PHP Classes

File: export_spreadsheets_class.php

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  Classes of Charles A. LaFleur   Export Spreadsheets   export_spreadsheets_class.php  
File: export_spreadsheets_class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The exportSpreadsheets PHP class
Class: Export Spreadsheets
Create Excel spreadsheet from data in MySQL table
Author: By
Last change: Previous versions only allowed a single Excel workbook to have one or more worksheets containing data from one table of a single database. This version allows a single Excel workbook to have one or more worksheets where each worksheet can have its own MySQL query statement combining data from one or more tables in a single database, but the individual worksheets can be from different databases. The query can return calculated data such as min, max, sum, count, etc. The query can join multiple relational tables together, and can contain “where”, “group by”, and “order by” clauses. This version also allows you to specify row-based Excel formulas based on data columns within that row. Workbook arrays created for use by previous versions of class will continue to work without modification.
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 24,230 bytes


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