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Class: kdbv
Tool to migrate MySQL schema to MySQL database
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mysql database auto schema migration tool

`kdbv library` migrations between versions of a application.


> upgrade your mysql database to current latest version from older version

Common DB versioning problems

  • Where should I keep track of schema changes?
  • What changed since last production push?
  • Did I apply this patch already to this server?
  • Did I run the migrations on this copy of the app?
  • Did I run the update script after updating the schema?

How kdbv library helps

  • Each DB change encapsulated in a single migration ```kdbv database file```
  • Deployment script automatically runs all necessary migration sql queries on production database immediately after code deploys
  • Nothing to remember / eliminates human factor
  • Easy to test, easy to reproduce
  • A ```kdbv library``` is code that changes the database structure between versions

How its works

Like the source files in our project,the database is constantly changing too. That?s why we also need a way to track the changes of database versioning but using `kdbv` you don't need to keep track of changes just run make to create `kdbv database` and deploy with your latest change and run `update` function to change database automatically database upgraded thats is it

Give star to library if you like STAR++


  • Upgrade - Database Upgrade
  • Easy - Extremely easy to learn and use


PHP 5.3+ and PDO extension installed

Get Started


This library is designed to be installed via Composer.

Add the dependency into your projects composer.json.

  "require": {
    "ganeshkandu/kdbv": "*"

Download the composer.phar

curl -sS | php

Install the library.

php composer.phar install


> To add in in your dependencies

php composer.phar require ganeshkandu/kdbv

Auto loading

This library requires an autoloader, if you aren't already using one you can include Composers autoloader.



steps to perform

  • Create ```kdbv database``` using ```make``` function of your ```latest database```
  • deploy ```kdbv database``` with your application
  • You can simply overwrite latest version of your application on your old version of application ( NOTES latest version is deployed with ```kdbv database``` and ```kdbv library``` )
  • now you have your latest changed files with your old database which need to be update to new changes database structure
  • now ```upgrade``` your database using ```upgrade``` function
  • if you getting any issue create an issue

step 1

Instantiate & load()

// Using kdbv namespace
namespace kanduganesh;
// just use this code to require auto loader on the top of your projects.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Initialize
$obj = new kdbv(array(
	'HOST' => '<mysql_host>',
	'DATABASE' => '<mysql_database>',
	'USER' => '<database_user>',
	'PASS' => '<database_password>',
	'PORT' => '<mysql_port>',
	'KDBV' => '<kdbv_database_name>' //name of kdbv database
	'PREFIX' => '<table prefix>', //table prefix

> `<kdbv_database_name>` is a name of `kdbv database` which to be deploy with your application ( _kdbv database contain database structure of your latest application_ )

step 2

> use `$obj` of step 1

create `kdbv database`

Create kdbv database
notes :- during calling make function your mysql database should contain latest version database so it can store latest structure of database 

step 3

> use `$obj` of step 1

Get Mysql Upgrade Queries

$sqls_queries = $obj->query();
foreach($sqls_queries as $query){
    echo $query."\n";


Upgrade mysql database

upgrade mysql database
notes :- during calling upgrade function your kdbv database should be deployed with your application
Upgrade your old mysql database to your latest mysql database structure

Best practices

  • run ```$obj->make();``` all time you when you release new application version with change database structure
