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File: example.php

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  Classes of Latour Florence   Image Upload by Flo   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: example
Class: Image Upload by Flo
Handle and process uploaded image files
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 2,546 bytes



Class file image Download
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<title>imageUpload.php by Florence Latour v.2.1</title>

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# You can find a french version of this classes on

#1# use the file
require 'imageUpload.php';

//You can use timestamp or an other variable in order to name your image. You can use a select for the quality
$timestamp = time();
$quality = $_POST['quality_img'];
$max_size = '5250000';

#2# Create the new object
/* Notice : ImageUpload ($input_file, $directory, $max_dimension, $side, $new_name, $quality)
        1 - $input_file : the name of your input type="file"
        2 - $directory : you have to put the / at the end like this -> images/
            (if the directory isn't exist, the class will create it)
        3 - $max_dimension : a number only (value is px)
        4 - $side : only 2 choices -> height/width
        5 - $new_name : the name of the picture in your directory, don't specify the type
            (if the file already exist, the class will erase it before to create the new one)
        6 - $quality : quality of the picture -> a number between 0 (low) to 100 (high)
        7 - $max_size : maximal weight allowed (octets)

$test_image = new ImageUpload ('input_picture', 'images/', '300', 'width', $timestamp.'_image', $quality, $max_size);

#3# Use the functions
$test_image -> uploadImg (); // upload
$name_image = $test_image -> getNameImg(); // get the new name of you image
$test = $test_image -> getExplanation();
    if (empty(
$test)) {
'Your image has been successfully updated';
    else {
$test; // You can change the text in imageUpload.php

    <div id="cosmo">
        <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post">
            <!-- Picture -->
            <label for="input_picture">Select the picture</label>
            <input type="file" name="input_picture" id="input_picture" tabindex="1" />
            <!-- Quality -->
            <label for="quality_img">Select the quality</label>
            <select name="quality_img" id="quality_img" tabindex="2">
                <option value="30">Low</option>
                <option value="50">Mean</option>
                <option value="75">High</option>
                <option value="100">Excellent</option>

            <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" tabindex="3" />