PHP Classes

File: vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/YtsNullsAndEmpties.yml

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  Classes of Gavin Gordon Markowski   Helphp PHP Class Generator   vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/YtsNullsAndEmpties.yml   Download  
File: vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/YtsNullsAndEmpties.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Helphp PHP Class Generator
Generate classes from configuration parameters
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 683 bytes



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--- %YAML:1.0 test: Empty Sequence brief: > You can represent the empty sequence with an empty inline sequence. yaml: | empty: [] php: | array('empty' => array()) --- test: Empty Mapping brief: > You can represent the empty mapping with an empty inline mapping. yaml: | empty: {} php: | array('empty' => array()) --- test: Empty Sequence as Entire Document yaml: | [] php: | array() --- test: Empty Mapping as Entire Document yaml: | {} php: | array() --- test: Null as Document yaml: | ~ php: | null --- test: Empty String brief: > You can represent an empty string with a pair of quotes. yaml: | '' php: | ''