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File: dbff_errm.php

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File: dbff_errm.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: dbff error message file
Class: dbff
Read and write flat file databases in CSV format
Author: By
Last change: For version 0.99
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 8,391 bytes


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/* Name: dbff_errm.php
    Author: Jerry Mattsson
    Version: 0.99, Created: Jun-2005, revised Mar-06 - Nov-06
    Copyright (©) 2004 Jerry Mattsson,
$emsg = array (
'E'=>'Error', 'W'=>'Warning', 'T'=>'Trace',
101=>'No record(s) in select set',
102=>'No primary key defined for %TBL% to use in fetch',
103=>'No field named "%P01%" in %TBL% to use in Select!',
104=>'No search value given for field "%P01%" in Select, %TBL%',
105=>'No record definition found, select operation not possible',
110=>'No field named "%P01%" in %TBL% to use in sort!',
111=>'No field named "%P01%" in %TBL% to use in search',
121=>'No field named "%P01%" in %TBL% to use in ReSelect!',
130=>'No field named "%P01%" in %TBL% to use in Aselect!',
135=>'No field named "%P01%" in %TBL% to use in selectPrevious!',
140=>'No records selected for update (%TBL%)',
141=>'No field named "%P01%" in %TBL% to use in Update!',
150=>'No records selected for delete (%TBL%)',
151=>'Failed to delete Selected records (%TBL%)',
155=>'Parse did not get a valid structure!, Could not parse record definition!',
201=>'Field number %P01% does not exist',
202=>'Field named "%P01%" does not exist in %TBL%',
203=>'Invalid DateTime: "%P01%" , should be in format YYYYMMDDHHiiss (%TBL%)',
204=>'Invalid datetime conversion for: "%P01%" in file %FIL%',
205=>'Invalid Date: "%P01%" , should be in format YYYYMMDD (%TBL%)',
206=>'Invalid date conversion for: "%P01%" in file %FIL%',
210=>'Unknown operation: %P01% ',
212=>'Unknown record format (no Start/EndTag) on rec: %P01%, reading file %FIL%',
213=>'Unknown Tag/Taglength: %P01%',
230=>'Record contains illegal field names: %P01% for table %TBL%',
240=>'Record does not contain correct number of fields for table %TBL% expected: %P01% got: %P02% ',
242=>'Value is required for pk key field in %TBL%',
244=>'Primary key %P01% = %P02% (ins) is not unique! (%TBL%)',
246=>'Primary key %P01% can not be updated! (%TBL%)',
248=>'Primary key %P01% = %P02% (upd) is not unique! (%TBL%)',
250=>'Value is required for UK key field %P01% (%TBL%)',
252=>'Unique key: %P01% = %P02% (ins) is not unique! (%TBL%)',
254=>'Unique Key: %P01% = %P02% (upd) is not unique! (%TBL%)',
260=>'Value of %P01% %P02% is not a number (%TBL%)',
262=>'Value of %P01% %P02% is not an integer (%TBL%)',
264=>'Value of %P01% %P02% is not a valid date (%TBL%)',
265=>'Value of %P01% %P02% is not a valid datetime (%TBL%)',
266=>'%P01% (%P02% ) does not look like a valid email (%TBL%)',
270=>'Value is required for field %P01% (%TBL%)',
272=>'Length of field "%P01%" is too large, max=%P02% (%TBL%)',
274=>'Value of "%P01%" too small, min=%P02% (%TBL%)',
276=>'Value of "%P01%" too big, max=%P02% (%TBL%)',
280=>'Check digit for "%P01%" is not correct (%TBL%)',
282=>'%P01% is not in the correct format (%TBL%)',
284=>'Value of "%P01%" too short, min=%P02% (%TBL%)',
286=>'Value of "%P01%" %P02% not in list %P03% (%TBL%)',
288=>'Format of "%P01%" incorrect, format=%P02% (%TBL%)',
300=>'No records found to delete! %TBL%',
301=>'Input record is invalid! %TBL%',
302=>'No records found to update! %TBL%',
308=>'Binary field "%P01%" can not be used in search!',
310=>'Field to search is not set in record %P01% in %FIL%',
320=>'Insert did not get a valid record, %FIL%',
321=>'Insert failed to open file in write mode, file=%FIL%',
322=>'updByRn failed to open file in write mode, file=%FIL%',
323=>'delByRn failed to open file in write mode, file=%FIL%',
330=>'Record to delete not found, rowno=%P01% ',
335=>'Update did not get a valid record! (%FIL%)',
337=>'Trying to read Record that is deleted, rowno=%P01% ',
338=>'Trying to fetch Record that does not exist, rowno=%P01% ',
340=>'Record to update is deleted, rowno=%P01% ',
345=>'Record to update not found, rowno=%P01% ',
350=>'ReRead can not be done, Changes would be lost',
401=>'Unknown op=%P01%, in record while reading %FIL%',
405=>'Invalid authentication given to read data',
410=>'File not read prior to write, %FIL%',
420=>'Invalid authentication given to write data',
501=>'Unable to open LogFile, Log turned off! %FIL%',
502=>'Unknown logswitch time format (%P01% ), LogFile does not use time format, %FIL%',
510=>'Unknown lock mode: %P01% %FIL%',
511=>'Unable to lock file %FIL%',
515=>'Unable to write to file %FIL%',
516=>'Failed to write file %FIL%',
517=>'Unable to write to logfile for %FIL%',
520=>'Unable to Open file, File name is not set!',
521=>'Unable to Open file %FIL%, Path %P01% does not exist ',
522=>'Unable to Open file %FIL%, Path Error: %P01% ',
523=>'Unable to Open file %FIL%, Mode=%P01%',
524=>'Unknown Open mode! %P01% ',
525=>'Unable to Open file %FIL% for read. The file is not readable',
526=>'Unable to Open file %FIL% to read, file does not exist!',
527=>'Unable to Open file %FIL% for write. The file is not writeable',
528=>'Unable to Open file %FIL% in mode %P01% ',
530=>'Unable to Close file %FIL%',
531=>'Unable to Close Logfile %P01%',
550=>'MaxSeq (%P01% ) < MinSeq',
601=>'Table names must be set to use join',
602=>'No selected records in join set',
603=>'No Primary key defined in %TBL% to use in join',
604=>'No Foreign key defined in %P01% to %TBL% to use in join',
// All Above 800 is trace messages
802=>'Selecting record in %TBL%<br>',
803=>'No records selected for reselect, %TBL%<br>',
804=>'Reselect (in=%P01%): Reduced to=%P02% rec(s) for %TBL%, search %P03% in %P04%<br>',
806=>'Aselect (in=%P01%): Increased set to %P02% rec(s) in %TBL%, search for %P03% in %P04%<br>',
808=>'No more records to fetch in selectGet from %TBL%<br>',
809=>'Fetching previous record from %TBL%, current ptr=%P01%<br>',
810=>'Fetch of record %P01% from %TBL%<br>',
812=>'Selecting all records from %TBL%<br>',
814=>'Found %P01% records<br>',
816=>'Search_recs is searching for %P01% in "%P02%" with op=%P03% in %FIL%<br>',
818=>'Got one rec %P01% by key<br>',
820=>'Got %P01% record(s) from %P02%<br>',
822=>'Parsing Definition,<br>',
823=>'Initializing encryption<br>',
824=>'%TBL%, keyfld=%P01%, Parse Done<br>',
825=>'Sequence, minseq=%P01%, maxseq=%P02%<br>',
826=>'Fields: %P01%<br>',
828=>'Found Value by key %P01%<br>',
830=>'Validating record for %TBL%<br>',
831=>'Valid Record<br>',
832=>'Formating record %P01% in %TBL%<br>',
834=>'Format Done<br>',
836=>'Regenerating Keys for %TBL%<br>',
837=>'ReGenKeys Done<br>',
838=>'Using getRec to fetch %P01% in %FIL%<br>',
840=>'Delete of %P01% in %TBL% fld=%P02%<br>',
842=>'Deleting %P01% record(s) in %TBL%<br>',
844=>'Update of key=%P01% in %TBL% fld=%P02%<br>',
846=>'Updating %P01% record(s) in %TBL%<br>',
848=>'Scanrecs searching for %P01% in fld=%P02% in file %FIL%<br>',
849=>'Searchvalue is empty!<br>',
850=>'Scanrecs found %P01% (from %P02% record(s))<br>',
852=>'Insert of record in %TBL%<br>',
853=>'delByRn of record %P01%<br>',
854=>'Deleted record %P01%<br>',
856=>'GetRecByRn record %P01%<br>',
857=>'Named key=%P01% is Not Set (pos=%P02%) setting field to Null<br>',
858=>'updByRn of record rowno=%P01%<br>',
860=>'Updated record rowno=%P01%<br>',
862=>'reRead of file %FIL%<br>',
863=>'Reading Control info<br>',
864=>' maxkey=%P01%<br>',
865=>' maxseq=%P01%<br>',
866=>' minseq=%P01%<br>',
867=>' Get Ctl Done<br>',
868=>'Checking keynames in rec for ins/upd in %TBL%<br>',
869=>'Stripping Nonnumeric keynames from rec in %TBL%<br>',
870=>'Setting and formating Control data/record<br>',
872=>' Set Ctl Done<br>',
873=>'About to Read %FIL%<br>',
874=>'File to read does not exist! ( %FIL% )<br>',
875=>'Reading lines<br>',
876=>'Data is encrypted<br>',
877=>'Start of rec %P01%, %P02%',
878=>' End of rec %P01%, ',
881=>' Found rec %P01%,<br>',
882=>'Done, read %P01% record(s), maxkey=%P02%<br>',
883=>'About to Write file %FIL%<br>',
884=>'No Write, op is not set<br>',
885=>'Encrypting data<br>',
886=>'No password set<br>',
888=>'Number of comment lines to write %P01%<br>',
889=>'Filetime diff for file %FIL%. Old time=%P01% Current time=%P02%<br>',
892=>'Appending INSERTED record(s)<br>',
893=>'Truncating file to ReWrite record(s)<br>',
894=>'Record(s) to handle %P01% <br>',
896=>'Wrote %P01% Record(s)<br>',
900=>'Lock file %FIL% in mode %P01%<br>',
902=>'Lock loop sleep:%P01%',
904=>'Open file %FIL% in mode:%P01%<br>',
906=>'Closing file %FIL%<br>',
920=>'Joining select records from %TBL%<br>',
922=>'%TBL% having %P1% records<br>',
924=>'Joined table has %P01% matches so far<br>');