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File: DTD/many_entities.dtd

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File: DTD/many_entities.dtd
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Sweeper
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<!-- File special.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. --> <!ENTITY bdquo "&#x0201E;" ><!--double low-9 quotation mark --> <!ENTITY circ "&#x002C6;" ><!--circumflex accent = spacing circumflex --> <!ENTITY circ "&#x002C6;" ><!--circumflex accent = spacing circumflex --> <!ENTITY Dagger "&#x02021;" ><!--double dagger --> <!ENTITY dagger "&#x02020;" ><!--dagger --> <!ENTITY emsp "&#x02003;" ><!--em space --> <!ENTITY ensp "&#x02002;" ><!--en space --> <!ENTITY euro "&#x020AC;" ><!--euro sign --> <!ENTITY gt "&#x0003E;" ><!--greater-than sign --> <!ENTITY ldquo "&#x0201C;" ><!--left double quotation mark --> <!ENTITY lrm "&#x0200E;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY lsaquo "&#x02039;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY lsquo "&#x02018;" ><!--left single quotation mark --> <!ENTITY lt "&#38;#60;" ><!--less-than sign --> <!ENTITY mdash "&#x02014;" ><!--em dash --> <!ENTITY ndash "&#x02013;" ><!--en dash --> <!ENTITY OElig "&#x00152;" ><!--latin capital ligature OE --> <!ENTITY oelig "&#x00153;" ><!--latin small ligature oe --> <!ENTITY permil "&#x02030;" ><!--per mille sign --> <!ENTITY quot "&#x00022;" ><!--quotation mark = APL quote --> <!ENTITY rdquo "&#x0201D;" ><!--right double quotation mark --> <!ENTITY rlm "&#x0200F;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY rsaquo "&#x0203A;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY rsquo "&#x02019;" ><!--right single quotation mark --> <!ENTITY sbquo "&#x0201A;" ><!--single low-9 quotation mark --> <!ENTITY Scaron "&#x00160;" ><!--latin capital letter S with caron --> <!ENTITY scaron "&#x00161;" ><!--latin small letter s with caron --> <!ENTITY thinsp "&#x02009;" ><!--thin space --> <!ENTITY tilde "&#x002DC;" ><!--small tilde --> <!ENTITY Yuml "&#x00178;" ><!--latin capital letter Y with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY zwj "&#x0200D;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY zwnj "&#x0200C;" ><!-- --> <!-- File symbol.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. --> <!ENTITY alefsym "&#x02135;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY Alpha "&#x00391;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY alpha "&#x003B1;" ><!--greek small letter alpha --> <!ENTITY and "&#x02227;" ><!--logical and = wedge --> <!ENTITY ang "&#x02220;" ><!--angle --> <!ENTITY asymp "&#x02248;" ><!--almost equal to = asymptotic to --> <!ENTITY Beta "&#x00392;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY beta "&#x003B2;" ><!--greek small letter beta --> <!ENTITY bull "&#x02022;" ><!--bullet = black small circle --> <!ENTITY cap "&#x02229;" ><!--intersection = cap --> <!ENTITY Chi "&#x003A7;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY chi "&#x003C7;" ><!--greek small letter chi --> <!ENTITY clubs "&#x02663;" ><!--black club suit = shamrock --> <!ENTITY cong "&#x02245;" ><!--approximately equal to --> <!ENTITY crarr "&#x021B5;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY cup "&#x0222A;" ><!--union = cup --> <!ENTITY dArr "&#x021D3;" ><!--downwards double arrow --> <!ENTITY darr "&#x02193;" ><!--downwards arrow --> <!ENTITY Delta "&#x00394;" ><!--greek capital letter delta --> <!ENTITY delta "&#x003B4;" ><!--greek small letter delta --> <!ENTITY diams "&#x02666;" ><!--black diamond suit --> <!ENTITY empty "&#x02205;" ><!--empty set = null set = diameter --> <!ENTITY Epsilon "&#x00395;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY epsilon "&#x003B5;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY equiv "&#x02261;" ><!--identical to --> <!ENTITY Eta "&#x00397;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY eta "&#x003B7;" ><!--greek small letter eta --> <!ENTITY exist "&#x02203;" ><!--there exists --> <!ENTITY fnof "&#x00192;" ><!--latin small f with hook = function = florin --> <!ENTITY forall "&#x02200;" ><!--for all --> <!ENTITY frasl "&#x02044;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY Gamma "&#x00393;" ><!--greek capital letter gamma --> <!ENTITY gamma "&#x003B3;" ><!--greek small letter gamma --> <!ENTITY ge "&#x02265;" ><!--greater-than or equal to --> <!ENTITY hArr "&#x021D4;" ><!--left right double arrow --> <!ENTITY harr "&#x02194;" ><!--left right arrow --> <!ENTITY hearts "&#x02665;" ><!--black heart suit = valentine --> <!ENTITY hellip "&#x02026;" ><!--horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader --> <!ENTITY image "&#x02111;" ><!--blackletter capital I = imaginary part --> <!ENTITY infin "&#x0221E;" ><!--infinity --> <!ENTITY int "&#x0222B;" ><!--integral --> <!ENTITY Iota "&#x00399;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY iota "&#x003B9;" ><!--greek small letter iota --> <!ENTITY isin "&#x02208;" ><!--element of --> <!ENTITY Kappa "&#x0039A;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY kappa "&#x003BA;" ><!--greek small letter kappa --> <!ENTITY Lambda "&#x0039B;" ><!--greek capital letter lambda --> <!ENTITY lambda "&#x003BB;" ><!--greek small letter lambda --> <!ENTITY lang "&#x02329;" ><!--left-pointing angle bracket = bra --> <!ENTITY lArr "&#x021D0;" ><!--leftwards double arrow --> <!ENTITY larr "&#x02190;" ><!--leftwards arrow --> <!ENTITY lceil "&#x02308;" ><!--left ceiling = apl upstile --> <!ENTITY le "&#x02264;" ><!--less-than or equal to --> <!ENTITY lfloor "&#x0230A;" ><!--left floor = apl downstile --> <!ENTITY lowast "&#x02217;" ><!--asterisk operator --> <!ENTITY loz "&#x025CA;" ><!--lozenge --> <!ENTITY minus "&#x02212;" ><!--minus sign --> <!ENTITY Mu "&#x0039C;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY mu "&#x003BC;" ><!--greek small letter mu --> <!ENTITY nabla "&#x02207;" ><!--nabla = backward difference --> <!ENTITY ne "&#x02260;" ><!--not equal to --> <!ENTITY ni "&#x0220B;" ><!--contains as member --> <!ENTITY notin "&#x02209;" ><!--not an element of --> <!ENTITY nsub "&#x02284;" ><!--not a subset of --> <!ENTITY Nu "&#x0039D;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY nu "&#x003BD;" ><!--greek small letter nu --> <!ENTITY oline "&#x0203E;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY Omega "&#x003A9;" ><!--greek capital letter omega --> <!ENTITY omega "&#x003C9;" ><!--greek small letter omega --> <!ENTITY Omicron "&#x0039F;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY omicron "&#x003BF;" ><!--greek small letter omicron --> <!ENTITY oplus "&#x02295;" ><!--circled plus = direct sum --> <!ENTITY or "&#x02228;" ><!--logical or = vee --> <!ENTITY otimes "&#x02297;" ><!--circled times = vector product --> <!ENTITY part "&#x02202;" ><!--partial differential --> <!ENTITY perp "&#x022A5;" ><!--up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular --> <!ENTITY Phi "&#x003A6;" ><!--greek capital letter phi --> <!ENTITY phi "&#x003D5;" ><!--greek small letter phi --> <!ENTITY Pi "&#x003A0;" ><!--greek capital letter pi --> <!ENTITY pi "&#x003C0;" ><!--greek small letter pi --> <!ENTITY piv "&#x003D6;" ><!--greek pi symbol --> <!ENTITY Prime "&#x02033;" ><!--double prime = seconds = inches --> <!ENTITY prime "&#x02032;" ><!--prime = minutes = feet --> <!ENTITY prod "&#x0220F;" ><!--n-ary product = product sign --> <!ENTITY prop "&#x0221D;" ><!--proportional to --> <!ENTITY Psi "&#x003A8;" ><!--greek capital letter psi --> <!ENTITY psi "&#x003C8;" ><!--greek small letter psi --> <!ENTITY radic "&#x0221A;" ><!--square root = radical sign --> <!ENTITY rang "&#x0232A;" ><!--right-pointing angle bracket = ket --> <!ENTITY rArr "&#x021D2;" ><!--rightwards double arrow --> <!ENTITY rarr "&#x02192;" ><!--rightwards arrow --> <!ENTITY rceil "&#x02309;" ><!--right ceiling --> <!ENTITY real "&#x0211C;" ><!--blackletter capital R = real part symbol --> <!ENTITY rfloor "&#x0230B;" ><!--right floor --> <!ENTITY Rho "&#x003A1;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY rho "&#x003C1;" ><!--greek small letter rho --> <!ENTITY sdot "&#x022C5;" ><!--dot operator --> <!ENTITY Sigma "&#x003A3;" ><!--greek capital letter sigma --> <!ENTITY sigma "&#x003C3;" ><!--greek small letter sigma --> <!ENTITY sigmaf "&#x003C2;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY sim "&#x0223C;" ><!--tilde operator = varies with = similar to --> <!ENTITY spades "&#x02660;" ><!--black spade suit --> <!ENTITY sub "&#x02282;" ><!--subset of --> <!ENTITY sube "&#x02286;" ><!--subset of or equal to --> <!ENTITY sum "&#x02211;" ><!--n-ary sumation --> <!ENTITY sup "&#x02283;" ><!--superset of --> <!ENTITY supe "&#x02287;" ><!--superset of or equal to --> <!ENTITY Tau "&#x003A4;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY tau "&#x003C4;" ><!--greek small letter tau --> <!ENTITY there4 "&#x02234;" ><!--therefore --> <!ENTITY Theta "&#x00398;" ><!--greek capital letter theta --> <!ENTITY theta "&#x003B8;" ><!--greek small letter theta --> <!ENTITY thetasym "&#x003D1;" ><!--greek small letter theta symbol --> <!ENTITY trade "&#x02122;" ><!--trade mark sign --> <!ENTITY uArr "&#x021D1;" ><!--upwards double arrow --> <!ENTITY uarr "&#x02191;" ><!--upwards arrow --> <!ENTITY upsih "&#x003D2;" ><!--greek upsilon with hook symbol --> <!ENTITY Upsilon "&#x003A5;" ><!--greek capital letter upsilon --> <!ENTITY upsilon "&#x003C5;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY weierp "&#x02118;" ><!--script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p --> <!ENTITY Xi "&#x0039E;" ><!--greek capital letter xi --> <!ENTITY xi "&#x003BE;" ><!--greek small letter xi --> <!ENTITY Zeta "&#x00396;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY zeta "&#x003B6;" ><!--greek small letter zeta --> <!-- ...................................................................... --> <!-- XML-compatible ISO Latin 1 Character Entity Set for XHTML ............ --> <!-- file: xhtml-lat1.ent Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % xhtml-lat1 PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1 for XHTML//EN" "" > %xhtml-lat1; This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1 for XHTML//EN" SYSTEM "" Revision: xhtml-lat1.ent,v 1.1 2001-05-10 08:41:58 gerald Exp SMI Portions (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986: Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;" ><!-- no-break space = non-breaking space, U+00A0 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY iexcl "&#161;" ><!-- inverted exclamation mark, U+00A1 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY cent "&#162;" ><!-- cent sign, U+00A2 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY pound "&#163;" ><!-- pound sign, U+00A3 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY curren "&#164;" ><!-- currency sign, U+00A4 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY yen "&#165;" ><!-- yen sign = yuan sign, U+00A5 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY brvbar "&#166;" ><!-- broken bar = broken vertical bar, U+00A6 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY sect "&#167;" ><!-- section sign, U+00A7 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY uml "&#168;" ><!-- diaeresis = spacing diaeresis, U+00A8 ISOdia --> <!ENTITY copy "&#169;" ><!-- copyright sign, U+00A9 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY ordf "&#170;" ><!-- feminine ordinal indicator, U+00AA ISOnum --> <!ENTITY laquo "&#171;" ><!-- left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet, U+00AB ISOnum --> <!ENTITY not "&#172;" ><!-- not sign, U+00AC ISOnum --> <!ENTITY shy "&#173;" ><!-- soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen, U+00AD ISOnum --> <!ENTITY reg "&#174;" ><!-- registered sign = registered trade mark sign, U+00AE ISOnum --> <!ENTITY macr "&#175;" ><!-- macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar, U+00AF ISOdia --> <!ENTITY deg "&#176;" ><!-- degree sign, U+00B0 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY plusmn "&#177;" ><!-- plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign, U+00B1 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY sup2 "&#178;" ><!-- superscript two = superscript digit two = squared, U+00B2 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY sup3 "&#179;" ><!-- superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed, U+00B3 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY acute "&#180;" ><!-- acute accent = spacing acute, U+00B4 ISOdia --> <!ENTITY micro "&#181;" ><!-- micro sign, U+00B5 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY para "&#182;" ><!-- pilcrow sign = paragraph sign, U+00B6 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY middot "&#183;" ><!-- middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot, U+00B7 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY cedil "&#184;" ><!-- cedilla = spacing cedilla, U+00B8 ISOdia --> <!ENTITY sup1 "&#185;" ><!-- superscript one = superscript digit one, U+00B9 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY ordm "&#186;" ><!-- masculine ordinal indicator, U+00BA ISOnum --> <!ENTITY raquo "&#187;" ><!-- right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet, U+00BB ISOnum --> <!ENTITY frac14 "&#188;" ><!-- vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter, U+00BC ISOnum --> <!ENTITY frac12 "&#189;" ><!-- vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half, U+00BD ISOnum --> <!ENTITY frac34 "&#190;" ><!-- vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters, U+00BE ISOnum --> <!ENTITY iquest "&#191;" ><!-- inverted question mark = turned question mark, U+00BF ISOnum --> <!ENTITY Agrave "&#192;" ><!-- latin capital letter A with grave = latin capital letter A grave, U+00C0 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Aacute "&#193;" ><!-- latin capital letter A with acute, U+00C1 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Acirc "&#194;" ><!-- latin capital letter A with circumflex, U+00C2 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Atilde "&#195;" ><!-- latin capital letter A with tilde, U+00C3 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Auml "&#196;" ><!-- latin capital letter A with diaeresis, U+00C4 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Aring "&#197;" ><!-- latin capital letter A with ring above = latin capital letter A ring, U+00C5 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY AElig "&#198;" ><!-- latin capital letter AE = latin capital ligature AE, U+00C6 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ccedil "&#199;" ><!-- latin capital letter C with cedilla, U+00C7 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Egrave "&#200;" ><!-- latin capital letter E with grave, U+00C8 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Eacute "&#201;" ><!-- latin capital letter E with acute, U+00C9 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ecirc "&#202;" ><!-- latin capital letter E with circumflex, U+00CA ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Euml "&#203;" ><!-- latin capital letter E with diaeresis, U+00CB ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Igrave "&#204;" ><!-- latin capital letter I with grave, U+00CC ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Iacute "&#205;" ><!-- latin capital letter I with acute, U+00CD ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Icirc "&#206;" ><!-- latin capital letter I with circumflex, U+00CE ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Iuml "&#207;" ><!-- latin capital letter I with diaeresis, U+00CF ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ETH "&#208;" ><!-- latin capital letter ETH, U+00D0 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ntilde "&#209;" ><!-- latin capital letter N with tilde, U+00D1 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ograve "&#210;" ><!-- latin capital letter O with grave, U+00D2 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Oacute "&#211;" ><!-- latin capital letter O with acute, U+00D3 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ocirc "&#212;" ><!-- latin capital letter O with circumflex, U+00D4 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Otilde "&#213;" ><!-- latin capital letter O with tilde, U+00D5 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ouml "&#214;" ><!-- latin capital letter O with diaeresis, U+00D6 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY times "&#215;" ><!-- multiplication sign, U+00D7 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY Oslash "&#216;" ><!-- latin capital letter O with stroke = latin capital letter O slash, U+00D8 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ugrave "&#217;" ><!-- latin capital letter U with grave, U+00D9 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Uacute "&#218;" ><!-- latin capital letter U with acute, U+00DA ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ucirc "&#219;" ><!-- latin capital letter U with circumflex, U+00DB ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Uuml "&#220;" ><!-- latin capital letter U with diaeresis, U+00DC ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Yacute "&#221;" ><!-- latin capital letter Y with acute, U+00DD ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY THORN "&#222;" ><!-- latin capital letter THORN, U+00DE ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY szlig "&#223;" ><!-- latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed, U+00DF ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY agrave "&#224;" ><!-- latin small letter a with grave = latin small letter a grave, U+00E0 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY aacute "&#225;" ><!-- latin small letter a with acute, U+00E1 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY acirc "&#226;" ><!-- latin small letter a with circumflex, U+00E2 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY atilde "&#227;" ><!-- latin small letter a with tilde, U+00E3 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY auml "&#228;" ><!-- latin small letter a with diaeresis, U+00E4 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY aring "&#229;" ><!-- latin small letter a with ring above = latin small letter a ring, U+00E5 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY aelig "&#230;" ><!-- latin small letter ae = latin small ligature ae, U+00E6 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ccedil "&#231;" ><!-- latin small letter c with cedilla, U+00E7 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY egrave "&#232;" ><!-- latin small letter e with grave, U+00E8 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY eacute "&#233;" ><!-- latin small letter e with acute, U+00E9 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ecirc "&#234;" ><!-- latin small letter e with circumflex, U+00EA ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY euml "&#235;" ><!-- latin small letter e with diaeresis, U+00EB ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY igrave "&#236;" ><!-- latin small letter i with grave, U+00EC ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY iacute "&#237;" ><!-- latin small letter i with acute, U+00ED ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY icirc "&#238;" ><!-- latin small letter i with circumflex, U+00EE ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY iuml "&#239;" ><!-- latin small letter i with diaeresis, U+00EF ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY eth "&#240;" ><!-- latin small letter eth, U+00F0 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ntilde "&#241;" ><!-- latin small letter n with tilde, U+00F1 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ograve "&#242;" ><!-- latin small letter o with grave, U+00F2 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY oacute "&#243;" ><!-- latin small letter o with acute, U+00F3 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ocirc "&#244;" ><!-- latin small letter o with circumflex, U+00F4 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY otilde "&#245;" ><!-- latin small letter o with tilde, U+00F5 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ouml "&#246;" ><!-- latin small letter o with diaeresis, U+00F6 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY divide "&#247;" ><!-- division sign, U+00F7 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY oslash "&#248;" ><!-- latin small letter o with stroke, = latin small letter o slash, U+00F8 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ugrave "&#249;" ><!-- latin small letter u with grave, U+00F9 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY uacute "&#250;" ><!-- latin small letter u with acute, U+00FA ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ucirc "&#251;" ><!-- latin small letter u with circumflex, U+00FB ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY uuml "&#252;" ><!-- latin small letter u with diaeresis, U+00FC ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY yacute "&#253;" ><!-- latin small letter y with acute, U+00FD ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY thorn "&#254;" ><!-- latin small letter thorn with, U+00FE ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY yuml "&#255;" ><!-- latin small letter y with diaeresis, U+00FF ISOlat1 --> <!-- end of xhtml-lat1.ent --> <!-- ...................................................................... --> <!-- XML-compatible ISO Special Character Entity Set for XHTML ............ --> <!-- file: xhtml-lat1.ent Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % xhtml-special PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special for XHTML//EN" "" > %xhtml-special; This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special for XHTML//EN" SYSTEM "" Revision: xhtml-special.ent,v 1.1 2001-05-10 08:41:58 gerald Exp SMI Portions (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986: Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!-- Relevant ISO entity set is given unless names are newly introduced. New names (i.e., not in ISO 8879 list) do not clash with any existing ISO 8879 entity names. ISO 10646 character numbers are given for each character, in hex. CDATA values are decimal conversions of the ISO 10646 values and refer to the document character set. Names are Unicode 2.0 names. --> <!-- C0 Controls and Basic Latin --> <!ENTITY quot "&#34;" ><!-- quotation mark = APL quote, U+0022 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY amp "&#38;" ><!-- ampersand, U+0026 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY lt "&#60;" ><!-- less-than sign, U+003C ISOnum --> <!ENTITY gt "&#62;" ><!-- greater-than sign, U+003E ISOnum --> <!-- Latin Extended-A --> <!ENTITY OElig "&#338;" ><!-- latin capital ligature OE, U+0152 ISOlat2 --> <!ENTITY oelig "&#339;" ><!-- latin small ligature oe, U+0153 ISOlat2 --> <!-- ligature is a misnomer, this is a separate character in some languages --> <!ENTITY Scaron "&#352;" ><!-- latin capital letter S with caron, U+0160 ISOlat2 --> <!ENTITY scaron "&#353;" ><!-- latin small letter s with caron, U+0161 ISOlat2 --> <!ENTITY Yuml "&#376;" ><!-- latin capital letter Y with diaeresis, U+0178 ISOlat2 --> <!-- Spacing Modifier Letters --> <!ENTITY circ "&#710;" ><!-- modifier letter circumflex accent, U+02C6 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY tilde "&#732;" ><!-- small tilde, U+02DC ISOdia --> <!-- General Punctuation --> <!ENTITY ensp "&#8194;" ><!-- en space, U+2002 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY emsp "&#8195;" ><!-- em space, U+2003 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY thinsp "&#8201;" ><!-- thin space, U+2009 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY zwnj "&#8204;" ><!-- zero width non-joiner, U+200C NEW RFC 2070 --> <!ENTITY zwj "&#8205;" ><!-- zero width joiner, U+200D NEW RFC 2070 --> <!ENTITY lrm "&#8206;" ><!-- left-to-right mark, U+200E NEW RFC 2070 --> <!ENTITY rlm "&#8207;" ><!-- right-to-left mark, U+200F NEW RFC 2070 --> <!ENTITY ndash "&#8211;" ><!-- en dash, U+2013 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY mdash "&#8212;" ><!-- em dash, U+2014 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY lsquo "&#8216;" ><!-- left single quotation mark, U+2018 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY rsquo "&#8217;" ><!-- right single quotation mark, U+2019 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY sbquo "&#8218;" ><!-- single low-9 quotation mark, U+201A NEW --> <!ENTITY ldquo "&#8220;" ><!-- left double quotation mark, U+201C ISOnum --> <!ENTITY rdquo "&#8221;" ><!-- right double quotation mark, U+201D ISOnum --> <!ENTITY bdquo "&#8222;" ><!-- double low-9 quotation mark, U+201E NEW --> <!ENTITY dagger "&#8224;" ><!-- dagger, U+2020 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY Dagger "&#8225;" ><!-- double dagger, U+2021 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY permil "&#8240;" ><!-- per mille sign, U+2030 ISOtech --> <!-- lsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardized --> <!ENTITY lsaquo "&#8249;" ><!-- single left-pointing angle quotation mark, U+2039 ISO proposed --> <!-- rsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardized --> <!ENTITY rsaquo "&#8250;" ><!-- single right-pointing angle quotation mark, U+203A ISO proposed --> <!ENTITY euro "&#8364;" ><!-- euro sign, U+20AC NEW --> <!-- end of xhtml-special.ent --> <!-- ...................................................................... --> <!-- ISO Math, Greek and Symbolic Character Entity Set for XHTML .......... --> <!-- file: xhtml-lat1.ent Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % xhtml-symbol PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbols for XHTML//EN" "" > %xhtml-symbol; This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbols for XHTML//EN" SYSTEM "" Revision: xhtml-symbol.ent,v 1.1 2001-05-10 08:41:58 gerald Exp SMI Portions (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986: Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!-- Relevant ISO entity set is given unless names are newly introduced. New names (i.e., not in ISO 8879 list) do not clash with any existing ISO 8879 entity names. ISO 10646 character numbers are given for each character, in hex. CDATA values are decimal conversions of the ISO 10646 values and refer to the document character set. Names are Unicode 2.0 names. --> <!-- Latin Extended-B --> <!ENTITY fnof "&#402;" ><!-- latin small f with hook = function = florin, U+0192 ISOtech --> <!-- Greek --> <!ENTITY Alpha "&#913;" ><!-- greek capital letter alpha, U+0391 --> <!ENTITY Beta "&#914;" ><!-- greek capital letter beta, U+0392 --> <!ENTITY Gamma "&#915;" ><!-- greek capital letter gamma, U+0393 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Delta "&#916;" ><!-- greek capital letter delta, U+0394 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Epsilon "&#917;" ><!-- greek capital letter epsilon, U+0395 --> <!ENTITY Zeta "&#918;" ><!-- greek capital letter zeta, U+0396 --> <!ENTITY Eta "&#919;" ><!-- greek capital letter eta, U+0397 --> <!ENTITY Theta "&#920;" ><!-- greek capital letter theta, U+0398 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Iota "&#921;" ><!-- greek capital letter iota, U+0399 --> <!ENTITY Kappa "&#922;" ><!-- greek capital letter kappa, U+039A --> <!ENTITY Lambda "&#923;" ><!-- greek capital letter lambda, U+039B ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Mu "&#924;" ><!-- greek capital letter mu, U+039C --> <!ENTITY Nu "&#925;" ><!-- greek capital letter nu, U+039D --> <!ENTITY Xi "&#926;" ><!-- greek capital letter xi, U+039E ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Omicron "&#927;" ><!-- greek capital letter omicron, U+039F --> <!ENTITY Pi "&#928;" ><!-- greek capital letter pi, U+03A0 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Rho "&#929;" ><!-- greek capital letter rho, U+03A1 --> <!-- there is no Sigmaf, and no U+03A2 character either --> <!ENTITY Sigma "&#931;" ><!-- greek capital letter sigma, U+03A3 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Tau "&#932;" ><!-- greek capital letter tau, U+03A4 --> <!ENTITY Upsilon "&#933;" ><!-- greek capital letter upsilon, U+03A5 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Phi "&#934;" ><!-- greek capital letter phi, U+03A6 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Chi "&#935;" ><!-- greek capital letter chi, U+03A7 --> <!ENTITY Psi "&#936;" ><!-- greek capital letter psi, U+03A8 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Omega "&#937;" ><!-- greek capital letter omega, U+03A9 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY alpha "&#945;" ><!-- greek small letter alpha, U+03B1 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY beta "&#946;" ><!-- greek small letter beta, U+03B2 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY gamma "&#947;" ><!-- greek small letter gamma, U+03B3 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY delta "&#948;" ><!-- greek small letter delta, U+03B4 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY epsilon "&#949;" ><!-- greek small letter epsilon, U+03B5 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY zeta "&#950;" ><!-- greek small letter zeta, U+03B6 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY eta "&#951;" ><!-- greek small letter eta, U+03B7 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY theta "&#952;" ><!-- greek small letter theta, U+03B8 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY iota "&#953;" ><!-- greek small letter iota, U+03B9 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY kappa "&#954;" ><!-- greek small letter kappa, U+03BA ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY lambda "&#955;" ><!-- greek small letter lambda, U+03BB ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY mu "&#956;" ><!-- greek small letter mu, U+03BC ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY nu "&#957;" ><!-- greek small letter nu, U+03BD ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY xi "&#958;" ><!-- greek small letter xi, U+03BE ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY omicron "&#959;" ><!-- greek small letter omicron, U+03BF NEW --> <!ENTITY pi "&#960;" ><!-- greek small letter pi, U+03C0 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY rho "&#961;" ><!-- greek small letter rho, U+03C1 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY sigmaf "&#962;" ><!-- greek small letter final sigma, U+03C2 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY sigma "&#963;" ><!-- greek small letter sigma, U+03C3 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY tau "&#964;" ><!-- greek small letter tau, U+03C4 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY upsilon "&#965;" ><!-- greek small letter upsilon, U+03C5 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY phi "&#966;" ><!-- greek small letter phi, U+03C6 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY chi "&#967;" ><!-- greek small letter chi, U+03C7 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY psi "&#968;" ><!-- greek small letter psi, U+03C8 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY omega "&#969;" ><!-- greek small letter omega, U+03C9 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY thetasym "&#977;" ><!-- greek small letter theta symbol, U+03D1 NEW --> <!ENTITY upsih "&#978;" ><!-- greek upsilon with hook symbol, U+03D2 NEW --> <!ENTITY piv "&#982;" ><!-- greek pi symbol, U+03D6 ISOgrk3 --> <!-- General Punctuation --> <!ENTITY bull "&#8226;" ><!-- bullet = black small circle, U+2022 ISOpub --> <!-- bullet is NOT the same as bullet operator, U+2219 --> <!ENTITY hellip "&#8230;" ><!-- horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader, U+2026 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY prime "&#8242;" ><!-- prime = minutes = feet, U+2032 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY Prime "&#8243;" ><!-- double prime = seconds = inches, U+2033 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY oline "&#8254;" ><!-- overline = spacing overscore, U+203E NEW --> <!ENTITY frasl "&#8260;" ><!-- fraction slash, U+2044 NEW --> <!-- Letterlike Symbols --> <!ENTITY weierp "&#8472;" ><!-- script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p, U+2118 ISOamso --> <!ENTITY image "&#8465;" ><!-- blackletter capital I = imaginary part, U+2111 ISOamso --> <!ENTITY real "&#8476;" ><!-- blackletter capital R = real part symbol, U+211C ISOamso --> <!ENTITY trade "&#8482;" ><!-- trade mark sign, U+2122 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY alefsym "&#8501;" ><!-- alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal, U+2135 NEW --> <!-- alef symbol is NOT the same as hebrew letter alef, U+05D0 although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters --> <!-- Arrows --> <!ENTITY larr "&#8592;" ><!-- leftwards arrow, U+2190 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY uarr "&#8593;" ><!-- upwards arrow, U+2191 ISOnum--> <!ENTITY rarr "&#8594;" ><!-- rightwards arrow, U+2192 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY darr "&#8595;" ><!-- downwards arrow, U+2193 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY harr "&#8596;" ><!-- left right arrow, U+2194 ISOamsa --> <!ENTITY crarr "&#8629;" ><!-- downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return, U+21B5 NEW --> <!ENTITY lArr "&#8656;" ><!-- leftwards double arrow, U+21D0 ISOtech --> <!-- Unicode does not say that lArr is the same as the 'is implied by' arrow but also does not have any other character for that function. So ? lArr can be used for 'is implied by' as ISOtech suggests --> <!ENTITY uArr "&#8657;" ><!-- upwards double arrow, U+21D1 ISOamsa --> <!ENTITY rArr "&#8658;" ><!-- rightwards double arrow, U+21D2 ISOtech --> <!-- Unicode does not say this is the 'implies' character but does not have another character with this function so ? rArr can be used for 'implies' as ISOtech suggests --> <!ENTITY dArr "&#8659;" ><!-- downwards double arrow, U+21D3 ISOamsa --> <!ENTITY hArr "&#8660;" ><!-- left right double arrow, U+21D4 ISOamsa --> <!-- Mathematical Operators --> <!ENTITY forall "&#8704;" ><!-- for all, U+2200 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY part "&#8706;" ><!-- partial differential, U+2202 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY exist "&#8707;" ><!-- there exists, U+2203 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY empty "&#8709;" ><!-- empty set = null set = diameter, U+2205 ISOamso --> <!ENTITY nabla "&#8711;" ><!-- nabla = backward difference, U+2207 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY isin "&#8712;" ><!-- element of, U+2208 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY notin "&#8713;" ><!-- not an element of, U+2209 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY ni "&#8715;" ><!-- contains as member, U+220B ISOtech --> <!-- should there be a more memorable name than 'ni'? --> <!ENTITY prod "&#8719;" ><!-- n-ary product = product sign, U+220F ISOamsb --> <!-- prod is NOT the same character as U+03A0 'greek capital letter pi' though the same glyph might be used for both --> <!ENTITY sum "&#8721;" ><!-- n-ary sumation, U+2211 ISOamsb --> <!-- sum is NOT the same character as U+03A3 'greek capital letter sigma' though the same glyph might be used for both --> <!ENTITY minus "&#8722;" ><!-- minus sign, U+2212 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY lowast "&#8727;" ><!-- asterisk operator, U+2217 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY radic "&#8730;" ><!-- square root = radical sign, U+221A ISOtech --> <!ENTITY prop "&#8733;" ><!-- proportional to, U+221D ISOtech --> <!ENTITY infin "&#8734;" ><!-- infinity, U+221E ISOtech --> <!ENTITY ang "&#8736;" ><!-- angle, U+2220 ISOamso --> <!ENTITY and "&#8743;" ><!-- logical and = wedge, U+2227 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY or "&#8744;" ><!-- logical or = vee, U+2228 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY cap "&#8745;" ><!-- intersection = cap, U+2229 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY cup "&#8746;" ><!-- union = cup, U+222A ISOtech --> <!ENTITY int "&#8747;" ><!-- integral, U+222B ISOtech --> <!ENTITY there4 "&#8756;" ><!-- therefore, U+2234 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY sim "&#8764;" ><!-- tilde operator = varies with = similar to, U+223C ISOtech --> <!-- tilde operator is NOT the same character as the tilde, U+007E, although the same glyph might be used to represent both --> <!ENTITY cong "&#8773;" ><!-- approximately equal to, U+2245 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY asymp "&#8776;" ><!-- almost equal to = asymptotic to, U+2248 ISOamsr --> <!ENTITY ne "&#8800;" ><!-- not equal to, U+2260 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY equiv "&#8801;" ><!-- identical to, U+2261 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY le "&#8804;" ><!-- less-than or equal to, U+2264 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY ge "&#8805;" ><!-- greater-than or equal to, U+2265 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY sub "&#8834;" ><!-- subset of, U+2282 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY sup "&#8835;" ><!-- superset of, U+2283 ISOtech --> <!-- note that nsup, 'not a superset of, U+2283' is not covered by the Symbol font encoding and is not included. Should it be, for symmetry? It is in ISOamsn --> <!ENTITY nsub "&#8836;" ><!-- not a subset of, U+2284 ISOamsn --> <!ENTITY sube "&#8838;" ><!-- subset of or equal to, U+2286 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY supe "&#8839;" ><!-- superset of or equal to, U+2287 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY oplus "&#8853;" ><!-- circled plus = direct sum, U+2295 ISOamsb --> <!ENTITY otimes "&#8855;" ><!-- circled times = vector product, U+2297 ISOamsb --> <!ENTITY perp "&#8869;" ><!-- up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular, U+22A5 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY sdot "&#8901;" ><!-- dot operator, U+22C5 ISOamsb --> <!-- dot operator is NOT the same character as U+00B7 middle dot --> <!-- Miscellaneous Technical --> <!ENTITY lceil "&#8968;" ><!-- left ceiling = apl upstile, U+2308 ISOamsc --> <!ENTITY rceil "&#8969;" ><!-- right ceiling, U+2309 ISOamsc --> <!ENTITY lfloor "&#8970;" ><!-- left floor = apl downstile, U+230A ISOamsc --> <!ENTITY rfloor "&#8971;" ><!-- right floor, U+230B ISOamsc --> <!ENTITY lang "&#9001;" ><!-- left-pointing angle bracket = bra, U+2329 ISOtech --> <!-- lang is NOT the same character as U+003C 'less than' or U+2039 'single left-pointing angle quotation mark' --> <!ENTITY rang "&#9002;" ><!-- right-pointing angle bracket = ket, U+232A ISOtech --> <!-- rang is NOT the same character as U+003E 'greater than' or U+203A 'single right-pointing angle quotation mark' --> <!-- Geometric Shapes --> <!ENTITY loz "&#9674;" ><!-- lozenge, U+25CA ISOpub --> <!-- Miscellaneous Symbols --> <!ENTITY spades "&#9824;" ><!-- black spade suit, U+2660 ISOpub --> <!-- black here seems to mean filled as opposed to hollow --> <!ENTITY clubs "&#9827;" ><!-- black club suit = shamrock, U+2663 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY hearts "&#9829;" ><!-- black heart suit = valentine, U+2665 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY diams "&#9830;" ><!-- black diamond suit, U+2666 ISOpub --> <!-- end of xhtml-symbol.ent --> <!-- Portions (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % HTMLlat1 PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1//EN//HTML"> %HTMLlat1; --> <!ENTITY nbsp CDATA "&#160;" -- no-break space = non-breaking space, U+00A0 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY iexcl CDATA "&#161;" -- inverted exclamation mark, U+00A1 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY cent CDATA "&#162;" -- cent sign, U+00A2 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY pound CDATA "&#163;" -- pound sign, U+00A3 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY curren CDATA "&#164;" -- currency sign, U+00A4 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY yen CDATA "&#165;" -- yen sign = yuan sign, U+00A5 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY brvbar CDATA "&#166;" -- broken bar = broken vertical bar, U+00A6 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY sect CDATA "&#167;" -- section sign, U+00A7 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY uml CDATA "&#168;" -- diaeresis = spacing diaeresis, U+00A8 ISOdia --> <!ENTITY copy CDATA "&#169;" -- copyright sign, U+00A9 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY ordf CDATA "&#170;" -- feminine ordinal indicator, U+00AA ISOnum --> <!ENTITY laquo CDATA "&#171;" -- left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet, U+00AB ISOnum --> <!ENTITY not CDATA "&#172;" -- not sign, U+00AC ISOnum --> <!ENTITY shy CDATA "&#173;" -- soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen, U+00AD ISOnum --> <!ENTITY reg CDATA "&#174;" -- registered sign = registered trade mark sign, U+00AE ISOnum --> <!ENTITY macr CDATA "&#175;" -- macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar, U+00AF ISOdia --> <!ENTITY deg CDATA "&#176;" -- degree sign, U+00B0 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY plusmn CDATA "&#177;" -- plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign, U+00B1 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY sup2 CDATA "&#178;" -- superscript two = superscript digit two = squared, U+00B2 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY sup3 CDATA "&#179;" -- superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed, U+00B3 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY acute CDATA "&#180;" -- acute accent = spacing acute, U+00B4 ISOdia --> <!ENTITY micro CDATA "&#181;" -- micro sign, U+00B5 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY para CDATA "&#182;" -- pilcrow sign = paragraph sign, U+00B6 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY middot CDATA "&#183;" -- middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot, U+00B7 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY cedil CDATA "&#184;" -- cedilla = spacing cedilla, U+00B8 ISOdia --> <!ENTITY sup1 CDATA "&#185;" -- superscript one = superscript digit one, U+00B9 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY ordm CDATA "&#186;" -- masculine ordinal indicator, U+00BA ISOnum --> <!ENTITY raquo CDATA "&#187;" -- right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet, U+00BB ISOnum --> <!ENTITY frac14 CDATA "&#188;" -- vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter, U+00BC ISOnum --> <!ENTITY frac12 CDATA "&#189;" -- vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half, U+00BD ISOnum --> <!ENTITY frac34 CDATA "&#190;" -- vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters, U+00BE ISOnum --> <!ENTITY iquest CDATA "&#191;" -- inverted question mark = turned question mark, U+00BF ISOnum --> <!ENTITY Agrave CDATA "&#192;" -- latin capital letter A with grave = latin capital letter A grave, U+00C0 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Aacute CDATA "&#193;" -- latin capital letter A with acute, U+00C1 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Acirc CDATA "&#194;" -- latin capital letter A with circumflex, U+00C2 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Atilde CDATA "&#195;" -- latin capital letter A with tilde, U+00C3 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Auml CDATA "&#196;" -- latin capital letter A with diaeresis, U+00C4 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Aring CDATA "&#197;" -- latin capital letter A with ring above = latin capital letter A ring, U+00C5 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY AElig CDATA "&#198;" -- latin capital letter AE = latin capital ligature AE, U+00C6 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ccedil CDATA "&#199;" -- latin capital letter C with cedilla, U+00C7 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Egrave CDATA "&#200;" -- latin capital letter E with grave, U+00C8 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Eacute CDATA "&#201;" -- latin capital letter E with acute, U+00C9 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ecirc CDATA "&#202;" -- latin capital letter E with circumflex, U+00CA ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Euml CDATA "&#203;" -- latin capital letter E with diaeresis, U+00CB ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Igrave CDATA "&#204;" -- latin capital letter I with grave, U+00CC ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Iacute CDATA "&#205;" -- latin capital letter I with acute, U+00CD ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Icirc CDATA "&#206;" -- latin capital letter I with circumflex, U+00CE ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Iuml CDATA "&#207;" -- latin capital letter I with diaeresis, U+00CF ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ETH CDATA "&#208;" -- latin capital letter ETH, U+00D0 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ntilde CDATA "&#209;" -- latin capital letter N with tilde, U+00D1 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ograve CDATA "&#210;" -- latin capital letter O with grave, U+00D2 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Oacute CDATA "&#211;" -- latin capital letter O with acute, U+00D3 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ocirc CDATA "&#212;" -- latin capital letter O with circumflex, U+00D4 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Otilde CDATA "&#213;" -- latin capital letter O with tilde, U+00D5 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ouml CDATA "&#214;" -- latin capital letter O with diaeresis, U+00D6 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY times CDATA "&#215;" -- multiplication sign, U+00D7 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY Oslash CDATA "&#216;" -- latin capital letter O with stroke = latin capital letter O slash, U+00D8 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ugrave CDATA "&#217;" -- latin capital letter U with grave, U+00D9 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Uacute CDATA "&#218;" -- latin capital letter U with acute, U+00DA ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Ucirc CDATA "&#219;" -- latin capital letter U with circumflex, U+00DB ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Uuml CDATA "&#220;" -- latin capital letter U with diaeresis, U+00DC ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY Yacute CDATA "&#221;" -- latin capital letter Y with acute, U+00DD ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY THORN CDATA "&#222;" -- latin capital letter THORN, U+00DE ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY szlig CDATA "&#223;" -- latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed, U+00DF ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY agrave CDATA "&#224;" -- latin small letter a with grave = latin small letter a grave, U+00E0 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY aacute CDATA "&#225;" -- latin small letter a with acute, U+00E1 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY acirc CDATA "&#226;" -- latin small letter a with circumflex, U+00E2 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY atilde CDATA "&#227;" -- latin small letter a with tilde, U+00E3 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY auml CDATA "&#228;" -- latin small letter a with diaeresis, U+00E4 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY aring CDATA "&#229;" -- latin small letter a with ring above = latin small letter a ring, U+00E5 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY aelig CDATA "&#230;" -- latin small letter ae = latin small ligature ae, U+00E6 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ccedil CDATA "&#231;" -- latin small letter c with cedilla, U+00E7 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY egrave CDATA "&#232;" -- latin small letter e with grave, U+00E8 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY eacute CDATA "&#233;" -- latin small letter e with acute, U+00E9 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ecirc CDATA "&#234;" -- latin small letter e with circumflex, U+00EA ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY euml CDATA "&#235;" -- latin small letter e with diaeresis, U+00EB ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY igrave CDATA "&#236;" -- latin small letter i with grave, U+00EC ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY iacute CDATA "&#237;" -- latin small letter i with acute, U+00ED ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY icirc CDATA "&#238;" -- latin small letter i with circumflex, U+00EE ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY iuml CDATA "&#239;" -- latin small letter i with diaeresis, U+00EF ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY eth CDATA "&#240;" -- latin small letter eth, U+00F0 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ntilde CDATA "&#241;" -- latin small letter n with tilde, U+00F1 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ograve CDATA "&#242;" -- latin small letter o with grave, U+00F2 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY oacute CDATA "&#243;" -- latin small letter o with acute, U+00F3 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ocirc CDATA "&#244;" -- latin small letter o with circumflex, U+00F4 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY otilde CDATA "&#245;" -- latin small letter o with tilde, U+00F5 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ouml CDATA "&#246;" -- latin small letter o with diaeresis, U+00F6 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY divide CDATA "&#247;" -- division sign, U+00F7 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY oslash CDATA "&#248;" -- latin small letter o with stroke, = latin small letter o slash, U+00F8 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ugrave CDATA "&#249;" -- latin small letter u with grave, U+00F9 ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY uacute CDATA "&#250;" -- latin small letter u with acute, U+00FA ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY ucirc CDATA "&#251;" -- latin small letter u with circumflex, U+00FB ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY uuml CDATA "&#252;" -- latin small letter u with diaeresis, U+00FC ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY yacute CDATA "&#253;" -- latin small letter y with acute, U+00FD ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY thorn CDATA "&#254;" -- latin small letter thorn with, U+00FE ISOlat1 --> <!ENTITY yuml CDATA "&#255;" -- latin small letter y with diaeresis, U+00FF ISOlat1 --><!-- Special characters for HTML --> <!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % HTMLspecial PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special//EN//HTML"> %HTMLspecial; --> <!-- Portions (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986: Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!-- Relevant ISO entity set is given unless names are newly introduced. New names (i.e., not in ISO 8879 list) do not clash with any existing ISO 8879 entity names. ISO 10646 character numbers are given for each character, in hex. CDATA values are decimal conversions of the ISO 10646 values and refer to the document character set. Names are Unicode 2.0 names. --> <!-- C0 Controls and Basic Latin --> <!ENTITY quot CDATA "&#34;" -- quotation mark = APL quote, U+0022 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY amp CDATA "&#38;" -- ampersand, U+0026 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY lt CDATA "&#60;" -- less-than sign, U+003C ISOnum --> <!ENTITY gt CDATA "&#62;" -- greater-than sign, U+003E ISOnum --> <!-- Latin Extended-A --> <!ENTITY OElig CDATA "&#338;" -- latin capital ligature OE, U+0152 ISOlat2 --> <!ENTITY oelig CDATA "&#339;" -- latin small ligature oe, U+0153 ISOlat2 --> <!-- ligature is a misnomer, this is a separate character in some languages --> <!ENTITY Scaron CDATA "&#352;" -- latin capital letter S with caron, U+0160 ISOlat2 --> <!ENTITY scaron CDATA "&#353;" -- latin small letter s with caron, U+0161 ISOlat2 --> <!ENTITY Yuml CDATA "&#376;" -- latin capital letter Y with diaeresis, U+0178 ISOlat2 --> <!-- Spacing Modifier Letters --> <!ENTITY circ CDATA "&#710;" -- modifier letter circumflex accent, U+02C6 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY tilde CDATA "&#732;" -- small tilde, U+02DC ISOdia --> <!-- General Punctuation --> <!ENTITY ensp CDATA "&#8194;" -- en space, U+2002 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY emsp CDATA "&#8195;" -- em space, U+2003 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY thinsp CDATA "&#8201;" -- thin space, U+2009 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY zwnj CDATA "&#8204;" -- zero width non-joiner, U+200C NEW RFC 2070 --> <!ENTITY zwj CDATA "&#8205;" -- zero width joiner, U+200D NEW RFC 2070 --> <!ENTITY lrm CDATA "&#8206;" -- left-to-right mark, U+200E NEW RFC 2070 --> <!ENTITY rlm CDATA "&#8207;" -- right-to-left mark, U+200F NEW RFC 2070 --> <!ENTITY ndash CDATA "&#8211;" -- en dash, U+2013 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY mdash CDATA "&#8212;" -- em dash, U+2014 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY lsquo CDATA "&#8216;" -- left single quotation mark, U+2018 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY rsquo CDATA "&#8217;" -- right single quotation mark, U+2019 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY sbquo CDATA "&#8218;" -- single low-9 quotation mark, U+201A NEW --> <!ENTITY ldquo CDATA "&#8220;" -- left double quotation mark, U+201C ISOnum --> <!ENTITY rdquo CDATA "&#8221;" -- right double quotation mark, U+201D ISOnum --> <!ENTITY bdquo CDATA "&#8222;" -- double low-9 quotation mark, U+201E NEW --> <!ENTITY dagger CDATA "&#8224;" -- dagger, U+2020 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY Dagger CDATA "&#8225;" -- double dagger, U+2021 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY permil CDATA "&#8240;" -- per mille sign, U+2030 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY lsaquo CDATA "&#8249;" -- single left-pointing angle quotation mark, U+2039 ISO proposed --> <!-- lsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardized --> <!ENTITY rsaquo CDATA "&#8250;" -- single right-pointing angle quotation mark, U+203A ISO proposed --> <!-- rsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardized --> <!ENTITY euro CDATA "&#8364;" -- euro sign, U+20AC NEW --><!-- Mathematical, Greek and Symbolic characters for HTML --> <!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % HTMLsymbol PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbols//EN//HTML"> %HTMLsymbol; --> <!-- Portions (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986: Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!-- Relevant ISO entity set is given unless names are newly introduced. New names (i.e., not in ISO 8879 list) do not clash with any existing ISO 8879 entity names. ISO 10646 character numbers are given for each character, in hex. CDATA values are decimal conversions of the ISO 10646 values and refer to the document character set. Names are Unicode 2.0 names. --> <!-- Latin Extended-B --> <!ENTITY fnof CDATA "&#402;" -- latin small f with hook = function = florin, U+0192 ISOtech --> <!-- Greek --> <!ENTITY Alpha CDATA "&#913;" -- greek capital letter alpha, U+0391 --> <!ENTITY Beta CDATA "&#914;" -- greek capital letter beta, U+0392 --> <!ENTITY Gamma CDATA "&#915;" -- greek capital letter gamma, U+0393 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Delta CDATA "&#916;" -- greek capital letter delta, U+0394 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Epsilon CDATA "&#917;" -- greek capital letter epsilon, U+0395 --> <!ENTITY Zeta CDATA "&#918;" -- greek capital letter zeta, U+0396 --> <!ENTITY Eta CDATA "&#919;" -- greek capital letter eta, U+0397 --> <!ENTITY Theta CDATA "&#920;" -- greek capital letter theta, U+0398 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Iota CDATA "&#921;" -- greek capital letter iota, U+0399 --> <!ENTITY Kappa CDATA "&#922;" -- greek capital letter kappa, U+039A --> <!ENTITY Lambda CDATA "&#923;" -- greek capital letter lambda, U+039B ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Mu CDATA "&#924;" -- greek capital letter mu, U+039C --> <!ENTITY Nu CDATA "&#925;" -- greek capital letter nu, U+039D --> <!ENTITY Xi CDATA "&#926;" -- greek capital letter xi, U+039E ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Omicron CDATA "&#927;" -- greek capital letter omicron, U+039F --> <!ENTITY Pi CDATA "&#928;" -- greek capital letter pi, U+03A0 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Rho CDATA "&#929;" -- greek capital letter rho, U+03A1 --> <!-- there is no Sigmaf, and no U+03A2 character either --> <!ENTITY Sigma CDATA "&#931;" -- greek capital letter sigma, U+03A3 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Tau CDATA "&#932;" -- greek capital letter tau, U+03A4 --> <!ENTITY Upsilon CDATA "&#933;" -- greek capital letter upsilon, U+03A5 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Phi CDATA "&#934;" -- greek capital letter phi, U+03A6 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Chi CDATA "&#935;" -- greek capital letter chi, U+03A7 --> <!ENTITY Psi CDATA "&#936;" -- greek capital letter psi, U+03A8 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY Omega CDATA "&#937;" -- greek capital letter omega, U+03A9 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY alpha CDATA "&#945;" -- greek small letter alpha, U+03B1 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY beta CDATA "&#946;" -- greek small letter beta, U+03B2 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY gamma CDATA "&#947;" -- greek small letter gamma, U+03B3 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY delta CDATA "&#948;" -- greek small letter delta, U+03B4 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY epsilon CDATA "&#949;" -- greek small letter epsilon, U+03B5 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY zeta CDATA "&#950;" -- greek small letter zeta, U+03B6 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY eta CDATA "&#951;" -- greek small letter eta, U+03B7 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY theta CDATA "&#952;" -- greek small letter theta, U+03B8 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY iota CDATA "&#953;" -- greek small letter iota, U+03B9 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY kappa CDATA "&#954;" -- greek small letter kappa, U+03BA ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY lambda CDATA "&#955;" -- greek small letter lambda, U+03BB ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY mu CDATA "&#956;" -- greek small letter mu, U+03BC ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY nu CDATA "&#957;" -- greek small letter nu, U+03BD ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY xi CDATA "&#958;" -- greek small letter xi, U+03BE ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY omicron CDATA "&#959;" -- greek small letter omicron, U+03BF NEW --> <!ENTITY pi CDATA "&#960;" -- greek small letter pi, U+03C0 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY rho CDATA "&#961;" -- greek small letter rho, U+03C1 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY sigmaf CDATA "&#962;" -- greek small letter final sigma, U+03C2 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY sigma CDATA "&#963;" -- greek small letter sigma, U+03C3 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY tau CDATA "&#964;" -- greek small letter tau, U+03C4 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY upsilon CDATA "&#965;" -- greek small letter upsilon, U+03C5 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY phi CDATA "&#966;" -- greek small letter phi, U+03C6 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY chi CDATA "&#967;" -- greek small letter chi, U+03C7 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY psi CDATA "&#968;" -- greek small letter psi, U+03C8 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY omega CDATA "&#969;" -- greek small letter omega, U+03C9 ISOgrk3 --> <!ENTITY thetasym CDATA "&#977;" -- greek small letter theta symbol, U+03D1 NEW --> <!ENTITY upsih CDATA "&#978;" -- greek upsilon with hook symbol, U+03D2 NEW --> <!ENTITY piv CDATA "&#982;" -- greek pi symbol, U+03D6 ISOgrk3 --> <!-- General Punctuation --> <!ENTITY bull CDATA "&#8226;" -- bullet = black small circle, U+2022 ISOpub --> <!-- bullet is NOT the same as bullet operator, U+2219 --> <!ENTITY hellip CDATA "&#8230;" -- horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader, U+2026 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY prime CDATA "&#8242;" -- prime = minutes = feet, U+2032 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY Prime CDATA "&#8243;" -- double prime = seconds = inches, U+2033 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY oline CDATA "&#8254;" -- overline = spacing overscore, U+203E NEW --> <!ENTITY frasl CDATA "&#8260;" -- fraction slash, U+2044 NEW --> <!-- Letterlike Symbols --> <!ENTITY weierp CDATA "&#8472;" -- script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p, U+2118 ISOamso --> <!ENTITY image CDATA "&#8465;" -- blackletter capital I = imaginary part, U+2111 ISOamso --> <!ENTITY real CDATA "&#8476;" -- blackletter capital R = real part symbol, U+211C ISOamso --> <!ENTITY trade CDATA "&#8482;" -- trade mark sign, U+2122 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY alefsym CDATA "&#8501;" -- alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal, U+2135 NEW --> <!-- alef symbol is NOT the same as hebrew letter alef, U+05D0 although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters --> <!-- Arrows --> <!ENTITY larr CDATA "&#8592;" -- leftwards arrow, U+2190 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY uarr CDATA "&#8593;" -- upwards arrow, U+2191 ISOnum--> <!ENTITY rarr CDATA "&#8594;" -- rightwards arrow, U+2192 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY darr CDATA "&#8595;" -- downwards arrow, U+2193 ISOnum --> <!ENTITY harr CDATA "&#8596;" -- left right arrow, U+2194 ISOamsa --> <!ENTITY crarr CDATA "&#8629;" -- downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return, U+21B5 NEW --> <!ENTITY lArr CDATA "&#8656;" -- leftwards double arrow, U+21D0 ISOtech --> <!-- Unicode does not say that lArr is the same as the 'is implied by' arrow but also does not have any other character for that function. So ? lArr can be used for 'is implied by' as ISOtech suggests --> <!ENTITY uArr CDATA "&#8657;" -- upwards double arrow, U+21D1 ISOamsa --> <!ENTITY rArr CDATA "&#8658;" -- rightwards double arrow, U+21D2 ISOtech --> <!-- Unicode does not say this is the 'implies' character but does not have another character with this function so ? rArr can be used for 'implies' as ISOtech suggests --> <!ENTITY dArr CDATA "&#8659;" -- downwards double arrow, U+21D3 ISOamsa --> <!ENTITY hArr CDATA "&#8660;" -- left right double arrow, U+21D4 ISOamsa --> <!-- Mathematical Operators --> <!ENTITY forall CDATA "&#8704;" -- for all, U+2200 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY part CDATA "&#8706;" -- partial differential, U+2202 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY exist CDATA "&#8707;" -- there exists, U+2203 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY empty CDATA "&#8709;" -- empty set = null set = diameter, U+2205 ISOamso --> <!ENTITY nabla CDATA "&#8711;" -- nabla = backward difference, U+2207 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY isin CDATA "&#8712;" -- element of, U+2208 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY notin CDATA "&#8713;" -- not an element of, U+2209 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY ni CDATA "&#8715;" -- contains as member, U+220B ISOtech --> <!-- should there be a more memorable name than 'ni'? --> <!ENTITY prod CDATA "&#8719;" -- n-ary product = product sign, U+220F ISOamsb --> <!-- prod is NOT the same character as U+03A0 'greek capital letter pi' though the same glyph might be used for both --> <!ENTITY sum CDATA "&#8721;" -- n-ary sumation, U+2211 ISOamsb --> <!-- sum is NOT the same character as U+03A3 'greek capital letter sigma' though the same glyph might be used for both --> <!ENTITY minus CDATA "&#8722;" -- minus sign, U+2212 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY lowast CDATA "&#8727;" -- asterisk operator, U+2217 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY radic CDATA "&#8730;" -- square root = radical sign, U+221A ISOtech --> <!ENTITY prop CDATA "&#8733;" -- proportional to, U+221D ISOtech --> <!ENTITY infin CDATA "&#8734;" -- infinity, U+221E ISOtech --> <!ENTITY ang CDATA "&#8736;" -- angle, U+2220 ISOamso --> <!ENTITY and CDATA "&#8743;" -- logical and = wedge, U+2227 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY or CDATA "&#8744;" -- logical or = vee, U+2228 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY cap CDATA "&#8745;" -- intersection = cap, U+2229 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY cup CDATA "&#8746;" -- union = cup, U+222A ISOtech --> <!ENTITY int CDATA "&#8747;" -- integral, U+222B ISOtech --> <!ENTITY there4 CDATA "&#8756;" -- therefore, U+2234 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY sim CDATA "&#8764;" -- tilde operator = varies with = similar to, U+223C ISOtech --> <!-- tilde operator is NOT the same character as the tilde, U+007E, although the same glyph might be used to represent both --> <!ENTITY cong CDATA "&#8773;" -- approximately equal to, U+2245 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY asymp CDATA "&#8776;" -- almost equal to = asymptotic to, U+2248 ISOamsr --> <!ENTITY ne CDATA "&#8800;" -- not equal to, U+2260 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY equiv CDATA "&#8801;" -- identical to, U+2261 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY le CDATA "&#8804;" -- less-than or equal to, U+2264 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY ge CDATA "&#8805;" -- greater-than or equal to, U+2265 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY sub CDATA "&#8834;" -- subset of, U+2282 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY sup CDATA "&#8835;" -- superset of, U+2283 ISOtech --> <!-- note that nsup, 'not a superset of, U+2283' is not covered by the Symbol font encoding and is not included. Should it be, for symmetry? It is in ISOamsn --> <!ENTITY nsub CDATA "&#8836;" -- not a subset of, U+2284 ISOamsn --> <!ENTITY sube CDATA "&#8838;" -- subset of or equal to, U+2286 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY supe CDATA "&#8839;" -- superset of or equal to, U+2287 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY oplus CDATA "&#8853;" -- circled plus = direct sum, U+2295 ISOamsb --> <!ENTITY otimes CDATA "&#8855;" -- circled times = vector product, U+2297 ISOamsb --> <!ENTITY perp CDATA "&#8869;" -- up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular, U+22A5 ISOtech --> <!ENTITY sdot CDATA "&#8901;" -- dot operator, U+22C5 ISOamsb --> <!-- dot operator is NOT the same character as U+00B7 middle dot --> <!-- Miscellaneous Technical --> <!ENTITY lceil CDATA "&#8968;" -- left ceiling = apl upstile, U+2308 ISOamsc --> <!ENTITY rceil CDATA "&#8969;" -- right ceiling, U+2309 ISOamsc --> <!ENTITY lfloor CDATA "&#8970;" -- left floor = apl downstile, U+230A ISOamsc --> <!ENTITY rfloor CDATA "&#8971;" -- right floor, U+230B ISOamsc --> <!ENTITY lang CDATA "&#9001;" -- left-pointing angle bracket = bra, U+2329 ISOtech --> <!-- lang is NOT the same character as U+003C 'less than' or U+2039 'single left-pointing angle quotation mark' --> <!ENTITY rang CDATA "&#9002;" -- right-pointing angle bracket = ket, U+232A ISOtech --> <!-- rang is NOT the same character as U+003E 'greater than' or U+203A 'single right-pointing angle quotation mark' --> <!-- Geometric Shapes --> <!ENTITY loz CDATA "&#9674;" -- lozenge, U+25CA ISOpub --> <!-- Miscellaneous Symbols --> <!ENTITY spades CDATA "&#9824;" -- black spade suit, U+2660 ISOpub --> <!-- black here seems to mean filled as opposed to hollow --> <!ENTITY clubs CDATA "&#9827;" -- black club suit = shamrock, U+2663 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY hearts CDATA "&#9829;" -- black heart suit = valentine, U+2665 ISOpub --> <!ENTITY diams CDATA "&#9830;" -- black diamond suit, U+2666 ISOpub --> <!-- File isoamsa.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY cularr "&#x021B6;" ><!--/curvearrowleft A: left curved arrow --> <!ENTITY curarr "&#x021B7;" ><!--/curvearrowright A: rt curved arrow --> <!ENTITY dArr "&#x021D3;" ><!--/Downarrow A: down dbl arrow --> <!ENTITY darr2 "&#x021CA;" ><!--/downdownarrows A: two down arrows --> <!ENTITY dharl "&#x021C3;" ><!--/downleftharpoon A: dn harpoon-left --> <!ENTITY dharr "&#x021C2;" ><!--/downrightharpoon A: down harpoon-rt --> <!ENTITY dlarr "&#x02199;" ><!--/swarrow A: downward l arrow --> <!ENTITY drarr "&#x02198;" ><!--/searrow A: downward rt arrow --> <!ENTITY hArr "&#x021D4;" ><!--/Leftrightarrow A: l&r dbl arrow --> <!ENTITY harr "&#x02194;" ><!--/leftrightarrow A: l&r arrow --> <!ENTITY harrw "&#x021AD;" ><!--/leftrightsquigarrow A: l&r arr-wavy --> <!ENTITY lAarr "&#x021DA;" ><!--/Lleftarrow A: left triple arrow --> <!ENTITY Larr "&#x0219E;" ><!--/twoheadleftarrow A: --> <!ENTITY larr2 "&#x021C7;" ><!--/leftleftarrows A: two left arrows --> <!ENTITY larrhk "&#x021A9;" ><!--/hookleftarrow A: left arrow-hooked --> <!ENTITY larrlp "&#x021AB;" ><!--/looparrowleft A: left arrow-looped --> <!ENTITY larrtl "&#x021A2;" ><!--/leftarrowtail A: left arrow-tailed --> <!ENTITY lhard "&#x021BD;" ><!--/leftharpoondown A: l harpoon-down --> <!ENTITY lharu "&#x021BC;" ><!--/leftharpoonup A: left harpoon-up --> <!ENTITY lrarr2 "&#x021C6;" ><!--/leftrightarrows A: l arr over r arr --> <!ENTITY lrhar2 "&#x021CB;" ><!--/leftrightharpoons A: l harp over r --> <!ENTITY lsh "&#x021B0;" ><!--/Lsh A: --> <!ENTITY map "&#x021A6;" ><!--/mapsto A: --> <!ENTITY mumap "&#x022B8;" ><!--/multimap A: --> <!ENTITY nearr "&#x02197;" ><!--/nearrow A: NE pointing arrow --> <!ENTITY nhArr "&#x021CE;" ><!--/nLeftrightarrow A: not l&r dbl arr --> <!ENTITY nharr "&#x021AE;" ><!--/nleftrightarrow A: not l&r arrow --> <!ENTITY nlArr "&#x021CD;" ><!--/nLeftarrow A: not implied by --> <!ENTITY nlarr "&#x0219A;" ><!--/nleftarrow A: not left arrow --> <!ENTITY nrArr "&#x021CF;" ><!--/nRightarrow A: not implies --> <!ENTITY nrarr "&#x0219B;" ><!--/nrightarrow A: not right arrow --> <!ENTITY nwarr "&#x02196;" ><!--/nwarrow A: NW pointing arrow --> <!ENTITY olarr "&#x021BA;" ><!--/circlearrowleft A: l arr in circle --> <!ENTITY orarr "&#x021BB;" ><!--/circlearrowright A: r arr in circle --> <!ENTITY rAarr "&#x021DB;" ><!--/Rrightarrow A: right triple arrow --> <!ENTITY Rarr "&#x021A0;" ><!--/twoheadrightarrow A: --> <!ENTITY rarr2 "&#x021C9;" ><!--/rightrightarrows A: two rt arrows --> <!ENTITY rarrhk "&#x021AA;" ><!--/hookrightarrow A: rt arrow-hooked --> <!ENTITY rarrlp "&#x021AC;" ><!--/looparrowright A: rt arrow-looped --> <!ENTITY rarrtl "&#x021A3;" ><!--/rightarrowtail A: rt arrow-tailed --> <!ENTITY rarrw "&#x0219D;" ><!--/squigarrowright A: rt arrow-wavy --> <!ENTITY rhard "&#x021C1;" ><!--/rightharpoondown A: rt harpoon-down --> <!ENTITY rharu "&#x021C0;" ><!--/rightharpoonup A: rt harpoon-up --> <!ENTITY rlarr2 "&#x021C4;" ><!--/rightleftarrows A: r arr over l arr --> <!ENTITY rlhar2 "&#x021CC;" ><!--/rightleftharpoons A: r harp over l --> <!ENTITY rsh "&#x021B1;" ><!--/Rsh A: --> <!ENTITY uArr "&#x021D1;" ><!--/Uparrow A: up dbl arrow --> <!ENTITY uarr2 "&#x021C8;" ><!--/upuparrows A: two up arrows --> <!ENTITY uharl "&#x021BF;" ><!--/upleftharpoon A: up harpoon-left --> <!ENTITY uharr "&#x021BE;" ><!--/uprightharpoon A: up harp-r --> <!ENTITY vArr "&#x021D5;" ><!--/Updownarrow A: up&down dbl arrow --> <!ENTITY varr "&#x02195;" ><!--/updownarrow A: up&down arrow --> <!ENTITY xhArr "&#x027FA;" ><!--/Longleftrightarrow A: long l&r dbl arr --> <!ENTITY xharr "&#x027F7;" ><!--/longleftrightarrow A: long l&r arr --> <!ENTITY xlArr "&#x027F8;" ><!--/Longleftarrow A: long l dbl arrow --> <!ENTITY xrArr "&#x027F9;" ><!--/Longrightarrow A: long rt dbl arr --> <!-- File isoamsb.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY amalg "&#x02A3F;" ><!--/amalg B: amalgamation or coproduct --> <!ENTITY Barwed "&#x02306;" ><!--/doublebarwedge B: log and, dbl bar --> <!ENTITY barwed "&#x02305;" ><!--/barwedge B: logical and, bar above --> <!ENTITY Cap "&#x022D2;" ><!--/Cap /doublecap B: dbl intersection --> <!ENTITY coprod "&#x02210;" ><!--/coprod L: coproduct operator --> <!ENTITY Cup "&#x022D3;" ><!--/Cup /doublecup B: dbl union --> <!ENTITY cuvee "&#x022CE;" ><!--/curlyvee B: curly logical or --> <!ENTITY cuwed "&#x022CF;" ><!--/curlywedge B: curly logical and --> <!ENTITY diam "&#x022C4;" ><!--/diamond B: open diamond --> <!ENTITY divonx "&#x022C7;" ><!--/divideontimes B: division on times --> <!ENTITY intcal "&#x022BA;" ><!--/intercal B: intercal --> <!ENTITY lthree "&#x022CB;" ><!--/leftthreetimes B: --> <!ENTITY ltimes "&#x022C9;" ><!--/ltimes B: times sign, left closed --> <!ENTITY minusb "&#x0229F;" ><!--/boxminus B: minus sign in box --> <!ENTITY oast "&#x0229B;" ><!--/circledast B: asterisk in circle --> <!ENTITY ocir "&#x0229A;" ><!--/circledcirc B: open dot in circle --> <!ENTITY odash "&#x0229D;" ><!--/circleddash B: hyphen in circle --> <!ENTITY odot "&#x02299;" ><!--/odot B: middle dot in circle --> <!ENTITY ominus "&#x02296;" ><!--/ominus B: minus sign in circle --> <!ENTITY oplus "&#x02295;" ><!--/oplus B: plus sign in circle --> <!ENTITY osol "&#x02298;" ><!--/oslash B: solidus in circle --> <!ENTITY otimes "&#x02297;" ><!--/otimes B: multiply sign in circle --> <!ENTITY plusb "&#x0229E;" ><!--/boxplus B: plus sign in box --> <!ENTITY plusdo "&#x02214;" ><!--/dotplus B: plus sign, dot above --> <!ENTITY prod "&#x0220F;" ><!--/prod L: product operator --> <!ENTITY rthree "&#x022CC;" ><!--/rightthreetimes B: --> <!ENTITY rtimes "&#x022CA;" ><!--/rtimes B: times sign, right closed --> <!ENTITY sdot "&#x022C5;" ><!--/cdot B: small middle dot --> <!ENTITY sdotb "&#x022A1;" ><!--/dotsquare /boxdot B: small dot in box --> <!ENTITY setmn "&#x02216;" ><!--/setminus B: reverse solidus --> <!ENTITY sqcap "&#x02293;" ><!--/sqcap B: square intersection --> <!ENTITY sqcup "&#x02294;" ><!--/sqcup B: square union --> <!ENTITY ssetmn "&#x02216;" ><!--/smallsetminus B: sm reverse solidus --> <!ENTITY sstarf "&#x022C6;" ><!--/star B: small star, filled --> <!ENTITY sum "&#x02211;" ><!--/sum L: summation operator --> <!ENTITY timesb "&#x022A0;" ><!--/boxtimes B: multiply sign in box --> <!ENTITY top "&#x022A4;" ><!--/top B: inverted perpendicular --> <!ENTITY uplus "&#x0228E;" ><!--/uplus B: plus sign in union --> <!ENTITY wreath "&#x02240;" ><!--/wr B: wreath product --> <!ENTITY xcirc "&#x025EF;" ><!--/bigcirc B: large circle --> <!ENTITY xdtri "&#x025BD;" ><!--/bigtriangledown B: big dn tri, open --> <!ENTITY xutri "&#x025B3;" ><!--/bigtriangleup B: big up tri, open --> <!-- File isoamsc.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY dlcorn "&#x0231E;" ><!--/llcorner O: downward left corner --> <!ENTITY drcorn "&#x0231F;" ><!--/lrcorner C: downward right corner --> <!ENTITY lceil "&#x02308;" ><!--/lceil O: left ceiling --> <!ENTITY lfloor "&#x0230A;" ><!--/lfloor O: left floor --> <!ENTITY lpargt "&#x029A0;" ><!--/leftparengtr O: left parenthesis, gt --> <!ENTITY rceil "&#x02309;" ><!--/rceil C: right ceiling --> <!ENTITY rfloor "&#x0230B;" ><!--/rfloor C: right floor --> <!ENTITY rpargt "&#x02994;" ><!--/rightparengtr C: right paren, gt --> <!ENTITY ulcorn "&#x0231C;" ><!--/ulcorner O: upper left corner --> <!ENTITY urcorn "&#x0231D;" ><!--/urcorner C: upper right corner --> <!-- File isoamsn.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. References to the VARIANT SELECTOR 1 character (&#x0FE00;) should match the uses listed in Unicode Technical Report 25. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY gnap "&#x02A8A;" ><!--/gnapprox N: greater, not approximate --> <!ENTITY gnE "&#x02269;" ><!--/gneqq N: greater, not dbl equals --> <!ENTITY gne "&#x02A88;" ><!--/gneq N: greater, not equals --> <!ENTITY gnsim "&#x022E7;" ><!--/gnsim N: greater, not similar --> <!ENTITY gvnE "&#x02269;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/gvertneqq N: gt, vert, not dbl eq --> <!ENTITY lnap "&#x02A89;" ><!--/lnapprox N: less, not approximate --> <!ENTITY lnE "&#x02268;" ><!--/lneqq N: less, not double equals --> <!ENTITY lne "&#x02A87;" ><!--/lneq N: less, not equals --> <!ENTITY lnsim "&#x022E6;" ><!--/lnsim N: less, not similar --> <!ENTITY lvnE "&#x02268;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/lvertneqq N: less, vert, not dbl eq --> <!ENTITY nap "&#x02249;" ><!--/napprox N: not approximate --> <!ENTITY ncong "&#x02247;" ><!--/ncong N: not congruent with --> <!ENTITY nequiv "&#x02262;" ><!--/nequiv N: not identical with --> <!ENTITY ngE "&#x02267;&#x00338;" ><!--/ngeqq N: not greater, dbl equals --> <!ENTITY nge "&#x02271;" ><!--/ngeq N: not greater-than-or-equal --> <!ENTITY nges "&#x02A7E;&#x00338;" ><!--/ngeqslant N: not gt-or-eq, slanted --> <!ENTITY ngt "&#x0226F;" ><!--/ngtr N: not greater-than --> <!ENTITY nlE "&#x02266;&#x00338;" ><!--/nleqq N: not less, dbl equals --> <!ENTITY nle "&#x02270;" ><!--/nleq N: not less-than-or-equal --> <!ENTITY nles "&#x02A7D;&#x00338;" ><!--/nleqslant N: not less-or-eq, slant --> <!ENTITY nlt "&#x0226E;" ><!--/nless N: not less-than --> <!ENTITY nltri "&#x022EA;" ><!--/ntriangleleft N: not left triangle --> <!ENTITY nltrie "&#x022EC;" ><!--/ntrianglelefteq N: not l tri, eq --> <!ENTITY nmid "&#x02224;" ><!--/nmid --> <!ENTITY npar "&#x02226;" ><!--/nparallel N: not parallel --> <!ENTITY npr "&#x02280;" ><!--/nprec N: not precedes --> <!ENTITY npre "&#x02AAF;&#x00338;" ><!--/npreceq N: not precedes, equals --> <!ENTITY nrtri "&#x022EB;" ><!--/ntriangleright N: not rt triangle --> <!ENTITY nrtrie "&#x022ED;" ><!--/ntrianglerighteq N: not r tri, eq --> <!ENTITY nsc "&#x02281;" ><!--/nsucc N: not succeeds --> <!ENTITY nsce "&#x02AB0;&#x00338;" ><!--/nsucceq N: not succeeds, equals --> <!ENTITY nsim "&#x02241;" ><!--/nsim N: not similar --> <!ENTITY nsime "&#x02244;" ><!--/nsimeq N: not similar, equals --> <!ENTITY nsmid "&#x02224;" ><!--/nshortmid --> <!ENTITY nspar "&#x02226;" ><!--/nshortparallel N: not short par --> <!ENTITY nsub "&#x02284;" ><!--/nsubset N: not subset --> <!ENTITY nsubE "&#x02AC5;&#x00338;" ><!--/nsubseteqq N: not subset, dbl eq --> <!ENTITY nsube "&#x02288;" ><!--/nsubseteq N: not subset, equals --> <!ENTITY nsup "&#x02285;" ><!--/nsupset N: not superset --> <!ENTITY nsupE "&#x02AC6;&#x00338;" ><!--/nsupseteqq N: not superset, dbl eq --> <!ENTITY nsupe "&#x02289;" ><!--/nsupseteq N: not superset, equals --> <!ENTITY nVDash "&#x022AF;" ><!--/nVDash N: not dbl vert, dbl dash --> <!ENTITY nVdash "&#x022AE;" ><!--/nVdash N: not dbl vertical, dash --> <!ENTITY nvDash "&#x022AD;" ><!--/nvDash N: not vertical, dbl dash --> <!ENTITY nvdash "&#x022AC;" ><!--/nvdash N: not vertical, dash --> <!ENTITY prnap "&#x02AB9;" ><!--/precnapprox N: precedes, not approx --> <!ENTITY prnE "&#x02AB5;" ><!--/precneqq N: precedes, not dbl eq --> <!ENTITY prnsim "&#x022E8;" ><!--/precnsim N: precedes, not similar --> <!ENTITY scnap "&#x02ABA;" ><!--/succnapprox N: succeeds, not approx --> <!ENTITY scnE "&#x02AB6;" ><!--/succneqq N: succeeds, not dbl eq --> <!ENTITY scnsim "&#x022E9;" ><!--/succnsim N: succeeds, not similar --> <!ENTITY subnE "&#x02ACB;" ><!--/subsetneqq N: subset, not dbl eq --> <!ENTITY subne "&#x0228A;" ><!--/subsetneq N: subset, not equals --> <!ENTITY supnE "&#x02ACC;" ><!--/supsetneqq N: superset, not dbl eq --> <!ENTITY supne "&#x0228B;" ><!--/supsetneq N: superset, not equals --> <!ENTITY vsubnE "&#x02ACB;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/subsetneqq N: subset not dbl eq, var --> <!ENTITY vsubne "&#x0228A;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/subsetneq N: subset, not eq, var --> <!ENTITY vsupnE "&#x02ACC;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/supsetneqq N: super not dbl eq, var --> <!ENTITY vsupne "&#x0228B;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/supsetneq N: superset, not eq, var --> <!-- File isoamso.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY ang "&#x02220;" ><!--/angle - angle --> <!ENTITY angmsd "&#x02221;" ><!--/measuredangle - angle-measured --> <!ENTITY beth "&#x02136;" ><!--/beth - beth, Hebrew --> <!ENTITY bprime "&#x02035;" ><!--/backprime - reverse prime --> <!ENTITY comp "&#x02201;" ><!--/complement - complement sign --> <!ENTITY daleth "&#x02138;" ><!--/daleth - daleth, Hebrew --> <!ENTITY ell "&#x02113;" ><!--/ell - cursive small l --> <!ENTITY empty "&#x02205;" ><!--/emptyset /varnothing =small o, slash --> <!ENTITY gimel "&#x02137;" ><!--/gimel - gimel, Hebrew --> <!ENTITY inodot "&#x00131;" ><!--/imath =small i, no dot --> <!ENTITY jnodot "&#x0006A;" ><!--/jmath - small j, no dot --> <!ENTITY nexist "&#x02204;" ><!--/nexists - negated exists --> <!ENTITY oS "&#x024C8;" ><!--/circledS - capital S in circle --> <!ENTITY planck "&#x0210F;" ><!--/hbar /hslash - Planck's over 2pi --> <!ENTITY real "&#x0211C;" ><!--/Re - real --> <!ENTITY sbsol "&#x0FE68;" ><!--/sbs - short reverse solidus --> <!ENTITY vprime "&#x02032;" ><!--/varprime - prime, variant --> <!ENTITY weierp "&#x02118;" ><!--/wp - Weierstrass p --> <!-- File isoamsr.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY ape "&#x0224A;" ><!--/approxeq R: approximate, equals --> <!ENTITY asymp "&#x02248;" ><!--/asymp R: asymptotically equal to --> <!ENTITY bcong "&#x0224C;" ><!--/backcong R: reverse congruent --> <!ENTITY bepsi "&#x003F6;" ><!--/backepsilon R: such that --> <!ENTITY bowtie "&#x022C8;" ><!--/bowtie R: --> <!ENTITY bsim "&#x0223D;" ><!--/backsim R: reverse similar --> <!ENTITY bsime "&#x022CD;" ><!--/backsimeq R: reverse similar, eq --> <!ENTITY bump "&#x0224E;" ><!--/Bumpeq R: bumpy equals --> <!ENTITY bumpe "&#x0224F;" ><!--/bumpeq R: bumpy equals, equals --> <!ENTITY cire "&#x02257;" ><!--/circeq R: circle, equals --> <!ENTITY colone "&#x02254;" ><!--/coloneq R: colon, equals --> <!ENTITY cuepr "&#x022DE;" ><!--/curlyeqprec R: curly eq, precedes --> <!ENTITY cuesc "&#x022DF;" ><!--/curlyeqsucc R: curly eq, succeeds --> <!ENTITY cupre "&#x0227C;" ><!--/curlypreceq R: curly precedes, eq --> <!ENTITY dashv "&#x022A3;" ><!--/dashv R: dash, vertical --> <!ENTITY ecir "&#x02256;" ><!--/eqcirc R: circle on equals sign --> <!ENTITY ecolon "&#x02255;" ><!--/eqcolon R: equals, colon --> <!ENTITY eDot "&#x02251;" ><!--/doteqdot /Doteq R: eq, even dots --> <!ENTITY efDot "&#x02252;" ><!--/fallingdotseq R: eq, falling dots --> <!ENTITY egs "&#x02A96;" ><!--/eqslantgtr R: equal-or-gtr, slanted --> <!ENTITY els "&#x02A95;" ><!--/eqslantless R: eq-or-less, slanted --> <!ENTITY erDot "&#x02253;" ><!--/risingdotseq R: eq, rising dots --> <!ENTITY esdot "&#x02250;" ><!--/doteq R: equals, single dot above --> <!ENTITY fork "&#x022D4;" ><!--/pitchfork R: pitchfork --> <!ENTITY frown "&#x02322;" ><!--/frown R: down curve --> <!ENTITY gap "&#x02A86;" ><!--/gtrapprox R: greater, approximate --> <!ENTITY gE "&#x02267;" ><!--/geqq R: greater, double equals --> <!ENTITY gEl "&#x02A8C;" ><!--/gtreqqless R: gt, dbl equals, less --> <!ENTITY gel "&#x022DB;" ><!--/gtreqless R: greater, equals, less --> <!ENTITY ges "&#x02A7E;" ><!--/geqslant R: gt-or-equal, slanted --> <!ENTITY Gg "&#x022D9;" ><!--/ggg /Gg /gggtr R: triple gtr-than --> <!ENTITY gl "&#x02277;" ><!--/gtrless R: greater, less --> <!ENTITY gsdot "&#x022D7;" ><!--/gtrdot R: greater than, single dot --> <!ENTITY gsim "&#x02273;" ><!--/gtrsim R: greater, similar --> <!ENTITY Gt "&#x0226B;" ><!--/gg R: dbl greater-than sign --> <!ENTITY lap "&#x02A85;" ><!--/lessapprox R: less, approximate --> <!ENTITY ldot "&#x022D6;" ><!--/lessdot R: less than, with dot --> <!ENTITY lE "&#x02266;" ><!--/leqq R: less, double equals --> <!ENTITY lEg "&#x02A8B;" ><!--/lesseqqgtr R: less, dbl eq, greater --> <!ENTITY leg "&#x022DA;" ><!--/lesseqgtr R: less, eq, greater --> <!ENTITY les "&#x02A7D;" ><!--/leqslant R: less-than-or-eq, slant --> <!ENTITY lg "&#x02276;" ><!--/lessgtr R: less, greater --> <!ENTITY Ll "&#x022D8;" ><!--/Ll /lll /llless R: triple less-than --> <!ENTITY lsim "&#x02272;" ><!--/lesssim R: less, similar --> <!ENTITY Lt "&#x0226A;" ><!--/ll R: double less-than sign --> <!ENTITY ltrie "&#x022B4;" ><!--/trianglelefteq R: left triangle, eq --> <!ENTITY mid "&#x02223;" ><!--/mid R: --> <!ENTITY models "&#x022A7;" ><!--/models R: --> <!ENTITY pr "&#x0227A;" ><!--/prec R: precedes --> <!ENTITY prap "&#x02AB7;" ><!--/precapprox R: precedes, approximate --> <!ENTITY pre "&#x02AAF;" ><!--/preceq R: precedes, equals --> <!ENTITY prsim "&#x0227E;" ><!--/precsim R: precedes, similar --> <!ENTITY rtrie "&#x022B5;" ><!--/trianglerighteq R: right tri, eq --> <!ENTITY samalg "&#x02210;" ><!--/smallamalg R: small amalg --> <!ENTITY sc "&#x0227B;" ><!--/succ R: succeeds --> <!ENTITY scap "&#x02AB8;" ><!--/succapprox R: succeeds, approximate --> <!ENTITY sccue "&#x0227D;" ><!--/succcurlyeq R: succeeds, curly eq --> <!ENTITY sce "&#x02AB0;" ><!--/succeq R: succeeds, equals --> <!ENTITY scsim "&#x0227F;" ><!--/succsim R: succeeds, similar --> <!ENTITY sfrown "&#x02322;" ><!--/smallfrown R: small down curve --> <!ENTITY smid "&#x02223;" ><!--/shortmid R: --> <!ENTITY smile "&#x02323;" ><!--/smile R: up curve --> <!ENTITY spar "&#x02225;" ><!--/shortparallel R: short parallel --> <!ENTITY sqsub "&#x0228F;" ><!--/sqsubset R: square subset --> <!ENTITY sqsube "&#x02291;" ><!--/sqsubseteq R: square subset, equals --> <!ENTITY sqsup "&#x02290;" ><!--/sqsupset R: square superset --> <!ENTITY sqsupe "&#x02292;" ><!--/sqsupseteq R: square superset, eq --> <!ENTITY ssmile "&#x02323;" ><!--/smallsmile R: small up curve --> <!ENTITY Sub "&#x022D0;" ><!--/Subset R: double subset --> <!ENTITY subE "&#x02AC5;" ><!--/subseteqq R: subset, dbl equals --> <!ENTITY Sup "&#x022D1;" ><!--/Supset R: dbl superset --> <!ENTITY supE "&#x02AC6;" ><!--/supseteqq R: superset, dbl equals --> <!ENTITY thkap "&#x02248;" ><!--/thickapprox R: thick approximate --> <!ENTITY thksim "&#x0223C;" ><!--/thicksim R: thick similar --> <!ENTITY trie "&#x0225C;" ><!--/triangleq R: triangle, equals --> <!ENTITY twixt "&#x0226C;" ><!--/between R: between --> <!ENTITY Vdash "&#x022A9;" ><!--/Vdash R: dbl vertical, dash --> <!ENTITY vDash "&#x022A8;" ><!--/vDash R: vertical, dbl dash --> <!ENTITY vdash "&#x022A2;" ><!--/vdash R: vertical, dash --> <!ENTITY veebar "&#x022BB;" ><!--/veebar R: logical or, bar below --> <!ENTITY vltri "&#x022B2;" ><!--/vartriangleleft R: l tri, open, var --> <!ENTITY vprop "&#x0221D;" ><!--/varpropto R: proportional, variant --> <!ENTITY vrtri "&#x022B3;" ><!--/vartriangleright R: r tri, open, var --> <!ENTITY Vvdash "&#x022AA;" ><!--/Vvdash R: triple vertical, dash --> <!-- File isobox.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY boxDL "&#x02557;" ><!--lower left quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxDl "&#x02556;" ><!--lower left quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxdL "&#x02555;" ><!--lower left quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxdl "&#x02510;" ><!--lower left quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxDR "&#x02554;" ><!--lower right quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxDr "&#x02553;" ><!--lower right quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxdR "&#x02552;" ><!--lower right quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxdr "&#x0250C;" ><!--lower right quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxH "&#x02550;" ><!--horizontal line --> <!ENTITY boxh "&#x02500;" ><!--horizontal line --> <!ENTITY boxHD "&#x02566;" ><!--lower left and right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxHd "&#x02564;" ><!--lower left and right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxhD "&#x02565;" ><!--lower left and right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxhd "&#x0252C;" ><!--lower left and right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxHU "&#x02569;" ><!--upper left and right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxHu "&#x02567;" ><!--upper left and right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxhU "&#x02568;" ><!--upper left and right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxhu "&#x02534;" ><!--upper left and right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxUL "&#x0255D;" ><!--upper left quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxUl "&#x0255C;" ><!--upper left quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxuL "&#x0255B;" ><!--upper left quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxul "&#x02518;" ><!--upper left quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxUR "&#x0255A;" ><!--upper right quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxUr "&#x02559;" ><!--upper right quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxuR "&#x02558;" ><!--upper right quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxur "&#x02514;" ><!--upper right quadrant --> <!ENTITY boxV "&#x02551;" ><!--vertical line --> <!ENTITY boxv "&#x02502;" ><!--vertical line --> <!ENTITY boxVH "&#x0256C;" ><!--all four quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxVh "&#x0256B;" ><!--all four quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxvH "&#x0256A;" ><!--all four quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxvh "&#x0253C;" ><!--all four quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxVL "&#x02563;" ><!--upper and lower left quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxVl "&#x02562;" ><!--upper and lower left quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxvL "&#x02561;" ><!--upper and lower left quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxvl "&#x02524;" ><!--upper and lower left quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxVR "&#x02560;" ><!--upper and lower right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxVr "&#x0255F;" ><!--upper and lower right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxvR "&#x0255E;" ><!--upper and lower right quadrants --> <!ENTITY boxvr "&#x0251C;" ><!--upper and lower right quadrants --> <!-- File isocyr1.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY Acy "&#x00410;" ><!--=capital A, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY acy "&#x00430;" ><!--=small a, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Bcy "&#x00411;" ><!--=capital BE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY bcy "&#x00431;" ><!--=small be, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY CHcy "&#x00427;" ><!--=capital CHE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY chcy "&#x00447;" ><!--=small che, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Dcy "&#x00414;" ><!--=capital DE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY dcy "&#x00434;" ><!--=small de, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Ecy "&#x0042D;" ><!--=capital E, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY ecy "&#x0044D;" ><!--=small e, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Fcy "&#x00424;" ><!--=capital EF, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY fcy "&#x00444;" ><!--=small ef, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Gcy "&#x00413;" ><!--=capital GHE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY gcy "&#x00433;" ><!--=small ghe, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY HARDcy "&#x0042A;" ><!--=capital HARD sign, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY hardcy "&#x0044A;" ><!--=small hard sign, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Icy "&#x00418;" ><!--=capital I, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY icy "&#x00438;" ><!--=small i, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY IEcy "&#x00415;" ><!--=capital IE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY iecy "&#x00435;" ><!--=small ie, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY IOcy "&#x00401;" ><!--=capital IO, Russian --> <!ENTITY iocy "&#x00451;" ><!--=small io, Russian --> <!ENTITY Jcy "&#x00419;" ><!--=capital short I, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY jcy "&#x00439;" ><!--=small short i, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Kcy "&#x0041A;" ><!--=capital KA, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY kcy "&#x0043A;" ><!--=small ka, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY KHcy "&#x00425;" ><!--=capital HA, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY khcy "&#x00445;" ><!--=small ha, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Lcy "&#x0041B;" ><!--=capital EL, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY lcy "&#x0043B;" ><!--=small el, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Mcy "&#x0041C;" ><!--=capital EM, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY mcy "&#x0043C;" ><!--=small em, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Ncy "&#x0041D;" ><!--=capital EN, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY ncy "&#x0043D;" ><!--=small en, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY numero "&#x02116;" ><!--=numero sign --> <!ENTITY Ocy "&#x0041E;" ><!--=capital O, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY ocy "&#x0043E;" ><!--=small o, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Pcy "&#x0041F;" ><!--=capital PE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY pcy "&#x0043F;" ><!--=small pe, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Rcy "&#x00420;" ><!--=capital ER, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY rcy "&#x00440;" ><!--=small er, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Scy "&#x00421;" ><!--=capital ES, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY scy "&#x00441;" ><!--=small es, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY SHCHcy "&#x00429;" ><!--=capital SHCHA, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY shchcy "&#x00449;" ><!--=small shcha, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY SHcy "&#x00428;" ><!--=capital SHA, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY shcy "&#x00448;" ><!--=small sha, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY SOFTcy "&#x0042C;" ><!--=capital SOFT sign, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY softcy "&#x0044C;" ><!--=small soft sign, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Tcy "&#x00422;" ><!--=capital TE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY tcy "&#x00442;" ><!--=small te, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY TScy "&#x00426;" ><!--=capital TSE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY tscy "&#x00446;" ><!--=small tse, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Ucy "&#x00423;" ><!--=capital U, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY ucy "&#x00443;" ><!--=small u, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Vcy "&#x00412;" ><!--=capital VE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY vcy "&#x00432;" ><!--=small ve, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY YAcy "&#x0042F;" ><!--=capital YA, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY yacy "&#x0044F;" ><!--=small ya, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Ycy "&#x0042B;" ><!--=capital YERU, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY ycy "&#x0044B;" ><!--=small yeru, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY YUcy "&#x0042E;" ><!--=capital YU, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY yucy "&#x0044E;" ><!--=small yu, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY Zcy "&#x00417;" ><!--=capital ZE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY zcy "&#x00437;" ><!--=small ze, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY ZHcy "&#x00416;" ><!--=capital ZHE, Cyrillic --> <!ENTITY zhcy "&#x00436;" ><!--=small zhe, Cyrillic --> <!-- File isocyr2.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY DJcy "&#x00402;" ><!--=capital DJE, Serbian --> <!ENTITY djcy "&#x00452;" ><!--=small dje, Serbian --> <!ENTITY DScy "&#x00405;" ><!--=capital DSE, Macedonian --> <!ENTITY dscy "&#x00455;" ><!--=small dse, Macedonian --> <!ENTITY DZcy "&#x0040F;" ><!--=capital dze, Serbian --> <!ENTITY dzcy "&#x0045F;" ><!--=small dze, Serbian --> <!ENTITY GJcy "&#x00403;" ><!--=capital GJE Macedonian --> <!ENTITY gjcy "&#x00453;" ><!--=small gje, Macedonian --> <!ENTITY Iukcy "&#x00406;" ><!--=capital I, Ukrainian --> <!ENTITY iukcy "&#x00456;" ><!--=small i, Ukrainian --> <!ENTITY Jsercy "&#x00408;" ><!--=capital JE, Serbian --> <!ENTITY jsercy "&#x00458;" ><!--=small je, Serbian --> <!ENTITY Jukcy "&#x00404;" ><!--=capital JE, Ukrainian --> <!ENTITY jukcy "&#x00454;" ><!--=small je, Ukrainian --> <!ENTITY KJcy "&#x0040C;" ><!--=capital KJE, Macedonian --> <!ENTITY kjcy "&#x0045C;" ><!--=small kje Macedonian --> <!ENTITY LJcy "&#x00409;" ><!--=capital LJE, Serbian --> <!ENTITY ljcy "&#x00459;" ><!--=small lje, Serbian --> <!ENTITY NJcy "&#x0040A;" ><!--=capital NJE, Serbian --> <!ENTITY njcy "&#x0045A;" ><!--=small nje, Serbian --> <!ENTITY TSHcy "&#x0040B;" ><!--=capital TSHE, Serbian --> <!ENTITY tshcy "&#x0045B;" ><!--=small tshe, Serbian --> <!ENTITY Ubrcy "&#x0040E;" ><!--=capital U, Byelorussian --> <!ENTITY ubrcy "&#x0045E;" ><!--=small u, Byelorussian --> <!ENTITY YIcy "&#x00407;" ><!--=capital YI, Ukrainian --> <!ENTITY yicy "&#x00457;" ><!--=small yi, Ukrainian --> <!-- File isodia.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY acute "&#x000B4;" ><!--=acute accent --> <!ENTITY breve "&#x002D8;" ><!--=breve --> <!ENTITY caron "&#x002C7;" ><!--=caron --> <!ENTITY cedil "&#x000B8;" ><!--=cedilla --> <!ENTITY circ "&#x002C6;" ><!--circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY dblac "&#x002DD;" ><!--=double acute accent --> <!ENTITY die "&#x000A8;" ><!--=dieresis --> <!ENTITY dot "&#x002D9;" ><!--=dot above --> <!ENTITY grave "&#x00060;" ><!--=grave accent --> <!ENTITY macr "&#x000AF;" ><!--=macron --> <!ENTITY ogon "&#x002DB;" ><!--=ogonek --> <!ENTITY ring "&#x002DA;" ><!--=ring --> <!ENTITY tilde "&#x002DC;" ><!--=tilde --> <!ENTITY uml "&#x000A8;" ><!--=umlaut mark --> <!-- File isogrk1.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY Agr "&#x00391;" ><!--=capital Alpha, Greek --> <!ENTITY agr "&#x003B1;" ><!--=small alpha, Greek --> <!ENTITY Bgr "&#x00392;" ><!--=capital Beta, Greek --> <!ENTITY bgr "&#x003B2;" ><!--=small beta, Greek --> <!ENTITY Dgr "&#x00394;" ><!--=capital Delta, Greek --> <!ENTITY dgr "&#x003B4;" ><!--=small delta, Greek --> <!ENTITY EEgr "&#x00397;" ><!--=capital Eta, Greek --> <!ENTITY eegr "&#x003B7;" ><!--=small eta, Greek --> <!ENTITY Egr "&#x00395;" ><!--=capital Epsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY egr "&#x003B5;" ><!--=small epsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY Ggr "&#x00393;" ><!--=capital Gamma, Greek --> <!ENTITY ggr "&#x003B3;" ><!--=small gamma, Greek --> <!ENTITY Igr "&#x00399;" ><!--=capital Iota, Greek --> <!ENTITY igr "&#x003B9;" ><!--=small iota, Greek --> <!ENTITY Kgr "&#x0039A;" ><!--=capital Kappa, Greek --> <!ENTITY kgr "&#x003BA;" ><!--=small kappa, Greek --> <!ENTITY KHgr "&#x003A7;" ><!--=capital Chi, Greek --> <!ENTITY khgr "&#x003C7;" ><!--=small chi, Greek --> <!ENTITY Lgr "&#x0039B;" ><!--=capital Lambda, Greek --> <!ENTITY lgr "&#x003BB;" ><!--=small lambda, Greek --> <!ENTITY Mgr "&#x0039C;" ><!--=capital Mu, Greek --> <!ENTITY mgr "&#x003BC;" ><!--=small mu, Greek --> <!ENTITY Ngr "&#x0039D;" ><!--=capital Nu, Greek --> <!ENTITY ngr "&#x003BD;" ><!--=small nu, Greek --> <!ENTITY Ogr "&#x0039F;" ><!--=capital Omicron, Greek --> <!ENTITY ogr "&#x003BF;" ><!--=small omicron, Greek --> <!ENTITY OHgr "&#x003A9;" ><!--=capital Omega, Greek --> <!ENTITY ohgr "&#x003C9;" ><!--=small omega, Greek --> <!ENTITY Pgr "&#x003A0;" ><!--=capital Pi, Greek --> <!ENTITY pgr "&#x003C0;" ><!--=small pi, Greek --> <!ENTITY PHgr "&#x003A6;" ><!--=capital Phi, Greek --> <!ENTITY phgr "&#x003C6;" ><!--=small phi, Greek --> <!ENTITY PSgr "&#x003A8;" ><!--=capital Psi, Greek --> <!ENTITY psgr "&#x003C8;" ><!--=small psi, Greek --> <!ENTITY Rgr "&#x003A1;" ><!--=capital Rho, Greek --> <!ENTITY rgr "&#x003C1;" ><!--=small rho, Greek --> <!ENTITY sfgr "&#x003C2;" ><!--=final small sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY Sgr "&#x003A3;" ><!--=capital Sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY sgr "&#x003C3;" ><!--=small sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY Tgr "&#x003A4;" ><!--=capital Tau, Greek --> <!ENTITY tgr "&#x003C4;" ><!--=small tau, Greek --> <!ENTITY THgr "&#x00398;" ><!--=capital Theta, Greek --> <!ENTITY thgr "&#x003B8;" ><!--=small theta, Greek --> <!ENTITY Ugr "&#x003A5;" ><!--=capital Upsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY ugr "&#x003C5;" ><!--=small upsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY Xgr "&#x0039E;" ><!--=capital Xi, Greek --> <!ENTITY xgr "&#x003BE;" ><!--=small xi, Greek --> <!ENTITY Zgr "&#x00396;" ><!--=capital Zeta, Greek --> <!ENTITY zgr "&#x003B6;" ><!--=small zeta, Greek --> <!-- File isogrk2.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY Aacgr "&#x00386;" ><!--=capital Alpha, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY aacgr "&#x003AC;" ><!--=small alpha, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY Eacgr "&#x00388;" ><!--=capital Epsilon, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY eacgr "&#x003AD;" ><!--=small epsilon, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY EEacgr "&#x00389;" ><!--=capital Eta, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY eeacgr "&#x003AE;" ><!--=small eta, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY Iacgr "&#x0038A;" ><!--=capital Iota, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY iacgr "&#x003AF;" ><!--=small iota, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY idiagr "&#x00390;" ><!--=small iota, dieresis, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY Idigr "&#x003AA;" ><!--=capital Iota, dieresis, Greek --> <!ENTITY idigr "&#x003CA;" ><!--=small iota, dieresis, Greek --> <!ENTITY Oacgr "&#x0038C;" ><!--=capital Omicron, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY oacgr "&#x003CC;" ><!--=small omicron, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY OHacgr "&#x0038F;" ><!--=capital Omega, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY ohacgr "&#x003CE;" ><!--=small omega, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY Uacgr "&#x0038E;" ><!--=capital Upsilon, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY uacgr "&#x003CD;" ><!--=small upsilon, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY udiagr "&#x003B0;" ><!--=small upsilon, dieresis, accent, Greek --> <!ENTITY Udigr "&#x003AB;" ><!--=capital Upsilon, dieresis, Greek --> <!ENTITY udigr "&#x003CB;" ><!--=small upsilon, dieresis, Greek --> <!-- File isogrk3.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY alpha "&#x003B1;" ><!--=small alpha, Greek --> <!ENTITY beta "&#x003B2;" ><!--=small beta, Greek --> <!ENTITY chi "&#x003C7;" ><!--=small chi, Greek --> <!ENTITY Delta "&#x00394;" ><!--=capital Delta, Greek --> <!ENTITY delta "&#x003B4;" ><!--=small delta, Greek --> <!ENTITY epsi "&#x003F5;" ><!--=small epsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY epsis "&#x003F5;" ><!--/straightepsilon --> <!ENTITY epsiv "&#x003B5;" ><!--/varepsilon --> <!ENTITY eta "&#x003B7;" ><!--=small eta, Greek --> <!ENTITY Gamma "&#x00393;" ><!--=capital Gamma, Greek --> <!ENTITY gamma "&#x003B3;" ><!--=small gamma, Greek --> <!ENTITY gammad "&#x003DD;" ><!--/digamma --> <!ENTITY iota "&#x003B9;" ><!--=small iota, Greek --> <!ENTITY kappa "&#x003BA;" ><!--=small kappa, Greek --> <!ENTITY kappav "&#x003F0;" ><!--/varkappa --> <!ENTITY Lambda "&#x0039B;" ><!--=capital Lambda, Greek --> <!ENTITY lambda "&#x003BB;" ><!--=small lambda, Greek --> <!ENTITY mu "&#x003BC;" ><!--=small mu, Greek --> <!ENTITY nu "&#x003BD;" ><!--=small nu, Greek --> <!ENTITY Omega "&#x003A9;" ><!--=capital Omega, Greek --> <!ENTITY omega "&#x003C9;" ><!--=small omega, Greek --> <!ENTITY Phi "&#x003A6;" ><!--=capital Phi, Greek --> <!ENTITY phis "&#x003D5;" ><!--/straightphi - straight phi --> <!ENTITY phiv "&#x003C6;" ><!--/varphi - curly or open phi --> <!ENTITY Pi "&#x003A0;" ><!--=capital Pi, Greek --> <!ENTITY pi "&#x003C0;" ><!--=small pi, Greek --> <!ENTITY piv "&#x003D6;" ><!--/varpi --> <!ENTITY Psi "&#x003A8;" ><!--=capital Psi, Greek --> <!ENTITY psi "&#x003C8;" ><!--=small psi, Greek --> <!ENTITY rho "&#x003C1;" ><!--=small rho, Greek --> <!ENTITY rhov "&#x003F1;" ><!--/varrho --> <!ENTITY Sigma "&#x003A3;" ><!--=capital Sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY sigma "&#x003C3;" ><!--=small sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY sigmav "&#x003C2;" ><!--/varsigma --> <!ENTITY tau "&#x003C4;" ><!--=small tau, Greek --> <!ENTITY Theta "&#x00398;" ><!--=capital Theta, Greek --> <!ENTITY thetas "&#x003B8;" ><!--straight theta --> <!ENTITY thetav "&#x003D1;" ><!--/vartheta - curly or open theta --> <!ENTITY Upsi "&#x003D2;" ><!--=capital Upsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY upsi "&#x003C5;" ><!--=small upsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY Xi "&#x0039E;" ><!--=capital Xi, Greek --> <!ENTITY xi "&#x003BE;" ><!--=small xi, Greek --> <!ENTITY zeta "&#x003B6;" ><!--=small zeta, Greek --> <!-- File isogrk4.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY % plane1D "&#38;#38;#x1D"> <!ENTITY b.alpha "%plane1D;6C2;" ><!--small alpha, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.beta "%plane1D;6C3;" ><!--small beta, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.chi "%plane1D;6D8;" ><!--small chi, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.Delta "%plane1D;6AB;" ><!--capital Delta, Greek --> <!ENTITY "%plane1D;6C5;" ><!--small delta, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.epsi "%plane1D;6C6;" ><!--small epsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.epsiv "%plane1D;6DC;" ><!--variant epsilon --> <!ENTITY b.eta "%plane1D;6C8;" ><!--small eta, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.Gamma "%plane1D;6AA;" ><!--capital gamma, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.gamma "%plane1D;6C4;" ><!--small gamma, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.Gammad "&#x003DC;" ><!--capital Digamma --> <!ENTITY b.gammad "&#x003DD;" ><!--digamma --> <!ENTITY b.iota "%plane1D;6CA;" ><!--small iota, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.kappa "%plane1D;6CB;" ><!--small kappa, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.kappav "%plane1D;6DE;" ><!--variant kappa --> <!ENTITY b.Lambda "%plane1D;6B2;" ><!--capital Lambda, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.lambda "%plane1D;6CC;" ><!--small lambda, Greek --> <!ENTITY "%plane1D;6CD;" ><!--small mu, Greek --> <!ENTITY "%plane1D;6CE;" ><!--small nu, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.Omega "%plane1D;6C0;" ><!--capital Omega, Greek --> <!ENTITY "%plane1D;6DA;" ><!--small omega, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.Phi "%plane1D;6BD;" ><!--capital Phi, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.phi "%plane1D;6D7;" ><!--small phi, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.phiv "%plane1D;6DF;" ><!--variant phi --> <!ENTITY b.Pi "%plane1D;6B7;" ><!--capital Pi, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.pi "%plane1D;6D1;" ><!--small pi, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.piv "%plane1D;6E1;" ><!--variant pi --> <!ENTITY b.Psi "%plane1D;6BF;" ><!--capital Psi, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.psi "%plane1D;6D9;" ><!--small psi, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.rho "%plane1D;6D2;" ><!--small rho, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.rhov "%plane1D;6E0;" ><!--variant rho --> <!ENTITY b.Sigma "%plane1D;6BA;" ><!--capital Sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.sigma "%plane1D;6D4;" ><!--small sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.sigmav "%plane1D;6D3;" ><!--variant sigma --> <!ENTITY b.tau "%plane1D;6D5;" ><!--small tau, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.Theta "%plane1D;6AF;" ><!--capital Theta, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.thetas "%plane1D;6C9;" ><!--straight theta, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.thetav "%plane1D;6DD;" ><!--variant thete --> <!ENTITY b.Upsi "%plane1D;6BC;" ><!--capital Upsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.upsi "%plane1D;6D6;" ><!--small upsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.Xi "%plane1D;6B5;" ><!--capital Xi, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.xi "%plane1D;6CF;" ><!--small xi, Greek --> <!ENTITY b.zeta "%plane1D;6C7;" ><!--small zeta, Greek --> <!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. This has been extended for use with HTML to cover the full set of codes in the range 160-255 decimal. --> <!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % ISOlat1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML"> %ISOlat1; --> <!ENTITY nbsp CDATA "&#160;" -- no-break space --> <!ENTITY iexcl CDATA "&#161;" -- inverted exclamation mark --> <!ENTITY cent CDATA "&#162;" -- cent sign --> <!ENTITY pound CDATA "&#163;" -- pound sterling sign --> <!ENTITY curren CDATA "&#164;" -- general currency sign --> <!ENTITY yen CDATA "&#165;" -- yen sign --> <!ENTITY brvbar CDATA "&#166;" -- broken (vertical) bar --> <!ENTITY sect CDATA "&#167;" -- section sign --> <!ENTITY uml CDATA "&#168;" -- umlaut (dieresis) --> <!ENTITY copy CDATA "&#169;" -- copyright sign --> <!ENTITY ordf CDATA "&#170;" -- ordinal indicator, feminine --> <!ENTITY laquo CDATA "&#171;" -- angle quotation mark, left --> <!ENTITY not CDATA "&#172;" -- not sign --> <!ENTITY shy CDATA "&#173;" -- soft hyphen --> <!ENTITY reg CDATA "&#174;" -- registered sign --> <!ENTITY macr CDATA "&#175;" -- macron --> <!ENTITY deg CDATA "&#176;" -- degree sign --> <!ENTITY plusmn CDATA "&#177;" -- plus-or-minus sign --> <!ENTITY sup2 CDATA "&#178;" -- superscript two --> <!ENTITY sup3 CDATA "&#179;" -- superscript three --> <!ENTITY acute CDATA "&#180;" -- acute accent --> <!ENTITY micro CDATA "&#181;" -- micro sign --> <!ENTITY para CDATA "&#182;" -- pilcrow (paragraph sign) --> <!ENTITY middot CDATA "&#183;" -- middle dot --> <!ENTITY cedil CDATA "&#184;" -- cedilla --> <!ENTITY sup1 CDATA "&#185;" -- superscript one --> <!ENTITY ordm CDATA "&#186;" -- ordinal indicator, masculine --> <!ENTITY raquo CDATA "&#187;" -- angle quotation mark, right --> <!ENTITY frac14 CDATA "&#188;" -- fraction one-quarter --> <!ENTITY frac12 CDATA "&#189;" -- fraction one-half --> <!ENTITY frac34 CDATA "&#190;" -- fraction three-quarters --> <!ENTITY iquest CDATA "&#191;" -- inverted question mark --> <!ENTITY Agrave CDATA "&#192;" -- capital A, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Aacute CDATA "&#193;" -- capital A, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Acirc CDATA "&#194;" -- capital A, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Atilde CDATA "&#195;" -- capital A, tilde --> <!ENTITY Auml CDATA "&#196;" -- capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Aring CDATA "&#197;" -- capital A, ring --> <!ENTITY AElig CDATA "&#198;" -- capital AE diphthong (ligature) --> <!ENTITY Ccedil CDATA "&#199;" -- capital C, cedilla --> <!ENTITY Egrave CDATA "&#200;" -- capital E, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Eacute CDATA "&#201;" -- capital E, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ecirc CDATA "&#202;" -- capital E, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Euml CDATA "&#203;" -- capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Igrave CDATA "&#204;" -- capital I, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Iacute CDATA "&#205;" -- capital I, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Icirc CDATA "&#206;" -- capital I, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Iuml CDATA "&#207;" -- capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY ETH CDATA "&#208;" -- capital Eth, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY Ntilde CDATA "&#209;" -- capital N, tilde --> <!ENTITY Ograve CDATA "&#210;" -- capital O, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Oacute CDATA "&#211;" -- capital O, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ocirc CDATA "&#212;" -- capital O, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Otilde CDATA "&#213;" -- capital O, tilde --> <!ENTITY Ouml CDATA "&#214;" -- capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY times CDATA "&#215;" -- multiply sign --> <!ENTITY Oslash CDATA "&#216;" -- capital O, slash --> <!ENTITY Ugrave CDATA "&#217;" -- capital U, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Uacute CDATA "&#218;" -- capital U, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ucirc CDATA "&#219;" -- capital U, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Uuml CDATA "&#220;" -- capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Yacute CDATA "&#221;" -- capital Y, acute accent --> <!ENTITY THORN CDATA "&#222;" -- capital THORN, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY szlig CDATA "&#223;" -- small sharp s, German (sz ligature) --> <!ENTITY agrave CDATA "&#224;" -- small a, grave accent --> <!ENTITY aacute CDATA "&#225;" -- small a, acute accent --> <!ENTITY acirc CDATA "&#226;" -- small a, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY atilde CDATA "&#227;" -- small a, tilde --> <!ENTITY auml CDATA "&#228;" -- small a, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY aring CDATA "&#229;" -- small a, ring --> <!ENTITY aelig CDATA "&#230;" -- small ae diphthong (ligature) --> <!ENTITY ccedil CDATA "&#231;" -- small c, cedilla --> <!ENTITY egrave CDATA "&#232;" -- small e, grave accent --> <!ENTITY eacute CDATA "&#233;" -- small e, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ecirc CDATA "&#234;" -- small e, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY euml CDATA "&#235;" -- small e, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY igrave CDATA "&#236;" -- small i, grave accent --> <!ENTITY iacute CDATA "&#237;" -- small i, acute accent --> <!ENTITY icirc CDATA "&#238;" -- small i, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY iuml CDATA "&#239;" -- small i, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY eth CDATA "&#240;" -- small eth, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY ntilde CDATA "&#241;" -- small n, tilde --> <!ENTITY ograve CDATA "&#242;" -- small o, grave accent --> <!ENTITY oacute CDATA "&#243;" -- small o, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ocirc CDATA "&#244;" -- small o, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY otilde CDATA "&#245;" -- small o, tilde --> <!ENTITY ouml CDATA "&#246;" -- small o, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY divide CDATA "&#247;" -- divide sign --> <!ENTITY oslash CDATA "&#248;" -- small o, slash --> <!ENTITY ugrave CDATA "&#249;" -- small u, grave accent --> <!ENTITY uacute CDATA "&#250;" -- small u, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ucirc CDATA "&#251;" -- small u, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY uuml CDATA "&#252;" -- small u, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY yacute CDATA "&#253;" -- small y, acute accent --> <!ENTITY thorn CDATA "&#254;" -- small thorn, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY yuml CDATA "&#255;" -- small y, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!-- File isolat2.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY Abreve "&#x00102;" ><!--=capital A, breve --> <!ENTITY abreve "&#x00103;" ><!--=small a, breve --> <!ENTITY Amacr "&#x00100;" ><!--=capital A, macron --> <!ENTITY amacr "&#x00101;" ><!--=small a, macron --> <!ENTITY Aogon "&#x00104;" ><!--=capital A, ogonek --> <!ENTITY aogon "&#x00105;" ><!--=small a, ogonek --> <!ENTITY Cacute "&#x00106;" ><!--=capital C, acute accent --> <!ENTITY cacute "&#x00107;" ><!--=small c, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ccaron "&#x0010C;" ><!--=capital C, caron --> <!ENTITY ccaron "&#x0010D;" ><!--=small c, caron --> <!ENTITY Ccirc "&#x00108;" ><!--=capital C, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY ccirc "&#x00109;" ><!--=small c, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Cdot "&#x0010A;" ><!--=capital C, dot above --> <!ENTITY cdot "&#x0010B;" ><!--=small c, dot above --> <!ENTITY Dcaron "&#x0010E;" ><!--=capital D, caron --> <!ENTITY dcaron "&#x0010F;" ><!--=small d, caron --> <!ENTITY Dstrok "&#x00110;" ><!--=capital D, stroke --> <!ENTITY dstrok "&#x00111;" ><!--=small d, stroke --> <!ENTITY Ecaron "&#x0011A;" ><!--=capital E, caron --> <!ENTITY ecaron "&#x0011B;" ><!--=small e, caron --> <!ENTITY Edot "&#x00116;" ><!--=capital E, dot above --> <!ENTITY edot "&#x00117;" ><!--=small e, dot above --> <!ENTITY Emacr "&#x00112;" ><!--=capital E, macron --> <!ENTITY emacr "&#x00113;" ><!--=small e, macron --> <!ENTITY ENG "&#x0014A;" ><!--=capital ENG, Lapp --> <!ENTITY eng "&#x0014B;" ><!--=small eng, Lapp --> <!ENTITY Eogon "&#x00118;" ><!--=capital E, ogonek --> <!ENTITY eogon "&#x00119;" ><!--=small e, ogonek --> <!ENTITY gacute "&#x001F5;" ><!--=small g, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Gbreve "&#x0011E;" ><!--=capital G, breve --> <!ENTITY gbreve "&#x0011F;" ><!--=small g, breve --> <!ENTITY Gcedil "&#x00122;" ><!--=capital G, cedilla --> <!ENTITY Gcirc "&#x0011C;" ><!--=capital G, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY gcirc "&#x0011D;" ><!--=small g, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Gdot "&#x00120;" ><!--=capital G, dot above --> <!ENTITY gdot "&#x00121;" ><!--=small g, dot above --> <!ENTITY Hcirc "&#x00124;" ><!--=capital H, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY hcirc "&#x00125;" ><!--=small h, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Hstrok "&#x00126;" ><!--=capital H, stroke --> <!ENTITY hstrok "&#x00127;" ><!--=small h, stroke --> <!ENTITY Idot "&#x00130;" ><!--=capital I, dot above --> <!ENTITY IJlig "&#x00132;" ><!--=capital IJ ligature --> <!ENTITY ijlig "&#x00133;" ><!--=small ij ligature --> <!ENTITY Imacr "&#x0012A;" ><!--=capital I, macron --> <!ENTITY imacr "&#x0012B;" ><!--=small i, macron --> <!ENTITY inodot "&#x00131;" ><!--=small i without dot --> <!ENTITY Iogon "&#x0012E;" ><!--=capital I, ogonek --> <!ENTITY iogon "&#x0012F;" ><!--=small i, ogonek --> <!ENTITY Itilde "&#x00128;" ><!--=capital I, tilde --> <!ENTITY itilde "&#x00129;" ><!--=small i, tilde --> <!ENTITY Jcirc "&#x00134;" ><!--=capital J, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY jcirc "&#x00135;" ><!--=small j, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Kcedil "&#x00136;" ><!--=capital K, cedilla --> <!ENTITY kcedil "&#x00137;" ><!--=small k, cedilla --> <!ENTITY kgreen "&#x00138;" ><!--=small k, Greenlandic --> <!ENTITY Lacute "&#x00139;" ><!--=capital L, acute accent --> <!ENTITY lacute "&#x0013A;" ><!--=small l, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Lcaron "&#x0013D;" ><!--=capital L, caron --> <!ENTITY lcaron "&#x0013E;" ><!--=small l, caron --> <!ENTITY Lcedil "&#x0013B;" ><!--=capital L, cedilla --> <!ENTITY lcedil "&#x0013C;" ><!--=small l, cedilla --> <!ENTITY Lmidot "&#x0013F;" ><!--=capital L, middle dot --> <!ENTITY lmidot "&#x00140;" ><!--=small l, middle dot --> <!ENTITY Lstrok "&#x00141;" ><!--=capital L, stroke --> <!ENTITY lstrok "&#x00142;" ><!--=small l, stroke --> <!ENTITY Nacute "&#x00143;" ><!--=capital N, acute accent --> <!ENTITY nacute "&#x00144;" ><!--=small n, acute accent --> <!ENTITY napos "&#x00149;" ><!--=small n, apostrophe --> <!ENTITY Ncaron "&#x00147;" ><!--=capital N, caron --> <!ENTITY ncaron "&#x00148;" ><!--=small n, caron --> <!ENTITY Ncedil "&#x00145;" ><!--=capital N, cedilla --> <!ENTITY ncedil "&#x00146;" ><!--=small n, cedilla --> <!ENTITY Odblac "&#x00150;" ><!--=capital O, double acute accent --> <!ENTITY odblac "&#x00151;" ><!--=small o, double acute accent --> <!ENTITY OElig "&#x00152;" ><!--=capital OE ligature --> <!ENTITY oelig "&#x00153;" ><!--=small oe ligature --> <!ENTITY Omacr "&#x0014C;" ><!--=capital O, macron --> <!ENTITY omacr "&#x0014D;" ><!--=small o, macron --> <!ENTITY Racute "&#x00154;" ><!--=capital R, acute accent --> <!ENTITY racute "&#x00155;" ><!--=small r, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Rcaron "&#x00158;" ><!--=capital R, caron --> <!ENTITY rcaron "&#x00159;" ><!--=small r, caron --> <!ENTITY Rcedil "&#x00156;" ><!--=capital R, cedilla --> <!ENTITY rcedil "&#x00157;" ><!--=small r, cedilla --> <!ENTITY Sacute "&#x0015A;" ><!--=capital S, acute accent --> <!ENTITY sacute "&#x0015B;" ><!--=small s, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Scaron "&#x00160;" ><!--=capital S, caron --> <!ENTITY scaron "&#x00161;" ><!--=small s, caron --> <!ENTITY Scedil "&#x0015E;" ><!--=capital S, cedilla --> <!ENTITY scedil "&#x0015F;" ><!--=small s, cedilla --> <!ENTITY Scirc "&#x0015C;" ><!--=capital S, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY scirc "&#x0015D;" ><!--=small s, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Tcaron "&#x00164;" ><!--=capital T, caron --> <!ENTITY tcaron "&#x00165;" ><!--=small t, caron --> <!ENTITY Tcedil "&#x00162;" ><!--=capital T, cedilla --> <!ENTITY tcedil "&#x00163;" ><!--=small t, cedilla --> <!ENTITY Tstrok "&#x00166;" ><!--=capital T, stroke --> <!ENTITY tstrok "&#x00167;" ><!--=small t, stroke --> <!ENTITY Ubreve "&#x0016C;" ><!--=capital U, breve --> <!ENTITY ubreve "&#x0016D;" ><!--=small u, breve --> <!ENTITY Udblac "&#x00170;" ><!--=capital U, double acute accent --> <!ENTITY udblac "&#x00171;" ><!--=small u, double acute accent --> <!ENTITY Umacr "&#x0016A;" ><!--=capital U, macron --> <!ENTITY umacr "&#x0016B;" ><!--=small u, macron --> <!ENTITY Uogon "&#x00172;" ><!--=capital U, ogonek --> <!ENTITY uogon "&#x00173;" ><!--=small u, ogonek --> <!ENTITY Uring "&#x0016E;" ><!--=capital U, ring --> <!ENTITY uring "&#x0016F;" ><!--=small u, ring --> <!ENTITY Utilde "&#x00168;" ><!--=capital U, tilde --> <!ENTITY utilde "&#x00169;" ><!--=small u, tilde --> <!ENTITY Wcirc "&#x00174;" ><!--=capital W, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY wcirc "&#x00175;" ><!--=small w, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Ycirc "&#x00176;" ><!--=capital Y, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY ycirc "&#x00177;" ><!--=small y, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Yuml "&#x00178;" ><!--=capital Y, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Zacute "&#x00179;" ><!--=capital Z, acute accent --> <!ENTITY zacute "&#x0017A;" ><!--=small z, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Zcaron "&#x0017D;" ><!--=capital Z, caron --> <!ENTITY zcaron "&#x0017E;" ><!--=small z, caron --> <!ENTITY Zdot "&#x0017B;" ><!--=capital Z, dot above --> <!ENTITY zdot "&#x0017C;" ><!--=small z, dot above --> <!-- File isomfrk.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY % plane1D "&#38;#38;#x1D"> <!ENTITY Afr "%plane1D;504;" ><!--/frak A, upper case a --> <!ENTITY afr "%plane1D;51E;" ><!--/frak a, lower case a --> <!ENTITY Bfr "%plane1D;505;" ><!--/frak B, upper case b --> <!ENTITY bfr "%plane1D;51F;" ><!--/frak b, lower case b --> <!ENTITY Cfr "&#x0212D;" ><!--/frak C, upper case c --> <!ENTITY cfr "%plane1D;520;" ><!--/frak c, lower case c --> <!ENTITY Dfr "%plane1D;507;" ><!--/frak D, upper case d --> <!ENTITY dfr "%plane1D;521;" ><!--/frak d, lower case d --> <!ENTITY Efr "%plane1D;508;" ><!--/frak E, upper case e --> <!ENTITY efr "%plane1D;522;" ><!--/frak e, lower case e --> <!ENTITY Ffr "%plane1D;509;" ><!--/frak F, upper case f --> <!ENTITY ffr "%plane1D;523;" ><!--/frak f, lower case f --> <!ENTITY Gfr "%plane1D;50A;" ><!--/frak G, upper case g --> <!ENTITY gfr "%plane1D;524;" ><!--/frak g, lower case g --> <!ENTITY Hfr "&#x0210C;" ><!--/frak H, upper case h --> <!ENTITY hfr "%plane1D;525;" ><!--/frak h, lower case h --> <!ENTITY Ifr "&#x02111;" ><!--/frak I, upper case i --> <!ENTITY ifr "%plane1D;526;" ><!--/frak i, lower case i --> <!ENTITY Jfr "%plane1D;50D;" ><!--/frak J, upper case j --> <!ENTITY jfr "%plane1D;527;" ><!--/frak j, lower case j --> <!ENTITY Kfr "%plane1D;50E;" ><!--/frak K, upper case k --> <!ENTITY kfr "%plane1D;528;" ><!--/frak k, lower case k --> <!ENTITY Lfr "%plane1D;50F;" ><!--/frak L, upper case l --> <!ENTITY lfr "%plane1D;529;" ><!--/frak l, lower case l --> <!ENTITY Mfr "%plane1D;510;" ><!--/frak M, upper case m --> <!ENTITY mfr "%plane1D;52A;" ><!--/frak m, lower case m --> <!ENTITY Nfr "%plane1D;511;" ><!--/frak N, upper case n --> <!ENTITY nfr "%plane1D;52B;" ><!--/frak n, lower case n --> <!ENTITY Ofr "%plane1D;512;" ><!--/frak O, upper case o --> <!ENTITY ofr "%plane1D;52C;" ><!--/frak o, lower case o --> <!ENTITY Pfr "%plane1D;513;" ><!--/frak P, upper case p --> <!ENTITY pfr "%plane1D;52D;" ><!--/frak p, lower case p --> <!ENTITY Qfr "%plane1D;514;" ><!--/frak Q, upper case q --> <!ENTITY qfr "%plane1D;52E;" ><!--/frak q, lower case q --> <!ENTITY Rfr "&#x0211C;" ><!--/frak R, upper case r --> <!ENTITY rfr "%plane1D;52F;" ><!--/frak r, lower case r --> <!ENTITY Sfr "%plane1D;516;" ><!--/frak S, upper case s --> <!ENTITY sfr "%plane1D;530;" ><!--/frak s, lower case s --> <!ENTITY Tfr "%plane1D;517;" ><!--/frak T, upper case t --> <!ENTITY tfr "%plane1D;531;" ><!--/frak t, lower case t --> <!ENTITY Ufr "%plane1D;518;" ><!--/frak U, upper case u --> <!ENTITY ufr "%plane1D;532;" ><!--/frak u, lower case u --> <!ENTITY Vfr "%plane1D;519;" ><!--/frak V, upper case v --> <!ENTITY vfr "%plane1D;533;" ><!--/frak v, lower case v --> <!ENTITY Wfr "%plane1D;51A;" ><!--/frak W, upper case w --> <!ENTITY wfr "%plane1D;534;" ><!--/frak w, lower case w --> <!ENTITY Xfr "%plane1D;51B;" ><!--/frak X, upper case x --> <!ENTITY xfr "%plane1D;535;" ><!--/frak x, lower case x --> <!ENTITY Yfr "%plane1D;51C;" ><!--/frak Y, upper case y --> <!ENTITY yfr "%plane1D;536;" ><!--/frak y, lower case y --> <!ENTITY Zfr "&#x02128;" ><!--/frak Z, upper case z --> <!ENTITY zfr "%plane1D;537;" ><!--/frak z, lower case z --> <!-- File isomopf.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY % plane1D "&#38;#38;#x1D"> <!ENTITY Aopf "%plane1D;538;" ><!--/Bbb A, open face A --> <!ENTITY Bopf "%plane1D;539;" ><!--/Bbb B, open face B --> <!ENTITY Copf "&#x02102;" ><!--/Bbb C, open face C --> <!ENTITY Dopf "%plane1D;53B;" ><!--/Bbb D, open face D --> <!ENTITY Eopf "%plane1D;53C;" ><!--/Bbb E, open face E --> <!ENTITY Fopf "%plane1D;53D;" ><!--/Bbb F, open face F --> <!ENTITY Gopf "%plane1D;53E;" ><!--/Bbb G, open face G --> <!ENTITY Hopf "&#x0210D;" ><!--/Bbb H, open face H --> <!ENTITY Iopf "%plane1D;540;" ><!--/Bbb I, open face I --> <!ENTITY Jopf "%plane1D;541;" ><!--/Bbb J, open face J --> <!ENTITY Kopf "%plane1D;542;" ><!--/Bbb K, open face K --> <!ENTITY Lopf "%plane1D;543;" ><!--/Bbb L, open face L --> <!ENTITY Mopf "%plane1D;544;" ><!--/Bbb M, open face M --> <!ENTITY Nopf "&#x02115;" ><!--/Bbb N, open face N --> <!ENTITY Oopf "%plane1D;546;" ><!--/Bbb O, open face O --> <!ENTITY Popf "&#x02119;" ><!--/Bbb P, open face P --> <!ENTITY Qopf "&#x0211A;" ><!--/Bbb Q, open face Q --> <!ENTITY Ropf "&#x0211D;" ><!--/Bbb R, open face R --> <!ENTITY Sopf "%plane1D;54A;" ><!--/Bbb S, open face S --> <!ENTITY Topf "%plane1D;54B;" ><!--/Bbb T, open face T --> <!ENTITY Uopf "%plane1D;54C;" ><!--/Bbb U, open face U --> <!ENTITY Vopf "%plane1D;54D;" ><!--/Bbb V, open face V --> <!ENTITY Wopf "%plane1D;54E;" ><!--/Bbb W, open face W --> <!ENTITY Xopf "%plane1D;54F;" ><!--/Bbb X, open face X --> <!ENTITY Yopf "%plane1D;550;" ><!--/Bbb Y, open face Y --> <!ENTITY Zopf "&#x02124;" ><!--/Bbb Z, open face Z --> <!-- File isomscr.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY % plane1D "&#38;#38;#x1D"> <!ENTITY Ascr "%plane1D;49C;" ><!--/scr A, script letter A --> <!ENTITY ascr "%plane1D;4B6;" ><!--/scr a, script letter a --> <!ENTITY Bscr "&#x0212C;" ><!--/scr B, script letter B --> <!ENTITY bscr "%plane1D;4B7;" ><!--/scr b, script letter b --> <!ENTITY Cscr "%plane1D;49E;" ><!--/scr C, script letter C --> <!ENTITY cscr "%plane1D;4B8;" ><!--/scr c, script letter c --> <!ENTITY Dscr "%plane1D;49F;" ><!--/scr D, script letter D --> <!ENTITY dscr "%plane1D;4B9;" ><!--/scr d, script letter d --> <!ENTITY Escr "&#x02130;" ><!--/scr E, script letter E --> <!ENTITY escr "&#x0212F;" ><!--/scr e, script letter e --> <!ENTITY Fscr "&#x02131;" ><!--/scr F, script letter F --> <!ENTITY fscr "%plane1D;4BB;" ><!--/scr f, script letter f --> <!ENTITY Gscr "%plane1D;4A2;" ><!--/scr G, script letter G --> <!ENTITY gscr "&#x0210A;" ><!--/scr g, script letter g --> <!ENTITY Hscr "&#x0210B;" ><!--/scr H, script letter H --> <!ENTITY hscr "%plane1D;4BD;" ><!--/scr h, script letter h --> <!ENTITY Iscr "&#x02110;" ><!--/scr I, script letter I --> <!ENTITY iscr "%plane1D;4BE;" ><!--/scr i, script letter i --> <!ENTITY Jscr "%plane1D;4A5;" ><!--/scr J, script letter J --> <!ENTITY jscr "%plane1D;4BF;" ><!--/scr j, script letter j --> <!ENTITY Kscr "%plane1D;4A6;" ><!--/scr K, script letter K --> <!ENTITY kscr "%plane1D;4C0;" ><!--/scr k, script letter k --> <!ENTITY Lscr "&#x02112;" ><!--/scr L, script letter L --> <!ENTITY lscr "%plane1D;4C1;" ><!--/scr l, script letter l --> <!ENTITY Mscr "&#x02133;" ><!--/scr M, script letter M --> <!ENTITY mscr "%plane1D;4C2;" ><!--/scr m, script letter m --> <!ENTITY Nscr "%plane1D;4A9;" ><!--/scr N, script letter N --> <!ENTITY nscr "%plane1D;4C3;" ><!--/scr n, script letter n --> <!ENTITY Oscr "%plane1D;4AA;" ><!--/scr O, script letter O --> <!ENTITY oscr "&#x02134;" ><!--/scr o, script letter o --> <!ENTITY Pscr "%plane1D;4AB;" ><!--/scr P, script letter P --> <!ENTITY pscr "%plane1D;4C5;" ><!--/scr p, script letter p --> <!ENTITY Qscr "%plane1D;4AC;" ><!--/scr Q, script letter Q --> <!ENTITY qscr "%plane1D;4C6;" ><!--/scr q, script letter q --> <!ENTITY Rscr "&#x0211B;" ><!--/scr R, script letter R --> <!ENTITY rscr "%plane1D;4C7;" ><!--/scr r, script letter r --> <!ENTITY Sscr "%plane1D;4AE;" ><!--/scr S, script letter S --> <!ENTITY sscr "%plane1D;4C8;" ><!--/scr s, script letter s --> <!ENTITY Tscr "%plane1D;4AF;" ><!--/scr T, script letter T --> <!ENTITY tscr "%plane1D;4C9;" ><!--/scr t, script letter t --> <!ENTITY Uscr "%plane1D;4B0;" ><!--/scr U, script letter U --> <!ENTITY uscr "%plane1D;4CA;" ><!--/scr u, script letter u --> <!ENTITY Vscr "%plane1D;4B1;" ><!--/scr V, script letter V --> <!ENTITY vscr "%plane1D;4CB;" ><!--/scr v, script letter v --> <!ENTITY Wscr "%plane1D;4B2;" ><!--/scr W, script letter W --> <!ENTITY wscr "%plane1D;4CC;" ><!--/scr w, script letter w --> <!ENTITY Xscr "%plane1D;4B3;" ><!--/scr X, script letter X --> <!ENTITY xscr "%plane1D;4CD;" ><!--/scr x, script letter x --> <!ENTITY Yscr "%plane1D;4B4;" ><!--/scr Y, script letter Y --> <!ENTITY yscr "%plane1D;4CE;" ><!--/scr y, script letter y --> <!ENTITY Zscr "%plane1D;4B5;" ><!--/scr Z, script letter Z --> <!ENTITY zscr "%plane1D;4CF;" ><!--/scr z, script letter z --> <!-- File isonum.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY amp "&#38;#38;" ><!--=ampersand --> <!ENTITY apos "&#x00027;" ><!--=apostrophe --> <!ENTITY ast "&#x0002A;" ><!--/ast B: =asterisk --> <!ENTITY brvbar "&#x000A6;" ><!--=broken (vertical) bar --> <!ENTITY bsol "&#x0005C;" ><!--/backslash =reverse solidus --> <!ENTITY cent "&#x000A2;" ><!--=cent sign --> <!ENTITY colon "&#x0003A;" ><!--/colon P: --> <!ENTITY comma "&#x0002C;" ><!--P: =comma --> <!ENTITY commat "&#x00040;" ><!--=commercial at --> <!ENTITY copy "&#x000A9;" ><!--=copyright sign --> <!ENTITY curren "&#x000A4;" ><!--=general currency sign --> <!ENTITY darr "&#x02193;" ><!--/downarrow A: =downward arrow --> <!ENTITY deg "&#x000B0;" ><!--=degree sign --> <!ENTITY divide "&#x000F7;" ><!--/div B: =divide sign --> <!ENTITY dollar "&#x00024;" ><!--=dollar sign --> <!ENTITY equals "&#x0003D;" ><!--=equals sign R: --> <!ENTITY excl "&#x00021;" ><!--=exclamation mark --> <!ENTITY frac12 "&#x000BD;" ><!--=fraction one-half --> <!ENTITY frac14 "&#x000BC;" ><!--=fraction one-quarter --> <!ENTITY frac18 "&#x0215B;" ><!--=fraction one-eighth --> <!ENTITY frac34 "&#x000BE;" ><!--=fraction three-quarters --> <!ENTITY frac38 "&#x0215C;" ><!--=fraction three-eighths --> <!ENTITY frac58 "&#x0215D;" ><!--=fraction five-eighths --> <!ENTITY frac78 "&#x0215E;" ><!--=fraction seven-eighths --> <!ENTITY gt "&#x0003E;" ><!--=greater-than sign R: --> <!ENTITY half "&#x000BD;" ><!--=fraction one-half --> <!ENTITY horbar "&#x02015;" ><!--=horizontal bar --> <!ENTITY hyphen "&#x02010;" ><!--=hyphen --> <!ENTITY iexcl "&#x000A1;" ><!--=inverted exclamation mark --> <!ENTITY iquest "&#x000BF;" ><!--=inverted question mark --> <!ENTITY laquo "&#x000AB;" ><!--=angle quotation mark, left --> <!ENTITY larr "&#x02190;" ><!--/leftarrow /gets A: =leftward arrow --> <!ENTITY lcub "&#x0007B;" ><!--/lbrace O: =left curly bracket --> <!ENTITY ldquo "&#x0201C;" ><!--=double quotation mark, left --> <!ENTITY lowbar "&#x0005F;" ><!--=low line --> <!ENTITY lpar "&#x00028;" ><!--O: =left parenthesis --> <!ENTITY lsqb "&#x0005B;" ><!--/lbrack O: =left square bracket --> <!ENTITY lsquo "&#x02018;" ><!--=single quotation mark, left --> <!ENTITY lt "&#38;#60;" ><!--=less-than sign R: --> <!ENTITY micro "&#x000B5;" ><!--=micro sign --> <!ENTITY middot "&#x000B7;" ><!--/centerdot B: =middle dot --> <!ENTITY nbsp "&#x000A0;" ><!--=no break (required) space --> <!ENTITY not "&#x000AC;" ><!--/neg /lnot =not sign --> <!ENTITY num "&#x00023;" ><!--=number sign --> <!ENTITY ohm "&#x02126;" ><!--=ohm sign --> <!ENTITY ordf "&#x000AA;" ><!--=ordinal indicator, feminine --> <!ENTITY ordm "&#x000BA;" ><!--=ordinal indicator, masculine --> <!ENTITY para "&#x000B6;" ><!--=pilcrow (paragraph sign) --> <!ENTITY percnt "&#x00025;" ><!--=percent sign --> <!ENTITY period "&#x0002E;" ><!--=full stop, period --> <!ENTITY plus "&#x0002B;" ><!--=plus sign B: --> <!ENTITY plusmn "&#x000B1;" ><!--/pm B: =plus-or-minus sign --> <!ENTITY pound "&#x000A3;" ><!--=pound sign --> <!ENTITY quest "&#x0003F;" ><!--=question mark --> <!ENTITY quot "&#x00022;" ><!--=quotation mark --> <!ENTITY raquo "&#x000BB;" ><!--=angle quotation mark, right --> <!ENTITY rarr "&#x02192;" ><!--/rightarrow /to A: =rightward arrow --> <!ENTITY rcub "&#x0007D;" ><!--/rbrace C: =right curly bracket --> <!ENTITY rdquo "&#x0201D;" ><!--=double quotation mark, right --> <!ENTITY reg "&#x000AE;" ><!--/circledR =registered sign --> <!ENTITY rpar "&#x00029;" ><!--C: =right parenthesis --> <!ENTITY rsqb "&#x0005D;" ><!--/rbrack C: =right square bracket --> <!ENTITY rsquo "&#x02019;" ><!--=single quotation mark, right --> <!ENTITY sect "&#x000A7;" ><!--=section sign --> <!ENTITY semi "&#x0003B;" ><!--=semicolon P: --> <!ENTITY shy "&#x000AD;" ><!--=soft hyphen --> <!ENTITY sol "&#x0002F;" ><!--=solidus --> <!ENTITY sung "&#x0266A;" ><!--=music note (sung text sign) --> <!ENTITY sup1 "&#x000B9;" ><!--=superscript one --> <!ENTITY sup2 "&#x000B2;" ><!--=superscript two --> <!ENTITY sup3 "&#x000B3;" ><!--=superscript three --> <!ENTITY times "&#x000D7;" ><!--/times B: =multiply sign --> <!ENTITY trade "&#x02122;" ><!--=trade mark sign --> <!ENTITY uarr "&#x02191;" ><!--/uparrow A: =upward arrow --> <!ENTITY verbar "&#x0007C;" ><!--/vert =vertical bar --> <!ENTITY yen "&#x000A5;" ><!--/yen =yen sign --> <!-- File isopub.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY blank "&#x02423;" ><!--=significant blank symbol --> <!ENTITY blk12 "&#x02592;" ><!--=50% shaded block --> <!ENTITY blk14 "&#x02591;" ><!--=25% shaded block --> <!ENTITY blk34 "&#x02593;" ><!--=75% shaded block --> <!ENTITY block "&#x02588;" ><!--=full block --> <!ENTITY bull "&#x02022;" ><!--/bullet B: =round bullet, filled --> <!ENTITY caret "&#x02041;" ><!--=caret (insertion mark) --> <!ENTITY check "&#x02713;" ><!--/checkmark =tick, check mark --> <!ENTITY cir "&#x025CB;" ><!--/circ B: =circle, open --> <!ENTITY clubs "&#x02663;" ><!--/clubsuit =club suit symbol --> <!ENTITY copysr "&#x02117;" ><!--=sound recording copyright sign --> <!ENTITY cross "&#x02717;" ><!--=ballot cross --> <!ENTITY Dagger "&#x02021;" ><!--/ddagger B: =double dagger --> <!ENTITY dagger "&#x02020;" ><!--/dagger B: =dagger --> <!ENTITY dash "&#x02010;" ><!--=hyphen (true graphic) --> <!ENTITY diams "&#x02666;" ><!--/diamondsuit =diamond suit symbol --> <!ENTITY dlcrop "&#x0230D;" ><!--downward left crop mark --> <!ENTITY drcrop "&#x0230C;" ><!--downward right crop mark --> <!ENTITY dtri "&#x025BF;" ><!--/triangledown =down triangle, open --> <!ENTITY dtrif "&#x025BE;" ><!--/blacktriangledown =dn tri, filled --> <!ENTITY emsp "&#x02003;" ><!--=em space --> <!ENTITY emsp13 "&#x02004;" ><!--=1/3-em space --> <!ENTITY emsp14 "&#x02005;" ><!--=1/4-em space --> <!ENTITY ensp "&#x02002;" ><!--=en space (1/2-em) --> <!ENTITY female "&#x02640;" ><!--=female symbol --> <!ENTITY ffilig "&#x0FB03;" ><!--small ffi ligature --> <!ENTITY fflig "&#x0FB00;" ><!--small ff ligature --> <!ENTITY ffllig "&#x0FB04;" ><!--small ffl ligature --> <!ENTITY filig "&#x0FB01;" ><!--small fi ligature --> <!ENTITY flat "&#x0266D;" ><!--/flat =musical flat --> <!ENTITY fllig "&#x0FB02;" ><!--small fl ligature --> <!ENTITY frac13 "&#x02153;" ><!--=fraction one-third --> <!ENTITY frac15 "&#x02155;" ><!--=fraction one-fifth --> <!ENTITY frac16 "&#x02159;" ><!--=fraction one-sixth --> <!ENTITY frac23 "&#x02154;" ><!--=fraction two-thirds --> <!ENTITY frac25 "&#x02156;" ><!--=fraction two-fifths --> <!ENTITY frac35 "&#x02157;" ><!--=fraction three-fifths --> <!ENTITY frac45 "&#x02158;" ><!--=fraction four-fifths --> <!ENTITY frac56 "&#x0215A;" ><!--=fraction five-sixths --> <!ENTITY hairsp "&#x0200A;" ><!--=hair space --> <!ENTITY hearts "&#x02665;" ><!--/heartsuit =heart suit symbol --> <!ENTITY hellip "&#x02026;" ><!--=ellipsis (horizontal) --> <!ENTITY hybull "&#x02043;" ><!--rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet) --> <!ENTITY incare "&#x02105;" ><!--=in-care-of symbol --> <!ENTITY ldquor "&#x0201E;" ><!--=rising dbl quote, left (low) --> <!ENTITY lhblk "&#x02584;" ><!--=lower half block --> <!ENTITY loz "&#x025CA;" ><!--/lozenge - lozenge or total mark --> <!ENTITY lozf "&#x029EB;" ><!--/blacklozenge - lozenge, filled --> <!ENTITY lsquor "&#x0201A;" ><!--=rising single quote, left (low) --> <!ENTITY ltri "&#x025C3;" ><!--/triangleleft B: l triangle, open --> <!ENTITY ltrif "&#x025C2;" ><!--/blacktriangleleft R: =l tri, filled --> <!ENTITY male "&#x02642;" ><!--=male symbol --> <!ENTITY malt "&#x02720;" ><!--/maltese =maltese cross --> <!ENTITY marker "&#x025AE;" ><!--=histogram marker --> <!ENTITY mdash "&#x02014;" ><!--=em dash --> <!ENTITY mldr "&#x02026;" ><!--em leader --> <!ENTITY natur "&#x0266E;" ><!--/natural - music natural --> <!ENTITY ndash "&#x02013;" ><!--=en dash --> <!ENTITY nldr "&#x02025;" ><!--=double baseline dot (en leader) --> <!ENTITY numsp "&#x02007;" ><!--=digit space (width of a number) --> <!ENTITY phone "&#x0260E;" ><!--=telephone symbol --> <!ENTITY puncsp "&#x02008;" ><!--=punctuation space (width of comma) --> <!ENTITY rdquor "&#x0201D;" ><!--rising dbl quote, right (high) --> <!ENTITY rect "&#x025AD;" ><!--=rectangle, open --> <!ENTITY rsquor "&#x02019;" ><!--rising single quote, right (high) --> <!ENTITY rtri "&#x025B9;" ><!--/triangleright B: r triangle, open --> <!ENTITY rtrif "&#x025B8;" ><!--/blacktriangleright R: =r tri, filled --> <!ENTITY rx "&#x0211E;" ><!--pharmaceutical prescription (Rx) --> <!ENTITY sext "&#x02736;" ><!--sextile (6-pointed star) --> <!ENTITY sharp "&#x0266F;" ><!--/sharp =musical sharp --> <!ENTITY spades "&#x02660;" ><!--/spadesuit =spades suit symbol --> <!ENTITY squ "&#x025A1;" ><!--=square, open --> <!ENTITY squf "&#x025AA;" ><!--/blacksquare =sq bullet, filled --> <!ENTITY star "&#x02606;" ><!--=star, open --> <!ENTITY starf "&#x02605;" ><!--/bigstar - star, filled --> <!ENTITY target "&#x02316;" ><!--register mark or target --> <!ENTITY telrec "&#x02315;" ><!--=telephone recorder symbol --> <!ENTITY thinsp "&#x02009;" ><!--=thin space (1/6-em) --> <!ENTITY uhblk "&#x02580;" ><!--=upper half block --> <!ENTITY ulcrop "&#x0230F;" ><!--upward left crop mark --> <!ENTITY urcrop "&#x0230E;" ><!--upward right crop mark --> <!ENTITY utri "&#x025B5;" ><!--/triangle =up triangle, open --> <!ENTITY utrif "&#x025B4;" ><!--/blacktriangle =up tri, filled --> <!ENTITY vellip "&#x022EE;" ><!--vertical ellipsis --> <!-- File isotech.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY aleph "&#x02135;" ><!--/aleph =aleph, Hebrew --> <!ENTITY and "&#x02227;" ><!--/wedge /land B: =logical and --> <!ENTITY ang90 "&#x0221F;" ><!--=right (90 degree) angle --> <!ENTITY angsph "&#x02222;" ><!--/sphericalangle =angle-spherical --> <!ENTITY angst "&#x0212B;" ><!--Angstrom =capital A, ring --> <!ENTITY ap "&#x02248;" ><!--/approx R: =approximate --> <!ENTITY becaus "&#x02235;" ><!--/because R: =because --> <!ENTITY bernou "&#x0212C;" ><!--Bernoulli function (script capital B) --> <!ENTITY bottom "&#x022A5;" ><!--/bot B: =perpendicular --> <!ENTITY cap "&#x02229;" ><!--/cap B: =intersection --> <!ENTITY compfn "&#x02218;" ><!--B: composite function (small circle) --> <!ENTITY cong "&#x02245;" ><!--/cong R: =congruent with --> <!ENTITY conint "&#x0222E;" ><!--/oint L: =contour integral operator --> <!ENTITY cup "&#x0222A;" ><!--/cup B: =union or logical sum --> <!ENTITY Dot "&#x000A8;" ><!--=dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY DotDot " &#x020DC;" ><!--four dots above --> <!ENTITY equiv "&#x02261;" ><!--/equiv R: =identical with --> <!ENTITY exist "&#x02203;" ><!--/exists =at least one exists --> <!ENTITY fnof "&#x00192;" ><!--=function of (italic small f) --> <!ENTITY forall "&#x02200;" ><!--/forall =for all --> <!ENTITY ge "&#x02265;" ><!--/geq /ge R: =greater-than-or-equal --> <!ENTITY hamilt "&#x0210B;" ><!--Hamiltonian (script capital H) --> <!ENTITY iff "&#x021D4;" ><!--/iff =if and only if --> <!ENTITY infin "&#x0221E;" ><!--/infty =infinity --> <!ENTITY int "&#x0222B;" ><!--/int L: =integral operator --> <!ENTITY isin "&#x02208;" ><!--/in R: =set membership --> <!ENTITY lagran "&#x02112;" ><!--Lagrangian (script capital L) --> <!ENTITY lang "&#x02329;" ><!--/langle O: =left angle bracket --> <!ENTITY lArr "&#x021D0;" ><!--/Leftarrow A: =is implied by --> <!ENTITY le "&#x02264;" ><!--/leq /le R: =less-than-or-equal --> <!ENTITY lowast "&#x02217;" ><!--low asterisk --> <!ENTITY minus "&#x02212;" ><!--B: =minus sign --> <!ENTITY mnplus "&#x02213;" ><!--/mp B: =minus-or-plus sign --> <!ENTITY nabla "&#x02207;" ><!--/nabla =del, Hamilton operator --> <!ENTITY ne "&#x02260;" ><!--/ne /neq R: =not equal --> <!ENTITY ni "&#x0220B;" ><!--/ni /owns R: =contains --> <!ENTITY notin "&#x02209;" ><!--N: negated set membership --> <!ENTITY or "&#x02228;" ><!--/vee /lor B: =logical or --> <!ENTITY order "&#x02134;" ><!--order of (script small o) --> <!ENTITY par "&#x02225;" ><!--/parallel R: =parallel --> <!ENTITY part "&#x02202;" ><!--/partial =partial differential --> <!ENTITY permil "&#x02030;" ><!--=per thousand --> <!ENTITY perp "&#x022A5;" ><!--/perp R: =perpendicular --> <!ENTITY phmmat "&#x02133;" ><!--physics M-matrix (script capital M) --> <!ENTITY Prime "&#x02033;" ><!--=double prime or second --> <!ENTITY prime "&#x02032;" ><!--/prime =prime or minute --> <!ENTITY prop "&#x0221D;" ><!--/propto R: =is proportional to --> <!ENTITY radic "&#x0221A;" ><!--/surd =radical --> <!ENTITY rang "&#x0232A;" ><!--/rangle C: =right angle bracket --> <!ENTITY rArr "&#x021D2;" ><!--/Rightarrow A: =implies --> <!ENTITY sim "&#x0223C;" ><!--/sim R: =similar --> <!ENTITY sime "&#x02243;" ><!--/simeq R: =similar, equals --> <!ENTITY square "&#x025A1;" ><!--/square B: =square --> <!ENTITY sub "&#x02282;" ><!--/subset R: =subset or is implied by --> <!ENTITY sube "&#x02286;" ><!--/subseteq R: =subset, equals --> <!ENTITY sup "&#x02283;" ><!--/supset R: =superset or implies --> <!ENTITY supe "&#x02287;" ><!--/supseteq R: =superset, equals --> <!ENTITY tdot " &#x020DB;" ><!--three dots above --> <!ENTITY there4 "&#x02234;" ><!--/therefore R: =therefore --> <!ENTITY tprime "&#x02034;" ><!--triple prime --> <!ENTITY Verbar "&#x02016;" ><!--/Vert =dbl vertical bar --> <!ENTITY wedgeq "&#x02259;" ><!--R: corresponds to (wedge, equals) --> <!-- File lat1.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. --> <!ENTITY Aacute "&#x000C1;" ><!--latin capital letter A with acute --> <!ENTITY aacute "&#x000E1;" ><!--latin small letter a with acute --> <!ENTITY Acirc "&#x000C2;" ><!--latin small letter a with circumflex --> <!ENTITY acirc "&#x000E2;" ><!--latin capital letter A with circumflex --> <!ENTITY acute "&#x000B4;" ><!--acute accent = spacing acute --> <!ENTITY AElig "&#x000C6;" ><!--latin capital letter AE = latin capital ligature AE --> <!ENTITY aelig "&#x000E6;" ><!--latin small letter ae = latin small ligature ae --> <!ENTITY Agrave "&#x000C0;" ><!--latin capital letter A with grave = latin capital letter A grave --> <!ENTITY agrave "&#x000E0;" ><!--latin small letter a with grave = latin small letter a grave --> <!ENTITY Aring "&#x000C5;" ><!--latin capital letter A with ring above = latin capital letter A ring --> <!ENTITY aring "&#x000E5;" ><!--latin small letter a with ring above = latin small letter a ring --> <!ENTITY Atilde "&#x000C3;" ><!--latin capital letter A with tilde --> <!ENTITY atilde "&#x000E3;" ><!--latin small letter a with tilde --> <!ENTITY Auml "&#x000C4;" ><!--latin capital letter A with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY auml "&#x000E4;" ><!--latin small letter a with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY brvbar "&#x000A6;" ><!--broken bar = broken vertical bar --> <!ENTITY Ccedil "&#x000C7;" ><!--latin capital letter C with cedilla --> <!ENTITY ccedil "&#x000E7;" ><!--latin small letter c with cedilla --> <!ENTITY cedil "&#x000B8;" ><!--cedilla = spacing cedilla --> <!ENTITY cent "&#x000A2;" ><!--cent sign --> <!ENTITY copy "&#x000A9;" ><!--copyright sign --> <!ENTITY curren "&#x000A4;" ><!--currency sign --> <!ENTITY deg "&#x000B0;" ><!--degree sign --> <!ENTITY divide "&#x000F7;" ><!--division sign --> <!ENTITY Eacute "&#x000C9;" ><!--latin capital letter E with acute --> <!ENTITY eacute "&#x000E9;" ><!--latin small letter e with acute --> <!ENTITY Ecirc "&#x000CA;" ><!--latin capital letter E with circumflex --> <!ENTITY ecirc "&#x000EA;" ><!--latin small letter e with circumflex --> <!ENTITY Egrave "&#x000C8;" ><!--latin capital letter E with grave --> <!ENTITY egrave "&#x000E8;" ><!--latin small letter e with grave --> <!ENTITY ETH "&#x000D0;" ><!--latin capital letter ETH --> <!ENTITY eth "&#x000F0;" ><!--latin small letter eth --> <!ENTITY Euml "&#x000CB;" ><!--latin capital letter E with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY euml "&#x000EB;" ><!--latin small letter e with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY frac12 "&#x000BD;" ><!--vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half --> <!ENTITY frac14 "&#x000BC;" ><!--vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter --> <!ENTITY frac34 "&#x000BE;" ><!--vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters --> <!ENTITY Iacute "&#x000CD;" ><!--latin capital letter I with acute --> <!ENTITY iacute "&#x000ED;" ><!--latin small letter i with acute --> <!ENTITY Icirc "&#x000CE;" ><!--latin capital letter I with circumflex --> <!ENTITY icirc "&#x000EE;" ><!--latin small letter i with circumflex --> <!ENTITY iexcl "&#x000A1;" ><!--inverted exclamation mark --> <!ENTITY Igrave "&#x000CC;" ><!--latin capital letter I with grave --> <!ENTITY igrave "&#x000EC;" ><!--latin small letter i with grave --> <!ENTITY iquest "&#x000BF;" ><!--inverted question mark = turned question mark --> <!ENTITY Iuml "&#x000CF;" ><!--latin capital letter I with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY iuml "&#x000EF;" ><!--latin small letter i with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY laquo "&#x000AB;" ><!--left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet --> <!ENTITY macr "&#x000AF;" ><!--macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar --> <!ENTITY micro "&#x000B5;" ><!--micro sign --> <!ENTITY middot "&#x000B7;" ><!--middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot --> <!ENTITY nbsp "&#x000A0;" ><!--no-break space = non-breaking space --> <!ENTITY not "&#x000AC;" ><!--not sign --> <!ENTITY Ntilde "&#x000D1;" ><!--latin capital letter N with tilde --> <!ENTITY ntilde "&#x000F1;" ><!--latin small letter n with tilde --> <!ENTITY Oacute "&#x000D3;" ><!--latin capital letter O with acute --> <!ENTITY oacute "&#x000F3;" ><!--latin small letter o with acute --> <!ENTITY Ocirc "&#x000D4;" ><!--latin capital letter O with circumflex --> <!ENTITY ocirc "&#x000F4;" ><!--latin small letter o with circumflex --> <!ENTITY Ograve "&#x000D2;" ><!--latin capital letter O with grave --> <!ENTITY ograve "&#x000F2;" ><!--latin small letter o with grave --> <!ENTITY ordf "&#x000AA;" ><!--feminine ordinal indicator --> <!ENTITY ordm "&#x000BA;" ><!--masculine ordinal indicator --> <!ENTITY Oslash "&#x000D8;" ><!--latin capital letter O with stroke = latin capital letter O slash --> <!ENTITY oslash "&#x000F8;" ><!--latin small letter o with stroke, = latin small letter o slash, --> <!ENTITY Otilde "&#x000D5;" ><!--latin capital letter O with tilde --> <!ENTITY otilde "&#x000F5;" ><!--latin small letter o with tilde --> <!ENTITY Ouml "&#x000D6;" ><!--latin capital letter O with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY ouml "&#x000F6;" ><!--latin small letter o with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY para "&#x000B6;" ><!--pilcrow sign = paragraph sign --> <!ENTITY plusmn "&#x000B1;" ><!--plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign --> <!ENTITY pound "&#x000A3;" ><!--pound sign --> <!ENTITY raquo "&#x000BB;" ><!--right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet --> <!ENTITY reg "&#x000AE;" ><!--registered sign = registered trade mark sign --> <!ENTITY sect "&#x000A7;" ><!--section sign --> <!ENTITY shy "&#x000AD;" ><!--soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen --> <!ENTITY sup1 "&#x000B9;" ><!--superscript one = superscript digit one --> <!ENTITY sup2 "&#x000B2;" ><!--superscript two = superscript digit two = squared --> <!ENTITY sup3 "&#x000B3;" ><!--superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed --> <!ENTITY szlig "&#x000DF;" ><!--latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed --> <!ENTITY THORN "&#x000DE;" ><!--latin capital letter THORN --> <!ENTITY thorn "&#x000FE;" ><!--latin small letter thorn with --> <!ENTITY times "&#x000D7;" ><!--multiplication sign --> <!ENTITY Uacute "&#x000DA;" ><!--latin capital letter U with acute --> <!ENTITY uacute "&#x000FA;" ><!--latin small letter u with acute --> <!ENTITY Ucirc "&#x000DB;" ><!--latin capital letter U with circumflex --> <!ENTITY ucirc "&#x000FB;" ><!--latin small letter u with circumflex --> <!ENTITY Ugrave "&#x000D9;" ><!--latin capital letter U with grave --> <!ENTITY ugrave "&#x000F9;" ><!--latin small letter u with grave --> <!ENTITY uml "&#x000A8;" ><!--diaeresis = spacing diaeresis --> <!ENTITY Uuml "&#x000DC;" ><!--latin capital letter U with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY uuml "&#x000FC;" ><!--latin small letter u with diaeresis --> <!ENTITY Yacute "&#x000DD;" ><!--latin capital letter Y with acute --> <!ENTITY yacute "&#x000FD;" ><!--latin small letter y with acute --> <!ENTITY yen "&#x000A5;" ><!--yen sign = yuan sign --> <!ENTITY yuml "&#x000FF;" ><!--latin small letter y with diaeresis --> <!-- File mmlalias.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. References to the VARIANT SELECTOR 1 character (&#x0FE00;) should match the uses listed in Unicode Technical Report 25. --> <!ENTITY angle "&#x02220;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO ang --> <!ENTITY ApplyFunction "&#x02061;" ><!--character showing function application in presentation tagging --> <!ENTITY approx "&#x02248;" ><!--alias ISOTECH ap --> <!ENTITY approxeq "&#x0224A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR ape --> <!ENTITY Assign "&#x02254;" ><!--assignment operator, alias ISOAMSR colone --> <!ENTITY backcong "&#x0224C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR bcong --> <!ENTITY backepsilon "&#x003F6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR bepsi --> <!ENTITY backprime "&#x02035;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO bprime --> <!ENTITY backsim "&#x0223D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR bsim --> <!ENTITY backsimeq "&#x022CD;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR bsime --> <!ENTITY Backslash "&#x02216;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB setmn --> <!ENTITY barwedge "&#x02305;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB barwed --> <!ENTITY Because "&#x02235;" ><!--alias ISOTECH becaus --> <!ENTITY because "&#x02235;" ><!--alias ISOTECH becaus --> <!ENTITY Bernoullis "&#x0212C;" ><!--alias ISOTECH bernou --> <!ENTITY between "&#x0226C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR twixt --> <!ENTITY bigcap "&#x022C2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xcap --> <!ENTITY bigcirc "&#x025EF;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xcirc --> <!ENTITY bigcup "&#x022C3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xcup --> <!ENTITY bigodot "&#x02A00;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xodot --> <!ENTITY bigoplus "&#x02A01;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xoplus --> <!ENTITY bigotimes "&#x02A02;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xotime --> <!ENTITY bigsqcup "&#x02A06;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xsqcup --> <!ENTITY bigstar "&#x02605;" ><!--ISOPUB starf --> <!ENTITY bigtriangledown "&#x025BD;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xdtri --> <!ENTITY bigtriangleup "&#x025B3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xutri --> <!ENTITY biguplus "&#x02A04;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xuplus --> <!ENTITY bigvee "&#x022C1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xvee --> <!ENTITY bigwedge "&#x022C0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xwedge --> <!ENTITY bkarow "&#x0290D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rbarr --> <!ENTITY blacklozenge "&#x029EB;" ><!--alias ISOPUB lozf --> <!ENTITY blacksquare "&#x025AA;" ><!--ISOTECH squarf --> <!ENTITY blacktriangle "&#x025B4;" ><!--alias ISOPUB utrif --> <!ENTITY blacktriangledown "&#x025BE;" ><!--alias ISOPUB dtrif --> <!ENTITY blacktriangleleft "&#x025C2;" ><!--alias ISOPUB ltrif --> <!ENTITY blacktriangleright "&#x025B8;" ><!--alias ISOPUB rtrif --> <!ENTITY bot "&#x022A5;" ><!--alias ISOTECH bottom --> <!ENTITY boxminus "&#x0229F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB minusb --> <!ENTITY boxplus "&#x0229E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB plusb --> <!ENTITY boxtimes "&#x022A0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB timesb --> <!ENTITY Breve "&#x002D8;" ><!--alias ISODIA breve --> <!ENTITY bullet "&#x02022;" ><!--alias ISOPUB bull --> <!ENTITY Bumpeq "&#x0224E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR bump --> <!ENTITY bumpeq "&#x0224F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR bumpe --> <!ENTITY CapitalDifferentialD "&#x02145;" ><!--D for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals --> <!ENTITY Cayleys "&#x0212D;" ><!--the non-associative ring of octonions or Cayley numbers --> <!ENTITY Cedilla "&#x000B8;" ><!--alias ISODIA cedil --> <!ENTITY CenterDot "&#x000B7;" ><!--alias ISONUM middot --> <!ENTITY centerdot "&#x000B7;" ><!--alias ISONUM middot --> <!ENTITY checkmark "&#x02713;" ><!--alias ISOPUB check --> <!ENTITY circeq "&#x02257;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR cire --> <!ENTITY circlearrowleft "&#x021BA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA olarr --> <!ENTITY circlearrowright "&#x021BB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA orarr --> <!ENTITY circledast "&#x0229B;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB oast --> <!ENTITY circledcirc "&#x0229A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB ocir --> <!ENTITY circleddash "&#x0229D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB odash --> <!ENTITY CircleDot "&#x02299;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB odot --> <!ENTITY circledR "&#x000AE;" ><!--alias ISONUM reg --> <!ENTITY circledS "&#x024C8;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO oS --> <!ENTITY CircleMinus "&#x02296;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB ominus --> <!ENTITY CirclePlus "&#x02295;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB oplus --> <!ENTITY CircleTimes "&#x02297;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB otimes --> <!ENTITY ClockwiseContourIntegral "&#x02232;" ><!--alias ISOTECH cwconint --> <!ENTITY CloseCurlyDoubleQuote "&#x0201D;" ><!--alias ISONUM rdquo --> <!ENTITY CloseCurlyQuote "&#x02019;" ><!--alias ISONUM rsquo --> <!ENTITY clubsuit "&#x02663;" ><!--ISOPUB clubs --> <!ENTITY coloneq "&#x02254;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR colone --> <!ENTITY complement "&#x02201;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO comp --> <!ENTITY complexes "&#x02102;" ><!--the field of complex numbers --> <!ENTITY Congruent "&#x02261;" ><!--alias ISOTECH equiv --> <!ENTITY ContourIntegral "&#x0222E;" ><!--alias ISOTECH conint --> <!ENTITY Coproduct "&#x02210;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB coprod --> <!ENTITY CounterClockwiseContourIntegral "&#x02233;" ><!--alias ISOTECH awconint --> <!ENTITY CupCap "&#x0224D;" ><!--alias asympeq --> <!ENTITY curlyeqprec "&#x022DE;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR cuepr --> <!ENTITY curlyeqsucc "&#x022DF;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR cuesc --> <!ENTITY curlyvee "&#x022CE;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB cuvee --> <!ENTITY curlywedge "&#x022CF;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB cuwed --> <!ENTITY curvearrowleft "&#x021B6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA cularr --> <!ENTITY curvearrowright "&#x021B7;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA curarr --> <!ENTITY dbkarow "&#x0290F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rBarr --> <!ENTITY ddagger "&#x02021;" ><!--alias ISOPUB Dagger --> <!ENTITY ddotseq "&#x02A77;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR eDDot --> <!ENTITY Del "&#x02207;" ><!--alias ISOTECH nabla --> <!ENTITY DiacriticalAcute "&#x000B4;" ><!--alias ISODIA acute --> <!ENTITY DiacriticalDot "&#x002D9;" ><!--alias ISODIA dot --> <!ENTITY DiacriticalDoubleAcute "&#x002DD;" ><!--alias ISODIA dblac --> <!ENTITY DiacriticalGrave "&#x00060;" ><!--alias ISODIA grave --> <!ENTITY DiacriticalTilde "&#x002DC;" ><!--alias ISODIA tilde --> <!ENTITY Diamond "&#x022C4;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB diam --> <!ENTITY diamond "&#x022C4;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB diam --> <!ENTITY diamondsuit "&#x02666;" ><!--ISOPUB diams --> <!ENTITY DifferentialD "&#x02146;" ><!--d for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals --> <!ENTITY digamma "&#x003DD;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 gammad --> <!ENTITY div "&#x000F7;" ><!--alias ISONUM divide --> <!ENTITY divideontimes "&#x022C7;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB divonx --> <!ENTITY doteq "&#x02250;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR esdot --> <!ENTITY doteqdot "&#x02251;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR eDot --> <!ENTITY DotEqual "&#x02250;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR esdot --> <!ENTITY dotminus "&#x02238;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB minusd --> <!ENTITY dotplus "&#x02214;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB plusdo --> <!ENTITY dotsquare "&#x022A1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB sdotb --> <!ENTITY doublebarwedge "&#x02306;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB Barwed --> <!ENTITY DoubleContourIntegral "&#x0222F;" ><!--alias ISOTECH Conint --> <!ENTITY DoubleDot "&#x000A8;" ><!--alias ISODIA die --> <!ENTITY DoubleDownArrow "&#x021D3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA dArr --> <!ENTITY DoubleLeftArrow "&#x021D0;" ><!--alias ISOTECH lArr --> <!ENTITY DoubleLeftRightArrow "&#x021D4;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA hArr --> <!ENTITY DoubleLeftTee "&#x02AE4;" ><!--alias for &Dashv; --> <!ENTITY DoubleLongLeftArrow "&#x027F8;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xlArr --> <!ENTITY DoubleLongLeftRightArrow "&#x027FA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xhArr --> <!ENTITY DoubleLongRightArrow "&#x027F9;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xrArr --> <!ENTITY DoubleRightArrow "&#x021D2;" ><!--alias ISOTECH rArr --> <!ENTITY DoubleRightTee "&#x022A8;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR vDash --> <!ENTITY DoubleUpArrow "&#x021D1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA uArr --> <!ENTITY DoubleUpDownArrow "&#x021D5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA vArr --> <!ENTITY DoubleVerticalBar "&#x02225;" ><!--alias ISOTECH par --> <!ENTITY DownArrow "&#x02193;" ><!--alias ISONUM darr --> <!ENTITY Downarrow "&#x021D3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA dArr --> <!ENTITY downarrow "&#x02193;" ><!--alias ISONUM darr --> <!ENTITY DownArrowUpArrow "&#x021F5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA duarr --> <!ENTITY downdownarrows "&#x021CA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA ddarr --> <!ENTITY downharpoonleft "&#x021C3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA dharl --> <!ENTITY downharpoonright "&#x021C2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA dharr --> <!ENTITY DownLeftVector "&#x021BD;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lhard --> <!ENTITY DownRightVector "&#x021C1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rhard --> <!ENTITY DownTee "&#x022A4;" ><!--alias ISOTECH top --> <!ENTITY DownTeeArrow "&#x021A7;" ><!--alias for mapstodown --> <!ENTITY drbkarow "&#x02910;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA RBarr --> <!ENTITY Element "&#x02208;" ><!--alias ISOTECH isinv --> <!ENTITY emptyset "&#x02205;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO empty --> <!ENTITY eqcirc "&#x02256;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR ecir --> <!ENTITY eqcolon "&#x02255;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR ecolon --> <!ENTITY eqsim "&#x02242;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR esim --> <!ENTITY eqslantgtr "&#x02A96;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR egs --> <!ENTITY eqslantless "&#x02A95;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR els --> <!ENTITY EqualTilde "&#x02242;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR esim --> <!ENTITY Equilibrium "&#x021CC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rlhar --> <!ENTITY Exists "&#x02203;" ><!--alias ISOTECH exist --> <!ENTITY expectation "&#x02130;" ><!--expectation (operator) --> <!ENTITY ExponentialE "&#x02147;" ><!--e use for the exponential base of the natural logarithms --> <!ENTITY exponentiale "&#x02147;" ><!--base of the Napierian logarithms --> <!ENTITY fallingdotseq "&#x02252;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR efDot --> <!ENTITY ForAll "&#x02200;" ><!--alias ISOTECH forall --> <!ENTITY Fouriertrf "&#x02131;" ><!--Fourier transform --> <!ENTITY geq "&#x02265;" ><!--alias ISOTECH ge --> <!ENTITY geqq "&#x02267;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gE --> <!ENTITY geqslant "&#x02A7E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR ges --> <!ENTITY gg "&#x0226B;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR Gt --> <!ENTITY ggg "&#x022D9;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR Gg --> <!ENTITY gnapprox "&#x02A8A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN gnap --> <!ENTITY gneq "&#x02A88;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN gne --> <!ENTITY gneqq "&#x02269;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN gnE --> <!ENTITY GreaterEqual "&#x02265;" ><!--alias ISOTECH ge --> <!ENTITY GreaterEqualLess "&#x022DB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gel --> <!ENTITY GreaterFullEqual "&#x02267;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gE --> <!ENTITY GreaterLess "&#x02277;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gl --> <!ENTITY GreaterSlantEqual "&#x02A7E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR ges --> <!ENTITY GreaterTilde "&#x02273;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gsim --> <!ENTITY gtrapprox "&#x02A86;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gap --> <!ENTITY gtrdot "&#x022D7;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gtdot --> <!ENTITY gtreqless "&#x022DB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gel --> <!ENTITY gtreqqless "&#x02A8C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gEl --> <!ENTITY gtrless "&#x02277;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gl --> <!ENTITY gtrsim "&#x02273;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR gsim --> <!ENTITY gvertneqq "&#x02269;&#x0FE00;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN gvnE --> <!ENTITY Hacek "&#x002C7;" ><!--alias ISODIA caron --> <!ENTITY hbar "&#x0210F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO plank --> <!ENTITY heartsuit "&#x02665;" ><!--ISOPUB hearts --> <!ENTITY HilbertSpace "&#x0210B;" ><!--Hilbert space --> <!ENTITY hksearow "&#x02925;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA searhk --> <!ENTITY hkswarow "&#x02926;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA swarhk --> <!ENTITY hookleftarrow "&#x021A9;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA larrhk --> <!ENTITY hookrightarrow "&#x021AA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rarrhk --> <!ENTITY hslash "&#x0210F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO plankv --> <!ENTITY HumpDownHump "&#x0224E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR bump --> <!ENTITY HumpEqual "&#x0224F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR bumpe --> <!ENTITY iiiint "&#x02A0C;" ><!--alias ISOTECH qint --> <!ENTITY iiint "&#x0222D;" ><!--alias ISOTECH tint --> <!ENTITY Im "&#x02111;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO image --> <!ENTITY ImaginaryI "&#x02148;" ><!--i for use as a square root of -1 --> <!ENTITY imagline "&#x02110;" ><!--the geometric imaginary line --> <!ENTITY imagpart "&#x02111;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO image --> <!ENTITY Implies "&#x021D2;" ><!--alias ISOTECH rArr --> <!ENTITY in "&#x02208;" ><!--ISOTECH isin --> <!ENTITY integers "&#x02124;" ><!--the ring of integers --> <!ENTITY Integral "&#x0222B;" ><!--alias ISOTECH int --> <!ENTITY intercal "&#x022BA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB intcal --> <!ENTITY Intersection "&#x022C2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xcap --> <!ENTITY intprod "&#x02A3C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB iprod --> <!ENTITY InvisibleComma "&#x02063;" ><!--used as a separator, e.g., in indices --> <!ENTITY InvisibleTimes "&#x02062;" ><!--marks multiplication when it is understood without a mark --> <!ENTITY langle "&#x02329;" ><!--alias ISOTECH lang --> <!ENTITY Laplacetrf "&#x02112;" ><!--Laplace transform --> <!ENTITY lbrace "&#x0007B;" ><!--alias ISONUM lcub --> <!ENTITY lbrack "&#x0005B;" ><!--alias ISONUM lsqb --> <!ENTITY LeftAngleBracket "&#x02329;" ><!--alias ISOTECH lang --> <!ENTITY LeftArrow "&#x02190;" ><!--alias ISONUM larr --> <!ENTITY Leftarrow "&#x021D0;" ><!--alias ISOTECH lArr --> <!ENTITY leftarrow "&#x02190;" ><!--alias ISONUM larr --> <!ENTITY LeftArrowBar "&#x021E4;" ><!--alias for larrb --> <!ENTITY LeftArrowRightArrow "&#x021C6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lrarr --> <!ENTITY leftarrowtail "&#x021A2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA larrtl --> <!ENTITY LeftCeiling "&#x02308;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC lceil --> <!ENTITY LeftDoubleBracket "&#x0301A;" ><!--left double bracket delimiter --> <!ENTITY LeftDownVector "&#x021C3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA dharl --> <!ENTITY LeftFloor "&#x0230A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC lfloor --> <!ENTITY leftharpoondown "&#x021BD;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lhard --> <!ENTITY leftharpoonup "&#x021BC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lharu --> <!ENTITY leftleftarrows "&#x021C7;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA llarr --> <!ENTITY LeftRightArrow "&#x02194;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA harr --> <!ENTITY Leftrightarrow "&#x021D4;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA hArr --> <!ENTITY leftrightarrow "&#x02194;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA harr --> <!ENTITY leftrightarrows "&#x021C6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lrarr --> <!ENTITY leftrightharpoons "&#x021CB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lrhar --> <!ENTITY leftrightsquigarrow "&#x021AD;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA harrw --> <!ENTITY LeftTee "&#x022A3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR dashv --> <!ENTITY LeftTeeArrow "&#x021A4;" ><!--alias for mapstoleft --> <!ENTITY leftthreetimes "&#x022CB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB lthree --> <!ENTITY LeftTriangle "&#x022B2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR vltri --> <!ENTITY LeftTriangleEqual "&#x022B4;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR ltrie --> <!ENTITY LeftUpVector "&#x021BF;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA uharl --> <!ENTITY LeftVector "&#x021BC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lharu --> <!ENTITY leq "&#x02264;" ><!--alias ISOTECH le --> <!ENTITY leqq "&#x02266;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR lE --> <!ENTITY leqslant "&#x02A7D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR les --> <!ENTITY lessapprox "&#x02A85;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR lap --> <!ENTITY lessdot "&#x022D6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR ltdot --> <!ENTITY lesseqgtr "&#x022DA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR leg --> <!ENTITY lesseqqgtr "&#x02A8B;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR lEg --> <!ENTITY LessEqualGreater "&#x022DA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR leg --> <!ENTITY LessFullEqual "&#x02266;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR lE --> <!ENTITY LessGreater "&#x02276;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR lg --> <!ENTITY lessgtr "&#x02276;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR lg --> <!ENTITY lesssim "&#x02272;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR lsim --> <!ENTITY LessSlantEqual "&#x02A7D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR les --> <!ENTITY LessTilde "&#x02272;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR lsim --> <!ENTITY ll "&#x0226A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR Lt --> <!ENTITY llcorner "&#x0231E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC dlcorn --> <!ENTITY Lleftarrow "&#x021DA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lAarr --> <!ENTITY lmoustache "&#x023B0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC lmoust --> <!ENTITY lnapprox "&#x02A89;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN lnap --> <!ENTITY lneq "&#x02A87;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN lne --> <!ENTITY lneqq "&#x02268;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN lnE --> <!ENTITY LongLeftArrow "&#x027F5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xlarr --> <!ENTITY Longleftarrow "&#x027F8;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xlArr --> <!ENTITY longleftarrow "&#x027F5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xlarr --> <!ENTITY LongLeftRightArrow "&#x027F7;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xharr --> <!ENTITY Longleftrightarrow "&#x027FA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xhArr --> <!ENTITY longleftrightarrow "&#x027F7;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xharr --> <!ENTITY longmapsto "&#x027FC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xmap --> <!ENTITY LongRightArrow "&#x027F6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xrarr --> <!ENTITY Longrightarrow "&#x027F9;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xrArr --> <!ENTITY longrightarrow "&#x027F6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA xrarr --> <!ENTITY looparrowleft "&#x021AB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA larrlp --> <!ENTITY looparrowright "&#x021AC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rarrlp --> <!ENTITY LowerLeftArrow "&#x02199;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA swarr --> <!ENTITY LowerRightArrow "&#x02198;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA searr --> <!ENTITY lozenge "&#x025CA;" ><!--alias ISOPUB loz --> <!ENTITY lrcorner "&#x0231F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC drcorn --> <!ENTITY Lsh "&#x021B0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lsh --> <!ENTITY lvertneqq "&#x02268;&#x0FE00;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN lvnE --> <!ENTITY maltese "&#x02720;" ><!--alias ISOPUB malt --> <!ENTITY mapsto "&#x021A6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA map --> <!ENTITY measuredangle "&#x02221;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO angmsd --> <!ENTITY Mellintrf "&#x02133;" ><!--Mellin transform --> <!ENTITY MinusPlus "&#x02213;" ><!--alias ISOTECH mnplus --> <!ENTITY mp "&#x02213;" ><!--alias ISOTECH mnplus --> <!ENTITY multimap "&#x022B8;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA mumap --> <!ENTITY napprox "&#x02249;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nap --> <!ENTITY natural "&#x0266E;" ><!--alias ISOPUB natur --> <!ENTITY naturals "&#x02115;" ><!--the semi-ring of natural numbers --> <!ENTITY nearrow "&#x02197;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nearr --> <!ENTITY NegativeMediumSpace "&#x0200B;" ><!--space of width -4/18 em --> <!ENTITY NegativeThickSpace "&#x0200B;" ><!--space of width -5/18 em --> <!ENTITY NegativeThinSpace "&#x0200B;" ><!--space of width -3/18 em --> <!ENTITY NegativeVeryThinSpace "&#x0200B;" ><!--space of width -1/18 em --> <!ENTITY NestedGreaterGreater "&#x0226B;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR Gt --> <!ENTITY NestedLessLess "&#x0226A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR Lt --> <!ENTITY nexists "&#x02204;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO nexist --> <!ENTITY ngeq "&#x02271;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nge --> <!ENTITY ngeqq "&#x02267;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN ngE --> <!ENTITY ngeqslant "&#x02A7E;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nges --> <!ENTITY ngtr "&#x0226F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN ngt --> <!ENTITY nLeftarrow "&#x021CD;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nlArr --> <!ENTITY nleftarrow "&#x0219A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nlarr --> <!ENTITY nLeftrightarrow "&#x021CE;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nhArr --> <!ENTITY nleftrightarrow "&#x021AE;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nharr --> <!ENTITY nleq "&#x02270;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nle --> <!ENTITY nleqq "&#x02266;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nlE --> <!ENTITY nleqslant "&#x02A7D;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nles --> <!ENTITY nless "&#x0226E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nlt --> <!ENTITY NonBreakingSpace "&#x000A0;" ><!--alias ISONUM nbsp --> <!ENTITY NotCongruent "&#x02262;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nequiv --> <!ENTITY NotDoubleVerticalBar "&#x02226;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN npar --> <!ENTITY NotElement "&#x02209;" ><!--alias ISOTECH notin --> <!ENTITY NotEqual "&#x02260;" ><!--alias ISOTECH ne --> <!ENTITY NotEqualTilde "&#x02242;&#x00338;" ><!--alias for &nesim; --> <!ENTITY NotExists "&#x02204;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO nexist --> <!ENTITY NotGreater "&#x0226F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN ngt --> <!ENTITY NotGreaterEqual "&#x02271;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nge --> <!ENTITY NotGreaterFullEqual "&#x02266;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nlE --> <!ENTITY NotGreaterGreater "&#x0226B;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nGtv --> <!ENTITY NotGreaterLess "&#x02279;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN ntvgl --> <!ENTITY NotGreaterSlantEqual "&#x02A7E;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nges --> <!ENTITY NotGreaterTilde "&#x02275;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN ngsim --> <!ENTITY NotHumpDownHump "&#x0224E;&#x00338;" ><!--alias for &nbump; --> <!ENTITY NotLeftTriangle "&#x022EA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nltri --> <!ENTITY NotLeftTriangleEqual "&#x022EC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nltrie --> <!ENTITY NotLess "&#x0226E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nlt --> <!ENTITY NotLessEqual "&#x02270;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nle --> <!ENTITY NotLessGreater "&#x02278;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN ntvlg --> <!ENTITY NotLessLess "&#x0226A;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nLtv --> <!ENTITY NotLessSlantEqual "&#x02A7D;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nles --> <!ENTITY NotLessTilde "&#x02274;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nlsim --> <!ENTITY NotPrecedes "&#x02280;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN npr --> <!ENTITY NotPrecedesEqual "&#x02AAF;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN npre --> <!ENTITY NotPrecedesSlantEqual "&#x022E0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nprcue --> <!ENTITY NotReverseElement "&#x0220C;" ><!--alias ISOTECH notniva --> <!ENTITY NotRightTriangle "&#x022EB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nrtri --> <!ENTITY NotRightTriangleEqual "&#x022ED;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nrtrie --> <!ENTITY NotSquareSubsetEqual "&#x022E2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsqsube --> <!ENTITY NotSquareSupersetEqual "&#x022E3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsqsupe --> <!ENTITY NotSubset "&#x02282;&#x020D2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN vnsub --> <!ENTITY NotSubsetEqual "&#x02288;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsube --> <!ENTITY NotSucceeds "&#x02281;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsc --> <!ENTITY NotSucceedsEqual "&#x02AB0;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsce --> <!ENTITY NotSucceedsSlantEqual "&#x022E1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsccue --> <!ENTITY NotSuperset "&#x02283;&#x020D2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN vnsup --> <!ENTITY NotSupersetEqual "&#x02289;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsupe --> <!ENTITY NotTilde "&#x02241;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsim --> <!ENTITY NotTildeEqual "&#x02244;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsime --> <!ENTITY NotTildeFullEqual "&#x02247;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN ncong --> <!ENTITY NotTildeTilde "&#x02249;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nap --> <!ENTITY NotVerticalBar "&#x02224;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nmid --> <!ENTITY nparallel "&#x02226;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN npar --> <!ENTITY nprec "&#x02280;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN npr --> <!ENTITY npreceq "&#x02AAF;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN npre --> <!ENTITY nRightarrow "&#x021CF;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nrArr --> <!ENTITY nrightarrow "&#x0219B;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nrarr --> <!ENTITY nshortmid "&#x02224;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsmid --> <!ENTITY nshortparallel "&#x02226;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nspar --> <!ENTITY nsimeq "&#x02244;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsime --> <!ENTITY nsubset "&#x02282;&#x020D2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN vnsub --> <!ENTITY nsubseteq "&#x02288;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsube --> <!ENTITY nsubseteqq "&#x02AC5;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsubE --> <!ENTITY nsucc "&#x02281;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsc --> <!ENTITY nsucceq "&#x02AB0;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsce --> <!ENTITY nsupset "&#x02283;&#x020D2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN vnsup --> <!ENTITY nsupseteq "&#x02289;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsupe --> <!ENTITY nsupseteqq "&#x02AC6;&#x00338;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nsupE --> <!ENTITY ntriangleleft "&#x022EA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nltri --> <!ENTITY ntrianglelefteq "&#x022EC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nltrie --> <!ENTITY ntriangleright "&#x022EB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nrtri --> <!ENTITY ntrianglerighteq "&#x022ED;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN nrtrie --> <!ENTITY nwarrow "&#x02196;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nwarr --> <!ENTITY oint "&#x0222E;" ><!--alias ISOTECH conint --> <!ENTITY OpenCurlyDoubleQuote "&#x0201C;" ><!--alias ISONUM ldquo --> <!ENTITY OpenCurlyQuote "&#x02018;" ><!--alias ISONUM lsquo --> <!ENTITY orderof "&#x02134;" ><!--alias ISOTECH order --> <!ENTITY parallel "&#x02225;" ><!--alias ISOTECH par --> <!ENTITY PartialD "&#x02202;" ><!--alias ISOTECH part --> <!ENTITY pitchfork "&#x022D4;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR fork --> <!ENTITY PlusMinus "&#x000B1;" ><!--alias ISONUM plusmn --> <!ENTITY pm "&#x000B1;" ><!--alias ISONUM plusmn --> <!ENTITY Poincareplane "&#x0210C;" ><!--the Poincare upper half-plane --> <!ENTITY prec "&#x0227A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR pr --> <!ENTITY precapprox "&#x02AB7;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR prap --> <!ENTITY preccurlyeq "&#x0227C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR prcue --> <!ENTITY Precedes "&#x0227A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR pr --> <!ENTITY PrecedesEqual "&#x02AAF;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR pre --> <!ENTITY PrecedesSlantEqual "&#x0227C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR prcue --> <!ENTITY PrecedesTilde "&#x0227E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR prsim --> <!ENTITY preceq "&#x02AAF;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR pre --> <!ENTITY precnapprox "&#x02AB9;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN prnap --> <!ENTITY precneqq "&#x02AB5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN prnE --> <!ENTITY precnsim "&#x022E8;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN prnsim --> <!ENTITY precsim "&#x0227E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR prsim --> <!ENTITY primes "&#x02119;" ><!--the prime natural numbers --> <!ENTITY Proportion "&#x02237;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR Colon --> <!ENTITY Proportional "&#x0221D;" ><!--alias ISOTECH prop --> <!ENTITY propto "&#x0221D;" ><!--alias ISOTECH prop --> <!ENTITY quaternions "&#x0210D;" ><!--the ring (skew field) of quaternions --> <!ENTITY questeq "&#x0225F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR equest --> <!ENTITY rangle "&#x0232A;" ><!--alias ISOTECH rang --> <!ENTITY rationals "&#x0211A;" ><!--the field of rational numbers --> <!ENTITY rbrace "&#x0007D;" ><!--alias ISONUM rcub --> <!ENTITY rbrack "&#x0005D;" ><!--alias ISONUM rsqb --> <!ENTITY Re "&#x0211C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO real --> <!ENTITY realine "&#x0211B;" ><!--the geometric real line --> <!ENTITY realpart "&#x0211C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO real --> <!ENTITY reals "&#x0211D;" ><!--the field of real numbers --> <!ENTITY ReverseElement "&#x0220B;" ><!--alias ISOTECH niv --> <!ENTITY ReverseEquilibrium "&#x021CB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA lrhar --> <!ENTITY ReverseUpEquilibrium "&#x0296F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA duhar --> <!ENTITY RightAngleBracket "&#x0232A;" ><!--alias ISOTECH rang --> <!ENTITY RightArrow "&#x02192;" ><!--alias ISONUM rarr --> <!ENTITY Rightarrow "&#x021D2;" ><!--alias ISOTECH rArr --> <!ENTITY rightarrow "&#x02192;" ><!--alias ISONUM rarr --> <!ENTITY RightArrowBar "&#x021E5;" ><!--alias for rarrb --> <!ENTITY RightArrowLeftArrow "&#x021C4;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rlarr --> <!ENTITY rightarrowtail "&#x021A3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rarrtl --> <!ENTITY RightCeiling "&#x02309;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC rceil --> <!ENTITY RightDoubleBracket "&#x0301B;" ><!--right double bracket delimiter --> <!ENTITY RightDownVector "&#x021C2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA dharr --> <!ENTITY RightFloor "&#x0230B;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC rfloor --> <!ENTITY rightharpoondown "&#x021C1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rhard --> <!ENTITY rightharpoonup "&#x021C0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rharu --> <!ENTITY rightleftarrows "&#x021C4;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rlarr --> <!ENTITY rightleftharpoons "&#x021CC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rlhar --> <!ENTITY rightrightarrows "&#x021C9;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rrarr --> <!ENTITY rightsquigarrow "&#x0219D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rarrw --> <!ENTITY RightTee "&#x022A2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR vdash --> <!ENTITY RightTeeArrow "&#x021A6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA map --> <!ENTITY rightthreetimes "&#x022CC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB rthree --> <!ENTITY RightTriangle "&#x022B3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR vrtri --> <!ENTITY RightTriangleEqual "&#x022B5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR rtrie --> <!ENTITY RightUpVector "&#x021BE;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA uharr --> <!ENTITY RightVector "&#x021C0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rharu --> <!ENTITY risingdotseq "&#x02253;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR erDot --> <!ENTITY rmoustache "&#x023B1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC rmoust --> <!ENTITY Rrightarrow "&#x021DB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rAarr --> <!ENTITY Rsh "&#x021B1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA rsh --> <!ENTITY searrow "&#x02198;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA searr --> <!ENTITY setminus "&#x02216;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB setmn --> <!ENTITY ShortDownArrow "&#x02193;" ><!--short down arrow --> <!ENTITY ShortLeftArrow "&#x02190;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA slarr --> <!ENTITY shortmid "&#x02223;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR smid --> <!ENTITY shortparallel "&#x02225;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR spar --> <!ENTITY ShortRightArrow "&#x02192;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA srarr --> <!ENTITY ShortUpArrow "&#x02191;" ><!--short up arrow --> <!ENTITY simeq "&#x02243;" ><!--alias ISOTECH sime --> <!ENTITY SmallCircle "&#x02218;" ><!--alias ISOTECH compfn --> <!ENTITY smallsetminus "&#x02216;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB ssetmn --> <!ENTITY spadesuit "&#x02660;" ><!--ISOPUB spades --> <!ENTITY Sqrt "&#x0221A;" ><!--alias ISOTECH radic --> <!ENTITY sqsubset "&#x0228F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sqsub --> <!ENTITY sqsubseteq "&#x02291;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sqsube --> <!ENTITY sqsupset "&#x02290;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sqsup --> <!ENTITY sqsupseteq "&#x02292;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sqsupe --> <!ENTITY Square "&#x025A1;" ><!--alias for square --> <!ENTITY SquareIntersection "&#x02293;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB sqcap --> <!ENTITY SquareSubset "&#x0228F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sqsub --> <!ENTITY SquareSubsetEqual "&#x02291;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sqsube --> <!ENTITY SquareSuperset "&#x02290;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sqsup --> <!ENTITY SquareSupersetEqual "&#x02292;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sqsupe --> <!ENTITY SquareUnion "&#x02294;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB sqcup --> <!ENTITY Star "&#x022C6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB sstarf --> <!ENTITY straightepsilon "&#x003F5;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 epsi --> <!ENTITY straightphi "&#x003D5;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 phi --> <!ENTITY Subset "&#x022D0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR Sub --> <!ENTITY subset "&#x02282;" ><!--alias ISOTECH sub --> <!ENTITY subseteq "&#x02286;" ><!--alias ISOTECH sube --> <!ENTITY subseteqq "&#x02AC5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR subE --> <!ENTITY SubsetEqual "&#x02286;" ><!--alias ISOTECH sube --> <!ENTITY subsetneq "&#x0228A;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN subne --> <!ENTITY subsetneqq "&#x02ACB;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN subnE --> <!ENTITY succ "&#x0227B;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sc --> <!ENTITY succapprox "&#x02AB8;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR scap --> <!ENTITY succcurlyeq "&#x0227D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sccue --> <!ENTITY Succeeds "&#x0227B;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sc --> <!ENTITY SucceedsEqual "&#x02AB0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sce --> <!ENTITY SucceedsSlantEqual "&#x0227D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sccue --> <!ENTITY SucceedsTilde "&#x0227F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR scsim --> <!ENTITY succeq "&#x02AB0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR sce --> <!ENTITY succnapprox "&#x02ABA;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN scnap --> <!ENTITY succneqq "&#x02AB6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN scnE --> <!ENTITY succnsim "&#x022E9;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN scnsim --> <!ENTITY succsim "&#x0227F;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR scsim --> <!ENTITY SuchThat "&#x0220B;" ><!--ISOTECH ni --> <!ENTITY Sum "&#x02211;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB sum --> <!ENTITY Superset "&#x02283;" ><!--alias ISOTECH sup --> <!ENTITY SupersetEqual "&#x02287;" ><!--alias ISOTECH supe --> <!ENTITY Supset "&#x022D1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR Sup --> <!ENTITY supset "&#x02283;" ><!--alias ISOTECH sup --> <!ENTITY supseteq "&#x02287;" ><!--alias ISOTECH supe --> <!ENTITY supseteqq "&#x02AC6;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR supE --> <!ENTITY supsetneq "&#x0228B;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN supne --> <!ENTITY supsetneqq "&#x02ACC;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN supnE --> <!ENTITY swarrow "&#x02199;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA swarr --> <!ENTITY Therefore "&#x02234;" ><!--alias ISOTECH there4 --> <!ENTITY therefore "&#x02234;" ><!--alias ISOTECH there4 --> <!ENTITY thickapprox "&#x02248;" ><!--ISOAMSR thkap --> <!ENTITY thicksim "&#x0223C;" ><!--ISOAMSR thksim --> <!ENTITY ThinSpace "&#x02009;" ><!--space of width 3/18 em alias ISOPUB thinsp --> <!ENTITY Tilde "&#x0223C;" ><!--alias ISOTECH sim --> <!ENTITY TildeEqual "&#x02243;" ><!--alias ISOTECH sime --> <!ENTITY TildeFullEqual "&#x02245;" ><!--alias ISOTECH cong --> <!ENTITY TildeTilde "&#x02248;" ><!--alias ISOTECH ap --> <!ENTITY toea "&#x02928;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nesear --> <!ENTITY tosa "&#x02929;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA seswar --> <!ENTITY triangle "&#x025B5;" ><!--alias ISOPUB utri --> <!ENTITY triangledown "&#x025BF;" ><!--alias ISOPUB dtri --> <!ENTITY triangleleft "&#x025C3;" ><!--alias ISOPUB ltri --> <!ENTITY trianglelefteq "&#x022B4;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR ltrie --> <!ENTITY triangleq "&#x0225C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR trie --> <!ENTITY triangleright "&#x025B9;" ><!--alias ISOPUB rtri --> <!ENTITY trianglerighteq "&#x022B5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR rtrie --> <!ENTITY TripleDot " &#x020DB;" ><!--alias ISOTECH tdot --> <!ENTITY twoheadleftarrow "&#x0219E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA Larr --> <!ENTITY twoheadrightarrow "&#x021A0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA Rarr --> <!ENTITY ulcorner "&#x0231C;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC ulcorn --> <!ENTITY Union "&#x022C3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xcup --> <!ENTITY UnionPlus "&#x0228E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB uplus --> <!ENTITY UpArrow "&#x02191;" ><!--alias ISONUM uarr --> <!ENTITY Uparrow "&#x021D1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA uArr --> <!ENTITY uparrow "&#x02191;" ><!--alias ISONUM uarr --> <!ENTITY UpArrowDownArrow "&#x021C5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA udarr --> <!ENTITY UpDownArrow "&#x02195;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA varr --> <!ENTITY Updownarrow "&#x021D5;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA vArr --> <!ENTITY updownarrow "&#x02195;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA varr --> <!ENTITY UpEquilibrium "&#x0296E;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA udhar --> <!ENTITY upharpoonleft "&#x021BF;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA uharl --> <!ENTITY upharpoonright "&#x021BE;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA uharr --> <!ENTITY UpperLeftArrow "&#x02196;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nwarr --> <!ENTITY UpperRightArrow "&#x02197;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA nearr --> <!ENTITY upsilon "&#x003C5;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 upsi --> <!ENTITY UpTee "&#x022A5;" ><!--alias ISOTECH perp --> <!ENTITY UpTeeArrow "&#x021A5;" ><!--Alias mapstoup --> <!ENTITY upuparrows "&#x021C8;" ><!--alias ISOAMSA uuarr --> <!ENTITY urcorner "&#x0231D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSC urcorn --> <!ENTITY varepsilon "&#x003B5;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 epsiv --> <!ENTITY varkappa "&#x003F0;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 kappav --> <!ENTITY varnothing "&#x02205;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO emptyv --> <!ENTITY varphi "&#x003C6;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 phiv --> <!ENTITY varpi "&#x003D6;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 piv --> <!ENTITY varpropto "&#x0221D;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR vprop --> <!ENTITY varrho "&#x003F1;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 rhov --> <!ENTITY varsigma "&#x003C2;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 sigmav --> <!ENTITY varsubsetneq "&#x0228A;&#x0FE00;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN vsubne --> <!ENTITY varsubsetneqq "&#x02ACB;&#x0FE00;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN vsubnE --> <!ENTITY varsupsetneq "&#x0228B;&#x0FE00;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN vsupne --> <!ENTITY varsupsetneqq "&#x02ACC;&#x0FE00;" ><!--alias ISOAMSN vsupnE --> <!ENTITY vartheta "&#x003D1;" ><!--alias ISOGRK3 thetav --> <!ENTITY vartriangleleft "&#x022B2;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR vltri --> <!ENTITY vartriangleright "&#x022B3;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR vrtri --> <!ENTITY Vee "&#x022C1;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xvee --> <!ENTITY vee "&#x02228;" ><!--alias ISOTECH or --> <!ENTITY Vert "&#x02016;" ><!--alias ISOTECH Verbar --> <!ENTITY vert "&#x0007C;" ><!--alias ISONUM verbar --> <!ENTITY VerticalBar "&#x02223;" ><!--alias ISOAMSR mid --> <!ENTITY VerticalTilde "&#x02240;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB wreath --> <!ENTITY VeryThinSpace "&#x0200A;" ><!--space of width 1/18 em alias ISOPUB hairsp --> <!ENTITY Wedge "&#x022C0;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB xwedge --> <!ENTITY wedge "&#x02227;" ><!--alias ISOTECH and --> <!ENTITY wp "&#x02118;" ><!--alias ISOAMSO weierp --> <!ENTITY wr "&#x02240;" ><!--alias ISOAMSB wreath --> <!ENTITY zeetrf "&#x02128;" ><!--zee transform --> <!-- File mmlextra.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. --> <!ENTITY % plane1D "&#38;#38;#x1D"> <!ENTITY af "&#x02061;" ><!--character showing function application in presentation tagging --> <!ENTITY aopf "%plane1D;552;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY asympeq "&#x0224D;" ><!--Old ISOAMSR asymp (for HTML compatibility) --> <!ENTITY bopf "%plane1D;553;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY copf "%plane1D;554;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY Cross "&#x02A2F;" ><!--cross or vector product --> <!ENTITY DD "&#x02145;" ><!--D for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals --> <!ENTITY dd "&#x02146;" ><!--d for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals --> <!ENTITY dopf "%plane1D;555;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY DownArrowBar "&#x02913;" ><!--down arrow to bar --> <!ENTITY DownBreve " &#x00311;" ><!--breve, inverted (non-spacing) --> <!ENTITY DownLeftRightVector "&#x02950;" ><!--left-down-right-down harpoon --> <!ENTITY DownLeftTeeVector "&#x0295E;" ><!--left-down harpoon from bar --> <!ENTITY DownLeftVectorBar "&#x02956;" ><!--left-down harpoon to bar --> <!ENTITY DownRightTeeVector "&#x0295F;" ><!--right-down harpoon from bar --> <!ENTITY DownRightVectorBar "&#x02957;" ><!--right-down harpoon to bar --> <!ENTITY ee "&#x02147;" ><!--e use for the exponential base of the natural logarithms --> <!ENTITY EmptySmallSquare "&#x025FB;" ><!--empty small square --> <!ENTITY EmptyVerySmallSquare "&#x025AB;" ><!--empty small square --> <!ENTITY eopf "%plane1D;556;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY Equal "&#x02A75;" ><!--two consecutive equal signs --> <!ENTITY FilledSmallSquare "&#x025FC;" ><!--filled small square --> <!ENTITY FilledVerySmallSquare "&#x025AA;" ><!--filled very small square --> <!ENTITY fopf "%plane1D;557;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY gopf "%plane1D;558;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY GreaterGreater "&#x02AA2;" ><!--alias for GT --> <!ENTITY Hat "&#x0005E;" ><!--circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY hopf "%plane1D;559;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY HorizontalLine "&#x02500;" ><!--short horizontal line --> <!ENTITY ic "&#x02063;" ><!--short form of &InvisibleComma; --> <!ENTITY ii "&#x02148;" ><!--i for use as a square root of -1 --> <!ENTITY iopf "%plane1D;55A;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY it "&#x02062;" ><!--marks multiplication when it is understood without a mark --> <!ENTITY jopf "%plane1D;55B;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY kopf "%plane1D;55C;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY larrb "&#x021E4;" ><!--leftwards arrow to bar --> <!ENTITY LeftDownTeeVector "&#x02961;" ><!--down-left harpoon from bar --> <!ENTITY LeftDownVectorBar "&#x02959;" ><!--down-left harpoon to bar --> <!ENTITY LeftRightVector "&#x0294E;" ><!--left-up-right-up harpoon --> <!ENTITY LeftTeeVector "&#x0295A;" ><!--left-up harpoon from bar --> <!ENTITY LeftTriangleBar "&#x029CF;" ><!--left triangle, vertical bar --> <!ENTITY LeftUpDownVector "&#x02951;" ><!--up-left-down-left harpoon --> <!ENTITY LeftUpTeeVector "&#x02960;" ><!--up-left harpoon from bar --> <!ENTITY LeftUpVectorBar "&#x02958;" ><!--up-left harpoon to bar --> <!ENTITY LeftVectorBar "&#x02952;" ><!--left-up harpoon to bar --> <!ENTITY LessLess "&#x02AA1;" ><!--alias for Lt --> <!ENTITY lopf "%plane1D;55D;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY mapstodown "&#x021A7;" ><!--downwards arrow from bar --> <!ENTITY mapstoleft "&#x021A4;" ><!--leftwards arrow from bar --> <!ENTITY mapstoup "&#x021A5;" ><!--upwards arrow from bar --> <!ENTITY MediumSpace "&#x0205F;" ><!--space of width 4/18 em --> <!ENTITY mopf "%plane1D;55E;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY nbump "&#x0224E;&#x00338;" ><!--not bumpy equals --> <!ENTITY nbumpe "&#x0224F;&#x00338;" ><!--not bumpy single equals --> <!ENTITY nesim "&#x02242;&#x00338;" ><!--not equal or similar --> <!ENTITY NewLine "&#x0000A;" ><!--force a line break; line feed --> <!ENTITY NoBreak "&#x02060;" ><!--never break line here --> <!ENTITY nopf "%plane1D;55F;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY NotCupCap "&#x0226D;" ><!--alias for &nasymp; --> <!ENTITY NotHumpEqual "&#x0224F;&#x00338;" ><!--alias for &nbumpe; --> <!ENTITY NotLeftTriangleBar "&#x029CF;&#x00338;" ><!--not left triangle, vertical bar --> <!ENTITY NotNestedGreaterGreater "&#x02AA2;&#x00338;" ><!--not double greater-than sign --> <!ENTITY NotNestedLessLess "&#x02AA1;&#x00338;" ><!--not double less-than sign --> <!ENTITY NotRightTriangleBar "&#x029D0;&#x00338;" ><!--not vertical bar, right triangle --> <!ENTITY NotSquareSubset "&#x0228F;&#x00338;" ><!--square not subset --> <!ENTITY NotSquareSuperset "&#x02290;&#x00338;" ><!--negated set-like partial order operator --> <!ENTITY NotSucceedsTilde "&#x0227F;&#x00338;" ><!--not succeeds or similar --> <!ENTITY oopf "%plane1D;560;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY OverBar "&#x000AF;" ><!--over bar --> <!ENTITY OverBrace "&#x0FE37;" ><!--over brace --> <!ENTITY OverBracket "&#x023B4;" ><!--over bracket --> <!ENTITY OverParenthesis "&#x0FE35;" ><!--over parenthesis --> <!ENTITY planckh "&#x0210E;" ><!--the ring (skew field) of quaternions --> <!ENTITY popf "%plane1D;561;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY Product "&#x0220F;" ><!--alias for &prod; --> <!ENTITY qopf "%plane1D;562;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY rarrb "&#x021E5;" ><!--leftwards arrow to bar --> <!ENTITY RightDownTeeVector "&#x0295D;" ><!--down-right harpoon from bar --> <!ENTITY RightDownVectorBar "&#x02955;" ><!--down-right harpoon to bar --> <!ENTITY RightTeeVector "&#x0295B;" ><!--right-up harpoon from bar --> <!ENTITY RightTriangleBar "&#x029D0;" ><!--vertical bar, right triangle --> <!ENTITY RightUpDownVector "&#x0294F;" ><!--up-right-down-right harpoon --> <!ENTITY RightUpTeeVector "&#x0295C;" ><!--up-right harpoon from bar --> <!ENTITY RightUpVectorBar "&#x02954;" ><!--up-right harpoon to bar --> <!ENTITY RightVectorBar "&#x02953;" ><!--up-right harpoon to bar --> <!ENTITY ropf "%plane1D;563;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY RoundImplies "&#x02970;" ><!--round implies --> <!ENTITY RuleDelayed "&#x029F4;" ><!--rule-delayed (colon right arrow) --> <!ENTITY sopf "%plane1D;564;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY Tab "&#x00009;" ><!--tabulator stop; horizontal tabulation --> <!ENTITY ThickSpace "&#x02009;&#x0200A;&#x0200A;" ><!--space of width 5/18 em --> <!ENTITY topf "%plane1D;565;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY UnderBar " &#x00332;" ><!--combining low line --> <!ENTITY UnderBrace "&#x0FE38;" ><!--under brace --> <!ENTITY UnderBracket "&#x023B5;" ><!--under bracket --> <!ENTITY UnderParenthesis "&#x0FE36;" ><!--under parenthesis --> <!ENTITY uopf "%plane1D;566;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY UpArrowBar "&#x02912;" ><!--up arrow to bar --> <!ENTITY Upsilon "&#x003A5;" ><!--ISOGRK1 Ugr, HTML4 Upsilon --> <!ENTITY VerticalLine "&#x0007C;" ><!--alias ISONUM verbar --> <!ENTITY VerticalSeparator "&#x02758;" ><!--vertical separating operator --> <!ENTITY vopf "%plane1D;567;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY wopf "%plane1D;568;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY xopf "%plane1D;569;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY yopf "%plane1D;56A;" ><!-- --> <!ENTITY ZeroWidthSpace "&#x0200B;" ><!--zero width space --> <!ENTITY zopf "%plane1D;56B;" ><!-- -->