Download[comment]: # (This file is part of MesQ, PHP lite disk based message queue manager. Copyright 2021 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence LGPLv3)
MesQ methods
Construct, factory and singleton methods
The constructor method is private
factory( queueName [, directory ] )
MesQ (static) factory method
Return _MesQ_ class instance
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
singleton( queueName [, directory ] )
MesQ (static) singleton getInstance method, based on the unique _queueName_/_directory_
Return _MesQ_ class instance
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
Config methods
getConfig( [ key ] )
Review MesQinterface.php for details
Return _array_ config key/value pairs or key _int_|_string_ value
Review MesQinterface.php for details
Return _string_, nicely rendered config key/value pairs
Add messages to queue, logic methods
qPush( config, message [, priority ] )
One-liner, insert single message to queue (incl. the factory method)
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_, _RuntimeException_
push( message [, priority ] )
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_, _RuntimeException_
insert( message [, priority ] )
Fetch messages from queue, logic methods
messageExist( [ priority ] )
Return _bool_ true if message(s) exists, false not
Throws _RuntimeException_
getMessage( [ priority ] )
For queue type PRIO, messages are returned in priority order, also without arg
Return _mixed_, message or _bool_ false if no message found (i.e. end-of-queue)
Throws _RuntimeException_
pull( [ priority ] )
_getMessage_ method alias
Queue size methods
getQueueSize( [ priority ] )
Return _int_ the queue size in number of messages (now), _bool_ false on error
size( [ priority ] )
_getQueueSize_ method alias
Return _int_, the directory size in bytes (now)
If the 'Fetch messages from queue'-PHP script is placeced in cron,
you should implement some file-locking logic
to prevent concurrent processes running.
You should always set the 'RETURNCHUNKSIZE' config key
otherwise the 'Fetch messages from queue'-PHP script may
continue forever i.e. until PHP exec script timeout.
Using more complex class instances (with ex Closure) as message
may throw a serialize Exception.
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