PHP Classes

File: phpstan.neon

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  Classes of Lars Moelleken   Arrayy   phpstan.neon   Download  
File: phpstan.neon
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Arrayy
Manipulate arrays using a fluent interface
Author: By
Last change: [+]: try to optimize PhpStorm autocompletion v1
[-]: small clean-up only
[*]: removed some hacks for phpstan

-> some callable stuff was fixed in phpstan, so that we do not need to ignore the error anymore
[+]: fixed for phpstan level 8
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 1,698 bytes



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parameters: level: 8 reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false checkGenericClassInNonGenericObjectType: true checkMissingIterableValueType: false paths: - %currentWorkingDirectory%/src/ - %currentWorkingDirectory%/tests/ ignoreErrors: - message: ~has no return type specified~ path: %currentWorkingDirectory%/tests/* - message: '#assertContains|assertInternalType|assertStringContainsString|assertIsArray|expectExceptionMessage#' path: %currentWorkingDirectory%/tests/* - message: ~Call to an undefined static method~ path: %currentWorkingDirectory%/tests/StaticArrayyTest.php # false-positive? - '/function call_user_func expects callable.*array\{.*\} given/' - '/function call_user_func_array expects callable.*array\{.*\} given/' - '/\(array<TKey of \(int\|string\), T>\) does not accept array<TKey of \(int\|string\)/' - '/\(array<TKey of \(int\|string\), T>\) does not accept array<int, T>/' - '/\(array<TKey of \(int\|string\), T>\) does not accept array<int\|string, T>/' - '/array_map expects \(callable\(mixed\):/' # ignore gernal errors - '/Unsafe usage of new static/' - '/should be compatible with return type \(bool\) of method ArrayObject/' # ignore Iterator stuff - '/__construct\(\) has parameter \$iteratorClass with generic/' - '/create\(\) has parameter \$iteratorClass with generic/' - '/parameter \$iteratorClass with generic class Arrayy\\ArrayyIterator/' - '/generic class Arrayy\\ArrayyIterator does not specify its types/'