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File: _class.browser.php

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  Classes of Justin Koivisto   file system browser   _class.browser.php   Download  
File: _class.browser.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class definition and example
Class: file system browser
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Date: 23 years ago
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<? class filebrowser{ // constructor - clears the stat cache because of the functions used in displaying files and lists function filebrowser(){ clearstatcache(); } // takes a long path and resolves it down. Same as realpath, except it works even if the path // doesn't exist on this system function str2path($path_str){ $pwd=realpath($path_str); $EX_FLAG=TRUE; if(empty($pwd)){ $EX_FLAG=FALSE; $pwd=''; $strArr=preg_split("/(\/)/",$path_str,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $pwdArr=array(); $j=0; for($i=0;$i<count($strArr);$i++){ if($strArr[$i]!=".."){ if($strArr[$i]!="."){ $pwdArr[$j]=$strArr[$i]; $j++; } }else{ array_pop($pwdArr); $j--; } } $pStr=implode("/",$pwdArr); $pwd=(strlen($pStr)>0) ? ("/".$pStr) : "/"; } return $pwd; } // displays the directory listing, one item per line. will display according to the CSS style class name // passed as a second argument. function DisplayList($strpath,$css=''){ global $PHP_SELF; $path=$this->str2path($strpath); if(is_file($path)){ ereg("(.*)/[^/]*",$path,$match); $path=$match[1]; } $retVal="<h2>$path</h2>\n"; exec('ls -a '.$path,$result); $retVal.="<p"; if($css) $retVal.=" class=\"$css\""; $retVal.=">"; for($i=1;$i<count($result);$i++){ $tmp=$path."/".$result[$i]; if(is_dir($tmp)){ $tmp.="/"; $filestring="<a href=$PHP_SELF?path=$tmp>$result[$i]/</a><br>\n"; }else{ $filestring="$result[$i] (<a href=$PHP_SELF?view=1&path=$tmp>View</a>)<br>\n"; } $retVal.=$filestring; } return $retVal."</p>"; } // displays the contents of a file according to the CSS class name passed as a second argument. function DisplayFile($strpath,$css=''){ $path=$this->str2path($strpath); // if it's not a directory, lets see it (if we can)! // WARNING!!! You won't want to display binary files in this way $fileresult=file($path); if(count($fileresult)>1){ $retVal="<b>Contents of: $path</b><hr>\n<pre"; if($css) $retVal.=" class=\"$css\""; $retVal.=">"; for($i=0;$i<count($fileresult);$i++){ $retVal.=htmlspecialchars($fileresult[$i]); } $retVal.="</pre>\n"; } return $retVal; } } // end of class // example $system=new filebrowser(); if(!$path) $path = exec('pwd'); if($view) echo $system->DisplayFile($path); echo $system->DisplayList($path); ?>