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  Classes of Alessandro Quintiliani   PHP Multi MySQLDump   index.php   Download  
File: index.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main php script to dump MySQL databases through AJAX requests to php script asynchronously called
Class: PHP Multi MySQLDump
Dump MySQL database tables for file download
Author: By
Last change: changed page title to MULTIDUMP
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 18,408 bytes



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<?php /* * *************************************************************************************************** * * File name: index.php * * Copyright © 2017 Alessandro Quintiliani * * This file is part of MultiDump package. * * MultiDump is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultiDump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultiDump package. If not, see <>. * * *************************************************************************************************** */ /* USAGE: * * suppose you have several mysql databases to dump, such as: * * dbone, dbtwo, dbthree, dbfour * * and all of these databases are installed on the same server (or also different servers), having the same credentials: * hostname: (or, as the same, its IP address, i.e. * port: 3307 (not the mysql default port) * login: mylogin2db * password: mypasswd2db * * * * * 1) set in the file dbConnSettings.php the connection parameters to each database to dump. * The order you set the parameters is not relevant, except for the call to setTypeDbToDump, * which must always be the first call on a set database connection parameters * IMPORTANT NOTICE: the object reference variable name $odmp must be the same as the instance name of MultiDump() * in index.php (see $odmp = new MultiDump(); defined in index.php); so if you would like to use another object reference variable name * such as $myDmpObjRef, you must replace in index.php the variable $odmp with $myDmpObjRef * * # set connection parameters to dbone mysql database * $odmp->setTypeDbToDump('dbone','mysql'); ### THE TYPE OF DATABASE MUST ALWAYS BE THE FIRST PARAMETER TO SET * $odmp->setHostDbToDump('dbone',''); ( or, similarly, $odmp ->setHostDbToDump('dbone',''); ) * $odmp->setPortDbToDump('dbone', 3307); ( this method call is not necessary if the db connection refers to the default port ) * $odmp->setLoginDbToDump('dbone', 'mylogin2db'); * $odmp->setPasswordDbToDump('dbone', 'mypasswd2db'); * * # set connection parameters to dbtwo mysql database * $odmp->setTypeDbToDump('dbtwo','mysql'); ### THE TYPE OF DATABASE MUST ALWAYS BE THE FIRST PARAMETER TO SET * $odmp->setHostDbToDump('dbtwo',''); ( or, similarly, $odmp->setHostDbToDump('dbtwo',''); ) * $odmp->setPortDbToDump('dbtwo', 3307); ( this method call is not necessary if the db connection refers to the default port ) * $odmp->setLoginDbToDump('dbtwo', 'mylogin2db'); * $odmp->setPasswordDbToDump('dbtwo', 'mypasswd2db'); * * # set connection parameters to dbthree mysql database * $odmp->setTypeDbToDump('dbthree','mysql'); ### THE TYPE OF DATABASE MUST ALWAYS BE THE FIRST PARAMETER TO SET * $odmp->setHostDbToDump('dbthree',''); ( or, similarly, $odmp->setHostDbToDump('dbthree',''); ) * $odmp->setPortDbToDump('dbthree', 3307); ( the call on this method is not necessary if the db connection refers to the default port ) * $odmp->setLoginDbToDump('dbthree', 'mylogin2db'); * $odmp->setPasswordDbToDump('dbthree', 'mypasswd2db'); * * # set connection parameters to dbfour mysql database * $odmp->setTypeDbToDump('dbfour','mysql'); ### THE TYPE OF DATABASE MUST ALWAYS BE THE FIRST PARAMETER TO SET * $odmp->setHostDbToDump('dbfour',''); ( or, similarly, $odmp->setHostDbToDump('dbfour',''); ) * $odmp->setPortDbToDump('dbfour', 3307); ( the call on this method is not necessary if the db connection refers to the default port ) * $odmp->setLoginDbToDump('dbfour', 'mylogin2db'); * $odmp->setPasswordDbToDump('dbfour', 'mypasswd2db'); * * * 2) (optional) if you want to exclude some tables from dump, i.e.: * - alpha, beta from dbtwo database * - gamma, delta, epsilon from dbfour database * * you must call the method * * setListExcludedTables(<dbname>, <array tables to exclude from dump>) * * where: * - <dbname> is a string with the database name whose tables you want to exclude from dump are referring to * - <array tables to exclude from dump> is an array containing the table names you want to exclude from dump * (the order you list the tables in the array is not relevant) * * thus: * * $odmp->setListExcludedTables('dbtwo', array('alpha','beta')); * $odmp->setListExcludedTables('dbfour', array('gamma','delta','epsilon')); * * (you can change the order of the calls to setListExcludedTables for each database) * * * 3) (optional) if you want to dump some tables, i.e.: * - zeta, eta, theta from dbone database * - iota, kappa from dbfour database * * at each run and not only when their content/structure have changed, you must call the method * * setListForcedDumpTables(<dbname>, <array forced dump tables>|-1) * * where: * - <dbname> is a string with the database name referring to the tables you want to dump at each run * - <array forced dump tables>) is an array containing the tablenames you want to dump at each run * (the order you list the tables in the array is not relevant) * - value -1 forces the dump to all the tables of a database * * $odmp->setListForcedDumpTables('dbone', array('zeta','eta','theta')); * $odmp->setListForcedDumpTables('dbfour', array('iota','kappa')); * * (you can change the order of the calls to setListForcedDumpTables for each database) * * if you want to dump at each run all the tables from a database, the second argument must be -1. * So if you want to dump all the tables from i.e. dbthree database, you must call * * $odmp->setListForcedDumpTables('dbthree', -1); * * * IMPORTANT NOTICE ON CALLS 2) AND 3): * * the excluded tables always have priority on the forced dump tables, independently whether you first call * setListExcludedTables() or setListForcedDumpTables(). * So, if you want to force the dump of a table (i.e. my_important_table) at each run from mydb database, you call * * $odmp->setListForcedDumpTables('mydb', array('my_important_table')); * * but if you accidentally place my_important_table also in the array of the excluded tables, that is * * $odmp->setListExcludedTables('mydb', array('no_important_table','my_important_table')); * * my_important_table will be excluded from dumping instead of being dumped from mydb database * at each run of the script * * * 4) launch index.php */ ################################################################## error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING & ~E_STRICT); include_once("Class.MultiDump.php"); $odmp = new MultiDump(); $odmp->setLog("log", "logmaindump.txt", 1); $odmp->wlog("START PROCEDURE MultiDump"); #################### INCLUDE AT THIS POINT OF THE MAIN PHP SCRIPT THE DATABASE CONNECTION PARAMETERS SCRIPT ##################### include_once("dbConnSettings.php"); ############################################################### $LIST_DB_DUMPED = $odmp->getListDbToDump(); $PAGE_GENERATING_DUMP_TABLE = $odmp->getPhpPageTableToDump(); $LIST_ALL_TABLES_DUMPED = array(); $LIST_TYPE_DB_DUMPED = array(); $LIST_POST_PARAMETERS = array(); $LIST_OUTPUT_FILES = array(); $LIST_EXCLUDED_DUMP_TABLES = array(); # POST variable names $POST_VAR_DB_NAME = $odmp->getDbVarName(); $POST_VAR_TABLE_NAME = $odmp->getTableVarName(); $POST_VAR_DB_CONN_NAME = $odmp->getReferenceDbConnName(); $POST_VAR_FORCED_DUMP_TABLE_NAME = $odmp->getReferenceForcedDumpTableName(); # querystring variables to URL download archived database dump $phpFileDownload = $odmp->getDownloadDumpPage(); $qsVarCompressionType = $odmp->getPostVarCompressionType(); $qsVarDbArchived = $odmp->getPostVarDbArchived(); $qsTypeDb = $odmp->getPostVarTypeDb(); $qsVarAllTablesToArchive = $odmp->getPostVarAllTablesToArchive(); foreach($LIST_DB_DUMPED as $db_dumped){ $odmp->wlog("database to dump: $db_dumped"); $odmp->setListTablesToDump($db_dumped); $LIST_TYPE_DB_DUMPED[] = $odmp->getTypeDbToDump($db_dumped); $LIST_TABLES_DUMP_FORCED = $odmp->getListForcedDumpTables($db_dumped); $LIST_EXCLUDED_DUMP_TABLES[$db_dumped] = $odmp->getListExcludedTables($db_dumped); $LIST_TABLES_DUMPED = $odmp->getListTablesToDump($db_dumped); $POST_SERIALIZED_DB_CONN_INFO = serialize($odmp->getInfoDbConn($db_dumped)); $POST_SERIALIZED_EXCLUDED_TABLES = serialize($LIST_EXCLUDED_DUMP_TABLES[$db_dumped]); foreach($LIST_TABLES_DUMPED as $table_dumped){ $array_post_vars = array(); $array_post_vars[] = $POST_VAR_DB_NAME.'='.urlencode($db_dumped); $array_post_vars[] = $POST_VAR_TABLE_NAME.'='.urlencode($table_dumped); $array_post_vars[] = $POST_VAR_DB_CONN_NAME.'='.urlencode($POST_SERIALIZED_DB_CONN_INFO); if( (is_array($LIST_TABLES_DUMP_FORCED) && in_array($table_dumped, $LIST_TABLES_DUMP_FORCED)) || ($LIST_TABLES_DUMP_FORCED == - 1) ) { $flagForcedDumpTable = 1; } else { $flagForcedDumpTable = 0; } $array_post_vars[] = $POST_VAR_FORCED_DUMP_TABLE_NAME.'='.$flagForcedDumpTable; $stringPostVars = implode("&", $array_post_vars); if(!in_array($table_dumped, $LIST_EXCLUDED_DUMP_TABLES[$db_dumped])) { $LIST_ALL_TABLES_DUMPED[] = $db_dumped . "." . $table_dumped; $LIST_POST_PARAMETERS[$db_dumped . "." . $table_dumped] = $stringPostVars; } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title> MULTIDUMP </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <style> table.tablelinksdld tr { line-height: 10px; } td { padding-right: 10px; } ul.listdld { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } li.lidld { margin: 24; padding: 0; } div.pre { display: block; unicode-bidi: embed; font-family: monospace; white-space: nowrap; } div.divcallsdump { font-weight: bold; left: 30px; } div.divdashed { left: 0px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var db_dumped = <?php echo json_encode($LIST_DB_DUMPED, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); ?>; var type_db_dumped = <?php echo json_encode($LIST_TYPE_DB_DUMPED, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); ?>; var totalNumberTablesToDump = <?php echo count($LIST_ALL_TABLES_DUMPED); ?>; var all_tables_to_archive = '<?php echo urlencode(json_encode(serialize($LIST_ALL_TABLES_DUMPED), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); ?>'; var numberJQueryCallsDone = 0; var errorsDump = 0; var strPostParamsArchiveZip = ""; var strPostParamsArchiveTgz = ""; <?php $array_ajax_requests = array(); $ajaxRequestsHead = "var ajaxRequests = ["; foreach($LIST_ALL_TABLES_DUMPED as $it=>$full_qualified_table_dumped) { $post_vars_string = $LIST_POST_PARAMETERS[$full_qualified_table_dumped]; $id_div_response_dump = $it + 1; $strJqueryPost = "'".$odmp->getPhpPageTableToDump()."','".$post_vars_string."',"; $strJqueryPost .= "function(responseDump,status,xhr) {\n"; $strJqueryPost .= " numberJQueryCallsDone++;\n"; $strJqueryPost .= " var errorsDumpRegExp = /div_dump_error_id_/;\n"; $strJqueryPost .= " var matchedErrorDumpResponse = responseDump.match(errorsDumpRegExp);\n"; $strJqueryPost .= " if (matchedErrorDumpResponse === true) {errorsDump++;};\n"; $strJqueryPost .= " document.getElementById('ajaxcallsdumptables').style.color = \"#0600ff\"\n"; $strJqueryPost .= " document.getElementById('ajaxcallsdumptables').innerHTML = 'Dumped ' + numberJQueryCallsDone + ' tables on ' + totalNumberTablesToDump + '...';\n"; $strJqueryPost .= " document.getElementById('dumpresult' + " . $id_div_response_dump . ").innerHTML = responseDump;\n"; $strJqueryPost .= "},"; $strJqueryPost .= "\"html\")"; $array_ajax_requests[] = $strJqueryPost; } $strAjaxRequests = implode(",\n",$array_ajax_requests); $ajaxRequestsTail = "];\n"; $ajaxRequests = $ajaxRequestsHead . $strAjaxRequests . $ajaxRequestsTail; echo $ajaxRequests; ?> function createListHiddenInput(qstring) { var hiddenFields = ""; var ahf = qstring.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < ahf.length; i++) { var cp = ahf[i].split('='); var keyPost = encodeURIComponent(cp[0]); var valuePost = cp[1] || ''; if (valuePost.charAt(0)=='"' && valuePost.charAt(valuePost.length - 1)=='"') { hiddenFields+='<input type="hidden" name="'+keyPost+'" value='+valuePost+' />\n'; } else { hiddenFields+='<input type="hidden" name="'+keyPost+'" value="'+valuePost+'" />\n'; } } return hiddenFields; } $(document).ready(function() { jQuery.when.apply(jQuery, ajaxRequests).done(function () { var urlToDownloadDbArchived = '<?php echo $phpFileDownload; ?>'; var qsVarDbArchived = '<?php echo $qsVarDbArchived; ?>'; var qsTypeDb = '<?php echo $qsTypeDb; ?>'; var qsVarCompressionType = '<?php echo $qsVarCompressionType; ?>'; var qsVarAllTablesToArchive = '<?php echo $qsVarAllTablesToArchive; ?>'; var msgdump = ""; if (errorsDump == 0) { document.getElementById("ajaxcallsdumptables").style.color = "#0600ff"; msgdump = 'Dumped ' + numberJQueryCallsDone + ' tables on ' + totalNumberTablesToDump; } else { document.getElementById("ajaxcallsdumptables").style.color = "red"; msgdump = "Dump accomplished with " + errorsDump + " errors!!!"; } var links_dld = "<br>"; links_dld += '<ul class="listdld">'; links_dld += '<li class="lidld"><table class="tablelinksdld" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">'; for (var id=0; id<db_dumped.length; id++) { var db_name_dld = db_dumped[id]; var type_db = type_db_dumped[id]; strPostParamsArchiveZip = qsVarDbArchived+'='+db_name_dld+'&'+qsTypeDb+'='+type_db+'&'+qsVarAllTablesToArchive+'='+all_tables_to_archive+'&'+qsVarCompressionType+'=zip'; strPostParamsArchiveTgz = qsVarDbArchived+'='+db_name_dld+'&'+qsTypeDb+'='+type_db+'&'+qsVarAllTablesToArchive+'='+all_tables_to_archive+'&'+qsVarCompressionType+'=tgz'; var hiddenFieldsToZip = createListHiddenInput(strPostParamsArchiveZip); var hiddenFieldsToTgz = createListHiddenInput(strPostParamsArchiveTgz); var titleziparchive = 'If the database '+db_name_dld+' contains extremely large tables, the creation of the zip archive may take several minutes before downloading'; var titletgzarchive = 'If the database '+db_name_dld+' contains extremely large tables, the creation of the tgz archive may take several minutes before downloading'; links_dld += '<tr><td>Download db <i>'+db_name_dld+'</i></td><td>&nbsp;<form action="'+urlToDownloadDbArchived+'" method="post" id="formdldzip'+id+'" name="formdldzip'+id+'">'+hiddenFieldsToZip+'<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="linkdldzip'+id+'" title="'+titleziparchive+'" onClick="document.formdldzip'+id+'.submit()">zip</a></form></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<form action="'+urlToDownloadDbArchived+'" method="post" id="formdldtgz'+id+'" name="formdldtgz'+id+'">'+hiddenFieldsToTgz+'<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="linkdldtgz'+id+'" title="'+titletgzarchive+'" onClick="document.formdldtgz'+id+'.submit()">tgz</a></form></td></tr>'; } links_dld += '</table>'; links_dld += '</li>'; links_dld += '</ul>'; setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("divbreak").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("ajaxcallsdumptables").style.color = "green"; msgdump = "Dump successfully accomplished!!!"; document.getElementById("ajaxcallsdumptables").innerHTML = msgdump + links_dld; }, 500); }).fail(function (jqXhr, textStatus, error) { document.getElementById("ajaxcallsdumptables").style.color = "red"; document.getElementById("ajaxcallsdumptables").innerHTML = "Dump accomplished with errors!!! (error: " + error + ")"; }) }); </script> </head> <body> <div class="pre"> <?php $odmp->printInfoDump(); ?> <br> <div id="ajaxcallsdumptables" class="divcallsdump"> <span> </span> </div> <?php $dbCurrentName = ""; foreach($LIST_ALL_TABLES_DUMPED as $i=>$fullyQualifiedTableDumped){ $j = $i + 1; list($dbnameDumped,$nameTableDumped) = explode(".",$fullyQualifiedTableDumped,2); if($dbnameDumped != $dbCurrentName){ $dbCurrentName = $dbnameDumped; if($i == 0) echo '<div id="divbreak"><br></div>'; echo '<div class="divdashed">--------------------------------------------------------------------------</div>'; echo "<h3>Report tables dumped from database <i>".$dbnameDumped."</i></h3>"; } echo '<div id="dumpresult'.$j.'">-------------------<br>Dumping table '.$fullyQualifiedTableDumped.'...</div>'; } echo '<div class="divdashed">--------------------------------------------------------------------------</div>'; ?> </div> </body> </html> <?php $odmp->wlog("END PROCEDURE MultiDump"); $odmp->end(); unset($odmp); ?>