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File: awfDialog/docs/changelog.php

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File: awfDialog/docs/changelog.php
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Change Log
Class: awfDialog Wizard
Generate wizard-like Web user interface using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: small rez display problem fixed
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 7,571 bytes



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<?php //Version 1.2 include('../lib/awfDialog.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>awfDialog Class :: Change Log</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> </head> <body> <div class="header"> <img src="images/testlab2.jpg" align=right><img src="images/testlabhead.jpg"> </div> <div class="content"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0"> <tr> <td width="100%" valign="top"> <font size="1">awfDialog :: AJAX Enabled Dynamic Dialog Wizard Class :: Documentation</font> <center> <div id='container'> <?php $str1=""; $m1 = new awfDialog('D1','awfDialog Class Change Log',$str1, ICON_INFO,false,'85%'); $m1->SetVAlign(BODY_TOP); $m1->SetImagePath("../lib/images/"); $m1->SetHAlign(BODY_LEFT); $m1->SetIconSize(ICON_SIZE_LG); $m1->SetGradient('224e15','c3f60a'); $m1->SetImagePHPURL('../lib/image2.php'); $m1->SetWizMode('false'); $m1->DisableWizImage(); $m1->SetGradientDirection(GRADIENT_V); $m1->SetBodyBGColor('#efffca'); $m1->AddOutput("<b>Version 1.2:</b><br>"); $m1->AddOutput("<ol style='margin-left:30px;font-size:smaller;'>"); $m1->SetCSS("Title","color:#fff;"); $m1->SetCSS("BodyPane","color:#000000;font-size:11pt;padding-left:15px;"); $m1->SetCSS("BodyPane li","line-height:15px;"); $m1->UseHelp(true); $m1->AddHelp("It's a change log, silly!<br><br>What could you possibly need help with?"); $m1->SetCSS("HelpPane","background:lightblue;color:navy;font-size:10pt;border:1px solid navy;margin:10px;padding:5px;"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Extended dynamic CSS element creation to cover a broader selection of the rendered dialog</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Removed un-needed lines from docs/style.css and examples/style.css</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Added SetCSS(\$element, \$css) method. See CSS Reference and Usage Guide for details.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Fixed togglelayer() javascript so it should only get sent to the browser once per each instance of the class, not once per dialog.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Added HelpPane element, help button in the Titlebar, the UseHelp() method, AddHelp() method, SetAjaxHelp() method. See Usage Guide for details. Click the Help button on the titlebar above for a demo of the new Help functionality.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Updated the Gradient Builder example to include HelpPane functionality.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Fixed bug related to using ICON_CSS and SetIconType() to add your own custom icons. Functionality now works as intended.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Fixed alignment issues associated with the AjaxCancel button.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Replaced the _buildExitBtn() method with _buildControlBox(), which includes output of both the exit and help buttons.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Extended the Clear() method to also clear the HelpPane output buffer.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Updated the Usage Guide for all new and modified methods, and added the CSS Reference to the documentation.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("</ol>"); $m1->AddOutput("<b>Version 1.1:</b><br>"); $m1->AddOutput("<ol style='margin-left:30px;font-size:smaller;'>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Restructured file system and reference pointers to support a package more ready to be re-used without modification.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Added GradientBuilder example and modified it to work with the new package structure.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Extended awfDialog class to support querying for class version number. Also extended debug output for version numbering.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Added the SetImagePath(<i>path</i>) method. By default, awfDialog will now assume the class library and sub-folders exist in a directory called 'awfDialog' beneath your current execution path. Use this method prior to awfDialog->Render() to override that assumption. This function works using either relative or absolute URI paths, do not use physical paths as the results are handed to your page viewer's browser and thus would not be accessible.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Added the SetGradientDirection(<i>direction</i>) function. Method accepts either:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; GRADIENT_V (vertical;top-to-bottom gradient), or<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; GRADIENT_H (horizontal;left-to-right gradient).<br> These constants are defined in awfDialog and if you use a dynamic IDE such as Komodo it will automatically pick them up for code completion once you've included the class in your code.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>More detailed DebugDump() method output. See sample below.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Fixed bug in private _buildGradient() function when re-using a single instance to render more than one dialog.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Removed redundant GetID() method. Use <b>echo \$MyClass->dialogID;</b> to retrieve dialog ID now.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("<li>Cleaned up some WTF code inside AddOutput() method.</li>"); $m1->AddOutput("</ol>"); $m1->Render(); $m1->SetID("D2"); $m1->SetTitle("awfDialog Future Versions"); $m1->Clear(); $m1->UseHelp(false); $m1->AddOutput("<br>"); $m1->AddOutput("<div style='margin:5px 15px;font-size:10pt'>Here are a few of the things I'm trying to get added into the next major release. If you have a requested feature or have found a bug, please let me know and I'll look at getting it added.</div>"); $m1->AddOutput("<div style='margin:5px 15px;font-size:10pt'><dl><b>AJAX Help Button:</b><li>Optional AJAX enabled Help button near the Exit button. <font color='red'><b>Now in version 1.2</b></font></li></dl></div>"); $m1->AddOutput("<div style='margin:5px 15px;font-size:10pt'><dl><b>Themes:</b><li>Incorporate theme definition file support so you'll be able to pre-define a large number of dialog look and feel templates and then reference the appropriate template when the class is initialised.</li></dl></div>"); $m1->AddOutput("<div style='margin:5px 15px;font-size:10pt'><dl><b>Dialog Effects:</b><li>Render the dialog as a standard inline DIV, a DHTML pop-up, or using a lightbox effect.</li></dl></div>"); $m1->Render(); $m1->Clear(); ?> <br><hr style="size:1"><h2>Sample Debug Output</h2><small>With version 1.2 the debug log has been cleaned up and entries given more descriptive values. It can can be printed to the browser using the awfDialog->DebugDump() method. The log shown below is the debug array for the Dialog Wizard used to display the two dialogs shown above:</small><div align=left><font face="arial" size="1"><textarea cols=75 rows=50><?php $m1->DebugDump(); ?></textarea></font></div><?php ?> </div> <!--<div id='error'><textarea id="raw" cols=75 rows=10 class="color"></textarea><br>--> </center> </td> <td width="120px" bgcolor="#efffca" valign="top" class="quick"> <?php include('docmenu.php');?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="footer"> <img src="images/KLNminilogo.jpg"><br><font color="white"> TestLab is an internal-use only production of <a href="">Knowledge Link Network</a></font><br> </div> </body> </html>