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Classes of mhmd jawad | PHP DAL | | Download |
![]() PHP DALThis class can simplify the access databases using PDO. It can connect to a given database supported by the PDO extension taking an array of parameters that define the connection details. The class can also perform several types of common actions to access the connected database like:
Latest UpdatescriteriaUpdateperform update with multiple criteria for where clause criteriaDeleteperform delete with multiple criteria for where clause Class MethodsgetDefaultConnectioncontains the default configuration for connection connection parameters are: host, database, user, and password getConnection@param $DBOCFG [database configuration] will perform a PDO connection using the configuration provided usefull when want to use custom connection other than the default database. call_sp@param $q string value of the query @param $p [default empty array] parameters for the prepared statement $p follow the following rule each entry is of the form ["k"=>"value","v"=>"value"] where k is for the key in the query and v is for the value to attach @param $c for connection (null to use the default connection) execute_query@param $q string value of the query @param $p [default empty array] parameters for the prepared statement $p follow the following rule each entry is of the form ["k"=>"value","v"=>"value"] where k is for the key in the query and v is for the value to attach @param $c for connection (null to use the default connection) > call_sp is for when calling a stored procedure or using select query (expecting array result) > execute_query for when performing update/insert/delete or DDL queries (create, drop, ...) getTables>documentation todo table_exist>documentation todo TableFields>documentation todo insert>documentation todo update>documentation todo criteriaUpdate>documentation todo delete>documentation todo criteriaDelete>documentation todo genViewTable>documentation todo getEditTable>documentation todo getFormForTable>documentation todo getViewQuery>documentation todo getDALT>documentation todo class DALT>documentation todo function pprint on screen in user-readable format for objects and arrays READMEAUTHOR MhmdJawadZD README Last edit By MHMD JAWAD ZD 2020/05/03 |