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File: DbRand.php

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File: DbRand.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Random MySQL connection
Class: DbRand
Redundant Random MySQL connection
Author: By
Last change: Changed class name to Db
Now I allow port to be passed in.
Also, I keep track of what databases connections have been tried so you don't try the same connection twice.
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 6,263 bytes



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<? /****************************************************************** class Db Description: A redundant MySQL connection class If RANDOMIZE is set and SLAVES are provided all SELECT statements will be run off a random mysql connections. If no slaves are present just use the MASTER connection Author: Vermonster SA Maintainer: Jay Powers Email: Purpose: Provide an OO API for redundant MySQL connection This software is now distributed under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License $Id: db.class.php,v 1.2 2002/05/03 15:16:28 brian.kaney Exp $ Usage: // Connection to MASTER $object = new Db("","login","pass","test"); $slaves = array ( array(host=>"",user=>"foo",pass=>"bar",db=>"test"), array(host=>"",user=>"foo",pass=>"bar",db=>"test") ); // Add the slaves into the mix and trigger random selects $object->set_slaves($slaves,true); $result = $object->db_query("SELECT username,email1 FROM users"); ******************************************************************/ class Db { // Define all global vars var $MASTER = array(); // Master database var $SLAVES = array(); // Slave databases var $TIMEOUT; var $SOCKET; var $PORT; var $RANDOMIZE; var $CK = array(); // Array of function Db ($master, $login, $pass, $db, $timeout=5, $socket=true, $port=3306) { // Initialize Global vars $this->TIMEOUT = $timeout; $this->SOCKET = $socket; $this->PORT = $port; $this->MASTER = array('host' => $master, 'user' => $login, 'pass' => $pass, 'db' =>$db); } function set_slaves($slaves, $randomize=false) { /* Set all the slaves * merge MASTER and SLAVES for random SELECTS */ $this->SLAVES = $slaves; $this->RANDOMIZE = $randomize; array_unshift($this->SLAVES, $this->MASTER); } function db_connect($db) { /* This function is called from db_query. * We need to see what type of query is being run */ if ($fp = fsockopen($db['host'], $this->PORT, &$errno, &$errstr, $this->TIMEOUT)) { if (!$this->LINK_ID = mysql_pconnect($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass'])) { echo "<h4>Can't connect to" . $db['host'] ." as " . $db['user'] . "</h4>"; echo "<b>MySQL Error</b>: ", mysql_error(); die(); } mysql_select_db($db['db']) or die("Could not select database"); fclose($fp); } else if (!in_array($db['host'], $this->CK)){ // Could not open connection. Lets try again? $this->CK[$db['host']] = true; $this->db_query($this->QUERY); } else { die('Unable to connect to any database'); } return $this->LINK_ID; } function db_query($query, $debug=false, $die_on_debug=true) { /* Run the query $query against the current database. if $debug is true, then * we will just display the query on screen including host info. * Check for SELECT statments and if SLAVES & RANDOMIZE are set. If so, run * query against random db host.*/ $this->QUERY = $query; if (eregi("^select", $query) and (!empty($this->RANDOMIZE)) and (!empty($this->SLAVES)) ) { // Set the random number srand ((float) microtime() * 10000000); // Choose a random Database host $rand_host = array_rand($this->SLAVES); $this->LINK_ID = $this->db_connect($this->SLAVES[$rand_host]); // Now the slave is the MASTER (For display) $this->MASTER = $this->SLAVES[$rand_host]; } else { // Use the Master Connection $this->LINK_ID = $this->db_connect($this->MASTER); } if ($debug) { echo "<pre>" . "LINK " . $this->LINK_ID . " <BR>Query: ". htmlspecialchars($query) . " <BR>HOST: " . $this->MASTER['host'] . "</pre>"; if ($die_on_debug) die; } return mysql_query($query, $this->LINK_ID); } function db_fetch_array($result) { /* return next row as an associative array return FALSE when ther are no more results*/ return mysql_fetch_array($result); } function db_fetch_row($result) { /* return next row as an array return FALSE when ther are no more results*/ return mysql_fetch_row($result); } function db_fetch_object($result) { /* return next row as an object return FALSE when ther are no more results*/ return mysql_fetch_object($result); } function db_num_rows($result) { /* return the number of (rows) returned from the SELECT query with * the query result identifier $result. */ return mysql_num_rows($result); } function db_affected_rows() { /* return the number of rows affected by the last INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE * query */ return mysql_affected_rows(); } function db_insert_id() { /* if you just INSERTed a new row into a table with an autonumber, call this * function to give you the ID of the new autonumber value */ return mysql_insert_id(); } function db_free_result($result) { /* free up the resources used by the query result identifier $result */ mysql_free_result($result); } function db_num_fields($result) { /* return the number of fields returned from the SELECT query with the * identifier $result */ return mysql_num_fields($result); } function db_field_name($result, $field) { /* return the name of the field number $field returned from the SELECT query * with the identifier $result */ return mysql_field_name($result, $field); } function db_data_seek($result, $row) { /* move the database cursor to row $row on the SELECT query with the identifier * $result */ if (db_num_rows($result)) { return mysql_data_seek($result, $row); } } }// END class DB ?>