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File: src/MSD/HomeBundle/Resources/public/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_methods.js

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  Classes of Manolo Salsas   Online PHP Image Transform   src/MSD/HomeBundle/Resources/public/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_methods.js   Download  
File: src/MSD/HomeBundle/Resources/public/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_methods.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Online PHP Image Transform
Application to do interactive image manipulation
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 3,618 bytes


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(function( $ ) { var equalHeight = TestHelpers.accordion.equalHeight, setupTeardown = TestHelpers.accordion.setupTeardown, state = TestHelpers.accordion.state; module( "accordion: methods", setupTeardown() ); test( "destroy", function() { expect( 1 ); domEqual( "#list1", function() { $( "#list1" ).accordion().accordion( "destroy" ); }); }); test( "enable/disable", function() { expect( 4 ); var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion(); state( element, 1, 0, 0 ); element.accordion( "disable" ); // event does nothing element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 1 ).trigger( "click" ); state( element, 1, 0, 0 ); // option still works element.accordion( "option", "active", 1 ); state( element, 0, 1, 0 ); element.accordion( "enable" ); element.accordion( "option", "active", 2 ); state( element, 0, 0, 1 ); }); test( "refresh", function() { expect( 19 ); var element = $( "#navigation" ) .parent() .height( 300 ) .end() .accordion({ heightStyle: "fill" }); equalHeight( element, 255 ); element.parent().height( 500 ); element.accordion( "refresh" ); equalHeight( element, 455 ); element = $( "#list1" ); element.accordion(); state( element, 1, 0, 0 ); // disable panel via markup element.find( "" ).eq( 1 ).addClass( "ui-state-disabled" ); element.accordion( "refresh" ); state( element, 1, 0, 0 ); // don't add multiple icons element.accordion( "refresh" ); equal( element.find( ".ui-accordion-header-icon" ).length, 3 ); // add a panel element .append("<h3 class='bar' id='new_1'>new 1</h3>") .append("<div class='foo' id='new_1_panel'>new 1</div>"); element.accordion( "refresh" ); state( element, 1, 0, 0, 0 ); // remove all tabs element.find( "," ).remove(); element.accordion( "refresh" ); state( element ); equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), false, "no active accordion panel" ); // add panels element .append("<h3 class='bar' id='new_2'>new 2</h3>") .append("<div class='foo' id='new_2_panel'>new 2</div>") .append("<h3 class='bar' id='new_3'>new 3</h3>") .append("<div class='foo' id='new_3_panel'>new 3</div>") .append("<h3 class='bar' id='new_4'>new 4</h3>") .append("<div class='foo' id='new_4_panel'>new 4</div>") .append("<h3 class='bar' id='new_5'>new 5</h3>") .append("<div class='foo' id='new_5_panel'>new 5</div>"); element.accordion( "refresh" ); state( element, 1, 0, 0, 0 ); // activate third tab element.accordion( "option", "active", 2 ); state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0 ); // remove fourth panel, third panel should stay active element.find( "" ).eq( 3 ).remove(); element.find( "" ).eq( 3 ).remove(); element.accordion( "refresh" ); state( element, 0, 0, 1 ); // remove third (active) panel, second panel should become active element.find( "" ).eq( 2 ).remove(); element.find( "" ).eq( 2 ).remove(); element.accordion( "refresh" ); state( element, 0, 1 ); // remove first panel, previously active panel (now first) should stay active element.find( "" ).eq( 0 ).remove(); element.find( "" ).eq( 0 ).remove(); element.accordion( "refresh" ); state( element, 1 ); // collapse all panels element.accordion( "option", { collapsible: true, active: false }); state( element, 0 ); element.accordion( "refresh" ); state( element, 0 ); }); test( "widget", function() { expect( 2 ); var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion(), widgetElement = element.accordion( "widget" ); equal( widgetElement.length, 1, "one element" ); strictEqual( widgetElement[ 0 ], element[ 0 ], "same element" ); }); }( jQuery ) );