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File: lib/Multiotp/multiotp-master-5.6/multiotp-master/radius_uninstall.cmd

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  Classes of Cyril Ogana   PHP User Credentials   lib/Multiotp/multiotp-master-5.6/multiotp-master/radius_uninstall.cmd   Download  
File: lib/Multiotp/multiotp-master-5.6/multiotp-master/radius_uninstall.cmd
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP User Credentials
Implement password authentication policies
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 2,646 bytes



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@ECHO OFF REM ************************************************************ REM @file radius_uninstall.cmd REM @brief Script to uninstall the radius service. REM REM multiOTP - Strong two-factor authentication PHP class package REM REM REM Windows batch file for Windows 2K/XP/2003/7/2008/8/2012/10 REM REM @author Andre Liechti, SysCo systemes de communication sa, <> REM @version REM @date 2019-10-23 REM @since 2013-08-20 REM @copyright (c) 2013-2019 SysCo systemes de communication sa REM @copyright GNU Lesser General Public License REM REM REM Description REM REM radius_uninstall is a small script that will uninstall REM the radius server of multiOTP under Windows using freeradius. REM ( REM REM REM Usage REM REM The script must be launched in the top folder of multiOTP. REM REM REM Licence REM REM Copyright (c) 2013-2019 SysCo systemes de communication sa REM SysCo (tm) is a trademark of SysCo systemes de communication sa REM ( REM All rights reserved. REM REM This file is part of the multiOTP project. REM REM REM Change Log REM REM 2018-11-13 SysCo/al Detection to know if something must be stopped REM 2017-05-29 SysCo/al Unified script with some bug fixes REM 2016-11-04 SysCo/al Unified file header REM 2016-10-16 SysCo/al Version synchronisation REM 2015-07-15 SysCo/al Version synchronisation REM 2014-03-27 4.2.4 SysCo/al More generic usage REM 2013-08-23 4.0.6 SysCo/al Enhanced options REM 2013-08-21 4.0.5 SysCo/al Service name can be given as a parameter REM 2013-08-20 4.0.4 SysCo/al Initial release REM REM ************************************************************ SET _service_tag=multiOTPradius IF NOT "%1"=="" SET _service_tag=%1 IF "%_service_tag%"=="multiOTPradiusTest" GOTO NoWarning ECHO WARNING! Please run this script as an administrator, otherwise it will fail. PAUSE :NoWarning SET _folder=%~d0%~p0 SET _radius_folder=%~d0%~p0 IF NOT EXIST %_radius_folder%radius SET _radius_folder=%~d0%~p0. .\ netsh firewall delete allowedprogram "%_radius_folder%radius\sbin\radiusd.exe" >NUL netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="multiOTP Radius server" >NUL SC queryex type= service state= all | FIND "%_service_tag%" >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO NoService ECHO Stop and remove the service %_service_tag% SC stop %_service_tag% >NUL SC delete %_service_tag% >NUL :NoService SET _folder= SET _radius_folder=