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File: engine/modules/core/qtags/

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  Classes of Aldo Tripiciano   Quanta CMS   engine/modules/core/qtags/   Download  
File: engine/modules/core/qtags/
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Quanta CMS
Manage content that works without a database
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 5,668 bytes


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 * Transform qtags in html.
 * Will look for all qtag_TAG functions, in all modules, and apply them to the code
 * to convert tags.
 * TODO: convert to OO approach.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param string $html
 * The html to analyze.
 * @param string $options
 * Options for qtags.
 * @return array
 * All the qtags in the html.
function checkCodeTags(&$env, $html, $options = array(), $regex_options = 'U') {
$replacing = array();
// Find all qtags using regular expressions (both { and [ bracket types are valid).
$regexs = array();

$qtag_delimiters = isset($options['qtag_delimiters']) ? $options['qtag_delimiters'] : array('[]', '{}');
  foreach (
$qtag_delimiters as $qtag_delimiter) {
$qtag_del_open = substr($qtag_delimiter, 0, 1);
$qtag_del_close = substr($qtag_delimiter, 1, 1);

$regexs['/\\' . $qtag_del_open . '(.*)\\' . $qtag_del_close . '/' . $regex_options] = array($qtag_del_open, $qtag_del_close, '|');

  foreach (
$regexs as $regex => $delimiters) {
preg_match_all($regex, $html, $matches);
    foreach (
$matches[1] as $tag_value) {
$tag_full = $delimiters[0] . $tag_value . $delimiters[1];
$replaces = checkCodeTags($env, $tag_value, $options);
      foreach (
$replaces as $tag => $val) {
        if (
is_array($val)) {
$val = implode(GLOBAL_SEPARATOR, $val);
$tag_value = str_replace($tag, $val, $tag_value);
$tag = explode(':', $tag_value);

// If there is more than one : we have to just consider the first chunk
      // and unify the rest.

$tag_destination = isset($tag[1]) ? $tag[1] : NULL;
      for (
$i = 2; $i < count($tag); $i++) {
$tag_destination .= ':' . $tag[$i];

// Load the attributes of the qtag.
$attributes = explode($delimiters[2], $tag[0]);
$tag_name = $attributes[0];
$attr_arr = array();
// Assign attributes as specified in the tag.
foreach ($attributes as $attr_item) {
$split = explode('=', $attr_item);

// If there is more than one = we have to just consider the first chunk
        // and unify the rest.

$attribute_name = $split[0];
$attribute_value = isset($split[1]) ? $split[1] : NULL;
        for (
$i = 2; $i < count($split); $i++) {
$attribute_value .= '=' . $split[$i];

        if (isset(
$attribute_value)) {
$attr_arr[$attribute_name] = $attribute_value;
        else {
$attr_arr[$attribute_name] = TRUE;

// When the showtag attribute is used, don't render the tab but just display it.
if (!empty($attr_arr['showtag'])) {
$replacing[$tag_full] = string_normalize(str_replace('|showtag', '', $tag_full));
// When the showtag attribute is used, don't render the tab but just display it.
elseif (!empty($attr_arr['runlast']) && empty($options['runlast'])) {

      else {

// Check if the requested qtag is defined by any function.
if ($tag_name == strtoupper($tag_name) && function_exists('qtag_' . $tag_name)) {
$func = 'qtag_' . $tag_name;
          if (
function_exists($func)) {
$qtag[$tag_full] = '';
$attr_arr['tag_full'] = $tag_full;
$qtag_access = TRUE;

$vars = array(
'attributes' => $attr_arr,
'target' => $tag_destination,
'qtag' => &$qtag[$tag_full],
'access' => &$qtag_access,

$env->hook('qtag_preload', $vars);

// Check that access is OK for the qtag.
if (!$qtag_access) {
$replacing[$tag_full] = '';
            else {

// Run the qtag.
$tag_html = $func($env, !empty($tag_destination) ? $tag_destination : NULL, $attr_arr);

$qtag[$tag_full] = $tag_html;

// Let other modules hook into the rendered qtag.
$env->hook('qtag', $vars);

$tag_content = $qtag[$tag_full];

// Add eventual suffix and prefix.
if (!empty($attr_arr['suffix']) && !empty($tag_content)) {
$tag_content .= $attr_arr['suffix'];
              if (!empty(
$attr_arr['prefix']) && !empty($tag_content)) {
$tag_content = $attr_arr['prefix'] . $tag_content;

// Prevent replacement where no_qtags attribute present. Used for input forms etc.
if (isset($attr_arr['no_qtags'])) {
$tag_content = string_normalize($tag_content);

$replacing[$tag_full] = $tag_content;


 * @param $env
 * @param $html
 * @return mixed
function transformCodeTags(&$env, $html, $options = array()) {

// After rendering all tags in a page, the result could be containing other tags.

  // For this reason, keep looping until all tags are rendered.
while (TRUE) {

$replaces = (checkCodeTags($env, $html, $options));

    if (empty(
$replaces)) {
    foreach (
$replaces as $k => $replace) {
      if (
is_array($replace)) {
$replace = implode(GLOBAL_SEPARATOR, $replace);
$html = str_replace($k, $replace, $html);


 * Remove all qtags elements from the string (all [elements] within brackets).
 * @param $string
 * @return string
function stripQTags($string) {
preg_replace('/\[.*?\]/', '', $string);