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File: changelog.txt

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  Classes of Alexandre Tedeschi (d)   All In One - dSendMail2   changelog.txt   Download  
File: changelog.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Changelog
Class: All In One - dSendMail2
Mass Send, Attach, Embed, Through SMTP or MAIL()
Author: By
Last change: Updated changelog to match current version.
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 2,564 bytes



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// 20/07/2010 v2.37 // * Error in autoAttach method, invalid arguments being passed. Thanks to Michael (michael dot kmv at gmail) por pointing it out // 08/03/2010 v2.36 // * Normalized e-mail address is now always lowercase, fixing blockDupe(). // 09/02/2010 v2.35 // + New methods: setReplyTo, setReturnPath // 17/12/2009 v2.341 // * autoAttachFile was sending wrong parameters to embedFile and attachFile. // 11/11/2009 v2.34 // + static ::createFromMail() accepts params like MAIL(), but returns dSendMail2 object instead // + ->attachFile(filename, &data) force attachment (doesn't even try to embed it) // + ->embedFile (filename, &data) force embedding and returns CID url to be used // + ->sendThroughSetDefault() to set current settings as default for new dSendMail2 objects // + static $StaticSendThrough --> Array($smtp_server, $port, $user, $pass, $ssl) // * sendThroughNowhere() default $error probability is zero // 07/10/2009 v2.33 // * Problem detected: Some servers refuses 'localhost' as remote host. // Default host will be $_SERVER['SERVER_HOST'] if available // + New property ->localhost can force any HOST value (to send after EHLO command) // 15/09/2009 v2.32 // + New method: sendThroughNowhere($error=0.1) // + New method: setGroupAmount (Required when sending message for more than 9 persons) // + ->getError() // + ->send($startInPart, $callBack) (Now you can follow how messages are sent) // Callback parameters: part=(LoopStart|LoopEnd), loopPart, totalLoops) // Callback must-response: "STOP" or anything else // 03/09/2009 // + New method: setSMTPTimeout // * SMTP errors writes to $error attribute // 31/08/2009 v2.31 // + New parameter: importEML(filebody[, allHeaders]) // 28/07/2009 v2.3 // + New methods: allowDupe(), blockDupe() (default). Automatically strips duplicated targets on TO or CC or BCC. // + New method: setCc($to) // + New method: sendThroughYahoo($user, $pass) // * Fixed SMTP debug messages // 22/06/2009 v2.21 // + New methods: sendThroughGMail and sendThroughHotMail($user, $pass). // + New method: replaceMessage($from, $to) (after importing a HTML or EML, replace $from with your messsage) // 16/06/2009 v2.2 // + New optional method setCharset. Default is ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) // 01/05/2009 v2.1 // * SMTP Class by ManuelLemos updated to support STARTTLS (Hotmail) // sendThroughSMTP $ssl can be now 0(no), 1(yes) or 2(mixed [starttls]). // 04/05/2009 v2.0 // First public release.