PHP Classes

File: captcha/languages/en.lng

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  Classes of Axel Pardemann   AMDev_Captcha   captcha/languages/en.lng   Download  
File: captcha/languages/en.lng
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: English language for CAPTCHA messages
Class: AMDev_Captcha
Generate form elements for CAPTCHA validation
Author: By
Last change: MSG_IMG_ALT_TEXT was missing the letter T at the beginning
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 729 bytes



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[AMDev Captcha Language Messages] LANGUAGE = "English" MSG_TYPE_DISPLAYED_CHARS = "Type in the textfield the characters you see in the image below:" MSG_CANNOT_READ_CHARS = "If you cannot read the characters displayed in the image click the button to generate another one." MSG_BUTTON_REFRESH = "Generate new" MSG_CASE_SENSITIVE = "(The characters are case-sensitive)" MSG_IMG_ALT_TEXT = "This is a captcha-picture. It is used to prevent mass-access by robots. (see:" MSG_TEXTBOX_LABEL = "Code: " [AMDev Captcha Language Error Messages] ERR_INVALID_CHARS = "The characters in the image are not correct. Please try again." ERR_MAX_TRIES_REACHED = "Reached the maximum number of tries with no success."