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File: propsheet_sample.php

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  Classes of Alexander Selifonov   Property sheets drawing engine   propsheet_sample.php   Download  
File: propsheet_sample.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Working sample, demonstrating all the main as_propsheet features
Class: Property sheets drawing engine
Create Web based configuration wizards
Author: By
Last change: demonstrating TEXTAREA added
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 7,587 bytes



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 propsheet_sample.php - as_propsheet using sample
 @author Alexander Selifonov, ,
 @last_modified : 2006-10-26

# require_once('basefunc.php');

$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

$pgtitle = 'Using as-propsheet sample';

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body { font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:13px; background-color: #FFFFFF; }
td { font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:12px;}
tr.odd { background-color: #F0F0F8; color:#000000; }
tr.even { background-color: #E0E0F0; color:#000000; }
tr.head { background-color: #B0B0E0; color:#000000;
  text-align: center;
.ibox { border-color: #000000; background-color: #F8F8FF; color:#000000;
  border-color: #6060E0; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;
  FONT-size: 11px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica;font-weight: bold;
button, input.button{
   background-color: #C4C4FF;
   border-color: #202080; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;
   color: #000080; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   font-size: 11px;
.pagebody { background-color:#E0E0F0;
   border-right:2px solid #202080; border-bottom:2px solid #202080;
   border-left:2px solid #202080; border-top: none;
.pagebodywiz { background-color:#E0E0F0;
   border-right:2px solid #202080; border-bottom:2px solid #202080;
   border-left:2px solid #202080; border-top: 2px solid #202080;

.tblactive { font-weight:bold;
                color:blue; cursor:hand;
                border-left:2px solid #4040A0;
                border-right:2px solid #4040A0;
                border-top:2px solid #4040A0;
.tblinactive { font-weight:bold;
                cursor:hand; color:white;
                border-right:1px solid #8080F0;
                border-top:1px solid #8080F0;
                border-bottom:2px solid #4040A0;


<BODY><H4 align='center'><?=$pgtitle?></H4>
<script name="javascript">
function TryMyTheme() {
  alert('Here You will place your javascript code, called by pressing button...');
function ChangeUdfVar(obj) {
   // Finish button disabled until user unputs some value into User-def var 1:
     document.getElementById('asprbt_finishcfg').disabled = (obj.value.length==0);
function NextPressed1() {
  // this will be called in WIZARD mode, on switching from page 1 to 2
  var fm = document.fsample;
  if(fm.title.value == '') { alert('Main site title cannot be empty !\nPlease enter something.'); return false; }
  return true;
function FinishWizard() {
  alert('Here must be finish code - \nfor instance, submitting all fields to the server \nthrough GET/POST or AJAX calls');
<div align=center>
= isset($_GET['style'])?$_GET['style']:TABSTYLE;

$style==TABSTYLE) echo "<a href='$self?style=1'>switch to WIZARDSTYLE sheet</a>";
else echo
"<a href='$self?style=0'>switch to TABSTYLE sheet</a>";

$sheet = new CPropertySheet('cfg',600,200,$style);

$style==WIZARDSTYLE) {
# I want 'finish' button in my Wizard, initially disabled:
$sheet->SetFinishButton('FinishWizard()','Finish it!',false);
"<form action='$self' METHOD='POST' name='fsample'><input type='hidden' name='action' value='save'>";
# suppose $cfg[] is an array with all parameters to change

$fd = array();
$curvalue = isset($cfg['title'])? $cfg['title']: '';
$fd[] = new CFormField('title','text','Your site main title',$curvalue,0,100,300);

$curvalue = isset($cfg['siteurl'])? $cfg['siteurl']: '';
$fd[] = new CFormField('siteurl','text','URL for your site',$curvalue,0,100,300);

$curvalue = isset($cfg['shownews'])? $cfg['shownews']: 0;
$fd[] = new CFormField('shownews','checkbox','Show news on main page',$curvalue);

$curvalue = isset($cfg['theme_no'])? $cfg['theme_no']: 0;
$themelist = array('0'=>'default theme', '2'=>'Futuristic','3'=>'Las Vegas');
$fd[] = new CFormField('theme','select','Use this theme for the site',$curvalue,$themelist,0,200);

$fd[] = new CFormField('checktheme','button','Check chosen theme...',0,0,0,200,'Try chosen theme for the site','TryMyTheme()');
$sheet->AddPage('Site basic parameters',$fd, 'NextPressed1()');

# page 2
$fd = array();
$fd[] = new CFormField('h','head','Feedback parameters');
$fd[] = new CFormField('feedback_email','text','Email to send feedback','',0,200,400);

// make 'SELECT box':
$fmtlist = array('TXT'=>'text','HTML'=>'HTML format');
$fd[] = new CFormField('fb_format','select','Letters format','TXT',$fmtlist,0,200);

$fd[] = new CFormField('fb_save_on_server','checkbox','Save all feedback copies on server',1);

$fd[] = new CFormField('h','head','Maintenance'); // header for next params
$fd[] = new CFormField('daily_rotate','checkbox','daily rotate logs',1);
$fd[] = new CFormField('daily_checktables','checkbox','daily check and optimize all tables in DB',1);

$sheet->AddPage('Feedback, maintenance',$fd);

# here we demonstrate how to add nested CPropertySheet:
$sheet2 = new CPropertySheet('n2','90%',100);
$flds = array();
$flds[] = new CFormField('f11','text','sub-field 1','initial value',0,100,200);
$flds[] = new CFormField('f12','checkbox','check box 12',0);
$flds = array();
$flds[] = new CFormField('f21','head','Here is a second page with TEXTAREA field!');
$flds[] = new CFormField('f22','textarea','Your comments','init text',0,0,'','','',"style='width:100%; height:100'");
$sheet->AddPage('nested sheet',$sheet2);
#don't call Draw for tthe shet2, main page will do it !

# and finally - add page with user-drawn form elements...
$sheet->AddPage('User defined parameters','UdfvarPage'); // this page will be drawn in my function

$style==0) {
<br><br><div align=center><button class='button' type='submit' name='sub' style='width:200'>Save parameters</button></FORM></div>
<? }

UdfvarPage() { // this func draws a whole page in a CPropertySheet's tab
<table width='100%'><tr>
 <td align=right><b>User def.Parameter 1<br>Input some non-empty string to enable Finish button</b></td></td>
 <td><input type='text' name='udfparm1' class='ibox' style='width:200' onChange='ChangeUdfVar(this)'></td></tr>
 <td align=right><b>User def.Parameter 2</b></td></td>
 <td><input type='text' name='udfparm2' class='ibox' style='width:200'></td>
</table><div align=center><hr><b>And here we place nested CPopertyPage:</b></div><br><br>
= new CPropertySheet('nested',400,100);
$flds= array();
$flds[] = new CFormField('fldnest11','text','sub-field 1','initial value',0,100,200);
$flds[] = new CFormField('fldnest12','checkbox','check box 12',0);
$flds = array();
$flds[] = new CFormField('fldnest21','text','sub-field 21','',0,100,200);
$flds[] = new CFormField('fldnest22','checkbox','check box 22',0);