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File: api5/Common.php

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File: api5/Common.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Execute SQL queries and return JSON responses
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 60,965 bytes



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<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file is part of API5 RESTful SQLtoJSON | | Copyright (C) 2007-2018, Santo Nuzzolillo | | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | | See the LICENSE file for a full license statement. | | | | Pduction | | Date : 02/16/2018 | | Time : 12:47:27 PM | | Version: 0.0.1 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Santo Nuzzolilo <> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ error_reporting(error_reporting() & (-1 ^ E_DEPRECATED)); include(RelativePath . "/Classes.php"); include(RelativePath . "/db_adapter.php"); $CCConnectionSettings = array (); $PHPVersion = explode(".", phpversion()); if (($PHPVersion[0] < 4) || ($PHPVersion[0] == 4 && $PHPVersion[1] < 1)) { echo "Sorry. This program requires PHP 4.1 and above to run. You may upgrade your php at <a href=''></a>"; exit; } if (session_id() == "") { session_start(); } header('Pragma: '); header('Cache-control: '); header('Expires: '); define("TemplatePath", RelativePath); define("ServerURL", ((isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && strtolower($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) == "on") ? "https://" : "http://" ). preg_replace("/:\d+$/", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]) . ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != 80 ? ":" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] : "") . substr($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], 0, strlen($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) - strlen(PathToCurrentPage . FileName)) . "/"); define("SecureURL", ""); $FileEncoding = "UTF-8"; $Charset = "utf-8"; $CCSIsXHTML = false; $CCSUseAmp = true; $CipherBox = array(); $CipherKey = array(); $CCSLocales = new clsLocales(RelativePath); $CCSLocales->AddLocale("en" , Array("en", "US" , array("Yes", "No", "") , 2, ".", "," , array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"), array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec") , array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday") , array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat") , array("S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S") , array("m", "/", "d", "/", "yyyy") , array("dddd", ", ", "mmmm", " ", "dd", ", ", "yyyy") , array("h", ":", "nn", " ", "tt"), array("h", ":", "nn", ":", "ss", " ", "tt"), "AM", "PM", 0, false, "", "utf-8", "UTF-8", array(1, 7))); $CCSLocales->AddLocale("es", Array("es", "ES", array(1, 0, ""), 2, ",", "." , array("enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril", "mayo", "junio", "julio", "agosto", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre") , array("ene", "feb", "mar", "abr", "may", "jun", "jul", "ago", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dic") , array("domingo", "lunes", "martes", "miércoles", "jueves", "viernes", "sábado") , array("dom", "lun", "mar", "mié", "jue", "vie", "sáb") , array("D", "L", "M", "M", "J", "V", "S") , array("yyyy", "-", "mm", "-", "dd", " ", "HH", ":", "nn", ":", "ss") , array("dddd", ", ", "dd", " de ", "mmmm", " de ", "yyyy") , array("H", ":", "nn"), array("H", ":", "nn", ":", "ss"), "", "", 1, false, "", "utf-8", "UTF-8", array(1, 7))); $CCSLocales->DefaultLocale = strtolower("es"); $CCSLocales->Init(); if ($PHPLocale = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("PHPLocale")) setlocale(LC_ALL, $PHPLocale); CCConvertDataArrays(); $CCProjectStyle = ""; $CCProjectDesign = ""; $ShortWeekdays = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("WeekdayShortNames"); $Weekdays = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("WeekdayNames"); $ShortMonths = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("MonthShortNames"); $Months = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("MonthNames"); define("ccsInteger", 1); define("ccsFloat", 2); define("ccsSingle", ccsFloat); define("ccsText", 3); define("ccsDate", 4); define("ccsBoolean", 5); define("ccsMemo", 6); define("ccsGet", 1); define("ccsPost", 2); define("ccsTimestamp", 0); define("ccsYear", 1); define("ccsMonth", 2); define("ccsDay", 3); define("ccsHour", 4); define("ccsMinute", 5); define("ccsSecond", 6); define("ccsMilliSecond", 7); define("ccsAmPm", 8); define("ccsShortMonth", 9); define("ccsFullMonth", 10); define("ccsWeek", 11); define("ccsGMT", 12); define("ccsAppropriateYear", 13); $CCSDesign = ""; define("CCS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FOR_COOKIE", '55BOr3x0g77H2866'); define("CCS_EXPIRATION_DATE", 30 * 24 * 3600); define("CCS_SLIDING_EXPIRATION", false); $DefaultDateFormat = array("ShortDate"); $MainPage = new clsMainPage(); function CCToHTML($Value) { return htmlspecialchars($Value); } function CCToURL($Value) { return urlencode($Value); } function CCGetEvent($events, $event_name, & $sender) { $result = true; $function_name = (is_array($events) && isset($events[$event_name])) ? $events[$event_name] : ""; if($function_name && function_exists($function_name)) $result = call_user_func_array($function_name, array(& $sender)); return $result; } function & CCGetParentContainer(& $object) { $i = & $object; while ($i && !($i->ComponentType == "Page" || $i->ComponentType == "IncludablePage" || $i->ComponentType == "Directory" || $i->ComponentType == "Path" || $i->ComponentType == "EditableGrid" || $i->ComponentType == "Grid" || $i->ComponentType == "Record" || $i->ComponentType == "Report" || $i->ComponentType == "Calendar")) $i = & $i->Parent; return $i; } function CCGetMasterPagePath(& $object) { $i = & $object; while ($i && !(isset($i->MasterPage) && $i->MasterPage != null)) { $i = & $i->Parent; } return (isset($i->MasterPage)) ? $i->PathToCurrentPage : ""; } function & CCGetParentPage(& $object) { $i = & $object; while ($i && !($i->ComponentType == "Page" || $i->ComponentType == "IncludablePage")) $i = & $i->Parent; return $i; } function CCGetValueHTML(&$db, $fieldname) { return CCToHTML($db->f($fieldname)); } function CCGetValue(&$db, $fieldname) { return $db->f($fieldname); } function CCGetSession($parameter_name, $default_value = "") { return isset($_SESSION[$parameter_name]) ? $_SESSION[$parameter_name] : $default_value; } function CCSetSession($param_name, $param_value) { $_SESSION[$param_name] = $param_value; } function CCGetCookie($parameter_name) { return isset($_COOKIE[$parameter_name]) ? $_COOKIE[$parameter_name] : ""; } function CCSetCookie($parameter_name, $param_value, $expired = -1, $path = "/", $domain = "", $secured = false, $http_only = false) { if ($expired == -1) $expired = time() + 3600 * 24 * 366; elseif ($expired && $expired < time()) $expired = time() + $expired; setcookie ($parameter_name, $param_value, $expired, $path, $domain, $secured, $http_only); } function CCStrip($value) { if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0) { if(is_array($value)) foreach($value as $key=>$val) $value[$key] = stripslashes($val); else $value = stripslashes($value); } return $value; } function CCGetParam($parameter_name, $default_value = "") { $parameter_value = ""; if(isset($_POST[$parameter_name])) $parameter_value = CCStrip($_POST[$parameter_name]); else if(isset($_GET[$parameter_name])) $parameter_value = CCStrip($_GET[$parameter_name]); else $parameter_value = $default_value; return $parameter_value; } function CCGetParamStartsWith($prefix) { $parameter_name = ""; foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { if(preg_match ("/^" . $prefix . "_\d+$/i", $key)) { $parameter_name = $key; break; } } if($parameter_name === "") { foreach($_GET as $key => $value) { if(preg_match ("/^" . $prefix . "_\d+$/i", $key)) { $parameter_name = $key; break; } } } return $parameter_name; } function CCGetFromPost($parameter_name, $default_value = "") { return isset($_POST[$parameter_name]) ? CCStrip($_POST[$parameter_name]) : $default_value; } function CCGetFromGet($parameter_name, $default_value = "") { return isset($_GET[$parameter_name]) ? CCStrip($_GET[$parameter_name]) : $default_value; } function CCToSQL($Value, $ValueType) { if(!strlen($Value)) { return "NULL"; } else { if($ValueType == ccsInteger || $ValueType == ccsFloat) { return doubleval(str_replace(",", ".", $Value)); } else { return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $Value) . "'"; } } } function CCDLookUp($field_name, $table_name, $where_condition, &$db) { $sql = "SELECT " . $field_name . ($table_name ? " FROM " . $table_name : "") . ($where_condition ? " WHERE " . $where_condition : ""); return CCGetDBValue($sql, $db); } function CCGetDBValue($sql, &$db) { $db->query($sql); $dbvalue = $db->next_record() ? $db->f(0) : ""; return $dbvalue; } function CCGetListValues(&$db, $sql, $where = "", $order_by = "", $bound_column = "", $text_column = "", $dbformat = "", $datatype = "", $errorclass = "", $fieldname = "", $DSType = dsSQL) { $errors = new clsErrors(); $values = ""; if(!strlen($bound_column)) $bound_column = 0; if(!strlen($text_column)) $text_column = 1; if ($DSType == dsProcedure && ($db->DB == "MSSQL" || $db->DB == "SQLSRV") && count($db->Binds)) $db->execute($sql); else $db->query(CCBuildSQL($sql, $where, $order_by)); if ($db->next_record()) { do { $bound_column_value = $db->f($bound_column); if($bound_column_value === false) {$bound_column_value = "";} list($bound_column_value, $errors) = CCParseValue($bound_column_value, $dbformat, $datatype, $errors, $fieldname); $values[] = array($bound_column_value, $db->f($text_column)); } while ($db->next_record()); } if (is_string($errorclass)) { return $values; } else { $errorclass->AddErrors($errors); return array($values, $errorclass); } } function CCParseValue($ParsingValue, $Format, $DataType, $ErrorClass, $FieldName, $isDBFormat = false) { global $CCSLocales; $errors = new clsErrors(); $varResult = ""; if(CCCheckValue($ParsingValue, $DataType)) $varResult = $ParsingValue; else if(strlen($ParsingValue)) { switch ($DataType) { case ccsDate: $DateValidation = true; if (CCValidateDateMask($ParsingValue, $Format)) { $varResult = CCParseDate($ParsingValue, $Format); if(!CCValidateDate($varResult)) { $DateValidation = false; $varResult = ""; } } else { $DateValidation = false; } if(!$DateValidation && $ErrorClass->Count() == 0) { if (is_array($Format)) { $FormatString = join("", $Format); } else { $FormatString = $Format; } $errors->addError($CCSLocales->GetText('CCS_IncorrectFormat', array($FieldName, $FormatString))); } break; case ccsBoolean: if (CCValidateBoolean($ParsingValue, $Format)) { $varResult = CCParseBoolean($ParsingValue, $Format); } else if($ErrorClass->Count() == 0) { if (is_array($Format)) { $FormatString = CCGetBooleanFormat($Format); } else { $FormatString = $Format; } $errors->addError($CCSLocales->GetText('CCS_IncorrectFormat', array($FieldName, $FormatString))); } break; case ccsInteger: if (CCValidateNumber($ParsingValue, $Format, $isDBFormat)) $varResult = CCParseInteger($ParsingValue, $Format, $isDBFormat); else if($ErrorClass->Count() == 0) $errors->addError($CCSLocales->GetText('CCS_IncorrectFormat', array($FieldName, $Format))); break; case ccsFloat: if (CCValidateNumber($ParsingValue, $Format, $isDBFormat)) $varResult = CCParseFloat($ParsingValue, $Format, $isDBFormat); else if($ErrorClass->Count() == 0) $errors->addError($CCSLocales->GetText('CCS_IncorrectFormat', array($FieldName, $Format))); break; case ccsText: case ccsMemo: $varResult = strval($ParsingValue); break; } } if (is_string($ErrorClass)) { return $varResult; } else { $ErrorClass->AddErrors($errors); return array($varResult, $ErrorClass); } } function CCFormatValue($Value, $Format, $DataType, $isDBFormat = false) { switch($DataType) { case ccsDate: $Value = CCFormatDate($Value, $Format); break; case ccsBoolean: $Value = CCFormatBoolean($Value, $Format); break; case ccsInteger: case ccsFloat: case ccsSingle: $Value = CCFormatNumber($Value, $Format, $DataType, $isDBFormat); break; case ccsText: case ccsMemo: $Value = strval($Value); break; } return $Value; } function CCBuildSQL($sql, $where = "", $order_by = "") { if (!$sql) return ""; if(strlen($where)) $where = " WHERE " . $where; if(strlen($order_by)) $order_by = " ORDER BY " . $order_by; if(stristr($sql,"{SQL_Where}") || stristr($sql,"{SQL_OrderBy}")) { $sql = str_replace("{SQL_Where}", $where, $sql); $sql = str_replace("{SQL_OrderBy}", $order_by, $sql); return $sql; } $sql .= $where . $order_by; return $sql; } function CCBuildInsert($table, & $Fields, & $Connection) { $fields = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($Fields as $Field) { if (!isset($Field["OmitIfEmpty"]) || !$Field["OmitIfEmpty"] || !is_null($Field["Value"])) { $fields[] = $Field["Name"]; if ($Field["DataType"] == ccsMemo && ($Connection->DB == "Oracle" || $Connection->DB == "OracleOCI")) { $values[] = ":" . $Field["Name"]; $Connection->Bind($Field["Name"], $Field["Value"], -1); }else{ $values[] = $Connection->ToSQL($Field["Value"], $Field["DataType"]); } } } return count($fields) ? "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (" . implode(", ", $fields) . ") VALUES(" . implode(", ", $values) . ")" : ""; } function CCBuildUpdate($table, & $Fields, & $Connection) { $pairs = array(); foreach ($Fields as $Field) { if (!isset($Field["OmitIfEmpty"]) || !$Field["OmitIfEmpty"] || !is_null($Field["Value"])) { if ($Field["DataType"] == ccsMemo && ($Connection->DB == "Oracle" || $Connection->DB == "OracleOCI")) { $value = ":" . $Field["Name"]; $Connection->Bind($Field["Name"], $Field["Value"], -1); }else{ $value = $Connection->ToSQL($Field["Value"], $Field["DataType"]); } $pairs[] = $Field["Name"] . " = " . $value; } } return count($pairs) ? "UPDATE " . $table . " SET " . implode(", ", $pairs) : ""; } function CCGetRequestParam($ParameterName, $Method, $DefaultValue = "") { $ParameterValue = $DefaultValue; if($Method == ccsGet && isset($_GET[$ParameterName])) $ParameterValue = CCStrip($_GET[$ParameterName]); else if($Method == ccsPost && isset($_POST[$ParameterName])) $ParameterValue = CCStrip($_POST[$ParameterName]); return $ParameterValue; } function CCGetQueryString($CollectionName, $RemoveParameters) { $querystring = ""; $postdata = ""; if($CollectionName == "Form") $querystring = CCCollectionToString($_POST, $RemoveParameters); else if($CollectionName == "QueryString") $querystring = CCCollectionToString($_GET, $RemoveParameters); else if($CollectionName == "All") { $querystring = CCCollectionToString($_GET, $RemoveParameters); $postdata = CCCollectionToString($_POST, $RemoveParameters); if(strlen($postdata) > 0 && strlen($querystring) > 0) $querystring .= "&" . $postdata; else $querystring .= $postdata; } else die("1050: Common Functions. CCGetQueryString Function. " . "The CollectionName contains an illegal value."); return $querystring; } function CCCollectionToString($ParametersCollection, $RemoveParameters) { $Result = ""; if(is_array($ParametersCollection)) { reset($ParametersCollection); foreach($ParametersCollection as $ItemName => $ItemValues) { $Remove = false; if(is_array($RemoveParameters)) { foreach($RemoveParameters as $key => $val) { if($val == $ItemName) { $Remove = true; break; } } } if(!$Remove) { if(is_array($ItemValues)) for($J = 0; $J < sizeof($ItemValues); $J++) $Result .= "&" . urlencode(CCStrip($ItemName)) . "[]=" . urlencode(CCStrip($ItemValues[$J])); else $Result .= "&" . urlencode(CCStrip($ItemName)) . "=" . urlencode(CCStrip($ItemValues)); } } } if(strlen($Result) > 0) $Result = substr($Result, 1); return $Result; } function CCMergeQueryStrings($LeftQueryString, $RightQueryString = "") { $QueryString = $LeftQueryString; if($QueryString === "") $QueryString = $RightQueryString; else if($RightQueryString !== "") $QueryString .= '&' . $RightQueryString; return $QueryString; } function CCAddParam($querystring, $ParameterName, $ParameterValue) { $queryStr = null; $paramStr = null; if (strpos($querystring, '?') !== false) list($queryStr, $paramStr) = explode('?', $querystring); else if (strpos($querystring, '=') !== false) $paramStr = $querystring; else $queryStr = $querystring; $paramStr = $paramStr ? '&' . $paramStr : ''; $paramStr = preg_replace ('/&' . $ParameterName . '(\[\])?=[^&]*/', '', $paramStr); if(is_array($ParameterValue)) { foreach($ParameterValue as $key => $val) { $paramStr .= "&" . urlencode($ParameterName) . "[]=" . urlencode($val); } } else { $paramStr .= "&" . urlencode($ParameterName) . "=" . urlencode($ParameterValue); } $paramStr = ltrim($paramStr, '&'); return $queryStr ? $queryStr . '?' . $paramStr : $paramStr; } function CCRemoveParam($querystring, $ParameterName) { $queryStr = null; $paramStr = null; if (strpos($querystring, '?') !== false) list($queryStr, $paramStr) = explode('?', $querystring); else if (strpos($querystring, '=') !== false) $paramStr = $querystring; else $queryStr = $querystring; $paramStr = $paramStr ? '&' . $paramStr : ''; $paramStr = preg_replace ('/&' . $ParameterName . '(\[\])?=[^&]*/', '', $paramStr); $paramStr = ltrim($paramStr, '&'); return $queryStr ? $queryStr . '?' . $paramStr : $paramStr; } function CCGetOrder($DefaultSorting, $SorterName, $SorterDirection, $MapArray) { if(is_array($MapArray) && isset($MapArray[$SorterName])) if(strtoupper($SorterDirection) == "DESC") $OrderValue = ($MapArray[$SorterName][1] != "") ? $MapArray[$SorterName][1] : $MapArray[$SorterName][0] . " DESC"; else $OrderValue = $MapArray[$SorterName][0]; else $OrderValue = $DefaultSorting; return $OrderValue; } function CCGetDateArray($timestamp = "") { $DateArray = array(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if(!strlen($timestamp) && !is_int($timestamp)) { $timestamp = time(); } $DateArray[ccsTimestamp] = $timestamp; $DateArray[ccsYear] = @date("Y", $timestamp); $DateArray[ccsMonth] = @date("n", $timestamp); $DateArray[ccsDay] = @date("j", $timestamp); $DateArray[ccsHour] = @date("G", $timestamp); $DateArray[ccsMinute] = @date("i", $timestamp); $DateArray[ccsSecond] = @date("s", $timestamp); return $DateArray; } function CCFormatDate($DateToFormat, $FormatMask) { global $CCSLocales; if(!is_array($DateToFormat) && strlen($DateToFormat)) $DateToFormat = CCGetDateArray($DateToFormat); if(is_array($FormatMask) && is_array($DateToFormat)) { $WeekdayNames = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("WeekdayNames"); $WeekdayShortNames = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("WeekdayShortNames"); $WeekdayNarrowNames = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("WeekdayNarrowNames"); $MonthNames = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("MonthNames"); $MonthShortNames = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("MonthShortNames"); $FormattedDate = ""; for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($FormatMask); $i++) { switch ($FormatMask[$i]) { case "GeneralDate": $FormattedDate .= CCFormatDate($DateToFormat, $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("GeneralDate")); break; case "LongDate": $FormattedDate .= CCFormatDate($DateToFormat, $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("LongDate")); break; case "ShortDate": $FormattedDate .= CCFormatDate($DateToFormat, $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("ShortDate")); break; case "LongTime": $FormattedDate .= CCFormatDate($DateToFormat, $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("LongTime")); break; case "ShortTime": $FormattedDate .= CCFormatDate($DateToFormat, $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("ShortTime")); break; case "d": $FormattedDate .= $DateToFormat[ccsDay]; break; case "dd": $FormattedDate .= sprintf("%02d", $DateToFormat[ccsDay]); break; case "ddd": $FormattedDate .= $WeekdayShortNames[CCDayOfWeek($DateToFormat) - 1]; break; case "dddd": $FormattedDate .= $WeekdayNames[CCDayOfWeek($DateToFormat) - 1]; break; case "wi": $FormattedDate .= $WeekdayNarrowNames[CCDayOfWeek($DateToFormat) - 1]; break; case "w": $FormattedDate .= CCDayOfWeek($DateToFormat); break; case "ww": $FormattedDate .= ceil((7 + date("z", $DateToFormat[ccsTimestamp]) - date("w", $DateToFormat[ccsTimestamp])) / 7); break; case "m": $FormattedDate .= $DateToFormat[ccsMonth]; break; case "mm": $FormattedDate .= sprintf("%02d", $DateToFormat[ccsMonth]); break; case "mmm": $FormattedDate .= $MonthShortNames[$DateToFormat[ccsMonth] - 1]; break; case "mmmm": $FormattedDate .= $MonthNames[$DateToFormat[ccsMonth] - 1]; break; case "q": $FormattedDate .= ceil($DateToFormat[ccsMonth] / 3); break; case "y": $FormattedDate .= CCDayOfYear($DateToFormat); break; case "yy": $FormattedDate .= substr($DateToFormat[ccsYear], 2); break; case "yyyy": $FormattedDate .= sprintf("%04d", $DateToFormat[ccsYear]); break; case "h": $FormattedDate .= ($DateToFormat[ccsHour] % 12 == 0 ) ? 12 : $DateToFormat[ccsHour] % 12; break; case "hh": $FormattedDate .= sprintf("%02d", $DateToFormat[ccsHour] % 12 == 0 ? 12 : $DateToFormat[ccsHour] % 12); break; case "H": $FormattedDate .= $DateToFormat[ccsHour]; break; case "HH": $FormattedDate .= sprintf("%02d", $DateToFormat[ccsHour]); break; case "n": $FormattedDate .= $DateToFormat[ccsMinute]; break; case "nn": $FormattedDate .= sprintf("%02d", $DateToFormat[ccsMinute]); break; case "s": $FormattedDate .= $DateToFormat[ccsSecond]; break; case "ss": $FormattedDate .= sprintf("%02d", $DateToFormat[ccsSecond]); break; case "S": $FormattedDate .= $DateToFormat[ccsMilliSecond] + 0; break; case "AM/PM": case "A/P": $FormattedDate .= $DateToFormat[ccsHour] < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"; break; case "am/pm": case "a/p": $FormattedDate .= $DateToFormat[ccsHour] < 12 ? "am" : "pm"; break; case "tt": $FormattedDate .= $DateToFormat[ccsHour] < 12 ? $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("AMDesignator") : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("PMDesignator"); break; case "GMT": if (strlen($DateToFormat[ccsGMT])) $GMT = intval($DateToFormat[ccsGMT]); else $GMT = intval(date("Z", $DateToFormat[ccsTimestamp]) / (60 * 60)); $GMT = sprintf("%02d", $GMT); $GMT = $GMT > 0 ? "+" . $GMT : $GMT; $FormattedDate .= $GMT; break; default: $FormattedDate .= $FormatMask[$i]; break; } } } else { $FormattedDate = ""; } return $FormattedDate; } function CCValidateDate($ValidatingDate) { $IsValid = true; if(is_array($ValidatingDate)) if (count($ValidatingDate) != 14) $IsValid = false; elseif ($ValidatingDate[ccsMonth] != 0 && $ValidatingDate[ccsDay] != 0 && $ValidatingDate[ccsYear] != 0) $IsValid = checkdate($ValidatingDate[ccsMonth], $ValidatingDate[ccsDay], $ValidatingDate[ccsYear]); return $IsValid; } function CCValidateDateMask($ValidatingDate, $FormatMask) { $IsValid = true; if(is_array($FormatMask) && strlen($ValidatingDate)) { $RegExp = CCGetDateRegExp($FormatMask); $IsValid = preg_match($RegExp[0], $ValidatingDate, $matches); } return $IsValid; } function CCParseDate($ParsingDate, $FormatMask) { global $CCSLocales; if(is_array($FormatMask) && strlen($ParsingDate)) { $DateArray = array(0, "1", "", "1", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $RegExp = CCGetDateRegExp($FormatMask); $IsValid = preg_match($RegExp[0], $ParsingDate, $matches); for($i = 1; $i < sizeof($matches); $i++) $DateArray[$RegExp[$i]] = $matches[$i]; if(!$DateArray[ccsMonth] && ($DateArray[ccsFullMonth] || $DateArray[ccsShortMonth])) { if($DateArray[ccsFullMonth]) $DateArray[ccsMonth] = CCGetIndex($CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("MonthNames"), $DateArray[ccsFullMonth], true) + 1; else if($DateArray[ccsShortMonth]) $DateArray[ccsMonth] = CCGetIndex($CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("MonthShortNames"), $DateArray[ccsShortMonth], true) + 1; } else { $DateArray[ccsMonth] = intval($DateArray[ccsMonth]); } if (!$DateArray[ccsMonth]) $DateArray[ccsMonth] = 1; if(intval($DateArray[ccsDay]) == 0) { $DateArray[ccsDay] = 1; } else { $DateArray[ccsDay] = intval($DateArray[ccsDay]); } if ($DateArray[ccsAmPm]) if (strtoupper(substr($DateArray[ccsAmPm], 0, 1)) == "A" || $DateArray[ccsAmPm] == $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("AMDesignator")) $DateArray[ccsHour] = $DateArray[ccsHour] == 12 ? 0 : $DateArray[ccsHour]; elseif ($DateArray[ccsHour] < 12) $DateArray[ccsHour] += 12; if(strlen($DateArray[ccsYear]) == 2) if($DateArray[ccsYear] < 70) $DateArray[ccsYear] = "20" . $DateArray[ccsYear]; else $DateArray[ccsYear] = "19" . $DateArray[ccsYear]; if($DateArray[ccsYear] < 1971 && $DateArray[ccsYear] > 0) $DateArray[ccsAppropriateYear] = $DateArray[ccsYear] + intval((2000 - $DateArray[ccsYear]) / 28) * 28; else if($DateArray[ccsYear] > 2030) $DateArray[ccsAppropriateYear] = $DateArray[ccsYear] - intval(($DateArray[ccsYear] - 2000) / 28) * 28; else $DateArray[ccsAppropriateYear] = $DateArray[ccsYear]; $DateArray[ccsHour] = intval($DateArray[ccsHour]); $DateArray[ccsMinute] = intval($DateArray[ccsMinute]); $DateArray[ccsSecond] = intval($DateArray[ccsSecond]); $DateArray[ccsTimestamp] = @mktime ($DateArray[ccsHour], $DateArray[ccsMinute], $DateArray[ccsSecond], $DateArray[ccsMonth], $DateArray[ccsDay], $DateArray[ccsAppropriateYear]); if(!CCValidateDate($DateArray)) $ParsingDate = ""; else $ParsingDate = $DateArray; } return $ParsingDate; } function CCGetDateRegExp($FormatMask) { global $CCSLocales; $RegExp = false; if(is_array($FormatMask)) { $masks = array( "d" => array("(\d{1,2})", ccsDay), "dd" => array("(\d{2})", ccsDay), "ddd" => array("(" . join("|", $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("WeekdayShortNames")) . ")", ccsWeek), "dddd" => array("(" . join("|", $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("WeekdayNames")) . ")", ccsWeek), "w" => array("\d"), "ww" => array("\d{1,2}"), "m" => array("(\d{1,2})", ccsMonth), "mm" => array("(\d{2})", ccsMonth), "mmm" => array("(" . join("|", $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("MonthShortNames")) . ")", ccsShortMonth), "mmmm" => array("(" . join("|", $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("MonthNames")) . ")", ccsFullMonth), "y" => array("\d{1,3}"), "yy" => array("(\d{2})", ccsYear), "yyyy" => array("(\d{4})", ccsYear), "q" => array("\d"), "h" => array("(\d{1,2})", ccsHour), "hh" => array("(\d{2})", ccsHour), "H" => array("(\d{1,2})", ccsHour), "HH" => array("(\d{2})", ccsHour), "n" => array("(\d{1,2})", ccsMinute), "nn" => array("(\d{2})", ccsMinute), "s" => array("(\d{1,2})", ccsSecond), "ss" => array("(\d{2})", ccsSecond), "AM/PM" => array("(AM|PM)", ccsAmPm), "am/pm" => array("(am|pm)", ccsAmPm), "A/P" => array("(A|P)", ccsAmPm), "a/p" => array("(a|p)", ccsAmPm), "a/p" => array("(a|p)", ccsAmPm), "tt" => array("(" . $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("AMDesignator") . "|" . $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("PMDesignator") . ")", ccsAmPm), "GMT" => array("([\+\-]\d{1,2})", ccsGMT), "S" => array("(\d{1,6})", ccsMilliSecond) ); $RegExp[0] = ""; $RegExpIndex = 1; $is_date = false; $is_datetime = false; for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($FormatMask); $i++) { if ($FormatMask[$i] == "GeneralDate") { $reg = CCGetDateRegExp($CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("GeneralDate")); $RegExp[0] .= substr($reg[0], 2, strlen($reg[0]) - 5); $is_datetime = true; for ($j=1; $j < sizeof($reg); $j++) { $RegExp[$RegExpIndex++] = $reg[$j]; } } else if ($FormatMask[$i] == "LongDate" || $FormatMask[$i] == "ShortDate") { $reg = CCGetDateRegExp($CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo($FormatMask[$i])); $RegExp[0] .= substr($reg[0], 2, strlen($reg[0]) - 5); $is_date = true; for ($j=1; $j < sizeof($reg); $j++) { $RegExp[$RegExpIndex++] = $reg[$j]; } } else if ($FormatMask[$i] == "LongTime" || $FormatMask[$i] == "ShortTime") { $reg = CCGetDateRegExp($CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo($FormatMask[$i])); $RegExp[0] .= substr($reg[0], 2, strlen($reg[0]) - 5); for ($j=1; $j < sizeof($reg); $j++) { $RegExp[$RegExpIndex++] = $reg[$j]; } } else if(isset($masks[$FormatMask[$i]])) { $MaskArray = $masks[$FormatMask[$i]]; if($i == 0 && ($MaskArray[1] == ccsYear || $MaskArray[1] == ccsMonth || $MaskArray[1] == ccsFullMonth || $MaskArray[1] == ccsWeek || $MaskArray[1] == ccsDay)) $is_date = true; else if($is_date && !$is_datetime && $MaskArray[1] == ccsHour) $is_datetime = true; $RegExp[0] .= $MaskArray[0]; if($is_datetime) $RegExp[0] .= "?"; for($j = 1; $j < sizeof($MaskArray); $j++) $RegExp[$RegExpIndex++] = $MaskArray[$j]; } else { if($is_date && !$is_datetime && $i < sizeof($FormatMask) && $masks[$FormatMask[$i + 1]][1] == ccsHour) $is_datetime = true; $RegExp[0] .= CCAddEscape($FormatMask[$i]); if($is_datetime) $RegExp[0] .= "?"; } } $RegExp[0] = str_replace(" ", "\s*", $RegExp[0]); $RegExp[0] = "/^" . $RegExp[0] . "$/i"; } return $RegExp; } function CCAddEscape($FormatMask) { $meta_characters = array("\\", "^", "\$", ".", "[", "|", "(", ")", "?", "*", "+", "{", "-", "]", "/"); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($meta_characters); $i++) $FormatMask = str_replace($meta_characters[$i], "\\" . $meta_characters[$i], $FormatMask); return $FormatMask; } function CCGetIndex($ArrayValues, $Value, $IgnoreCase = true) { $index = false; for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ArrayValues); $i++) { if(($IgnoreCase && strtoupper($ArrayValues[$i]) == strtoupper($Value)) || ($ArrayValues[$i] == $Value)) { $index = $i; break; } } return $index; } function CCFormatNumber($NumberToFormat, $FormatArray, $DataType = ccsFloat, $isDBFormat = false) { global $CCSLocales; global $CCSIsXHTML; $Result = ""; if(is_array($FormatArray) && strlen($NumberToFormat)) { $IsExtendedFormat = $FormatArray[0]; $IsNegative = ($NumberToFormat < 0); $NumberToFormat = abs($NumberToFormat); $NumberToFormat *= $FormatArray[7]; if($IsExtendedFormat) { $DecimalSeparator = !is_null($FormatArray[2]) ? $FormatArray[2] : ($isDBFormat ? "." : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("DecimalSeparator")); $PeriodSeparator = !is_null($FormatArray[3]) ? $FormatArray[3] : ($isDBFormat ? "" : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("GroupSeparator")); $ObligatoryBeforeDecimal = 0; $DigitsBeforeDecimal = 0; $BeforeDecimal = $FormatArray[5]; $AfterDecimal = !is_null($FormatArray[6]) ? $FormatArray[6] : ($DataType != ccsInteger ? ($isDBFormat ? 100 : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("DecimalDigits")) : 0); if(is_array($BeforeDecimal)) { for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($BeforeDecimal); $i++) { if($BeforeDecimal[$i] == "0") { $ObligatoryBeforeDecimal++; $DigitsBeforeDecimal++; } else if($BeforeDecimal[$i] == "#") $DigitsBeforeDecimal++; } } $ObligatoryAfterDecimal = 0; $DigitsAfterDecimal = 0; if(is_array($AfterDecimal)) { for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($AfterDecimal); $i++) { if($AfterDecimal[$i] == "0") { $ObligatoryAfterDecimal++; $DigitsAfterDecimal++; } else if($AfterDecimal[$i] == "#") $DigitsAfterDecimal++; } } $NumberToFormat = number_format($NumberToFormat, $DigitsAfterDecimal, ".", ""); $NumberParts = explode(".", $NumberToFormat); $LeftPart = $NumberParts[0]; if($LeftPart == "0") $LeftPart = ""; $RightPart = isset($NumberParts[1]) ? $NumberParts[1] : ""; $j = strlen($LeftPart); if(is_array($BeforeDecimal)) { $RankNumber = 0; $i = sizeof($BeforeDecimal); while ($i > 0 || $j > 0) { if(($i > 0 && ($BeforeDecimal[$i - 1] == "#" || $BeforeDecimal[$i - 1] == "0")) || ($j > 0 && $i < 1)) { $RankNumber++; $CurrentSeparator = ($RankNumber % 3 == 1 && $RankNumber > 3 && $j > 0) ? $PeriodSeparator : ""; if($ObligatoryBeforeDecimal > 0 && $j < 1) $Result = "0" . $CurrentSeparator . $Result; else if($j > 0) $Result = $LeftPart[$j - 1] . $CurrentSeparator . $Result; $j--; $ObligatoryBeforeDecimal--; $DigitsBeforeDecimal--; if($DigitsBeforeDecimal == 0 && $j > 0) for(;$j > 0; $j--) { $RankNumber++; $CurrentSeparator = ($RankNumber % 3 == 1 && $RankNumber > 3 && $j > 0) ? $PeriodSeparator : ""; $Result = $LeftPart[$j - 1] . $CurrentSeparator . $Result; } } else if ($i > 0) { $BeforeDecimal[$i - 1] = str_replace("##", "#", $BeforeDecimal[$i - 1]); $BeforeDecimal[$i - 1] = str_replace("00", "0", $BeforeDecimal[$i - 1]); $Result = $BeforeDecimal[$i - 1] . $Result; } $i--; } } $RightResult = ""; $IsRightNumber = false; if(is_array($AfterDecimal)) { $IsZero = true; for($i = sizeof($AfterDecimal); $i > 0; $i--) { if($AfterDecimal[$i - 1] == "#" || $AfterDecimal[$i - 1] == "0") { if($DigitsAfterDecimal > $ObligatoryAfterDecimal) { if($RightPart[$DigitsAfterDecimal - 1] != "0") $IsZero = false; if(!$IsZero) { $RightResult = $RightPart[$DigitsAfterDecimal - 1] . $RightResult; $IsRightNumber = true; } } else { $RightResult = $RightPart[$DigitsAfterDecimal - 1] . $RightResult; $IsRightNumber = true; } $DigitsAfterDecimal--; } else { $AfterDecimal[$i - 1] = str_replace("##", "#", $AfterDecimal[$i - 1]); $AfterDecimal[$i - 1] = str_replace("00", "0", $AfterDecimal[$i - 1]); $RightResult = $AfterDecimal[$i - 1] . $RightResult; } } } if($IsRightNumber) $Result .= $DecimalSeparator ; $Result .= $RightResult; if(!$FormatArray[4] && $IsNegative && $Result) $Result = "-" . $Result; } else { $DecimalSeparator = !is_null($FormatArray[2]) ? $FormatArray[2] : ($isDBFormat ? "." : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("DecimalSeparator")); $PeriodSeparator = !is_null($FormatArray[3]) ? $FormatArray[3] : ($isDBFormat ? "" : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("GroupSeparator")); $AfterDecimal = !is_null($FormatArray[1]) ? $FormatArray[1] : ($DataType != ccsInteger ? ($isDBFormat ? 100 : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("DecimalDigits")) : 0); $Result = number_format($NumberToFormat, $AfterDecimal, '.', ','); $Result = str_replace(".", '---', $Result); $Result = str_replace(",", '+++', $Result); $Result = str_replace("---", $DecimalSeparator, $Result); $Result = str_replace("+++", $PeriodSeparator, $Result); $Result = $FormatArray[5] . $Result . $FormatArray[6]; if(!$FormatArray[4] && $IsNegative) $Result = "-" . $Result; } if(!$FormatArray[8]) $Result = CCToHTML($Result); } elseif (strlen($NumberToFormat)) { if ($DataType != ccsInteger) { $DecimalSeparator = $isDBFormat ? "." : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("DecimalSeparator"); $Result = str_replace(",", $DecimalSeparator, $NumberToFormat); $Result = str_replace(".", $DecimalSeparator, $Result); } else { $Result = $NumberToFormat; } } if(is_array($FormatArray) && strlen($FormatArray[9])) { if($CCSIsXHTML) { $Result = "<span style=\"color: " . $FormatArray[9] . "\">" . $Result . "</span>"; } else { $Result = "<FONT COLOR=\"" . $FormatArray[9] . "\">" . $Result . "</FONT>"; } } return $Result; } function CCValidateNumber($NumberValue, $FormatArray, $isDBFormat = false) { $is_valid = true; if(strlen($NumberValue)) { $NumberValue = CCCleanNumber($NumberValue, $FormatArray, $isDBFormat); $is_valid = is_numeric($NumberValue); } return $is_valid; } function CCParseNumber($NumberValue, $FormatArray, $DataType, $isDBFormat = false) { $NumberValue = CCCleanNumber($NumberValue, $FormatArray, $isDBFormat); if(is_array($FormatArray) && strlen($NumberValue)) { if($FormatArray[4]) $NumberValue = - abs(doubleval($NumberValue)); $NumberValue /= $FormatArray[7]; } if(strlen($NumberValue)) { if($DataType == ccsFloat) $NumberValue = doubleval($NumberValue); else $NumberValue = round($NumberValue, 0); } return $NumberValue; } function CCCleanNumber($NumberValue, $FormatArray, $isDBFormat = false) { global $CCSLocales; if(is_array($FormatArray)) { $IsExtendedFormat = $FormatArray[0]; if($IsExtendedFormat) { $BeforeDecimal = $FormatArray[5]; $AfterDecimal = $FormatArray[6]; if(is_array($BeforeDecimal)) { for($i = sizeof($BeforeDecimal); $i > 0; $i--) { if($BeforeDecimal[$i - 1] != "#" && $BeforeDecimal[$i - 1] != "0") { $search = $BeforeDecimal[$i - 1]; $search = ($search == "##" || $search == "00") ? $search[0] : $search; $NumberValue = str_replace($search, "", $NumberValue); } } } if(is_array($AfterDecimal)) { for($i = sizeof($AfterDecimal); $i > 0; $i--) { if($AfterDecimal[$i - 1] != "#" && $AfterDecimal[$i - 1] != "0") { $search = $AfterDecimal[$i - 1]; $search = ($search == "##" || $search == "00") ? $search[0] : $search; $NumberValue = str_replace($search, "", $NumberValue); } } } } else { if(strlen($FormatArray[5])) $NumberValue = str_replace($FormatArray[5], "", $NumberValue); if(strlen($FormatArray[6])) $NumberValue = str_replace($FormatArray[6], "", $NumberValue); } $DecimalSeparator = !is_null($FormatArray[2]) ? $FormatArray[2] : ($isDBFormat ? "." : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("DecimalSeparator")); $PeriodSeparator = !is_null($FormatArray[3]) ? $FormatArray[3] : ($isDBFormat ? "," : $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("GroupSeparator")); $NumberValue = str_replace($PeriodSeparator, "", $NumberValue); $NumberValue = str_replace($DecimalSeparator, ".", $NumberValue); if(strlen($FormatArray[9])) { if($CCSIsXHTML) { $NumberValue = str_replace("<span style=\"color: " . $FormatArray[9] . "\">", "", $NumberValue); $NumberValue = str_replace("</span>", "", $NumberValue); } else { $NumberValue = str_replace("<FONT COLOR=\"" . $FormatArray[9] . "\">", "", $NumberValue); $NumberValue = str_replace("</FONT>", "", $NumberValue); } } return $NumberValue; } if ($isDBFormat) { $NumberValue = str_replace(",", ".", $NumberValue); } else { $NumberValue = str_replace($CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("GroupSeparator"), "", $NumberValue); $NumberValue = str_replace($CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("DecimalSeparator"), ".", $NumberValue); } $NumberValue = preg_replace("/^(-?)(\\.\\d+)$/", "\${1}0\${2}", $NumberValue); return $NumberValue; } function CCParseInteger($NumberValue, $FormatArray, $isDBFormat = false) { return CCParseNumber($NumberValue, $FormatArray, ccsInteger, $isDBFormat); } function CCParseFloat($NumberValue, $FormatArray, $isDBFormat = false) { return CCParseNumber($NumberValue, $FormatArray, ccsFloat, $isDBFormat); } function CCValidateBoolean($BooleanValue, $Format) { return $BooleanValue == "" || strtolower($BooleanValue) == "true" || strtolower($BooleanValue) == "false" || strval($BooleanValue) == "0" || strval($BooleanValue) == "1" || (is_array($Format) && (strtolower($BooleanValue) == strtolower($Format[0]) || strtolower($BooleanValue) == strtolower($Format[1]) || strtolower($BooleanValue) == strtolower($Format[2]))); } function CCFormatBoolean($BooleanValue, $Format) { $Result = $BooleanValue; if(is_array($Format)) { if($BooleanValue == 1) $Result = $Format[0]; else if(strval($BooleanValue) == "0" || $BooleanValue === false) $Result = $Format[1]; else $Result = $Format[2]; } return $Result; } function CCParseBoolean($Value, $Format) { if (is_array($Format)) { if (strtolower(strval($Value)) == strtolower(strval($Format[0]))) return true; if (strtolower(strval($Value)) == strtolower(strval($Format[1]))) return false; if (strtolower(strval($Value)) == strtolower(strval($Format[2]))) return ""; } if (strval($Value) == "0" || strtolower(strval($Value)) == "false") return false; if (strval($Value) == "1" || strtolower(strval($Value)) == "true") return true; return ""; } function CCGetBooleanFormat($Format) { $FormatString = ""; if(is_array($Format)) { for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($Format); $i++) { if(strlen($Format[$i])) { if(strlen($FormatString)) $FormatString .= ";"; $FormatString .= $Format[$i]; } } } return $FormatString; } function CCCompareValues($Value1,$Value2,$DataType = ccsText, $Format = "") { switch ($DataType) { case ccsInteger: case ccsFloat: if(strcmp(trim($Value1),"") == 0 || strcmp(trim($Value2),"") == 0) return strcmp($Value1, $Value2); else if($Value1 > $Value2) return 1; else if($Value1 < $Value2) return -1; else return 0; case ccsText: case ccsMemo: return strcmp($Value1,$Value2); case ccsBoolean: if (is_bool($Value1)) $val1=$Value1; else if (strlen($Value1)!= 0 && CCValidateBoolean($Value1,$Format)) $val1=CCParseBoolean($Value1,$Format); else return 1; if (is_bool($Value2)) $val2=$Value2; else if (strlen($Value2)!= 0 && CCValidateBoolean($Value2,$Format)) $val2=CCParseBoolean($Value2,$Format); else return 1; return $val1 xor $val2; case ccsDate: if (is_array($Value1) && is_array($Value2)) { $compare = array(ccsYear, ccsMonth, ccsDay, ccsHour, ccsMinute, ccsSecond); foreach ($compare as $ind => $val) { if ($Value1[$val] < $Value2[$val]) return -1; elseif ($Value1[$val] > $Value2[$val]) return 1; } return 0; } else if(is_array($Value1)) { $FormattedValue = CCFormatValue($Value1, $Format, $DataType); return CCCompareValues($FormattedValue, $Value2); } else if(is_array($Value2)) { $FormattedValue = CCFormatValue($Value2, $Format, $DataType); return CCCompareValues($Value1,$FormattedValue); } else { return CCCompareValues($Value1,$Value2); } } } function CCDateAdd($date, $value) { if (CCValidateDate($date)) { $FormatArray = array("yyyy", "-", "mm", "-", "dd", " ", "HH", ":", "nn", ":", "ss"); $value = strtolower($value); preg_match_all("/([-+]?)(\\d+)\\s*(year(s?)|month(s?)|day(s?)|hour(s?)|minute(s?)|second(s?)|week(s?)|[ymdwhns])/", $value, $pieces); for($i=0; $i<count($pieces[0]); $i++) { $rel = $pieces[1][$i] == "-" ? -$pieces[2][$i] : $pieces[2][$i]; $BackMonth = false; switch($pieces[3][$i]) { case "years": case "year": case "y": $date[ccsYear] += $rel; $BackMonth = true; break; case "months": case "month": case "m": $date[ccsMonth] += $rel; $BackMonth = true; break; case "weeks": case "week": case "w": $date[ccsDay] += $rel * 7; break; case "days": case "day": case "d": $date[ccsDay] += $rel; break; case "hours": case "hour": case "h": $date[ccsHour] += $rel; break; case "minutes": case "minute": case "min": case "n": $date[ccsMinute] += $rel; break; case "seconds": case "second": case "sec": case "s": $date[ccsSecond] += $rel; break; } if ($date[ccsSecond] >= 60) { $date[ccsMinute] += floor($date[ccsSecond] / 60); $date[ccsSecond] = $date[ccsSecond] % 60; } elseif ($date[ccsSecond] < 0) { $date[ccsMinute] += floor($date[ccsSecond] / 60); $date[ccsSecond] = (($date[ccsSecond]) % 60 + 60) % 60; } if ($date[ccsMinute] >= 60) { $date[ccsHour] += floor($date[ccsMinute] / 60); $date[ccsMinute] = $date[ccsMinute] % 60; } elseif ($date[ccsMinute] < 0) { $date[ccsHour] += floor($date[ccsMinute] / 60); $date[ccsMinute] = ($date[ccsMinute] % 60 + 60) % 60; } if ($date[ccsHour] >= 24) { $date[ccsDay] += floor($date[ccsHour] / 24); $date[ccsHour] = $date[ccsHour] % 24; } elseif ($date[ccsHour] < 0) { $date[ccsDay] += floor($date[ccsHour] / 24); $date[ccsHour] = ($date[ccsHour] % 24 + 24) % 24; } if ($date[ccsMonth] > 12) { $date[ccsYear] += floor(($date[ccsMonth] - 1) / 12); $date[ccsMonth] = ($date[ccsMonth] - 1) % 12 + 1; } elseif ($date[ccsMonth] < 1) { $date[ccsYear] += floor(($date[ccsMonth] - 1) / 12); $date[ccsMonth] = (($date[ccsMonth] - 1) % 12 + 12) % 12 + 1; } $days = CCDaysInMonth($date[ccsYear], $date[ccsMonth]); if($BackMonth && $date[ccsDay] > $days) { $date[ccsDay] = $days; } else { while ($date[ccsDay] > $days) { $date[ccsMonth] += 1; if ($date[ccsMonth] > 12) { $date[ccsYear] += 1; $date[ccsMonth] = 1; } $date[ccsDay] = $date[ccsDay] - $days; $days = CCDaysInMonth($date[ccsYear], $date[ccsMonth]); } } if($BackMonth && $date[ccsDay] < 1) { $date[ccsDay] = 1; } else { $tmpDate = ""; while ($date[ccsDay] < 1) { if ($tmpDate == "") $tmpDate = CCParseDate(CCFormatDate($date, array("yyyy","-","mm","-01")), array("yyyy","-","mm","-","dd")); $tmpDate = CCDateAdd($tmpDate, "-1month"); $days = CCDaysInMonth($tmpDate[ccsYear], $tmpDate[ccsMonth]); $date[ccsMonth] -= 1; if ($date[ccsMonth] == 0) { $date[ccsYear] -= 1; $date[ccsMonth] = 12; } $date[ccsDay] = $date[ccsDay] + $days; } } } $date[ccsTimestamp] = @mktime ($date[ccsHour], $date[ccsMinute], $date[ccsSecond], $date[ccsMonth], $date[ccsDay], $date[ccsYear]); return $date; } return false; } function CCDaysInMonth($year, $month) { switch ($month) { case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: return 30; case 2: if ($year % 4) return 28; elseif ($year % 100) return 29; elseif ($year % 400) return 28; else return 29; default: return 31; } } function CCDayOfWeek($date) { $year = $date[ccsYear]; $month = $date[ccsMonth]; $day = $date[ccsDay]; $century = $year - ( $year % 100 ); $base = array( 3, 2, 0, 5 ); $base = $base[(($century - 1500) / 100 + 16) % 4]; $twelves = intval(($year - $century )/12); $rem = ($year - $century) % 12; $fours = intval($rem / 4); $doomsday = $base + ($twelves + $rem + $fours) % 7; $doomsday = $doomsday % 7; $base = array( 0, 0, 7, 4, 9, 6, 11, 8, 5, 10, 7, 12 ); if (CCDaysInMonth($year, 2) == 29) { $base[0] = 32; $base[1] = 29; } else { $base[0] = 31; $base[1] = 28; } $on = $day - $base[$month - 1]; $on = $on % 7; return ($doomsday + $on + 7) % 7 + 1; } function CCDayOfYear($date) { $days = 0; for ($month = 1; $month < $date[ccsMonth]; $month++) $days += CCDaysInMonth($date[ccsYear], $month); return $days + $date[ccsDay]; } function CCConvertEncoding($text, $from, $to) { if (strlen($from) && strlen($to) && strcasecmp($from, $to)) { return iconv($from, $to, $text); } else return $text; } function CCConvertEncodingArray($array, $from="", $to="") { if (strlen($from) && strlen($to) && strcasecmp($from, $to)) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) $array[$key] = is_array($value) ? CCConvertEncodingArray($value, $from, $to) : CCConvertEncoding($value, $from, $to); } return $array; } function CCConvertDataArrays($from="", $to="") { global $FileEncoding; global $TemplateEncoding; global $CCSLocales; if ($from == "") $from = $CCSLocales->GetFormatInfo("PHPEncoding"); if ($from == "") $from = $TemplateEncoding; if ($to == "") $to = $FileEncoding; if (strlen($from) && strlen($to) && strcmp($from, $to)) { $_POST = CCConvertEncodingArray($_POST, $from, $to); $_GET = CCConvertEncodingArray($_GET, $from, $to); } } function CCGetOriginalFileName($value) { return preg_match("/^\d{14,}\./", $value) ? substr($value, strpos($value, ".") + 1) : $value; } function ComposeStrings($str1, $str2, $delimiter = null) { global $CCSIsXHTML; if(is_null($delimiter)) { $delimiter = $CCSIsXHTML ? "<br />" : "<BR>"; } return $str1 . (strlen($str1) && strlen($str2) ? $delimiter : "") . $str2; } function CCSelectProjectStyle() { global $CCProjectStyle; $QueryStyle = CCGetFromGet("style"); if ($QueryStyle) { CCSetProjectStyle($QueryStyle); CCSetSession("style", $CCProjectStyle); return;; } if (CCSetProjectStyle(CCGetSession("style"))) return; } function CCSetProjectStyle($NewStyle) { global $CCProjectStyle; $NewStyle = trim($NewStyle); if ($NewStyle && file_exists(RelativePath . "/Styles/" . $NewStyle . "/Style.css")) { $CCProjectStyle = $NewStyle; return true; } return false; } function CCSelectProjectDesign() { global $CCProjectDesign; $QueryDesign = CCGetFromGet("design"); if ($QueryDesign) { CCSetProjectDesign($QueryDesign); CCSetSession("design", $CCProjectDesign); return; } if (CCSetProjectDesign(CCGetSession("design"))) return; } function CCSetProjectDesign($NewDesign) { global $CCProjectDesign; $NewDesign = trim($NewDesign); if ($NewDesign && is_dir(RelativePath . "/Designs/" . $NewDesign . "/")) { $CCProjectDesign = $NewDesign; return true; } return false; } function CCStrLen($str, $encoding = false) { global $FileEncoding; global $PHPVersion; if (false === $encoding) $encoding = $FileEncoding; return $encoding && $PHPVersion[0] >= 5 ? iconv_strlen($str, $encoding) : strlen($str); } function CCGetTemplate() { global $Tpl; $numargs = func_num_args(); if ($numargs == 0) return $Tpl; $args = func_get_args(); $Component = $args[0]; $TplClassName = "clsTemplate"; $parent_page = & CCGetParentPage($Component); if (!isset($parent_page->Tpl) || !($parent_page->Tpl instanceof $TplClassName)) { return $Tpl; } else { return $parent_page->Tpl; } } function CCInitializeDetails(& $Component, $ComponentType) { global $MainPage; $json = $_POST["CCSDetailControls"]; $JsonParser = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); $controls = $JsonParser->decode(stripslashes($json)); $_POST = array_merge($_POST, $controls); $_GET["ccsForm"] = $Component->ComponentName; $ComponentClassName = get_class($Component); $parent_page = & CCGetParentPage($Component); if ($parent_page->ComponentType == "IncludablePage") { $Component = new $ComponentClassName("", $parent_page); $Component->Initialize(); $parent_page->BindEvents(); } else { $Component = new $ComponentClassName("", $MainPage); $Component->Initialize(); BindEvents(); } if ($ComponentType == "EditableGrid") { $Component->GetFormParameters(); } return $Component->Validate(); } function CCSubStr($str, $offset, $length = null, $encoding = false) { global $FileEncoding; global $PHPVersion; if (false === $encoding) $encoding = $FileEncoding; return $encoding && $PHPVersion[0] >= 5 ? (strlen($str) ? @iconv_substr($str, $offset, $length, $encoding) : "") : (is_null($length) ? substr($str, $offset) : substr($str, $offset, $length)); } function CCStrPos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = false) { global $FileEncoding; global $PHPVersion; if (false === $encoding) $encoding = $FileEncoding; return $encoding && $PHPVersion[0] >= 5 ? iconv_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding) : strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } function CCCheckSSL() { $HTTPS = isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? strtolower($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) : ""; if($HTTPS != "on") { echo "SSL connection error. This page can be accessed only via secured connection."; exit; } } function GenerateCaptchaCode($letters, $sesVariableName, $width, $height, $length, $rot, $br, $w1, $w2, $noise) { $restricted = "|cp|cb|ck|c6|c9|rn|rm|mm|co|do|cl|db|qp|qb|dp|"; $res = new clsQuadraticPaths(); $t = ""; $code = ""; $r = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $r = intval((count($letters)) * (mt_rand(0, 99)/100)); while (strpos("|" . substr($code, -strlen($code), 1) . $letters[$r][0] . "|", $restricted) !== false) { $r = intval((count($letters)) * (mt_rand(0, 99)/100)); } $code = $code . $letters[$r][0]; $t = new clsQuadraticPaths(); $t->LoadFromArray($letters[$r]); $t->Wave(2 * $w2 * (mt_rand(0, 99)/100) - $w2); $t->Rotate(2 * $rot * (mt_rand(0, 99)/100) - $rot); $t->Normalize(0, 100); if (($t->MaxX - $t->MinX) > 100) { $t->Normalize(100, 100); } $t->Addition(($i - 1) * $t->MaxY, 0); $res->AddPaths($t); } $res->Rotate(90); $res->Wave(2 * $w1 * (mt_rand(0, 99)/100) - $w1); $res->Rotate(-90); $res->Broke($br, $br); $res->Normalize($width - 12, $height - 12); $res->Addition(6, 6); $res->Mix(); $res->Noises($noise); CCSetSession($sesVariableName, $code); return $res->ToString(); } if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) { function file_get_contents($filename, $incpath = false, $resource_context = null) { if (false === $fh = fopen($filename, 'rb', $incpath)) { trigger_error('file_get_contents() failed to open stream: No such file or directory', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } clearstatcache(); if ($fsize = @filesize($filename)) { $data = fread($fh, $fsize); } else { $data = ''; while (!feof($fh)) { $data .= fread($fh, 8192); } } fclose($fh); return $data; } } function CCLoginUser($login,$password){ if (CCGetSession("usr_login")){ echo CCGetSession("usr_login"); } else { echo "No login"; } } function CCLogoutUser() { CCSetSession("UserID", ""); CCSetSession("UserLogin", ""); CCSetSession("GroupID", ""); CCSetSession("UserAddr", ""); } function CCGetCurrentUrlPoint() { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $parts = explode('/',$url); $dir = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts) - 1; $i++) { $dir .= $parts[$i] . "/"; } return $dir; } ?>