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File: HTMLPageClass

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File: HTMLPageClass
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Build and render an entire HTML or XHTML Page. REQUIRES the HTMLTagClass, and various other Tag Classes included in the package of libraries.
Class: HTMLPageClass
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
Size: 13,422 bytes



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//Get all the required files for this class require_once("$phphtmllib/HTMLTagClass.php"); require_once("$phphtmllib/tag_classes/BODYtag.php"); require_once("$phphtmllib/tag_classes/DOCTYPEtag.php"); require_once("$phphtmllib/tag_classes/HEADtag.php"); require_once("$phphtmllib/tag_classes/HTMLtag.php"); require_once("$phphtmllib/tag_classes/LINKtag.php"); require_once("$phphtmllib/tag_classes/METAtag.php"); require_once("$phphtmllib/tag_classes/SCRIPTtag.php"); require_once("$phphtmllib/tag_classes/STYLEtag.php"); require_once("$phphtmllib/tag_classes/TITLEtag.php"); /** * Some global defines, used by the * classes and widgets */ define("XHTML_TRANSITIONAL", "xhtml_transitional"); define("XHTML", "xhtml_transitional"); define("XHTML_STRICT", "xhtml_strict"); define("XHTML_FRAMESET", "xhtml_frameset"); define("HTML", "html"); /** * HTMLPageClass - class the constructs and renders an html document. * * @author Walter A. Boring IV <> * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0.5 * @abstract */ class HTMLPageClass { /** * HEADtag object that holds all content * for the head. * @var object * @access private */ var $_head = NULL; /** * TITLEtag object that holds the title * of the page. * @var object * @access private */ var $_title = NULL; /** * SCRIPTtag object that holds javascript * code for the head tag. * @var object * @access private */ var $_head_js = NULL; /** * STYLEtag object that holds css code * for the head. * @var object * @access private */ var $_head_style = NULL; /** * holds an array of LINKtag objects * in the head tag that reference an * external stylesheet file. * @var array. * @access private */ var $_head_css_link_arr = array(); /** * holds an array of SCRIPTtag objects * in the head tag that reference an * an extern javascript file. * @var array * @access private */ var $_head_js_link_arr = array(); /** * character set to be used in this * page. This gets automatically * placed in the Content-Type * META tag. * @var string * @access private */ var $_charset = "iso-8859-1"; /** * BODYtag object that holds all content * for the body tag. * @var object * @access private */ var $_body = NULL; /** * DOCTYPEag object that sets the document * type. This gets rendered prior to <html> * @var object * @access private */ var $_doctype = NULL; /** * flag to tell the class to try and * change the http headers to output * document of type text, instead of * html. This is helpfull for debugging. * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_text_debug = FALSE; /** * Class Constructor * @param mixed - $title Title string or TITLEtag object for the page. * @param string - one of 3 types of html to render. Setting this will * make the object declare the gobal define which tells * all of the tag objects what type of html tags to render. * some tags support special features. such as the <IMG> * tag. If xhtml is selected, the the IMGtag object and all * utility functions will not render "border=0" as a default * attribute, since this is not proper xhtml. * "html" - HTML 4.0 (default) * "xhtml_transitional" - render xhtml instead of html * - doctype is XHTML transitional. * "xhtml_strict" - render xhtml instead of html 4.0. * - doctype is XHTML strict. * * @access public */ function HTMLPageClass($title=NULL, $html_type=HTML) { switch ($html_type) { case HTML: $attributes = array("html", "PUBLIC", "\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\""); define("HTML_RENDER_TYPE", HTML); break; case XHTML_STRICT: $attributes = array("html", "PUBLIC", "\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"", "\"DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\""); define("HTML_RENDER_TYPE", XHTML_STRICT); break; case XHTML: case XHTML_TRANSITIONAL: $attributes = array("html", "PUBLIC", "\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"", "\"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\""); define("HTML_RENDER_TYPE", XHTML); break; //What else needs to be done to properly support //XHTML frameset? TODO LIST for 1.1 case XHTML_FRAMESET: $attributes = array("html", "PUBLIC", "\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\"", "\"DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd\""); define("HTML_RENDER_TYPE", XHTML_FRAMESET); break; } $this->_doctype = new DOCTYPEtag( $attributes ); $this->_head = new HEADtag; $this->_head_js = new SCRIPTtag(array("language" => "JavaScript")); $this->_head_style = new STYLEtag; $this->_body = new BODYtag; $this->_body->push( "\n" ); if ($title != NULL) { $this->set_title( $title ); } } //************************************************** //* HEAD tag related functions //************************************************** /** * adds content to the head tag. * @param mixed $content the content to add */ function push_head_content( $content ) { $this->_head->push( $content ); } /** * adds raw javascript to the head which * will automatically get wrapped in a * <script language="JavaScript"> tag. * @param mixed $content - raw javascript code to add to the head */ function push_head_js( $content ) { $this->_head_js->push( $content ); } /** * set the title of the page output. * @param mixed $title - the title of the html page * can be TITLEtag object. * */ function set_title( $title ) { if (is_object($title)) { if ($title->_tag == "<TITLE>") { $this->_title = $title; } else { //they did something funky here. return -1; } } else { $titletag = new TITLEtag; $titletag->push( $title ); $this->_title = $titletag; } } /** * pushes a css external reference to the head area * @param mixed $link - link tag object or $url for a css. */ function push_css_link( $link ) { if (is_object($link)) { $css = $link; } else { $attributes = array( "rel"=>"stylesheet", "type"=>"text/css", "href"=>$link); $css = new LINKtag( $attributes ); } $this->_head_css_link_arr[] = $css; } /** * pushes an link to an externally referenced javascript * file, which will get rendered in the head. * @param mixed $link - script tag object or $url of .js file. * */ function push_js_link( $link ) { if (is_object($link)) { $js = $link; } else { $attributes = array("language" => "JavaScript", "src" => $link ); $js = new SCRIPTtag( $attributes ); } $this->_head_js_link_arr[] = $js; } /** * Automatically set a page meta tag refresh * @param int $time - time in seconds to refresh * @param string $url - the url to go to. */ function set_refresh( $time, $url=NULL ) { if ($url) { $time .= ";url=$url"; } $attributes = array( "http-equiv" => "refresh", "content" => $time ); $meta = new METAtag( $attributes ); $this->push_head_content( $meta ); } /** * set the character set * @param string $charset - the charset for the meta tag * */ function set_charset( $charset ) { $this->_charset = $charset; } /** * this builds the content type meta tag. * */ function _build_content_type_tag() { $content_type = "text/html; charset=" . $this->_charset; $attributes = array("http-equiv" => "Content-Type", "content" => $content_type); $meta = new METAtag( $attributes ); return $meta; } //************************************************** //* BODY tag related functions //************************************************** /** * pushes content to the <body> * @param mixed $content the content to add * */ function push( ) { $args = func_get_args(); foreach( $args as $content) { $this->_body->push( $content ); } } /** * pushes content via reference * @param mixed $content - content to add */ function push_reference( &$content ) { $this->_body->push_reference( $content ); } /** * set attributes of body tag * @param array $attributes the name=>value pairs * */ function set_body_attributes( $attributes ) { $this->_body->set_tag_attributes( $attributes ); } //************************************************** //* General functions //************************************************** /** * set the $_text_debug flag * @param $flag - boolean. */ function set_text_debug( $flag ) { $this->_text_debug = $flag; } //************************************************** //* RENDERING of content related functions //************************************************** /** * builds the head object and its content. * */ function _build_head() { $this->_head->push( $this->_build_content_type_tag() ); $this->_head->push( $this->_title ); if ( $this->_head_style->count_content() ) { $this->_head->push( $this->_head_style ); } if ( $this->_head_js->count_content() ) { $this->_head->push( $this->_head_js ); } if (count($this->_head_css_link_arr)) { foreach( $this->_head_css_link_arr as $css) { $this->_head->push( $css ); } } if (count($this->_head_js_link_arr)) { foreach( $this->_head_js_link_arr as $js) { $this->_head->push( $js ); } } } /** * render the page. * */ function render() { //lets use ourself to render the debug page! if ($this->_text_debug) { $page = new HTMLPageClass; $page->push_css_link("/phphtmllib/widgets/css/HTMLPageClass.css"); } $newline = "\n"; $attributes = array(); if (HTML_RENDER_TYPE == XHTML || HTML_RENDER_TYPE == XHTML_STRICT) { $attributes = array( "xmlns" => "", "xml:lang" => "en", "lang" => "en"); } $html = new HTMLtag( $attributes ); $html-> push( $newline ); $this->_build_head(); $html->push( $this->_head ); $html->push( $newline ); $this->_body->push( $newline ); $html->push( $this->_body ); $html-> push( $newline ); if ($this->_text_debug) { if (HTML_RENDER_TYPE == XHTML_STRICT) { $xml = new XMLtag(array("version" => "1.0", "encoding"=>"UTF-8", "?")); $page->push( $xml->render(0,1) ); } $page->push( $this->_doctype->render(0,1) ); $page->push( $html->render(0,1) ); return $page->render(); } else { $output = ''; if (HTML_RENDER_TYPE == XHTML_STRICT) { $xml = new XMLtag(array("version" => "1.0", "encoding"=>"UTF-8", "?")); $output = $xml->render(); } $output .= $this->_doctype->render(); $output .= $html->render(); return $output; } } }