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File: phptricksORM/Operations/Other.php

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  Classes of mohammad anzawi   PHP PDO database class   phptricksORM/Operations/Other.php   Download  
File: phptricksORM/Operations/Other.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP PDO database class
Access databases using PDO
Author: By
Last change: New Version (5.0.0)
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 3,212 bytes



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 * *
 * * please don't remove this comment block
 * *
 * * @author phptricks Team - Mohammad Anzawi
 * * @author_uri
 * * @uri
 * * @version 5.0.0
 * * @licence MIT ->
 * * @package PHPtricks\Orm

namespace PHPtricks\Orm\Operations;


     * How to Use:
     * $db = PHPtricks\Orm\Database::connect();
     * $db->table("blog")->where("vote", ">", 2)->select();
     * echo $db->dataView();
public function dataView()
// get columns count to create the table
$colsCount = count($this->firstRecord());
// if no data received so return no data found!
if ($colsCount <= 0) {

// to fix for counter -> on array we want to counter from columns count -1
        // on object we want the records count
if (is_array($this->_results) && isset($this->_results[0])
is_array($this->_results[0])) {
$colsCount -= 1;
// get Columns name's
$colsName = array_keys((array) $this->firstRecord());

// init html <table> tag
$html = "<table border=1><thead><tr>";

         * create table header
         * its contain table columns names
foreach ($colsName as $colName) {
$html .= "<th>";
// get column name
             * the getColumnName() function define in (config_function.php) file
             * this function replace (_) to space for example (column_name -> Column Name)
             * of separate words (columnName -> Column Name)
$html .= getColumnName($colName);
$html .= "</th>";

// end table header tag and open table body tag
$html .= "</tr></thead><tbody>";

// loop all results to create the table (tr's and td's)
foreach ((array) $this->results() as $row) {
= (array) $row; // make sure the $row is array and not an object

if (count($row) > 1) {
$html .= "<tr>"; // open tr tag
                // loop all columns in row to create <td>'s tags
for ($i = 0; $i <= $colsCount; $i++) {
$html .= "<td>";
$html .= $row[$colsName[$i]]; // get current data from the row
$html .= "</td>";

$html .= "</tr>";
            } else
// first method is called not select
$html .= "<td>";
$html .= $row[0]; // get current data from the row
$html .= "</td>";

$html .= "</tbody></table>";

$html; // return created table

     * get first row from query results
     * @return array
public function firstRecord()
$results = (array) $this->_results;

        if (
count($results)) {
            return isset(
$results[0]) ? $results[0] : $results;

        return [];
