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File: bin/netconsole.php

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  Classes of Cyril Ogana   CYMAPGT Console   bin/netconsole.php   Download  
File: bin/netconsole.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: CYMAPGT Console
Manage services to handle console commands
Author: By
Last change: Add documentation on remove, quit and custom user commands
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 14,603 bytes



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<?php require('../vendor/autoload.php'); use cymapgt\Exception\NetConsoleException; use cymapgt\core\utility\console\ConsoleManager; use cymapgt\core\utility\console\helper\ConsoleCredentials; use Hoa\Console\Readline\Readline; use Hoa\Console\Readline\Password; use Hoa\Console\Cursor; use Hoa\Console\Parser; //instantiate the readline items $readLine = new Readline(); $readPass = new Password(); //default level is in loginuserprompt (to load the userprompt screen) $level = 'loginuserprompt'; //the main activity listening loop (implementing services may implement 1 of theirs in the execute function do { if ($level == 'loginpassprompt') { $line = $readPass->readLine(''); } elseif ($level == 'loginuserprompt') { Cursor::colorize('bold'); echo "[cymapgt-netconsole] \n"; Cursor::colorize('!bold'); $line = null; } else { $line = $readLine->readLine(''); } //If user is logged in, display netconsole> prompt if (ConsoleCredentials::$isLoggedIn) { echo 'netconsole> '; } else { echo '> '; } //update level for the next listening loop $level = processCommand($line, $level); } while (false !== $line && 'quit' !== $line); /** * Basic routing of the appropriate command input by user * * @param string $line * @param string $level */ function processCommand($line, $level) { switch ($level) { case 'loginuserprompt': echo netecho("\tUsername: "); return 'loginuserprocess'; case 'loginuserprocess': loginuserprocess($line); echo netecho("\tPassword: "); return 'loginpassprompt'; case 'loginpassprompt': loginpassprompt($line); return 'commandprompt'; case 'commandprompt': commandprompt($line); return 'commandprompt'; } } /** * Process the username validation * * @param string $line */ function loginuserprocess($line) { if (!(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $line))) { echo "\tUsername must be an alphanumeric entity\n"; exit; } ConsoleCredentials::$username = $line; } /** * Process the user credentials validation * * @param string $line * */ function loginpassprompt($line) { ConsoleCredentials::$password = $line; try { $loginResult = ConsoleCredentials::authenticate(); } catch (NetConsoleException $ncException) { echo "\tWrong username / password combination or user not set in db\n"; exit; } //handle wrong credentials if ($loginResult !== true) { echo "\tWrong username / password combination\n"; exit; } else { ConsoleCredentials::$isLoggedIn = true; Cursor::colorize('bold'); echo "Welcome to the CymapGT NetConsole.\n\n"; echo "Copyright (c) 2017, CYMAP Business Solutions, Gomersol Technologies.\n\n"; echo "Input a registered api name to access CGT package console functionality.\n"; echo "Use the 'add' command to enroll a new package namespace to the console environment\n"; echo "Use 'replace' command to update an existing packages details\n"; echo "Similarly, the 'remove' command deregisters a namespace from the environment\n"; echo "or the 'quit' command to exit.\n"; Cursor::colorize('!bold'); echo neteol(); return true; } } /** * Handle processing of console commands as well as routing / dispatching * * @param string $line */ function commandprompt($line) { $commandParser = new Parser(); $commandParser->parse($line); $commandSwitches = $commandParser->getSwitches(); $commandInputs = $commandParser->getInputs(); if (!count($commandInputs)) { echo "Oops! You have not input any command into the console" . neteol(); return; } $apiName = $commandInputs[0]; $serviceName = 'console'; $serviceNamespace = '\cymapgt\core\utility\console\ConsoleManager'; switch ($apiName) { case 'add': if (!count($commandSwitches) == 0) { echo "Some command switches were found. Issuing the add command requires no switching!\n"; echo "netconsole>"; return; } if ( !(isset($commandInputs[1])) || !(isset($commandInputs[2])) ) { echo "The add command expects a service name and a service namespace!\n" . neteol(); return; } $serviceName = $commandInputs[1]; $serviceNamespace = $commandInputs[2]; ConsoleManager::add($serviceName, $serviceNamespace); break; case 'replace': if (!count($commandSwitches) == 0) { echo "Some command switches were found. Issuing the replace command requires no switching!\n"; echo "netconsole>"; return; } if ( !(isset($commandInputs[1])) || !(isset($commandInputs[2])) ) { echo "The replace command expects a service name and a service namespace!\n" . neteol(); return; } $serviceName = $commandInputs[1]; $serviceNamespace = $commandInputs[2]; ConsoleManager::replace($serviceName, $serviceNamespace); break; case 'remove': if (!count($commandSwitches) == 0) { echo "Some command switches were found. Issuing the remove command requires no switching!" . neteol(); return; } if ( !(isset($commandInputs[1])) ) { echo "The remove command expects a service name" . neteol(); return; } $serviceName = $commandInputs[1]; ConsoleManager::remove($serviceName); break; case 'help': //1 - command name must be set if (!isset($commandInputs[1])) { echo "The help command expects one command name (the Service name)" . neteol(); return; } try { //2 - optional switches //no verbosity no methodname if ( ! isset($commandSwitches['v']) && ! (isset($commandSwitches['m'])) ) { $helpVerbosity = null; $methodName = null; $methodUsageArr = ConsoleManager::help($commandInputs[1]); } //verbosity and method name if ( isset($commandSwitches['v']) && (isset($commandSwitches['m'])) ) { $helpVerbosity = $commandSwitches['v']; $methodName = $commandSwitches['m']; $methodUsageArr = ConsoleManager::help($commandInputs[1], $commandSwitches['v'], $commandSwitches['m']); } //verbosity without method name if ( isset($commandSwitches['v']) && ! (isset($commandSwitches['m'])) ) { $helpVerbosity = $commandSwitches['v']; $methodName = null; $methodUsageArr = ConsoleManager::help($commandInputs[1], $commandSwitches['v']); } //method name without verbosity if ( !isset($commandSwitches['v']) && (isset($commandSwitches['m'])) ) { $helpVerbosity = null; $methodName = null; $methodUsageArr = ConsoleManager::help($commandInputs[1], 1, $commandSwitches['m']); } } catch (NetConsoleException $ncException) { echo $ncException->getMessage(). neteol(); return; } //die(print_r($methodUsageArr)); foreach ($methodUsageArr as $methodName => $methodUsageItem) { Cursor::colorize('bold underlined'); echo PHP_EOL.'SERVICE NAME: ' . $commandInputs[1].PHP_EOL; echo 'Method Name: ' . $methodName.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; Cursor::colorize('!bold !underlined'); Cursor::colorize('bold'); echo "USAGE:".PHP_EOL; Cursor::colorize('!bold'); echo $methodName; if ( isset($methodUsageItem['commands']) && is_array($methodUsageItem['commands']) ) { foreach ($methodUsageItem['commands'] as $methodUsageItemCommand) { echo ' ' . $methodUsageItemCommand; } } if ( isset($methodUsageItem['flags']) && is_array($methodUsageItem['flags']) ) { foreach ($methodUsageItem['flags'] as $methodUsageItemFlag) { if ($methodUsageItemFlag['required'] === true) { $methodUsageItemFlagPrefix = ''; $methodUsageItemFlagSuffix = ''; } else { $methodUsageItemFlagPrefix = '['; $methodUsageItemFlagSuffix = ']'; } echo ' ' . $methodUsageItemFlagPrefix . $methodUsageItemFlag['flag'] . $methodUsageItemFlagSuffix; } } Cursor::colorize('underlined'); echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'COMMANDS AND SWITCHES:'.PHP_EOL; Cursor::colorize('!underlined'); if ( isset($methodUsageItem['commands']) && is_array($methodUsageItem['commands']) ) { Cursor::colorize('underlined'); echo '* COMMANDS'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; Cursor::colorize('!underlined'); foreach ($methodUsageItem['commands'] as $methodUsageItemCommand) { $methodUsageItemCommandDocs = $methodUsageItem['args'][($methodUsageItemCommand)]['docs']; $verbosityLevel = $helpVerbosity; if ( $verbosityLevel < 0 || $verbosityLevel > count($methodUsageItemCommandDocs) || $helpVerbosity == null ) { $verbosityLevel = 1; } echo $methodUsageItemCommand; if ($verbosityLevel > 0) { $methodUsageItemCommandDocsSliced = array_slice($methodUsageItemCommandDocs, 0, $verbosityLevel); echo "\t - " . implode($methodUsageItemCommandDocsSliced).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; } } } if ( isset($methodUsageItem['flags']) && is_array($methodUsageItem['flags']) ) { Cursor::colorize('underlined'); echo '* SWITCHES'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; Cursor::colorize('!underlined'); foreach ($methodUsageItem['flags'] as $methodUsageItemFlagName => $methodUsageItemFlag) { if ($methodUsageItemFlag['required'] === true) { $methodUsageItemFlagPrefix = ''; $methodUsageItemFlagSuffix = ''; } else { $methodUsageItemFlagPrefix = ''; $methodUsageItemFlagSuffix = ''; } echo ' ' . $methodUsageItemFlagPrefix . str_replace('="..."',"",$methodUsageItemFlag['flag']) . $methodUsageItemFlagSuffix; $methodUsageItemCommandDocs = $methodUsageItem['args'][($methodUsageItemFlagName)]['docs']; $verbosityLevel = $helpVerbosity; if ( $verbosityLevel < 0 || $verbosityLevel > count($methodUsageItemCommandDocs) || $helpVerbosity == null ) { $verbosityLevel = 1; } if ($verbosityLevel > 0) { $methodUsageItemCommandDocsSliced = array_slice($methodUsageItemCommandDocs, 0, $verbosityLevel); echo "\t - " . implode($methodUsageItemCommandDocsSliced).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; } } } } echo neteol(); break; case 'quit': echo 'netconsole say bye bye...'.PHP_EOL; exit(); default: //1 - service and method name must be set if ( !isset($commandInputs[0]) && !isset($commandInputs[1]) ) { echo "Service calls expect at least the service name and one command to be input" . neteol(); return; } //allocate the flags to variables $serviceName = (string) $commandInputs[0]; try { //route the command ConsoleManager::route($serviceName, $commandInputs, $commandSwitches); } catch (NetConsoleException $rtException) { echo $rtException->getMessage(). neteol(); return; } } return; } /** * Echo string but place prompt beforehand * * @param string $printString */ function netecho($printString) { return ' ' . $printString; } /** * Echo end of line then a netconsole prompt */ function neteol() { return PHP_EOL . 'netconsole>'; } /** * Enetconsole prompt */ function netprompt() { return 'netconsole>'; }