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File: libs/mPDF/collations/Tatar_Russia.php

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File: libs/mPDF/collations/Tatar_Russia.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: PHP Real Estate Website
Manage the properties of a real estate business
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 1,167 bytes



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= array (
65 => 97,
66 => 98,
67 => 99,
68 => 100,
69 => 101,
70 => 102,
71 => 103,
72 => 104,
73 => 105,
74 => 106,
75 => 107,
76 => 108,
77 => 109,
78 => 110,
79 => 111,
80 => 112,
81 => 113,
82 => 114,
83 => 115,
84 => 116,
85 => 117,
86 => 118,
87 => 119,
88 => 120,
89 => 121,
90 => 122,
1040 => 1072,
1041 => 1073,
1042 => 1074,
1043 => 1075,
1107 => 1075,
1027 => 1075,
1168 => 1169,
1044 => 1076,
1026 => 1106,
1045 => 1077,
1105 => 1077,
1025 => 1077,
1028 => 1108,
1046 => 1078,
1047 => 1079,
1029 => 1109,
1048 => 1080,
1031 => 1111,
1049 => 1081,
1032 => 1112,
1050 => 1082,
1116 => 1082,
1036 => 1082,
1051 => 1083,
1033 => 1113,
1052 => 1084,
1053 => 1085,
1034 => 1114,
1054 => 1086,
1055 => 1087,
1056 => 1088,
1057 => 1089,
1058 => 1090,
1035 => 1115,
1059 => 1091,
1118 => 1091,
1038 => 1091,
1060 => 1092,
1061 => 1093,
1062 => 1094,
1063 => 1095,
1039 => 1119,
1064 => 1096,
1065 => 1097,
1066 => 1098,
1067 => 1099,
1068 => 1100,
1069 => 1101,
1070 => 1102,
1071 => 1103,