DownloadConditionalEvent class is a really simple way to make one of your PHP apps
users to launch a predefined number of times a predefined action when a predefined condition is
respected when they come on your website.
For example;imagine that you want to tell the 5 first users who connect to your website and respect
the predefined condition that they are women that they, each one,are the happy winner of the gift of day.All
you have to do is to add this little script where you want action to be lauched and all is done...
The class use a file log to control if action needs to be launched.
A suggestion is to replace this part of the script by a
database's field control and update.
Other major amelioration is to use Ajax , to bring user to launch action...
public function __construct($condition,$function,$z=0,$x=array())
$condition must be a string type , it's the name of the first function.This function returned value must be evaluate
by PHP as true for launching $function which is the name of type string which represent the action which must be launched.
$z represent the number of times the predefined action must be default $z equals 0.That means infinite
number of times.$x is an array which contains the condition's parameters in the same order that they have been declared
in function's declaration
public function eventapply($y=array())
$y is an array which contains the action to be launched parameters in the same order that they have been declared
in function's declaration
The script is too short to provide a documentation but you can see
a how to use example in the testconditionalEvent.php file.
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