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File: engine/modules/core/user/

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  Classes of Aldo Tripiciano   Quanta CMS   engine/modules/core/user/   Download  
File: engine/modules/core/user/
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Quanta CMS
Manage content that works without a database
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 7,610 bytes


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 * Implements hook_boot();
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * Miscellaneous environment / page variables.
function user_boot($env, $vars) {
$env->sysdir('users', '_users');
$env->sysdir('roles', '_roles');
//setcookie('user', NULL, $env->getData('session_lifetime', time() - 86400));

 * Implements hook_init();
 * Refresh user's session cookie.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * Miscellaneous environment / page variables.
function user_init($env, $vars) {
$user = UserFactory::current($env);
//setcookie('user', NULL, $env->getData('session_lifetime', 86400));

 * Implements hook_load_includes().
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * Miscellaneous environment / page variables.
function user_load_includes($env, $vars) {
$module_path = $env->getModulePath('user');
$env->addInclude($module_path . '/js/user.js');
$env->addInclude($module_path . '/css/user.css');

 * Implements hook_doctor_setup().
 * Main setup of users.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * Miscellaneous environment / page variables.
function user_doctor_setup($env, $vars) {
/** @var Doctor $doctor */
$doctor = $vars['doctor'];

$doctor->op('Creating basic roles');

// Create the basic roles.
$basic_roles = array(
'anonymous' => array('title' => 'Anonymous'),
'logged' => array('title' => 'Logged-in User'),
'admin' => array('title' => 'Admin'),
  foreach (
$basic_roles as $role => $roledata) {
    if (!
is_dir($env->dir['roles'] . '/' . $role)) {
NodeFactory::buildNode($env, $role, '_roles', $roledata);

$doctor->op('Looking for Admin user');
$adminuser = UserFactory::load($env, 'administrator');
  if (!(
$adminuser->exists)) {
$doctor->talk('Not found! Attempting to create Admin User...');
$password = 'pass';
$password_repeat = 'pass_repeat';

    while (
$password != $password_repeat) {
$password = $doctor->ask('Please enter a password for the administrator user', TRUE);
$password_repeat = $doctor->ask('Please repeat your password', TRUE);
      if (
$password != $password_repeat) {
$doctor->ko('The two passwords are not matching. Please try again!');
UserFactory::buildUser($env, 'administrator', array(
'title' => 'Administrator',
'password' => $password,
'roles' => array('admin'),
'email' => '[email protected]',
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'language' => LANGUAGE_NEUTRAL,
  else {

 * Implements hook_body_classes.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function user_body_classes($env, $vars) {
$user = UserFactory::current($env);
$roles = $user->getRoles();
  foreach (
$roles as $role) {
$vars['page']->addData('body_classes', array('user-' . trim($role)));

 * Implements hook_action_login().
 * There is an user login request.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function user_action_login($env, $vars) {
$username = array_pop($vars['data']['username']);
// We allow also using email for logging in.
if (valid_email($username)) {
$username = UserFactory::getUserFromField($env, 'email', $username);

// Initialize an user object.
$tmp_user = new User($env, $username);
// Attempt to log in the user.
$login = $tmp_user->logIn(array_pop($vars['data']['password']));

 * Implements hook_shadow_user_register_form().
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function user_shadow_user_register_form($env, $vars) {
$user = UserFactory::current($env);
$tab = '<h2>Create a free account</h2>' . $user->renderEditForm($env->getContext());
$vars['shadow']->addTab('Insert your data', $tab, 1);
$vars['shadow']->addButton('edit-save', '<span style="color:green">&check;&nbsp;</span> Sign Up!');

 * Implements hook_shadow_user_edit_form().
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function user_shadow_user_edit_form($env, $vars) {
$curr_user = UserFactory::current($env);
$user = new User($env, $curr_user->name);
/** @var Shadow $shadow */
$shadow = $vars['shadow'];
// TODO: customizable titles.
switch($env->getContext()) {
$title = 'Create a free account';
$title = 'Edit your profile';
$title = 'Edit user: ' . $user->getName();

$tab = '<h2>' . $title . '</h2>' . $user->renderEditForm($env->getContext());
$shadow->addTab('Your Profile', $tab, 1);
$shadow->addButton('edit-save', '<span style="color:green">&check;&nbsp;</span> Update');

 * Implements hook_shadow_user_login_form.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function user_shadow_user_login_form($env, $vars) {
$user = UserFactory::current($env);
$tab = $user->renderLoginForm();
/** @var Shadow $shadow */
$shadow = $vars['shadow'];
$shadow->addTab('Your Login Data', $tab, 1);
$shadow->addButton('edit-save', '<span style="color:green">&check;&nbsp;</span> Login');

 * Implements hook_action_user_edit.
 * There is an user edit request.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function user_action_user_edit($env, $vars) {
$response_json = UserFactory::requestAction($env, $vars['data']['action'], $vars['data']);

 * Implements hook_action_user_edit_own.
 * There is an user self edit request.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function user_action_user_edit_own($env, $vars) {
user_action_user_edit($env, $vars);

 * Implements hook_action_user_register().
 * There is an user registration request.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function user_action_user_register($env, $vars) {
// Prepare the response object.
$response = new StdClass();
$user = UserFactory::requestAction($env, $vars['data']['action'], $vars['data']);
// Check if there are validation errors.
if (!empty($user->getData('validation_errors'))) {
    foreach (
$user->getData('validation_errors') as $error) {
Message($env, $error, MESSAGE_WARNING);
$response->errors = Message::burnMessages();
  else {
$username = array_pop($vars['data']['name']);
$user = UserFactory::load($env, $username);
$user->login(NULL, t('Hello %user, thank you for signing up. You are now a registered member.', array('%user' => $username)), TRUE);
$response->redirect = NodeFactory::current($env)->getName();

// Encode the response JSON code.
$response_json = json_encode($response);


 * Implements hook_action_logout().
 * There is an user logout request.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function user_action_logout($env, $vars) {
$user = UserFactory::current($env, TRUE);
$logout = $user->logOut();