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  Classes of Jeff Williams   Ultimate MySQL PDO Database Class   DB.php   Download  
File: DB.php
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Description: Ultimate MySQL PDO Class Library
Class: Ultimate MySQL PDO Database Class
Access MySQL databases using the PDO extension
Author: By
Last change: Ultimate MySQL PDO database utility class that is extremely fast and light-weight with built-in debugging, error handling, security, logging, transaction processing, and automatic SQL generation all using PHP's PDO engine to resist SQL injection attacks.
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 32,576 bytes



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<?php /** * Ultimate MySQL PDO database utility class with built-in debugging and logging * * This database class uses a global PDO database connection to make it easier * to retrofit into existing projects or use in new projects. The class is * static (you do not need to create any type of object to use it) for easy of * use, performance, and convenient code completion. All of the code is in a * single file to make it incredibly easy to install and learn. Some basic * knowledge of how PDO "placeholders" work is helpful but not necessary. Every * effort to use them is applied to stop SQL injection hacks and also because: * * "There is a common misconception about how the placeholders in prepared * statements work. They are not simply substituted in as (escaped) strings, * and the resulting SQL executed. Instead, a DBMS asked to "prepare" a * statement comes up with a complete query plan for how it would execute that * query, including which tables and indexes it would use." * * * I also made every efforts to take care of all the details like try/catch * error checking, PHP error logging, security, full transaction processing, * and using as little memory and being as lightweight as possible while still * containing a lot of great features. * * @author Jeff Williams * @version 2.0 */ class DB { /** * Determines the name of the global PDO database variable to use internally */ const PDO_DB = 'db'; /** * This is an event function that is called every time there is an error. * You can add code into this function to do things such as: * 1. Log errors into the database * 2. Send an email with the error message * 3. Save out to some type of log file * 4. Make a RESTful API call * 5. Run a script or program * 6. Set a session or global variable * Or anything you might want to do when an error occurs. * * @param string $error The error description [$exception->getMessage()] * @param int $error_code [OPTIONAL] The error number [$exception->getCode()] */ protected static function ErrorEvent($error, $error_code = 0) { // Send this error to the PHP error log if (empty($error_code)) { error_log($error, 0); } else { error_log(self::PDO_DB . ' error ' . $error_code . ': ' . $error, 0); } } /** * Connects to a MySQL PDO database. * * NOTE: I chose to pass back an error on this routine because a database * connection error is serious and the author might want to send out email * or other communications to alert them. If the connection is successful, * then FALSE is returned (as in there was not an error to report). * * @param string $username Database user name * @param string $password Database password * @param string $database Database or schema name * @param string $hostname [OPTIONAL] Host name of the server * @param boolean $silent_errors [OPTIONAL] Show no errors on queries * @return boolean/string The error if there was one otherwise FALSE */ public static function Connect($username, $password, $database, $hostname = 'localhost', $silent_errors = false) { try { // Connect to the MySQL database $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB] = new PDO('mysql:' . 'host=' . $hostname . ';' . 'dbname=' . $database, $username, $password); // If we are connected... if ($GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]) { // The default error mode for PDO is PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT. // With this setting left unchanged, you'll need to manually // fetch errors, after performing a query if (!$silent_errors) { $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } // Connection was successful $error = false; } else { // Connection was not successful $error = true; } // If there was an error... } catch (PDOException $e) { // Get the error $error = 'Database Connection Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage(); // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent($error, $e->getCode()); } // Return the results return $error; } /** * Executes a SQL statement using PDO * * @param string $sql SQL * @param array $placeholders [OPTIONAL] Associative array placeholders for binding to SQL * array("name' => 'Cathy', 'city' => 'Cardiff') * @param booplean $debug [OPTIONAL] If set to true, will output results and query info * @return boolean (Last INSERT ID if INSERT or) TRUE if success otherwise FALSE */ public static function Execute($sql, $placeholders = false, $debug = false) { // Set the variable initial values $query = false; $count = false; $id = false; $time = false; // Is there already a transaction pending? No nested transactions in MySQL! $existing_transaction = $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->inTransaction(); // Is this a SQL INSERT statement? Check the first word... $insert = (strtoupper(strtok(trim($sql), ' '))) === 'INSERT'; // Set a flag $return = false; try { // Begin a transaction if (!$existing_transaction) { $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->beginTransaction(); } // Create the query object $query = $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->prepare($sql); // If there are values in the passed in array if (!empty($placeholders) && is_array($placeholders) && count($placeholders) > 0) { // Loop through the placeholders and values foreach ($placeholders as $field => $value) { // Determine the datatype if (is_int($value)) { $datatype = PDO::PARAM_INT; } elseif (is_bool($value)) { $datatype = PDO::PARAM_BOOL; } elseif (is_null($value)) { $datatype = PDO::PARAM_NULL; } elseif ($value instanceof DateTime) { $value = $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $placeholders[$field] = $value; $datatype = PDO::PARAM_STR; } else { $datatype = PDO::PARAM_STR; } // Bind the placeholder and value to the query $query->bindValue($field, $value, $datatype); } } // Start a timer $time_start = microtime(true); // Execute the query $query->execute(); // Find out how long the query took $time_end = microtime(true); $time = $time_end - $time_start; // If this was an INSERT... if ($insert) { // Get the last inserted ID (has to be done before the commit) $id = $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->lastInsertId(); } // Debug only if ($debug) { // Rollback the transaction if (!$existing_transaction) { $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->rollback(); } // Output debug information self::DumpDebug(__FUNCTION__, $sql, $placeholders, $query, false, $time, $count, $id); // Exit die(); } // Commit the transaction if (!$existing_transaction) { $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->commit(); } // If this was an INSERT... if ($insert) { // Hand back the last inserted ID $return = $id; } else { // Query was successful $return = true; } } catch (PDOException $e) { // If there was an error... // Get the error $error = 'Database Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . $sql; // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent($error, $e->getCode()); // If we are in debug mode... if ($debug) { // Output debug information self::DumpDebug(__FUNCTION__, $sql, $placeholders, $query, false, $time, $count, $id, $error); } // Rollback the transaction if (!$existing_transaction) { $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->rollback(); } } catch (Exception $e) { // If there was an error... // Get the error $error = 'General Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage(); // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent($error, $e->getCode()); // If we are in debug mode... if ($debug) { // Output debug information self::DumpDebug(__FUNCTION__, $sql, $placeholders, $query, false, $time, $count, $id, $error); } // Rollback the transaction if (!$existing_transaction) { $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->rollback(); } } // Clean up unset($query); // If this was a successful INSERT with an ID... if ($return && $id) { // Return the ID instead $return = $id; } // Return [the ID or] true if success and false if failure return $return; } /** * Executes a SQL query using PDO and returns records * * @param string $sql SQL * @param array $placeholders [OPTIONAL] Associative array placeholders for binding to SQL * array('name' => 'Cathy', 'city' => 'Cardiff') * @param booplean $debug [OPTIONAL] If set to true, will output results and query info * @param integer $fetch_parameters [OPTIONAL] PDO fetch style record options * @return array Array with values if success otherwise FALSE */ public static function Query($sql, $placeholders = false, $debug = false, $fetch_parameters = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { // Set the variable initial values $query = false; $return = false; $time = false; try { // Create the query object $query = $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->prepare($sql); // If there are values in the passed in array if (!empty($placeholders) && is_array($placeholders) && count($placeholders) > 0) { // Loop through the placeholders and values foreach ($placeholders as $field => $value) { // Determine the datatype if (is_int($value)) { $datatype = PDO::PARAM_INT; } elseif (is_bool($value)) { $datatype = PDO::PARAM_BOOL; } elseif (is_null($value)) { $datatype = PDO::PARAM_NULL; } elseif ($value instanceof DateTime) { $value = $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $placeholders[$field] = $value; $datatype = PDO::PARAM_STR; } else { $datatype = PDO::PARAM_STR; } // Bind the placeholder and value to the query $query->bindValue($field, $value, $datatype); } } // Start a timer $time_start = microtime(true); // Execute the query $query->execute(); // Find out how long the query took $time_end = microtime(true); $time = $time_end - $time_start; // Query was successful $return = $query->fetchAll($fetch_parameters); // Debug only if ($debug) { // Output debug information self::DumpDebug(__FUNCTION__, $sql, $placeholders, $query, $return, $time, count($return)); } } catch (PDOException $e) { // If there was an error... // Get the error $error = 'Database Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . $sql; // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent($error, $e->getCode()); // If we are in debug mode... if ($debug) { // Output debug information self::DumpDebug(__FUNCTION__, $sql, $placeholders, $query, $return, $time, false, false, $error); } // die($e->getMessage()); $return = false; } catch (Exception $e) { // If there was an error... // Get the error $error = 'General Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage(); // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent($error, $e->getCode()); // If we are in debug mode... if ($debug) { // Output debug information self::DumpDebug(__FUNCTION__, $sql, $placeholders, $query, $return, $time, false, false, $error); } // die($e->getMessage()); $return = false; } // Clean up unset($query); // Return results if success and false if failure return $return; } /** * Executes a SQL query using PDO and returns one row * * @param string $sql SQL * @param array $placeholders [OPTIONAL] Associative array placeholders for binding to SQL * array('name' => 'Cathy', 'city' => 'Cardiff') * @param booplean $debug [OPTIONAL] If set to true, will output results and query info * @param integer $fetch_parameters [OPTIONAL] PDO fetch style record options * @return array Array with values if success otherwise FALSE */ public static function QueryRow($sql, $placeholders = false, $debug = false, $fetch_parameters = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { // It's better on resources to add LIMIT 1 to the end of your SQL // statement if there are multiple rows that will be returned $results = self::Query($sql, $placeholders, $debug, $fetch_parameters); // If one or more records were returned if (is_array($results) && count($results) > 0) { // Return the first element of the array which is the first row return $results[key($results)]; } else { // No records were returned return false; } } /** * Executes a SQL query using PDO and returns a single value only * * @param string $sql SQL * @param array $placeholders Associative array placeholders for binding to SQL * array('name' => 'Cathy', 'city' => 'Cardiff') * @param booplean $debug If set to true, will output results and query info * @return unknown A returned value from the database if success otherwise FALSE */ public static function QueryValue($sql, $placeholders = false, $debug = false) { // It's better on resources to add LIMIT 1 to the end of your SQL // if there are multiple rows that will be returned $results = self::QueryRow($sql, $placeholders, $debug, PDO::FETCH_NUM); // If a record was returned if (is_array($results)) { // Return the first element of the array which is the first row return $results[0]; } else { // No records were returned return false; } } /** * Selects records from a table using PDO * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $values [OPTIONAL] Array or string containing the field names * array('name', 'city') or 'name, city' * @param array/string [OPTIONAL] $where Array containing the fields and values or a string * $where = array(); * $where['id >'] = 1234; * $where[] = 'first_name IS NOT NULL'; * $where['some_value <>'] = 'text'; * @param array/string [OPTIONAL] $order Array or string containing field order * @param booplean $debug [OPTIONAL] If set to true, will output results and query info * @param integer $fetch_parameters [OPTIONAL] PDO fetch style record options * @return array Array with values if success otherwise FALSE */ public static function Select($table, $values = '*', $where = false, $order = false, $debug = false, $fetch_parameters = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { // If the values are in an array if (is_array($values)) { // Join the fields $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $values); } else { // It's a string // Create the SELECT $sql = 'SELECT ' . trim($values); } // Create the SQL WHERE clause $where_array = self::WhereClause($where); $sql .= ' FROM ' . trim($table) . $where_array['sql']; // If the order values are in an array if (is_array($order)) { // Join the fields $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $order); } elseif ($order) { // It's a string // Specify the order $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . trim($order); } // Execute the query and return the results return self::Query($sql, $where_array['placeholders'], $debug, $fetch_parameters); } /** * Selects a single record from a table using PDO * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $values [OPTIONAL] Array or string containing the field names * array('name', 'city') or 'name, city' * @param array/string [OPTIONAL] $where Array containing the fields and values or a string * $where = array(); * $where['id >'] = 1234; * $where[] = 'first_name IS NOT NULL'; * $where['some_value <>'] = 'text'; * @param booplean $debug [OPTIONAL] If set to true, will output results and query info * @param integer $fetch_parameters [OPTIONAL] PDO fetch style record options * @return array Array with values if success otherwise FALSE */ public static function SelectRow($table, $values = '*', $where = false, $debug = false, $fetch_parameters = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { // If the values are in an array if (is_array($values)) { // Join the fields $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $values); } else { // It's a string // Create the SELECT $sql = 'SELECT ' . trim($values); } // Create the SQL WHERE clause $where_array = self::WhereClause($where); $sql .= ' FROM ' . trim($table) . $where_array['sql']; // Make sure only one row is returned $sql .= ' LIMIT 1'; // Execute the query and return the results return self::QueryRow($sql, $where_array['placeholders'], $debug, $fetch_parameters); } /** * Selects a single record from a table using PDO * * @param string $table Table name * @param string $field The name of the field to return * @param array/string [OPTIONAL] $where Array containing the fields and values or a string * $where = array(); * $where['id >'] = 1234; * $where[] = 'first_name IS NOT NULL'; * $where['some_value <>'] = 'text'; * @param booplean $debug [OPTIONAL] If set to true, will output results and query info * @param integer $fetch_parameters [OPTIONAL] PDO fetch style record options * @return array Array with values if success otherwise FALSE */ public static function SelectValue($table, $field, $where = false, $debug = false) { // Return the row $results = self::SelectRow($table, $field, $where, $debug, PDO::FETCH_NUM); // If a record was returned if (is_array($results)) { // Return the first element of the array which is the first row return $results[0]; } else { // No records were returned return false; } } /** * Inserts a new record into a table using PDO * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $values Associative array containing the fields and values * array('name' => 'Cathy', 'city' => 'Cardiff') * @param booplean $debug [OPTIONAL] If set to true, will output results and query info * @return boolean Returns the last inserted ID or TRUE otherwise FALSE */ public static function Insert($table, $values, $debug = false) { // Create the SQL statement with PDO placeholders created with regex $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . trim($table) . ' (' . implode(', ', array_keys($values)) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', preg_replace('/^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$/', ':${1}', array_keys($values))) . ')'; // Execute the query return self::Execute($sql, $values, $debug); } /** * Updates an existing record into a table using PDO * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $values Associative array containing the fields and values * array('name' => 'Cathy', 'city' => 'Cardiff') * @param array/string $where [OPTIONAL] Array containing the fields and values or a string * $where = array(); * $where['id >'] = 1234; * $where[] = 'first_name IS NOT NULL'; * $where['some_value <>'] = 'text'; * @param booplean $debug [OPTIONAL] If set to true, will output results and query info * @return boolean TRUE if success otherwise FALSE */ public static function Update($table, $values, $where = false, $debug = false) { // Create the initial SQL $sql = 'UPDATE ' . trim($table) . ' SET '; // Create SQL SET values $output = array(); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $output[] = $key . ' = :' . $key; } // Concatenate the array values $sql .= implode(', ', $output); // Create the SQL WHERE clause $where_array = self::WhereClause($where); $sql .= $where_array['sql']; // Execute the query return self::Execute($sql, array_merge($values, $where_array['placeholders']), $debug); } /** * Deletes a record from a table using PDO * * @param string $table Table name * @param array/string $where [OPTIONAL] Array containing the fields and values or a string * $where = array(); * $where['id >'] = 1234; * $where[] = 'first_name IS NOT NULL'; * $where['some_value <>'] = 'text'; * @param booplean $debug [OPTIONAL] If set to true, will output results and query info * @return boolean TRUE if success otherwise FALSE */ public static function Delete($table, $where = false, $debug = false) { // Create the SQL $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . trim($table); // Create the SQL WHERE clause $where_array = self::WhereClause($where); $sql .= $where_array['sql']; // Execute the query return self::Execute($sql, $where_array['placeholders'], $debug); } /** * Begin transaction processing * */ public static function TransactionBegin() { try { // Begin transaction processing $success = $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->beginTransaction(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // If there was an error... // Return false to show there was an error $success = false; // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent('Database Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } catch (Exception $e) { // If there was an error... // Return false to show there was an error $success = false; // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent('General Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } return $success; } /** * Commit and end transaction processing * */ public static function TransactionCommit() { try { // Commit and end transaction processing $success = $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->commit(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // If there was an error... // Return false to show there was an error $success = false; // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent('Database Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } catch (Exception $e) { // If there was an error... // Return false to show there was an error $success = false; // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent('General Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } return $success; } /** * Roll back transaction processing * */ public static function TransactionRollback() { try { // Roll back transaction processing $success = $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->rollback(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // If there was an error... // Return false to show there was an error $success = false; // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent('Database Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } catch (Exception $e) { // If there was an error... // Return false to show there was an error $success = false; // Send the error to the error event handler self::ErrorEvent('General Error (' . __METHOD__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } return $success; } /** * Converts a Query() or Select() array of records into a simple array * using only one column or an associative array using another column as a key * * @param array $array The array returned from a PDO query using fetchAll * @param string $value_field The name of the field that holds the value * @param string $key_field [OPTIONAL] The name of the field that holds the key * making the return value an associative array * @return array Returns an array with only the specified data */ public static function ConvertQueryToSimpleArray($array, $value_field, $key_field = false) { // Create an empty array $return = array(); // Loop through the query results foreach ($array as $element) { // If we have a key if ($key_field) { // Add this key $return[$element[$key_field]] = $element[$value_field]; } else { // No key field // Append to the array $return[] = $element[$value_field]; } } // Return the new array return $return; } /** * This function returns a SQL query as an HTML table * * @param string $sql SQL * @param array $placeholders [OPTIONAL] Associative array placeholders for binding to SQL * array("name' => 'Cathy', 'city' => 'Cardiff') * @param boolean $showCount (Optional) TRUE if you want to show the row count, * FALSE if you do not want to show the count * @param string $styleTable (Optional) Style information for the table * @param string $styleHeader (Optional) Style information for the header row * @param string $styleData (Optional) Style information for the cells * @return string HTML containing a table with all records listed */ public static function GetHTML($sql, $placeholders = false, $showCount = true, $styleTable = null, $styleHeader = null, $styleData = null) { // Set default style information if ($styleTable === null) { $tb = "border-collapse:collapse;empty-cells:show"; } else { $tb = $styleTable; } if ($styleHeader === null) { $th = "border-width:1px;border-style:solid;background-color:navy;color:white"; } else { $th = $styleHeader; } if ($styleData === null) { $td = "border-width:1px;border-style:solid"; } else { $td = $styleData; } // Get the records $records = DB::Query($sql, $placeholders); // If there was no error... if (is_array($records)) { // If records were returned... if (count($records) > 0) { // Begin the table $html = ""; if ($showCount) $html = "Total Count: " . count($records) . "<br />\n"; $html .= "<table style=\"$tb\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n"; // Create the header row $html .= "\t<tr>\n"; foreach (array_keys($records[0]) as $value) { $html .= "\t\t<td style=\"$th\"><strong>" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "</strong></td>\n"; } $html .= "\t</tr>\n"; // Create the rows with data foreach ($records as $row) { $html .= "\t<tr>\n"; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $html .= "\t\t<td style=\"$td\">" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "</td>\n"; } $html .= "\t</tr>\n"; } // Close the table $html .= "</table>"; } else { // No records were returned $html = "No records were returned."; } } else { // There was an error with the SQL $html = false; } // Return the table HTML code return $html; } /** * Converts empty values to NULL * * @param unknown_type $value Any value * @param boolean $includeZero Include 0 as NULL? * @param boolean $includeFalse Include FALSE as NULL? * @param boolean $includeBlankString Include a blank string as NULL? * @return unknown_type The value or NULL if empty */ public static function EmptyToNull($value, $includeZero = true, $includeFalse = true, $includeBlankString = true) { $return = $value; if (!$includeFalse && $value === false) { // Skip } elseif (!$includeZero && ($value === 0 || trim($value) === '0')) { // Skip } elseif (!$includeBlankString && trim($value) === '') { // Skip } elseif (is_string($value)) { if (strlen(trim($value)) == 0) { $return = null; } else { $return = trim($value); } } elseif (empty($value)) { $return = null; } return $return; } /** * Returns a quoted string that is safe to pass into an SQL statement * * @param string $value A string value or DateTime object * @return string The newly encoded string with quotes */ public static function Safe($value) { // If it's a string... if (is_string($value)) { // Use PDO to encode it return $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->quote($value); // If it's a DateTime object... } elseif ($value instanceof DateTime) { // Format the date as a string for MySQL and use PDO to encode it return $GLOBALS[self::PDO_DB]->quote($value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // It's something else... } else { // Return the original value return $value; } } /** * Builds a SQL WHERE clause from an array * * @param array/string $where Array containing the fields and values or a string * $where = array(); * $where['id >'] = 1234; * $where[] = 'first_name IS NOT NULL'; * $where['some_value <>'] = 'text'; * @return array An associative array with both a 'sql' and 'placeholders' key */ protected static function WhereClause($where) { // Create an array to hold the place holder values (if any) $placeholders = array(); // Create a variable to hold SQL $sql = ''; // If an array was passed in... if (is_array($where)) { // Create an array to hold the WHERE values $output = array(); // loop through the array foreach ($where as $key => $value) { // If a key is specified for a PDO place holder field... if (is_string($key)) { // Extract the key $extracted_key = preg_replace('/^(\s*)([^\s=<>]*)(.*)/', '${2}', $key); // If no < > = was specified... if (trim($key) == $extracted_key) { // Add the PDO place holder with an = $output[] = trim($key) . ' = :' . $extracted_key; } else { // A comparison exists... // Add the PDO place holder $output[] = trim($key) . ' :' . $extracted_key; } // Add the placeholder replacement values $placeholders[$extracted_key] = $value; } else { // No key was specified... $output[] = $value; } } // Concatenate the array values $sql = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $output); } elseif ($where) { $sql = ' WHERE ' . trim($where); } // Set the place holders to false if none exist if (count($placeholders) == 0) { $placeholders = false; } // Return the sql and place holders return array( "sql" => $sql, "placeholders" => $placeholders); } /** * Dump debug information to the screen * * @param string $source The source to show on the debug output * @param string $sql SQL * @param array $placeholders [OPTIONAL] Placeholders array * @param object $query [OPTIONAL] PDO query object * @param int $count [OPTIONAL] The record count * @param int $id [OPTIONAL] Last inserted ID * @param string $error [OPTIONAL] Error text */ private static function DumpDebug($source, $sql, $placeholders = false, $query = false, $records = false, $time = false, $count = false, $id = false, $error = false) { // Format the source $source = strtoupper($source); // If there was an error specified if ($error) { // Show the error information print "\n<br>\n--DEBUG " . $source . " ERROR FROM " . self::PDO_DB . "--\n<pre>"; print_r($error); } // If the number of seconds is specified... if ($time !== false) { // Show how long it took print "</pre>\n--DEBUG " . $source . " TIMER FROM " . self::PDO_DB . "--\n<pre>\n"; echo number_format($time, 6) . ' ms'; } // Output the SQL print "</pre>\n--DEBUG " . $source . " SQL FROM " . self::PDO_DB . "--\n<pre>"; print_r($sql); // If there were placeholders passed in... if ($placeholders) { // Show the placeholders print "</pre>\n--DEBUG " . $source . " PARAMS FROM " . self::PDO_DB . "--\n<pre>"; print_r($placeholders); } // If a query object exists... if ($query) { // Show the query dump print "</pre>\n--DEBUG " . $source . " DUMP FROM " . self::PDO_DB . "--\n<pre>"; print_r($query->debugDumpParams()); } // If records were returned... if ($count !== false) { // Show the count print "</pre>\n--DEBUG " . $source . " ROW COUNT FROM " . self::PDO_DB . "--\n<pre>"; print_r($count); } // If this was an INSERT with an ID... if ($id) { // Show the last inserted ID print "</pre>\n--DEBUG LAST INSERTED ID FROM " . self::PDO_DB . "--\n<pre>"; print_r($id); } // If records were returned... if ($records) { // Show the rows returned print "</pre>\n--DEBUG " . $source . " RETURNED RESULTS FROM " . self::PDO_DB . "--\n<pre>"; print_r($records); } // End the debug output print "</pre>\n--DEBUG " . $source . " END FROM " . self::PDO_DB . "--\n<br>\n"; } } ?>