PHP Classes

File: tests/Utf8GlobalPart1Test.php

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  Classes of Lars Moelleken   Portable UTF-8   tests/Utf8GlobalPart1Test.php  
File: tests/Utf8GlobalPart1Test.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: Portable UTF-8
Manipulate UTF-8 text strings in pure PHP
Author: By
Last change: [!]: removed "deprecated" methods
[+]: add more tests + update the changelog
[+]: try to run test for php 8 v2.1
[+]: try to run test for php 8 v2
[+]: try to run test for php 8
[~]: optimize performance by re-using the result of "strlen()"
[+]: update "voku/portable-ascii"
[~]: move examples into the code
[+]: fix "UTF8::is_utf8*" -> big thanks @daniel-jeffery

"The UTF8::is_utf8_string function is incorrectly detecting UTF8 encoding when the last byte in a string forms an incomplete multibyte character." -
[+]: fix some php notices (php 7.0)
[+]: fix some php notices
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 529,382 bytes


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