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File: tests/fixtures/urlify/input/pangrams.txt

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  Classes of Lars Moelleken   PHP URLify   tests/fixtures/urlify/input/pangrams.txt   Download  
File: tests/fixtures/urlify/input/pangrams.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Documentation
Class: PHP URLify
Transliterate non-ASCII characters
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 2,195 bytes



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Bulgarian: ??????? ???? ???? ????????, ?? ?????, ????? ?????, ???????? ???? ????. Croatian: Gojazni ?a?i? s biciklom dr?i hmelj i finu vatu u d?epu no?nje. Czech: P?íli? ?lu?ou?ký k?? úp?l ?ábelské kódy. Danish: Høj bly gom vandt fræk sexquiz på wc. English: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Esperanto: Eble ?iu kvaza?-deca fu??ora?o ?ojigos homtipon. French: Les naïfs ægithales hâtifs pondant à Noël où il gèle sont sûrs d'être déçus en voyant leurs drôles d'?ufs abîmés. Finnish: On sangen hauskaa, että polkupyörä on maanteiden jokapäiväinen ilmiö. German: Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg. Greek: ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??, ??????????? ???? ?????? ????? Hungarian: Árvízt?r? tükörfúrógép. Icelandic: Sævör grét áðan því úlpan var ónýt. Latvian: ?etri psihi fa??ri v?lu vakar? z???ja gu?b?vei durvis, fon? ???cot me?am. Lithuanian: ?linkdama fechtuotojo ?paga sublyk?iojusi pragr??? apval? arb?z? . Maltese: Jekk jog??bok ibg?at lili xi pangram (????????). Norwegian: Vår sære Zulu fra badeøya spilte jo whist og quickstep i min taxi. Polish: Pchn?? w t? ?ód? je?a lub osiem skrzy? fig. Portuguese: Luís argüia à Júlia que «brações, fé, chá, óxido, pôr, zângão» eram palavras do português. Romanian: Muzicolog? în bej vând whisky ?i tequila, pre? fix. Russian: ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??????????? ????? ?? ????? ???. Sami: Vuol Ruo?a ge?ggiid leat má?ga luosa ja ?uov??a. Slovak: Starý kô? na h?be kníh ?uje tí?ko povädnuté ru?e, na st?pe sa ?ate? u?í kváka? novú ódu o ?ivote. Spanish: Benjamín pidió una bebida de kiwi y fresa. Noé, sin vergüenza, la más exquisita champaña del menú. Swedish: Flygande bäckasiner söka strax hwila på mjuka tuvor. Turkish: Pijamal? hasta ya??z ?oföre çabucak güvendi. Ukrainian: ???? ??, ????, ??? ??????? ? ??, ???????? ??? ???????!.