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File: Collection.class.php

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File: Collection.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The class it self
Class: Collection
Manage collections of objects or scalar values
Author: By
Last change: Updated __toString method. Took off var_dump.
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 14,794 bytes



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<?php /***************************************************************************** * * Class Name : Collection * Version : 1.6 * Written By : Diogo Souza da Silva <> * License: GPL * ****************************************************************************** * * This class implements Collection object in PHP. Some things you should know. * This class can behave exactly like an array * It just work in PHP5 * This class can(maybe should) be extendend * Only two entry points, add() and set() * Only one leaving point, remove() * This class implments Iterator and ArrayAccess * You can usi it in foreach, while and others just like an array * It is an iterator for itself also * You cannot extends ArrayObject and implements ArrayAccess * ***************************************************************************** * * TODO: * PHPDOC for real * Clean some functions * Make real tests, now it example file as test * Implement type safe Collection * Implement some kind of "lock" or "state" * Implement someway for applying a function to all elements * Improve __toXml and __toString * Create to __toJson? * More on SPL? * Implement Serializable(__wakeup and __sleep)? * Implement __get and __set for the Collection elements? * Maybe refactor the hole class for subclasses? (split method in classes) */ class Collection implements Iterator , ArrayAccess { /** * The number of elements in the Collection * @var int */ public $lenght=0; /** * The inner array * @var array */ private $elements = array(); /** * Create a collection of objects * @param array|collection $array [optional] */ function __construct($array=null) { $this->merge($array,true); } /** * Adds an object into collection * if arg1 only is given, it will be the item at last index * if arg1 and arg2 is given, arg1 will be the index(key) and arg2 will be the value * It does not "set" to an existing index, use set insted * @param mixed $ag1 * @param mixed $arg2 [optional] * @return Collection */ function add($arg1,$arg2=false) { if(!$arg2) { $this->elements[] = $arg1; } else { if (!array_key_exists($arg1,$this->elements)) { $this->elements[$arg1] = $arg2; } } $this->count(); return $this ; } /** * Set the value of the given key * @param key $key * @param mixed $item * @return mixed $item */ function set($key,$item) { if(isset($key)) { $this->elements[$key] = $item; } else { $this->elements[] = $item ; } $this->count(); return $this->get($key); } /** * Adds value at last index * @param $value * @return Collection */ function append($value) { return $this->add($value); //return $this ; } /** * Join(merge) an array or a collection into this one * @param array|collection $array * @param bool $keepkeys * @param bool $overload * @return Collection */ function merge($array,$keepkeys=false,$overload=false) { if(is_array($array) or $array instanceof ArrayAccess) { //$this->elements = array_merge($this->elements,$array); if(count($array) >= 1) foreach($array as $k=>$v) { if($keepkeys) { if($overload) { $this->set($k,$v);} else {$this->add($k,$v);} } else { $this->add($v); } } } else if($array instanceof Iterator) { //$this->elements = array_merge($this->elements,$array->getArrayCopy()); while($array->valid()) { if($keepkeys) { if($overload) {$this->set($array->key(),$array->current()); } else {$this->add($array->key(),$array->current()); } }else{ $this->add($array->current()); } $array->next(); } } $this->count(); return $this ; } /** * Sort by values, keeping keys * @param CONST flags * @return Collection */ function asort($flags=null) { asort($this->elements,$flags); return $this; } /** * Sort by key * @param CONST flags * @return Collection * */ function ksort($flags=null) { ksort($this->elements,$flags); return $this; } /** * sort by natural order * @param CONST flags * @return Collection */ function sort($flags=null) { sort($this->elements,$flags); return $this ; } /** * size number of itens; * @return int */ function count() { $this->lenght = count($this->elements); return $this->lenght ; } /** * Remove the $key item * @param key $key * @return Collection */ function remove($key) { if (array_key_exists($key,$this->elements)) { unset($this->elements[$key]); $this->count(); return $this; } } /** * Verifies if this key is filled * @param key $k * @return bool */ function exists($k) { return array_key_exists($k, $this->elements); } /** * Moves the cursor a step foward * @return bool */ function next() { return next(&$this->elements) ; } /** * If next element is valid * @return bool */ function hasNext() { $this->next() ; $v = $this->valid() ; $this->back() ; return $v ; } /** * Moves cursor to given key * @param key $key * @return bool */ function seek($key) { $this->rewind(); while($this->valid()) { if($this->key() == $key) { return true; } $this->next(); } return false; } /** * Moves the cursor a step back * @return bool */ function back() { return prev(&$this->elements); } /** * Puts the cursor at start * @return bool */ function rewind() { return reset(&$this->elements); } /** * Puts cursor at the end * @return bool */ function forward() { return end(&$this->elements); } /** * Return the item in the cursor point * @return mixed Current Item */ function current() { return current($this->elements); } /** * Returns cursor key * @return mixed current key */ function currentKey() { return key($this->elements) ; } /** * Actual cursor key * @return mixed current key */ function key() { return $this->currentKey(); } /** * Check if cursor is at a valid item * @return bool */ function valid() { if(!is_null($this->key())) { return true; } else { return false ; } } /** * same as valid() * @return bool */ function isValid() { return $this->valid(); } /** * Returns object for given posistion * @param key $key */ function get($key) { return $this->elements[$key]; } /** * Fetchs basic */ function fetch() { if($this->valid()) { $r = $this->current(); $this->next() ; return $r ; } else { return false; } } /** * ArrayAccess, check if offset (key) exists * @param $offset * @return bool */ function offsetExists($offset) { return $this->exists($offset); } /** * ArrayAccess, get element * @param $offset * @return mixed */ function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->get($offset); } /** * ArrayAccess, set element * @param key $offset * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ function offsetSet($offset,$value) { return $this->set($offset, $value); } /** * ArrayAccess, remove element * @param key $offset * @return COllection $this */ function offsetUnset($offset) { return $this->remove($offset); } /** * Null all the collection, including keys * @return Collection $this; */ function clear() { $this->elements = array(); $this->length = 0; return $this ; } /** * @return the size of the collection */ function size() { return $this->count(); } /** * returns if the collection is empty or not * @return bool */ function isEmpty() { if($this->count() < 1) return true ; else return false; } /** * Check if given object exists in collection * Type safe * @param mixed $obj * @return bool */ function contains($obj) { foreach($this->elements as $element) { if($element === $obj) { $this->rewind(); return true ; } } $this->rewind(); return false ; } /** * Return the (first) index(key) of given object * @param mixed $obj * @return key of the obj */ function indexOf($obj) { foreach($this->elements as $k=>$element) { if($element === $obj) { $this->rewind(); return $k ; } } $this->rewind(); return null ; } /** * returns last index(key) of given object * @param mixed $obj * @return key */ function lastIndexOf($obj) { $return = null ; foreach($this->elements as $k=>$element) { if($element === $obj) { $return = $k ; } } $this->rewind(); return $return ; } /** * Return a new collection with a part of this collection * @param int $start * @param int $end * @return Collection */ function subCollection($start,$end) { $new = new Collection(); $i = 0; foreach($this->elements as $k=>$element) { if($i <= $end && $i >= $start) { $new->add($element) ; } $i++ ; } $this->rewind(); return $new ; } /** * Cut the array to given size * @param int $size * @return Collection */ function trimToSize($size) { $t = array_chunk($this->elements,$size,true); $this->elements = $t[0]; $this->count(); return $this ; } /** * Return the xml of this collection * @return string */ function __toXml() { $xml = "\n<Collection>"; foreach($this->elements as $k=>$v) { $xml .= "\n\t<element key=\"{$k}\">"; if(is_string($v)) { $xml.= $v ; } else if(is_object($v) and method_exists($v,"__toXml()")) { $xml.= $v->__toXml() ; } else if(is_object($v) and method_exists($v, "__toString()")) { $xml.= $v->__toString() ; } $xml .= "</element>"; } $xml .= "\n</Collection>"; $this->rewind(); return $xml ; } /** * A alias to __toXMl() * @return $string */ function toXML() { return $this->__toXML(); } /** * Returns as an array * @return array */ function __toArray() { return $this->elements ; } /** * A alias to __toArray() * @return array */ function toArray() { return $this->__toArray(); } /** * Alias to toArray() * @return array */ function asArray() { return $this->toArray(); } /** * NOT WORKING YET */ function getIterator() { return $this ; } /** * Alias to toArray() * @return array */ function getArrayCopy() { return $this->toArray() ; } /** * serialize the collection * @return string */ function __toString() { return "".serialize($this->elements)."" ; } /** * alias to __toString() * @return string */ function toString() { return $this->__toString(); } } ?>