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  Classes of Ersin Güvenç   PHP Cat Nested Model Category Class   Download  
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Description: main seo class
Class: PHP Cat Nested Model Category Class
Manage an hierarchy of categories stored in MySQL
Author: By
Last change: query_link problem fixed.
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 14,640 bytes



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<?php if (realpath(__FILE__) == realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {exit('No direct access!');} /* ************************************************************************************************************ * * Seo - Link Factory Class * @filename: seo.class.php * Php version PHP5. * Mysql Version 4 and newer. * Revision : 53 * version: 0.0.3 alpha * @author: Ersin Güvenç <> (C) 2008. * @license GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ************************************************************************************************************ */ //catch all error.. you can customize exception class.look at php5 manual. Class Seo_Exception extends Exception { function __toString(){ return __CLASS__ . ": [Error]: {$this->getMessage()} [Line]: {$this->getLine()}\n"; } } //Purely static class.. Class Seo { static $instance; //this class only using by getInstace() method. private function __construct() {} //this object can not copy except getInstance() method. private function __clone() {} //lets prevent duplication of memory using by Singleton. public static function getInstance(){ if(! (self::$instance instanceof self)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } //table configuration.... public $table = array('TABLE_NAME'=> TABLE_NAME, //table name 'ID'=> CAT_ID, //table id field name 'FIELD'=> CAT_NAME, //which field you want convert to link. 'FIELD_LINK'=> CAT_LINK //link field name ); /** * Main subject link variable, we set incoming link this variable. * @access: private */ private $subject = ""; /** * All unknown and whitespace characters will replace with this. * @access: private - static */ private static $replace_with_character = "-"; //default '-', or you can choose any character like "__" OR "~~" /** * @Method: init_empty_control - static -boolean * @Access: private * @Description: Empty control for each $this->table[]. */ private function init_empty_control(){ foreach($this->table as $val){ if(empty($val)) throw new Seo_Exception('TABLE DATA can\'t be empty. Please provide table information. Seo class '.__FUNCTION__.' error!'); } return true; } /** * Silly version function.*/ public function version(){ return "Seo Link Factory 0.0.3 alpha";} /** * * @Method: _set_link * @Access: private * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: String. * @Description: Set main subject variable. */ private function _set_link($subject){ $this->subject = mysql_real_escape_string($subject); } /** * * @Method: _get_link * @Access: private * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: String. * @Description: Get main subject variable. */ private function _get_link(){ return $this->subject; } /** * * @Method: replace_data - static * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: Array(). * @Description: Strlower string and convert string to UTF-8, we replace some special characters. */ public static function replace_data($data){ $trimmed = ltrim(rtrim($data)); $convert = mb_convert_case($trimmed, MB_CASE_LOWER, "UTF-8"); //Enter special characters in your language (patterns - replace).. /* '/€/','/£/','/¥/','$','#','&','%', */ $patterns = array('/Á/','/É/','/Í/','/Ó/','/Ú/', '/À/','/È/','/Ì/','/Ò/','/Ù/', '/á/','/é/','/í/','/ó/','/ú/','/ý/', '/à/','/è/','/ì/','/ò/','/ù/', '/â/','/ê/','/î/','/ô/','/û/', '/Â/','/Ê/','/Î/','/Ô/','/Û/', '/ä/','/ë/','/ï/','/ö/','/ü/','/ÿ/', '/Ä/','/Ë/','/Ï/','/Ö/','/Ü/','/Ÿ/', '/ã/','/õ/','/ñ/','/å/','/ø/','/š/', '/Ã/','/Õ/','/Ñ/','/Å/','/Ø/','/Š/', '/ç/','/&#287;/','/&#305;/','/ö/','/&#351;/','/ü/'); $replace = array( 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' , 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' , 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' ,'y', 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' , 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' , 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' , 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' ,'y', 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' ,'y', 'a' , 'o' , 'n' , 'a' , 'q' ,'s', 'a' , 'o' , 'n' , 'a' , 'q' ,'s', 'c' , 'g' , 'i' , 'o' , 's' ,'u'); return preg_replace($patterns,$replace,$convert); } /** * * @Method: clean_str - static. * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: String * @Description: Get only between a-z characters from replaced data. */ public static function clean_str($str){ try{ if(empty($str)) throw new Seo_Exception('String can\'t be empty.Seo class '.__FUNCTION__.' error!'); return ereg_replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", self::$replace_with_character ,Seo::replace_data($str)); }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } /** * * @Method: query_link * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: String * @Description: Query mysql database, check for existing seo links. */ ###################### # QUERY LINK SQL (ORIGINAL SQL) ###################### /* SELECT link FROM articles WHERE link='blabla' OR link REGEXP '^($link).*(-).*[(0-9)\d]$' */ public function query_link($pure_link){ if(empty($pure_link)) throw new Seo_Exception('Query_link variable can\'t be empty.Seo class '.__FUNCTION__.' error!'); $link = mysql_real_escape_string($pure_link); $sql = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s='%s' OR %s REGEXP '^($link).*(%s).*[(0-9)\d]$'", $this->table['FIELD_LINK'], $this->table['TABLE_NAME'], $this->table['FIELD_LINK'], $link, $this->table['FIELD_LINK'], self::$replace_with_character); $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new seo_Exception(mysql_error()); $num = mysql_num_rows($query); //echo $num; if($num == 1) { $total = $num++; $new_link = $link.self::$replace_with_character.$total; //$link = $this->increase_link($link,$total); return $new_link; }elseif($num > 1){ //find the most big number and increase one. $match_row = array(); $cat_row = array(); $max_row = array(); $i = 0; $j = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $cat_row[] = $row[$this->table['FIELD_LINK']]; $pattern = sprintf("/%s(\d+)$/",self::$replace_with_character); preg_match($pattern, $cat_row[$i++],$match_row[]); $max_row[] = $match_row[$j++][1]; } //print_r($max_row); $total = max($max_row) + 1; //print_r($match_row); $new_link = $link.self::$replace_with_character.$total; return $new_link; }else{ return $link; } } /** * * @Method: insert * @Access: public * @Parameters: 1 * @Param-1: String * @Description: Build new seo link for insert to mysql database. */ public function insert($subject){ try { $this->init_empty_control(); $this->_set_link($subject); $link = Seo::clean_str($this->_get_link()); $new_link = $this->query_link($link); return $new_link; }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } /** * * @Method: update * @Access: public * @Parameters: 2 * @Param-1: String * @Param-2: Integer * @Description: Update existing link stored in mysql database. */ ###################### # UPDATE SQL (ORIGINAL SQL) ###################### /* SELECT link FROM articles WHERE article_id='$id' UPDATE articles SET link='' WHERE article='$id' */ public function update($subject,$id){ try { $this->init_empty_control(); if(empty($id)) throw new Seo_Exception('Update id can\'t be empty.Seo class '.__FUNCTION__.' error!'); $this->_set_link($subject); $sql = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s='%d'", $this->table['FIELD_LINK'], $this->table['TABLE_NAME'], $this->table['ID'], $id); //echo $sql; $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new seo_Exception(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); /* $update_sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s='' WHERE %s='%d'", $this->table['TABLE_NAME'], $this->table['FIELD_LINK'], $this->table['ID'], $id); if(!mysql_query($update_sql)) throw new seo_Exception(mysql_error()); */ $link = Seo::clean_str($this->_get_link()); $pattern = sprintf("<(%s).*(%s).*[0-9]>",$link,self::$replace_with_character); if (preg_match($pattern,$row[$this->table['FIELD_LINK']])) { $new_link = $row[$this->table['FIELD_LINK']]; }elseif($link == $row[$this->table['FIELD_LINK']]){ $new_link = $link; }else{ $new_link = $this->query_link($link); } //update problem fixed !! return $new_link; }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } /** * * @Method: reset_table * @Access: public * @Description: Clean all link data with space (' ') on current table. */ ### WARNING ALL DATA WILL DELETE ON THE CURRENT TABLE!! ## ###################### # RESET TABLE SQL (ORIGINAL SQL) ###################### /* UPDATE articles SET link='' */ public function reset_table(){ $this->init_empty_control(); $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s=''",$this->table['TABLE_NAME'],$this->table['FIELD_LINK']); if(!mysql_query($sql)) throw new seo_Exception(mysql_error()); } /** * * @Method: restore_all * @Access: public * @Description: if any error occur you can restore all data on current table.(Recover all link) */ ###################### # RESTORE ALL SQL (ORIGINAL SQL) ###################### /* SELECT title,link,article_id FROM articles UPDATE articles SET link='$link' WHERE article_id='id' LIMIT 1 */ public function restore_all(){ try{ $this->init_empty_control(); $this->reset_table(); //reset all data.. $select_sql = sprintf("SELECT %s,%s,%s FROM %s", $this->table['FIELD'], $this->table['FIELD_LINK'], $this->table['ID'], $this->table['TABLE_NAME']); //.. $query = mysql_query($select_sql); if(!$query) throw new seo_Exception(mysql_error()); while($obj = mysql_fetch_object($query)){ $link = $this->update( $obj->{$this->table['FIELD']}, $obj->{$this->table['ID']} ); $id = $obj->{$this->table['ID']}; //.. $update_sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s='%s' WHERE %s='$id' LIMIT 1", $this->table['TABLE_NAME'], $this->table['FIELD_LINK'], $link, $this->table['ID'], $this->table['ID']); if(!mysql_query($update_sql)) throw new seo_Exception(mysql_error()); } //end while. $this->show_table(); echo "Restoration succesfuly completed!"; }catch(Exception $e) {echo $e;} } /** * * @Method: show_table * @Access: public * @Description: show current table */ ###################### # SHOW TABLE SQL (ORIGINAL SQL) ###################### /* SELECT title,link,article_id FROM articles */ public function show_table(){ /**/ $this->init_empty_control(); $select_sql = sprintf("SELECT %s,%s,%s FROM %s", $this->table['FIELD'], $this->table['FIELD_LINK'], $this->table['ID'], $this->table['TABLE_NAME']); echo "<table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"1\">"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>{$this->table['FIELD']}</th><th>{$this->table['FIELD_LINK']}</th>"; echo "</tr>"; $query = mysql_query($select_sql); if(!$query) throw new seo_Exception(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[$this->table['FIELD']]; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[$this->table['FIELD_LINK']]; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } } // end of the class.. /* private function num_equal_link($new_link){ $sql = "SELECT cat_link FROM category WHERE cat_link='$new_link'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) throw new seo_Exception(mysql_error()); return mysql_num_rows($query); } private function increase_link($link,$total){ $new_link = $link.self::$replace_with_character.$total; if($this->num_equal_link($new_link) > 0){ $count = $total++; $new_link = ""; $new_link = $link.self::$replace_with_character.$count; if($this->num_equal_link($new_link) > 0){ $this->increase_link($link,$count); } } return $new_link; } */ ?>