Download[comment]: # (This file is part of PcGen, PHP Code Generation support package. Copyright 2020 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence GPL 3.0)
VariableMgr Methods
The ` VariableMgr` class manages PHP variable code
supports property/variable/constant define with PHP primitive value, array, closure or callback
default visibility is ```PUBLIC```
default assign operator is ```=```
Note, assign of (result from) function/method invoke may be set using VariableMgr::setBody() and [FcnInvokeMgr]
VariableMgr Methods
Inherited [Common methods]
* ```varDto``` _VarDto_
note VarDto below
* Return _static_
convenient constants found in PcGenInterface
For eol and indents, defaults are used
Return _static_
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
* Return _array_, result code rows (null-bytes removed) no trailing eol
* Throws _RuntimeException_
Return _string_ with code rows (extends toArray), each code row with trailing eol
Throws _RuntimeException_
* Convenient constants found in PcGenInterface
* ```visibility``` _string_, null(empty): no visibility, default 'public'
* Return _static_
* ```varDto``` _VarDto_
noteVarDto* below
* Return _static_
* Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
Return _static_
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
* ```value``` _mixed_, variable/property init (or default) PHP primitive or array value
assoc array are produced with keys and values, non assoc not
* Return _static_
* ```class``` _string_
* ```method``` _string_, default null
* usage :
-- simple function (set using ```setBody```, below)
-- anonymous function (set using ```setBody```, below, and, opt, [FcnFrameMgr]/[FcnInvokeMgr])
-- instantiated sourceObject+method, output passed as an array, result : ```[ $sourceObject, 'methodName' ]```
-- class name (fqcn) and static (factory?) method, output passed as an array, result : ```[ FQCN, 'methodName' ]```
-- instantiated sourceObject, class has an (magic) __call method, result : ```$sourceObject```
-- class name (fqcn), class has an (magic) __callStatic method, result : ```FQCN```
-- instantiated sourceObject, class has an (magic) __invoke method, result : ```$sourceObject```
* Return _static_
* Throws InvalidException
* Default assign operator is ```=```
* ```operator``` _string_, one of ```=```, ```+=```, ..., see [operators]
* Return _static_
* Throws InvalidException
#### Misc
_VarDto_ instance creation (go to [VarDto])
convenient constants found in PcGenInterface
<small>Return to PcGen [README], [Summary]</small>
[Common methods]