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File: lib/Multiotp/radius_debug.cmd

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  Classes of Cyril Ogana   PHP User Credentials   lib/Multiotp/radius_debug.cmd   Download  
File: lib/Multiotp/radius_debug.cmd
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP User Credentials
Implement password authentication policies
Author: By
Last change: Update to Multiotp 5.6+, PHPass 8+, PHP 7.3+ and PHPUnit 9+
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 5,510 bytes



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@ECHO OFF REM ************************************************************ REM @file radius_debug.cmd REM @brief Script to launch the debug version of the radius service. REM REM multiOTP - Strong two-factor authentication PHP class package REM REM REM Windows batch file for Windows 2K/XP/2003/7/2008/8/2012/10 REM REM @author Andre Liechti, SysCo systemes de communication sa, <> REM @version REM @date 2019-10-23 REM @since 2014-04-22 REM @copyright (c) 2014-2019 SysCo systemes de communication sa REM @copyright GNU Lesser General Public License REM REM REM Description REM REM radius_debug is a small script that will launch the debug version REM of the radius server of multiOTP under Windows using freeRADIUS. REM ( REM REM REM Usage REM REM The script must be launched in the top folder of multiOTP. REM Default ports are 1812 and 1813 REM REM REM Licence REM REM Copyright (c) 2014-2019 SysCo systemes de communication sa REM SysCo (tm) is a trademark of SysCo systemes de communication sa REM ( REM All rights reserved. REM REM This file is part of the multiOTP project. REM REM REM Users feedbacks and comments REM REM REM Change Log REM REM 2016-11-04 SysCo/al Unified file header REM 2014-04-22 SysCo/al Initial release REM REM ************************************************************ SET _radius_secret=multiotpsecret REM Ports variables are not overwritten if already defined IF "%_auth_port%"=="" SET _auth_port=1812 IF "%_account_port%"=="" SET _account_port=1813 REM Define the service tag and the service name SET _service_tag=multiOTPradius SET _service_name=multiOTP Radius server REM Ports and service information can be overwritten if passing parameters IF NOT "%1"=="" SET _auth_port=%1 IF NOT "%2"=="" SET _account_port=%2 IF NOT "%3"=="" SET _service_tag=%3 IF NOT "%4"=="" SET _service_name=%4 IF NOT "%5"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %5 IF NOT "%6"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %6 IF NOT "%7"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %7 IF NOT "%8"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %8 IF NOT "%9"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %9 REM Define the current folder SET _folder=%~d0%~p0 SET _radius_folder=%~d0%~p0 SET _tools_folder=%~d0%~p0 IF NOT EXIST %_radius_folder%radius SET _radius_folder=%~d0%~p0..\ IF NOT EXIST %_tools_folder%tools SET _tools_folder=%~d0%~p0..\ REM Create the multiotp module for the radius server ECHO # Exec module instance for multiOTP (>%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp ECHO exec multiotp {>>%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp ECHO wait = yes>>%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp ECHO input_pairs = request>>%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp ECHO output_pairs = reply>>%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp ECHO program = "../../multiotp.exe -base-dir=%_folder% -keep-local -log -debug **"%%{User-Name}**" **"%%{User-Password}**" -src=%%{Packet-Src-IP-Address} -chap-challenge=%%{CHAP-Challenge} -chap-password=%%{CHAP-Password} -ms-chap-challenge=%%{MS-CHAP-Challenge} -ms-chap-response=%%{MS-CHAP-Response} -ms-chap2-response=%%{MS-CHAP2-Response}">>%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp ECHO shell_escape = yes>>%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp ECHO }>>%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp REM Sorry, this is an *ugly* trick to change "\" to "/" with the FART tool %_tools_folder%tools\FART "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp" "\\" "!!!/!!!" >NUL %_tools_folder%tools\FART --remove "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp" "!!!" >NUL %_tools_folder%tools\FART "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\modules\multiotp" "**" "\\" >NUL REM Customize the etc/raddb/radiusd.conf configuration file COPY "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\radiusd.template.conf" "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\radiusd.conf" /Y >NUL %_tools_folder%tools\FART "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\radiusd.conf" "_auth_port" "%_auth_port%" >NUL %_tools_folder%tools\FART "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\radiusd.conf" "_account_port" "%_account_port%" >NUL REM Customize the etc/raddb/clients.conf configuration file COPY "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\clients.template.conf" "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\clients.conf" /Y >NUL %_tools_folder%tools\FART "%_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb\clients.conf" "_radius_secret" "%_radius_secret%" >NUL REM Basic firewall rules for the radius server netsh firewall delete allowedprogram "%_radius_folder%radius\sbin\radiusd.exe" >NUL netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%_radius_folder%radius\sbin\radiusd.exe" "%_service_name%" ENABLE >NUL REM Enhanced firewall rules for the service netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="%_service_name%" >NUL netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="%_service_name%" dir=in action=allow program="%_radius_folder%radius\sbin\radiusd.exe" enable=yes >NUL CD %_radius_folder%radius\sbin %_radius_folder%radius\sbin\radiusd.exe -X -d %_radius_folder%radius\etc\raddb REM Clean the environment variables SET _account_port= SET _auth_port= SET _folder= SET _radius_folder= SET _tools_folder= SET _radius_secret= SET _service_name= SET _service_tag=