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File: tests/unit/components/Pagination.test.tsx

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   Maniruzzaman WordPress Frontend Editor   tests/unit/components/Pagination.test.tsx   Download  
File: tests/unit/components/Pagination.test.tsx
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Maniruzzaman WordPress Frontend Editor
WordPress plugin for visual front-end development
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,874 bytes



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import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import Pagination from '../../../src/components/pagination'; const onChangePage = jest.fn(); describe('Pagination', () => { it('renders without crashing', () => { const { container } = render(<Pagination totalItems={20} perPage={5} pageItems={5} currentPage={1} onChangePage={onChangePage} />); expect(container).toBeDefined(); }); it('renders the previous button correctly', () => { const { getByText } = render(<Pagination totalItems={10} perPage={5} pageItems={1} currentPage={1} onChangePage={onChangePage} />); const prevButton = getByText('Previous'); expect(prevButton).toBeDefined(); expect(prevButton).not.toHaveAttribute('disabled=""'); }); it('renders the next button correctly', () => { const { getByText } = render(<Pagination totalItems={10} perPage={5} pageItems={1} currentPage={1} onChangePage={onChangePage} />); const nextButton = getByText('Next'); expect(nextButton).toBeDefined(); expect(nextButton).not.toHaveAttribute('disabled=""'); }); it('calls the onChangePage function with the correct value when the prev button is clicked', () => { const { getByText } = render(<Pagination totalItems={20} perPage={5} pageItems={4} currentPage={2} onChangePage={onChangePage} />); const prevButton = getByText('Previous');; expect(onChangePage).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1); }); it('calls the onChangePage function with the correct value when the next button is clicked', () => { const onChangePage = jest.fn(); const { getByText } = render(<Pagination totalItems={20} perPage={5} pageItems={5} currentPage={1} onChangePage={onChangePage} />); const nextButton = getByText('Next');; expect(onChangePage).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2); }); });