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File: test_scaffolding_input.php

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File: test_scaffolding_input.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example to demonstrate how to use the scaffolding input
Class: PHP Forms Class with HTML Generator and JavaScript Validation
HTML forms generation and validation.
Author: By
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Date: 15 years ago
Size: 14,427 bytes



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<?php /* * * @(#) $Id: test_scaffolding_input.php,v 1.14 2009/04/07 09:30:17 mlemos Exp $ * */ require('forms.php'); require('form_scaffolding.php'); /* * Include the layout vertical plug-in class to automatically layout * the inputs */ require('form_layout_vertical.php'); /* * Include the AJAX submit plug-in class to automatically interact with * the server without reloading the page */ require('form_ajax_submit.php'); /* * Include the blog post view class and initialize the object to define * details of presentation of the forms and listings of the posts being * edited */ require('blog_post_view.php'); $view = new blog_post_view_class; if(!$view->Initialize()) die('Error: '.$model->error); $form=new form_class; $form->NAME = 'scaffolding_form'; $form->METHOD = 'POST'; $form->ACTION = (defined('SCAFFOLDING_URI') ? SCAFFOLDING_URI : '?'); $form->InvalidCLASS = $view->GetInvalidInputsClass(); $form->ShowAllErrors = 1; $form->ErrorMessagePrefix = '- '; $form->debug = 'trigger_error'; /* * Include the blog post model class and initialize the object to store * and retrieve data of the post entries being edited */ require('blog_post_model.php'); $model = new blog_post_model_class; if(!$model->Initialize()) die('Error: '.$model->error); /* * Add the scaffolding custom input with all the necessary properties */ $error = $form->AddInput(array( 'TYPE'=>'custom', 'CustomClass'=>'form_scaffolding_class', 'ID'=>'posts', /* * Customize all the necessary messages for which the default values * may not be suitable. These messages may include HTML tags. */ 'ListingMessage'=>'All blog posts', 'NoEntriesMessage'=>'No blog articles were submitted.', 'CreateMessage'=>'Submit a new blog post', 'CreateCanceledMessage'=>'Submitting the blog post was canceled.', 'CreatedMessage'=>'The new blog post was submitted successfully.', 'UpdateMessage'=>'Update this blog post', 'UpdateCanceledMessage'=>'Updating the blog post was canceled.', 'UpdatedMessage'=>'The blog post was updated successfully.', 'DeleteMessage'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this blog post?', 'DeleteCanceledMessage'=>'Deleting the blog post was canceled.', 'DeletedMessage'=>'The blog post was deleted successfully.', /* * If we want to display entry previews, a few more properties are * necessary. */ 'Preview'=>1, 'PreviewLabel'=>'Preview', 'CreatePreviewMessage'=>'New blog post preview', 'UpdatePreviewMessage'=>'Blog post update preview', /* * If we want to allow saving an entry and continue editing, a few * more properties are necessary. */ 'Save'=>1, 'SaveLabel'=>'Save', /* * If we want to allow viewing an entry without editing it, a few * more properties are necessary. */ 'View'=>1, 'ViewLabel'=>'View', 'ViewingMessage'=>'Viewing blog post', /* * Here we define all the input fields necessary to edit the * properties of each entry being created or updated. */ 'EntryFields'=>array( array( 'TYPE'=>'text', 'NAME'=>'title', 'LABEL'=>'<u>T</u>itle', 'ValidateAsNotEmpty'=>1, 'ValidationErrorMessage'=>'It was not entered a valid post title.', ), array( 'TYPE'=>'textarea', 'NAME'=>'body', 'LABEL'=>'<u>B</u>ody', 'COLS'=>60, 'ROWS'=>10, 'ValidateAsNotEmpty'=>1, 'ValidationErrorMessage'=>'It was not entered a valid post body.', ) ), /* * Several properties may be set to customize the presentation of the * listing of existing entries. */ 'ListingClass'=>'listing box', 'HighlightRowListingClass'=>'highlightrow', 'OddRowListingClass'=>'oddrow', 'EvenRowListingClass'=>'evenrow', /* * Customize the presentation of validation error messages and marks * that appear next to invalid fields. */ 'ErrorMessageFormat'=>$view->GetErrorMessageFormat(), 'InvalidMark'=>$view->GetInvalidMark(), /* * Customize the HTML that envolve the forms for creating, updating * and deleting entries. */ 'FormHeader'=>$view->GetFormHeader(), 'FormFooter'=>$view->GetFormFooter(), )); if(strlen($error)) die('Error: '.$error); /* * Handle events AJAX requests handling events. * Do not output anything nor send any headers before this line. */ $form->HandleEvent($processed); /* * Exit your script if all AJAX events were processed. */ if($processed) exit; /* * Load input values so the scaffolding input can post event messages * for handling by your application. */ $submitted = strlen($form->WasSubmitted('')) != 0; $form->LoadInputValues($submitted); /* * Were any messages posted to handle scaffolding events? */ if($form->GetNextMessage($message)) { /* * If so process and reply to all messages until there are no more * messages to process. */ do { /* * First lets check which input posted a message. */ switch($message['From']) { case 'posts': /* * If it was the posts scaffolding input, now lets handle each * type of event. */ switch($message["Event"]) { case "listing": /* * When the listing event is sent, applications should * retrieve the data of entries to display and set a few * properties to tell the scaffolding plug-in how to render * the entries. */ $page = $message['Page']; if(!$model->GetEntries($page, $posts, $total_posts)) die('Error: '.$model->error); if(!$view->GetPostListingFormat($columns, $id_column, $page_entries)) die('Error: '.$view->error); $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'IDColumn', $id_column); $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'Columns', $columns); $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'TotalEntries', $total_posts); $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'PageEntries', $page_entries); $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'Page', $page); $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'Rows', $posts); break; case "created": /* * When the created event is sent, applications should * validate the form and create a new entry if it is all * OK. */ if(strlen($error_message = $form->Validate($verify, 'posts-submit')) == 0) { $form->LoadInputValues(1); $entry = array( 'title' => $form->GetInputValue('title'), 'body' => $form->GetInputValue('body') ); if(!$model->CreateEntry($entry)) { /* * If there was a problem creating an entry, cancel the * entry creation and display an helpful error message. */ $message['Cancel'] = 1; $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'CreateCanceledMessage', 'Error: '.$model->error); } else { /* * If the entry was created successfully, set the Entry * entry of the message array to pass back the * identifier of the newly created entry. */ $message['Entry'] = $entry['id']; } } break; case "updating": case "updated": /* * When it is sent an event of an entry being updated, make * sure the specified entry identifier really exists and * can be updated. */ $id = $message['Entry']; if(!$model->ReadEntry($id, $entry)) { /* * If there was a problem checking the an entry, cancel * the entry update and display an helpful error * message. */ $message['Cancel'] = 1; $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'UpdateCanceledMessage', 'Error: '.$model->error); } elseif(IsSet($entry)) { $form->SetInputValue('title', $entry['title']); $form->SetInputValue('body', $entry['body']); /* * When the updated event is sent, applications should * validate the form and update the entry if it is all * OK. */ if(!strcmp($message['Event'], 'updated')) { $form->LoadInputValues(1); $entry['title'] = $form->GetInputValue('title'); $entry['body'] = $form->GetInputValue('body'); if(strlen($form->Validate($verify, 'posts-submit')) == 0) { if(!$model->UpdateEntry($id, $entry)) { /* * If there was a problem updating the entry, cancel the * entry updating and display an helpful error message. */ $message['Cancel'] = 1; $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'UpdateCanceledMessage', 'Error: '.$model->error); } } } } else { /* * If the entry does not exist or the user does not have * permissions to access it, cancel the entry update but * do not display any message as this may be an attempt * to access unauthorized information. */ $message['Cancel'] = 1; $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'UpdateCanceledMessage', ''); } break; case "deleting": case "deleted": /* * When it is sent an event of an entry being deleted, make * sure the specified entry identifier really exists and * can be updated. */ $id = $message['Entry']; if(!$model->ReadEntry($id, $entry)) { /* * If there was a problem checking the an entry, cancel * the entry update and display an helpful error message. */ $message['Cancel'] = 1; $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'DeleteCanceledMessage', 'Error: '.$model->error); } elseif(IsSet($entry)) { /* * When the deleted event is sent, applications should * validate the form and delete the entry if it is all * OK. */ if(!strcmp($message['Event'], 'deleted')) { if(strlen($form->Validate($verify, 'posts-delete')) == 0) { if(!$model->DeleteEntry($id, $entry)) { /* * If there was a problem deleting the entry, cancel the * entry deletion and display an helpful error message. */ $message['Cancel'] = 1; $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'DeleteCanceledMessage', 'Error: '.$model->error); } } } } else { /* * If the entry does not exist or the user does not have * permissions to access it, cancel the entry deletion * but do not display any message as this may be an * attempt to access unauthorized information. */ $message['Cancel'] = 1; $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'DeleteCanceledMessage', ''); } break; case 'update_previewing': case 'viewing': /* * When it is sent an event to show an existing entry or a * preview of an entry being updated, make sure the * specified entry identifier really exists and can be * updated. */ $form->GetInputProperty('posts', 'Entry', $id); $id = intval($id); if(!$model->ReadEntry($id, $entry)) { /* * If there was a problem checking the an entry, cancel * the entry update. */ $message['Cancel'] = 1; break; } if(!IsSet($entry)) { /* * If the entry does not exist or the user does not have * permissions to access it, cancel the entry update * but do not display any message as this may be an * attempt to access unauthorized information. */ $message['Cancel'] = 1; break; } case 'create_previewing': /* * When it is sent an event to show an existing entry or a * preview of an entry being created or updated, * applications should validate the form and generate the * output HTML if it is all OK. */ if(strcmp($message['Event'], 'viewing')) { $form->LoadInputValues(1); $error_message = $form->Validate($verify); if(strlen($error_message)) break; $entry = array( 'title' => $form->GetInputValue('title'), 'body' => $form->GetInputValue('body') ); } if(!$view->GetPostOutput($entry, $output)) die('Error: '.$view->error); /* * If the preview was generated successfully, set the * EntryOutput property to the necessary HTML to display * the entry preview. */ $form->SetInputProperty('posts', 'EntryOutput', $output); break; } break; } /* * After processing each type of event, always reply to the * message. */ if(strlen($error = $form->ReplyMessage($message, $processed))) die('Error: '.$error); } /* * Check whether there anymore posted messages until all have been * processed. */ while(!$processed && $form->GetNextMessage($message)); /* * Exit your script if all AJAX events were processed. */ if($processed) exit; } /* * Finalize the model object after we are done with it. */ if(!$model->Finalize()) die('Error: '.$model->error); /* * Get some values to generate the page output. */ $onload = HtmlSpecialChars($form->PageLoad()); $onunload = HtmlSpecialChars($form->PageUnload()); $head = $form->PageHead(); $styles = $view->GetCSSStyles(); /* * Finalize the view object after we are done with it. */ if(!$view->Finalize()) die('Error: '.$view->error); /* * Generate the page output. */ ?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Test for Manuel Lemos' PHP form class using the scaffolding plug-in input</title> <style type="text/css"><!-- <?php echo $styles; ?> // --></style> <?php echo $head; ?> </head> <body onload="<?php echo $onload; ?>" onunload="<?php echo $onunload; ?>" bgcolor="#cccccc"> <center><h1>Test for Manuel Lemos' PHP form class using the scaffolding plug-in input</h1></center> <hr /> <?php $form->AddInputPart('posts'); $form->DisplayOutput(); ?> <hr /> </body> </html>