class="lg-counter" role="status" aria-live="polite">\n <span id="' + this.getIdName("lg-counter-current") + '" class="lg-counter-current">' + (this.index + 1) + ' </span> /\n <span id="' + this.getIdName("lg-counter-all") + '" class="lg-counter-all">' + this.galleryItems.length + " </span></div>"; this.outer.find(this.settings.appendCounterTo).append(t); } }), (w.prototype.addHtml = function (t) { var e, i; if ( (this.galleryItems[t].subHtmlUrl ? (i = this.galleryItems[t].subHtmlUrl) : (e = this.galleryItems[t].subHtml), !i) ) if (e) { var s = e.substring(0, 1); ("." !== s && "#" !== s) || (e = this.settings.subHtmlSelectorRelative && !this.settings.dynamic ? x(this.items).eq(t).find(e).first().html() : x(e).first().html()); } else e = ""; if (".lg-item" !== this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo) i ? this.outer.find(".lg-sub-html").load(i) : this.outer.find(".lg-sub-html").html(e); else { var n = x(this.getSlideItemId(t)); i ? n.load(i) : n.append('<div class="lg-sub-html">' + e + "</div>"); } null != e && ("" === e ? this.outer .find(this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo) .addClass("lg-empty-html") : this.outer .find(this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo) .removeClass("lg-empty-html")), this.LGel.trigger(r, { index: t }); }), (w.prototype.preload = function (t) { for ( var e = 1; e <= this.settings.preload && !(e >= this.galleryItems.length - t); e++ ) this.loadContent(t + e, !1); for (var i = 1; i <= this.settings.preload && !(t - i < 0); i++) this.loadContent(t - i, !1); }), (w.prototype.getDummyImgStyles = function (t) { return t ? "width:" + t.width + "px;\n margin-left: -" + t.width / 2 + "px;\n margin-top: -" + t.height / 2 + "px;\n height:" + t.height + "px" : ""; }), (w.prototype.getVideoContStyle = function (t) { return t ? "width:" + t.width + "px;\n height:" + t.height + "px" : ""; }), (w.prototype.getDummyImageContent = function (t, e, i) { var s; if ((this.settings.dynamic || (s = x(this.items).eq(e)), s)) { var n = void 0; if ( !(n = this.settings.exThumbImage ? s.attr(this.settings.exThumbImage) : s.find("img").first().attr("src")) ) return ""; var o = "<img " + i + ' style="' + this.getDummyImgStyles(this.currentImageSize) + '" class="lg-dummy-img" src="' + n + '" />'; return ( t.addClass("lg-first-slide"), this.outer.addClass("lg-first-slide-loading"), o ); } return ""; }), (w.prototype.setImgMarkup = function (t, e, i) { var s = this.galleryItems[i], n = s.alt, o = s.srcset, r = s.sizes, l = s.sources, a = n ? 'alt="' + n + '"' : "", d = '<picture class="lg-img-wrap"> ' + (this.isFirstSlideWithZoomAnimation() ? this.getDummyImageContent(e, i, a) : D(i, t, a, o, r, l)) + "</picture>"; e.prepend(d); }), (w.prototype.onSlideObjectLoad = function (t, e, i, s) { var n = t.find(".lg-object").first(); z(n.get()) || e ? i() : (n.on("load.lg error.lg", function () { i && i(); }), n.on("error.lg", function () { s && s(); })); }), (w.prototype.onLgObjectLoad = function (t, e, i, s, n, o) { var r = this; this.onSlideObjectLoad( t, o, function () { r.triggerSlideItemLoad(t, e, i, s, n); }, function () { t.addClass("lg-complete lg-complete_"), t.html( '<span class="lg-error-msg">' + r.settings.strings.mediaLoadingFailed + "</span>" ); } ); }), (w.prototype.triggerSlideItemLoad = function (t, e, i, s, n) { var o = this, r = this.galleryItems[e], l = n && "video" === this.getSlideType(r) && !r.poster ? s : 0; setTimeout(function () { t.addClass("lg-complete lg-complete_"), o.LGel.trigger(d, { index: e, delay: i || 0, isFirstSlide: n }); }, l); }), (w.prototype.isFirstSlideWithZoomAnimation = function () { return !( this.lGalleryOn || !this.zoomFromOrigin || !this.currentImageSize ); }), (w.prototype.addSlideVideoInfo = function (t) { var e = this; t.forEach(function (t, i) { (t.__slideVideoInfo = P(t.src, !!, i)), t.__slideVideoInfo && e.settings.loadYouTubePoster && !t.poster && && (t.poster = "//" +[1] + "/maxresdefault.jpg"); }); }), (w.prototype.loadContent = function (t, i) { var n = this, o = this.galleryItems[t], r = x(this.getSlideItemId(t)), l = o.poster, a = o.srcset, d = o.sizes, g = o.sources, h = o.src, c =, u = c && "string" == typeof c ? JSON.parse(c) : c; if (o.responsive) { var m = o.responsive.split(","); h = L(m) || h; } var p = o.__slideVideoInfo, f = "", y = !!o.iframe, v = !this.lGalleryOn, b = 0; if ( (v && (b = this.zoomFromOrigin && this.currentImageSize ? this.settings.startAnimationDuration + 10 : this.settings.backdropDuration + 10), !r.hasClass("lg-loaded")) ) { if (p) { var I = this.mediaContainerPosition, C =, w = I.bottom, S = T( this.items[t], this.outer, C + w, p && this.settings.videoMaxSize ); f = this.getVideoContStyle(S); } if (y) { var E = O( this.settings.iframeWidth, this.settings.iframeHeight, this.settings.iframeMaxWidth, this.settings.iframeMaxHeight, h, o.iframeTitle ); r.prepend(E); } else if (l) { var z = ""; v && this.zoomFromOrigin && this.currentImageSize && (z = this.getDummyImageContent(r, t, "")); E = M(l, z || "", f, this.settings.strings.playVideo, p); r.prepend(E); } else if (p) { E = '<div class="lg-video-cont " style="' + f + '"></div>'; r.prepend(E); } else if ((this.setImgMarkup(h, r, t), a || g)) { var G = r.find(".lg-object"); this.initPictureFill(G); } (l || p) && this.LGel.trigger(s, { index: t, src: h, html5Video: u, hasPoster: !!l }), this.LGel.trigger(e, { index: t }), this.lGalleryOn && ".lg-item" === this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo && this.addHtml(t); } var k = 0; b && !x(document.body).hasClass("lg-from-hash") && (k = b), this.isFirstSlideWithZoomAnimation() && (setTimeout(function () { r.removeClass( "lg-start-end-progress lg-start-progress" ).removeAttr("style"); }, this.settings.startAnimationDuration + 100), r.hasClass("lg-loaded") || setTimeout(function () { if ("image" === n.getSlideType(o)) { var e = o.alt, i = e ? 'alt="' + e + '"' : ""; if ( (r .find(".lg-img-wrap") .append(D(t, h, i, a, d, o.sources)), a || g) ) { var s = r.find(".lg-object"); n.initPictureFill(s); } } ("image" === n.getSlideType(o) || ("video" === n.getSlideType(o) && l)) && (n.onLgObjectLoad(r, t, b, k, !0, !1), n.onSlideObjectLoad( r, !(!p || !p.html5 || l), function () { n.loadContentOnFirstSlideLoad(t, r, k); }, function () { n.loadContentOnFirstSlideLoad(t, r, k); } )); }, this.settings.startAnimationDuration + 100)), r.addClass("lg-loaded"), (this.isFirstSlideWithZoomAnimation() && ("video" !== this.getSlideType(o) || l)) || this.onLgObjectLoad(r, t, b, k, v, !(!p || !p.html5 || l)), (this.zoomFromOrigin && this.currentImageSize) || !r.hasClass("lg-complete_") || this.lGalleryOn || setTimeout(function () { r.addClass("lg-complete"); }, this.settings.backdropDuration), (this.lGalleryOn = !0), !0 === i && (r.hasClass("lg-complete_") ? this.preload(t) : r .find(".lg-object") .first() .on("load.lg error.lg", function () { n.preload(t); })); }), (w.prototype.loadContentOnFirstSlideLoad = function (t, e, i) { var s = this; setTimeout(function () { e.find(".lg-dummy-img").remove(), e.removeClass("lg-first-slide"), s.outer.removeClass("lg-first-slide-loading"), (s.isDummyImageRemoved = !0), s.preload(t); }, i + 300); }), (w.prototype.getItemsToBeInsertedToDom = function (t, e, i) { var s = this; void 0 === i && (i = 0); var n = [], o = Math.max(i, 3); o = Math.min(o, this.galleryItems.length); var r = "lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + e; if (this.galleryItems.length <= 3) return ( this.galleryItems.forEach(function (t, e) { n.push("lg-item-" + s.lgId + "-" + e); }), n ); if (t < (this.galleryItems.length - 1) / 2) { for (var l = t; l > t - o / 2 && l >= 0; l--) n.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + l); var a = n.length; for (l = 0; l < o - a; l++) n.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + (t + l + 1)); } else { for (l = t; l <= this.galleryItems.length - 1 && l < t + o / 2; l++) n.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + l); for (a = n.length, l = 0; l < o - a; l++) n.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + (t - l - 1)); } return ( this.settings.loop && (t === this.galleryItems.length - 1 ? n.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-0") : 0 === t && n.push( "lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + (this.galleryItems.length - 1) )), -1 === n.indexOf(r) && n.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + e), n ); }), (w.prototype.organizeSlideItems = function (t, e) { var i = this, s = this.getItemsToBeInsertedToDom( t, e, this.settings.numberOfSlideItemsInDom ); return ( s.forEach(function (t) { -1 === i.currentItemsInDom.indexOf(t) && i.$inner.append('<div id="' + t + '" class="lg-item"></div>'); }), this.currentItemsInDom.forEach(function (t) { -1 === s.indexOf(t) && x("#" + t).remove(); }), s ); }), (w.prototype.getPreviousSlideIndex = function () { var t = 0; try { var e = this.outer.find(".lg-current").first().attr("id"); t = parseInt(e.split("-")[3]) || 0; } catch (e) { t = 0; } return t; }), (w.prototype.setDownloadValue = function (t) { if ( { var e = this.galleryItems[t]; if (!1 === e.downloadUrl || "false" === e.downloadUrl) this.outer.addClass("lg-hide-download"); else { var i = this.getElementById("lg-download"); this.outer.removeClass("lg-hide-download"), i.attr("href", e.downloadUrl || e.src), && i.attr("download",; } } }), (w.prototype.makeSlideAnimation = function (t, e, i) { var s = this; this.lGalleryOn && i.addClass("lg-slide-progress"), setTimeout( function () { s.outer.addClass("lg-no-trans"), s.outer .find(".lg-item") .removeClass("lg-prev-slide lg-next-slide"), "prev" === t ? (e.addClass("lg-prev-slide"), i.addClass("lg-next-slide")) : (e.addClass("lg-next-slide"), i.addClass("lg-prev-slide")), setTimeout(function () { s.outer.find(".lg-item").removeClass("lg-current"), e.addClass("lg-current"), s.outer.removeClass("lg-no-trans"); }, 50); }, this.lGalleryOn ? this.settings.slideDelay : 0 ); }), (w.prototype.slide = function (t, e, i, s) { var n = this, o = this.getPreviousSlideIndex(); if ( ((this.currentItemsInDom = this.organizeSlideItems(t, o)), !this.lGalleryOn || o !== t) ) { var r = this.galleryItems.length; if (!this.lgBusy) { this.settings.counter && this.updateCurrentCounter(t); var l = this.getSlideItem(t), a = this.getSlideItem(o), d = this.galleryItems[t], c = d.__slideVideoInfo; if ( (this.outer.attr("data-lg-slide-type", this.getSlideType(d)), this.setDownloadValue(t), c) ) { var u = this.mediaContainerPosition, m =, p = u.bottom, f = T( this.items[t], this.outer, m + p, c && this.settings.videoMaxSize ); this.resizeVideoSlide(t, f); } if ( (this.LGel.trigger(g, { prevIndex: o, index: t, fromTouch: !!e, fromThumb: !!i }), (this.lgBusy = !0), clearTimeout(this.hideBarTimeout), this.arrowDisable(t), s || (t < o ? (s = "prev") : t > o && (s = "next")), e) ) { this.outer .find(".lg-item") .removeClass("lg-prev-slide lg-current lg-next-slide"); var y = void 0, v = void 0; r > 2 ? ((y = t - 1), (v = t + 1), ((0 === t && o === r - 1) || (t === r - 1 && 0 === o)) && ((v = 0), (y = r - 1))) : ((y = 0), (v = 1)), "prev" === s ? this.getSlideItem(v).addClass("lg-next-slide") : this.getSlideItem(y).addClass("lg-prev-slide"), l.addClass("lg-current"); } else this.makeSlideAnimation(s, l, a); this.lGalleryOn ? setTimeout(function () { n.loadContent(t, !0), ".lg-item" !== n.settings.appendSubHtmlTo && n.addHtml(t); }, this.settings.speed + 50 + (e ? 0 : this.settings.slideDelay)) : this.loadContent(t, !0), setTimeout(function () { (n.lgBusy = !1), a.removeClass("lg-slide-progress"), n.LGel.trigger(h, { prevIndex: o, index: t, fromTouch: e, fromThumb: i }); }, (this.lGalleryOn ? this.settings.speed + 100 : 100) + (e ? 0 : this.settings.slideDelay)); } this.index = t; } }), (w.prototype.updateCurrentCounter = function (t) { this.getElementById("lg-counter-current").html(t + 1 + ""); }), (w.prototype.updateCounterTotal = function () { this.getElementById("lg-counter-all").html( this.galleryItems.length + "" ); }), (w.prototype.getSlideType = function (t) { return t.__slideVideoInfo ? "video" : t.iframe ? "iframe" : "image"; }), (w.prototype.touchMove = function (t, e, i) { var s = e.pageX - t.pageX, n = e.pageY - t.pageY, o = !1; if ( (this.swipeDirection ? (o = !0) : Math.abs(s) > 15 ? ((this.swipeDirection = "horizontal"), (o = !0)) : Math.abs(n) > 15 && ((this.swipeDirection = "vertical"), (o = !0)), o) ) { var r = this.getSlideItem(this.index); if ("horizontal" === this.swipeDirection) { null == i || i.preventDefault(), this.outer.addClass("lg-dragging"), this.setTranslate(r, s, 0); var l = r.get().offsetWidth, a = (15 * l) / 100 - Math.abs((10 * s) / 100); this.setTranslate( this.outer.find(".lg-prev-slide").first(), -l + s - a, 0 ), this.setTranslate( this.outer.find(".lg-next-slide").first(), l + s + a, 0 ); } else if ( "vertical" === this.swipeDirection && this.settings.swipeToClose ) { null == i || i.preventDefault(), this.$container.addClass("lg-dragging-vertical"); var d = 1 - Math.abs(n) / window.innerHeight; this.$backdrop.css("opacity", d); var g = 1 - Math.abs(n) / (2 * window.innerWidth); this.setTranslate(r, 0, n, g, g), Math.abs(n) > 100 && this.outer .addClass("lg-hide-items") .removeClass("lg-components-open"); } } }), (w.prototype.touchEnd = function (t, e, i) { var s, n = this; "lg-slide" !== this.settings.mode && this.outer.addClass("lg-slide"), setTimeout(function () { n.$container.removeClass("lg-dragging-vertical"), n.outer .removeClass("lg-dragging lg-hide-items") .addClass("lg-components-open"); var o = !0; if ("horizontal" === n.swipeDirection) { s = t.pageX - e.pageX; var r = Math.abs(t.pageX - e.pageX); s < 0 && r > n.settings.swipeThreshold ? (n.goToNextSlide(!0), (o = !1)) : s > 0 && r > n.settings.swipeThreshold && (n.goToPrevSlide(!0), (o = !1)); } else if ("vertical" === n.swipeDirection) { if ( ((s = Math.abs(t.pageY - e.pageY)), n.settings.closable && n.settings.swipeToClose && s > 100) ) return void n.closeGallery(); n.$backdrop.css("opacity", 1); } if ( (n.outer.find(".lg-item").removeAttr("style"), o && Math.abs(t.pageX - e.pageX) < 5) ) { var l = x(; n.isPosterElement(l) && n.LGel.trigger(c); } n.swipeDirection = void 0; }), setTimeout(function () { n.outer.hasClass("lg-dragging") || "lg-slide" === n.settings.mode || n.outer.removeClass("lg-slide"); }, this.settings.speed + 100); }), (w.prototype.enableSwipe = function () { var t = this, e = {}, i = {}, s = !1, n = !1; this.settings.enableSwipe && (this.$inner.on("touchstart.lg", function (i) { t.dragOrSwipeEnabled = !0; var s = t.getSlideItem(t.index); (!x("lg-item") && !s.get().contains( || t.outer.hasClass("lg-zoomed") || t.lgBusy || 1 !== i.touches.length || ((n = !0), (t.touchAction = "swipe"), t.manageSwipeClass(), (e = { pageX: i.touches[0].pageX, pageY: i.touches[0].pageY })); }), this.$inner.on("touchmove.lg", function (o) { n && "swipe" === t.touchAction && 1 === o.touches.length && ((i = { pageX: o.touches[0].pageX, pageY: o.touches[0].pageY }), t.touchMove(e, i, o), (s = !0)); }), this.$inner.on("touchend.lg", function (o) { if ("swipe" === t.touchAction) { if (s) (s = !1), t.touchEnd(i, e, o); else if (n) { var r = x(; t.isPosterElement(r) && t.LGel.trigger(c); } (t.touchAction = void 0), (n = !1); } })); }), (w.prototype.enableDrag = function () { var t = this, e = {}, i = {}, s = !1, n = !1; this.settings.enableDrag && (this.outer.on("mousedown.lg", function (i) { t.dragOrSwipeEnabled = !0; var n = t.getSlideItem(t.index); (x("lg-item") || n.get().contains( && (t.outer.hasClass("lg-zoomed") || t.lgBusy || (i.preventDefault(), t.lgBusy || (t.manageSwipeClass(), (e = { pageX: i.pageX, pageY: i.pageY }), (s = !0), (t.outer.get().scrollLeft += 1), (t.outer.get().scrollLeft -= 1), t.outer.removeClass("lg-grab").addClass("lg-grabbing"), t.LGel.trigger(u)))); }), x(window).on("" + this.lgId, function (o) { s && t.lgOpened && ((n = !0), (i = { pageX: o.pageX, pageY: o.pageY }), t.touchMove(e, i), t.LGel.trigger(m)); }), x(window).on("" + this.lgId, function (o) { if (t.lgOpened) { var r = x(; n ? ((n = !1), t.touchEnd(i, e, o), t.LGel.trigger(p)) : t.isPosterElement(r) && t.LGel.trigger(c), s && ((s = !1), t.outer.removeClass("lg-grabbing").addClass("lg-grab")); } })); }), (w.prototype.triggerPosterClick = function () { var t = this; this.$inner.on("click.lg", function (e) { !t.dragOrSwipeEnabled && t.isPosterElement(x( && t.LGel.trigger(c); }); }), (w.prototype.manageSwipeClass = function () { var t = this.index + 1, e = this.index - 1; this.settings.loop && this.galleryItems.length > 2 && (0 === this.index ? (e = this.galleryItems.length - 1) : this.index === this.galleryItems.length - 1 && (t = 0)), this.outer .find(".lg-item") .removeClass("lg-next-slide lg-prev-slide"), e > -1 && this.getSlideItem(e).addClass("lg-prev-slide"), this.getSlideItem(t).addClass("lg-next-slide"); }), (w.prototype.goToNextSlide = function (t) { var e = this, i = this.settings.loop; t && this.galleryItems.length < 3 && (i = !1), this.lgBusy || (this.index + 1 < this.galleryItems.length ? (this.index++, this.LGel.trigger(f, { index: this.index }), this.slide(this.index, !!t, !1, "next")) : i ? ((this.index = 0), this.LGel.trigger(f, { index: this.index }), this.slide(this.index, !!t, !1, "next")) : this.settings.slideEndAnimation && !t && (this.outer.addClass("lg-right-end"), setTimeout(function () { e.outer.removeClass("lg-right-end"); }, 400))); }), (w.prototype.goToPrevSlide = function (t) { var e = this, i = this.settings.loop; t && this.galleryItems.length < 3 && (i = !1), this.lgBusy || (this.index > 0 ? (this.index--, this.LGel.trigger(y, { index: this.index, fromTouch: t }), this.slide(this.index, !!t, !1, "prev")) : i ? ((this.index = this.galleryItems.length - 1), this.LGel.trigger(y, { index: this.index, fromTouch: t }), this.slide(this.index, !!t, !1, "prev")) : this.settings.slideEndAnimation && !t && (this.outer.addClass("lg-left-end"), setTimeout(function () { e.outer.removeClass("lg-left-end"); }, 400))); }), (w.prototype.keyPress = function () { var t = this; x(window).on("" + this.lgId, function (e) { t.lgOpened && !0 === t.settings.escKey && 27 === e.keyCode && (e.preventDefault(), t.settings.allowMediaOverlap && t.outer.hasClass("lg-can-toggle") && t.outer.hasClass("lg-components-open") ? t.outer.removeClass("lg-components-open") : t.closeGallery()), t.lgOpened && t.galleryItems.length > 1 && (37 === e.keyCode && (e.preventDefault(), t.goToPrevSlide()), 39 === e.keyCode && (e.preventDefault(), t.goToNextSlide())); }); }), (w.prototype.arrow = function () { var t = this; this.getElementById("lg-prev").on("click.lg", function () { t.goToPrevSlide(); }), this.getElementById("lg-next").on("click.lg", function () { t.goToNextSlide(); }); }), (w.prototype.arrowDisable = function (t) { if (!this.settings.loop && this.settings.hideControlOnEnd) { var e = this.getElementById("lg-prev"), i = this.getElementById("lg-next"); t + 1 === this.galleryItems.length ? i.attr("disabled", "disabled").addClass("disabled") : i.removeAttr("disabled").removeClass("disabled"), 0 === t ? e.attr("disabled", "disabled").addClass("disabled") : e.removeAttr("disabled").removeClass("disabled"); } }), (w.prototype.setTranslate = function (t, e, i, s, n) { void 0 === s && (s = 1), void 0 === n && (n = 1), t.css( "transform", "translate3d(" + e + "px, " + i + "px, 0px) scale3d(" + s + ", " + n + ", 1)" ); }), (w.prototype.mousewheel = function () { var t = this, e = 0; this.outer.on("wheel.lg", function (i) { if (i.deltaY && !(t.galleryItems.length < 2)) { i.preventDefault(); var s = new Date().getTime(); s - e < 1e3 || ((e = s), i.deltaY > 0 ? t.goToNextSlide() : i.deltaY < 0 && t.goToPrevSlide()); } }); }), (w.prototype.isSlideElement = function (t) { return ( t.hasClass("lg-outer") || t.hasClass("lg-item") || t.hasClass("lg-img-wrap") ); }), (w.prototype.isPosterElement = function (t) { var e = this.getSlideItem(this.index) .find(".lg-video-play-button") .get(); return ( t.hasClass("lg-video-poster") || t.hasClass("lg-video-play-button") || (e && e.contains(t.get())) ); }), (w.prototype.toggleMaximize = function () { var t = this; this.getElementById("lg-maximize").on("click.lg", function () { t.$container.toggleClass("lg-inline"), t.refreshOnResize(); }); }), (w.prototype.invalidateItems = function () { for (var t = 0; t < this.items.length; t++) { var e = x(this.items[t]);"click.lgcustom-item-" + e.attr("data-lg-id")); } }), (w.prototype.trapFocus = function () { var t = this; this.$container.get().focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), x(window).on("" + this.lgId, function (e) { if (t.lgOpened && ("Tab" === e.key || 9 === e.keyCode)) { var i = G(t.$container.get()), s = i[0], n = i[i.length - 1]; e.shiftKey ? document.activeElement === s && (n.focus(), e.preventDefault()) : document.activeElement === n && (s.focus(), e.preventDefault()); } }); }), (w.prototype.manageCloseGallery = function () { var t = this; if (this.settings.closable) { var e = !1; this.getElementById("lg-close").on("click.lg", function () { t.closeGallery(); }), this.settings.closeOnTap && (this.outer.on("mousedown.lg", function (i) { var s = x(; e = !!t.isSlideElement(s); }), this.outer.on("mousemove.lg", function () { e = !1; }), this.outer.on("mouseup.lg", function (i) { var s = x(; t.isSlideElement(s) && e && (t.outer.hasClass("lg-dragging") || t.closeGallery()); })); } }), (w.prototype.closeGallery = function (t) { var e = this; if (!this.lgOpened || (!this.settings.closable && !t)) return 0; this.LGel.trigger(v), this.settings.resetScrollPosition && !this.settings.hideScrollbar && x(window).scrollTop(this.prevScrollTop); var i, s = this.items[this.index]; if (this.zoomFromOrigin && s) { var n = this.mediaContainerPosition, o =, r = n.bottom, l = this.galleryItems[this.index], a = l.__slideVideoInfo, d = l.poster, g = T(s, this.outer, o + r, a && d && this.settings.videoMaxSize); i = E(s, this.outer, o, r, g); } this.zoomFromOrigin && i ? (this.outer.addClass("lg-closing lg-zoom-from-image"), this.getSlideItem(this.index) .addClass("lg-start-end-progress") .css( "transition-duration", this.settings.startAnimationDuration + "ms" ) .css("transform", i)) : (this.outer.addClass("lg-hide-items"), this.outer.removeClass("lg-zoom-from-image")), this.destroyModules(), (this.lGalleryOn = !1), (this.isDummyImageRemoved = !1), (this.zoomFromOrigin = this.settings.zoomFromOrigin), clearTimeout(this.hideBarTimeout), (this.hideBarTimeout = !1), x("html").removeClass("lg-on"), this.outer.removeClass("lg-visible lg-components-open"), this.$backdrop.removeClass("in").css("opacity", 0); var h = this.zoomFromOrigin && i ? Math.max( this.settings.startAnimationDuration, this.settings.backdropDuration ) : this.settings.backdropDuration; return ( this.$container.removeClass("lg-show-in"), setTimeout(function () { e.zoomFromOrigin && i && e.outer.removeClass("lg-zoom-from-image"), e.$container.removeClass("lg-show"), e.resetScrollBar(), e.$backdrop .removeAttr("style") .css( "transition-duration", e.settings.backdropDuration + "ms" ), e.outer.removeClass("lg-closing " + e.settings.startClass), e.getSlideItem(e.index).removeClass("lg-start-end-progress"), e.$inner.empty(), e.lgOpened && e.LGel.trigger(b, { instance: e }), e.$container.get() && e.$container.get().blur(), (e.lgOpened = !1); }, h + 100), h + 100 ); }), (w.prototype.initModules = function () { this.plugins.forEach(function (t) { try { t.init(); } catch (t) { console.warn( "lightGallery:- make sure lightGallery module is properly initiated" ); } }); }), (w.prototype.destroyModules = function (t) { this.plugins.forEach(function (e) { try { t ? e.destroy() : e.closeGallery && e.closeGallery(); } catch (t) { console.warn( "lightGallery:- make sure lightGallery module is properly destroyed" ); } }); }), (w.prototype.refresh = function (t) { this.settings.dynamic || this.invalidateItems(), (this.galleryItems = t || this.getItems()), this.updateControls(), this.openGalleryOnItemClick(), this.LGel.trigger(o); }), (w.prototype.updateControls = function () { this.addSlideVideoInfo(this.galleryItems), this.updateCounterTotal(), this.manageSingleSlideClassName(); }), (w.prototype.destroyGallery = function () { this.destroyModules(!0), this.settings.dynamic || this.invalidateItems(), x(window).off("" + this.lgId),".lg"), this.$container.remove(); }), (w.prototype.destroy = function () { var t = this.closeGallery(!0); return ( t ? setTimeout(this.destroyGallery.bind(this), t) : this.destroyGallery(), t ); }), w ); })(); return function (t, e) { return new F(t, e); }; });