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File: engine/modules/core/form/

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  Classes of Aldo Tripiciano   Quanta CMS   engine/modules/core/form/   Download  
File: engine/modules/core/form/
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Quanta CMS
Manage content that works without a database
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 2,582 bytes


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 * Implements INPUT qtag.
 * Renders an input item of a form.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param string $target
 * The qtag's target.
 * @param array $attributes
 * The qtag's attributes.
 * @return string
 * The rendered qtag.
function qtag_INPUT($env, $target, $attributes) {
$rendered = '';
$form = FormFactory::getForm($env, $target);
FormFactory::createInputItem($env, $attributes, $form);
$rendered .= str_replace('[INPUT|', '[INPUT_RENDER|', $attributes['tag_full']);

 * Implements INPUT_RENDER qtag.
 * Helper qtag, that renders an INPUT after all input items are loaded.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param string $target
 * The qtag's target.
 * @param array $attributes
 * The qtag's attributes.
 * @return string
 * The rendered qtag.
function qtag_INPUT_RENDER($env, $target, $attributes) {

$rendered = '';
$form = FormFactory::getForm($env, $target);
  if (!(empty(
$attributes['name'])) && !(empty($form->getItem($attributes['name'])))) {

$input = $form->getItem($attributes['name']);
    if (
$input->isFirst()) {
$rendered .= $form->renderFormOpen();

$rendered .= ($form->isValidated()) ? '' : $input->renderFormItem();

    if (
$input->isLast()) {
$rendered .= $form->renderFormClose();


 * Implements FORM qtag.
 * Renders a form.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param string $target
 * The qtag's target.
 * @param array $attributes
 * The qtag's attributes.
 * @return string
 * The rendered qtag.
function qtag_FORM($env, $target, $attributes) {
$form = FormFactory::getForm($env, $target);
$string = '';
// If the form has been submitted, validate it.
if ($form->isSubmitted() && ($validate_ok = $form->checkValidate())) {
$string = $validate_ok;

 * Implements LIST_VALUES qtag.
 * Use subnodes of a node as possible values for a form item.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param string $target
 * The qtag's target.
 * @param array $attributes
 * The qtag's attributes.
 * @return string
 * The rendered qtag.
function qtag_LIST_VALUES($env, $target, $attributes) {
$attributes['editable'] = 'false';
$attributes['clean'] = TRUE;
$attributes['separator'] = ',';
$dirlist = new DirList($env, $target, 'list-values', $attributes, 'form');