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File: src/MSD/HomeBundle/Resources/public/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_test_helpers.js

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  Classes of Manolo Salsas   Online PHP Image Transform   src/MSD/HomeBundle/Resources/public/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_test_helpers.js   Download  
File: src/MSD/HomeBundle/Resources/public/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_test_helpers.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Online PHP Image Transform
Application to do interactive image manipulation
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 1,455 bytes


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TestHelpers.dialog = { drag: function(element, handle, dx, dy) { var d = element.dialog("widget"); //this mouseover is to work around a limitation in resizable //TODO: fix resizable so handle doesn't require mouseover in order to be used $( handle, d ).simulate("mouseover").simulate( "drag", { dx: dx, dy: dy }); }, testDrag: function(element, dx, dy, expectedDX, expectedDY, msg) { var actualDX, actualDY, offsetAfter, d = element.dialog("widget"), handle = $(".ui-dialog-titlebar", d), offsetBefore = d.offset(); TestHelpers.dialog.drag(element, handle, dx, dy); offsetAfter = d.offset(); msg = msg ? msg + "." : ""; actualDX = offsetAfter.left - offsetBefore.left; actualDY = -; ok( expectedDX - actualDX <= 1 && expectedDY - actualDY <= 1, "dragged[" + expectedDX + ", " + expectedDY + "] " + msg); }, shouldResize: function(element, dw, dh, msg) { var heightAfter, widthAfter, actual, expected, d = element.dialog("widget"), handle = $(".ui-resizable-se", d), heightBefore = d.height(), widthBefore = d.width(); TestHelpers.dialog.drag(element, handle, 50, 50); heightAfter = d.height(); widthAfter = d.width(); msg = msg ? msg + "." : ""; actual = { width: widthAfter, height: heightAfter }, expected = { width: widthBefore + dw, height: heightBefore + dh }; deepEqual(actual, expected, "resized[" + 50 + ", " + 50 + "] " + msg); } };