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File: dumptable.php

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  Classes of Alessandro Quintiliani   PHP Multi MySQLDump   dumptable.php   Download  
File: dumptable.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Script called by an AJAX request and used to execute a mysql dump command line to a single database table
Class: PHP Multi MySQLDump
Dump MySQL database tables for file download
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 22,758 bytes



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<?php /* * *************************************************************************************************** * * File name: dumptable.php * * Copyright © 2017 Alessandro Quintiliani * * This file is part of MultiDump package. * * MultiDump is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultiDump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultiDump package. If not, see <>. * * *************************************************************************************************** */ error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING & ~E_STRICT); include_once ("Class.MultiDump.php"); $odtbl = new MultiDump (); $dbname = $_POST [$odtbl->getDbVarName ()]; $table = $_POST [$odtbl->getTableVarName ()]; $varsDbConn = unserialize ( $_POST [$odtbl->getReferenceDbConnName ()] ); $flag_forced_dump_table = $_POST [$odtbl->getReferenceForcedDumpTableName ()]; $odtbl->setLog ( "log", "log_dump_db_" . $dbname . "__table_" . $table . ".txt", 1 ); $odtbl->wlog ( "start procedure dump table $dbname.$table" ); if(! $dbname || ! $table || ! $varsDbConn){ echo "the database name and the table name and the array with the database connection parameters must not be null<br>" ; exit; } $timeoutLimit = $odtbl->getTimeoutLimit(); echo "-------------------<br>"; $odtbl->setTypeDbToDump ( $dbname, $varsDbConn ['typedb'] ); $odtbl->setHostDbToDump ( $dbname, $varsDbConn ['hostdb'] ); $odtbl->setPortDbToDump ( $dbname, $varsDbConn ['portdb'] ); $odtbl->setLoginDbToDump ( $dbname, $varsDbConn ['logindb'] ); $odtbl->setPasswordDbToDump ( $dbname, $varsDbConn ['passworddb'] ); $odtbl->setTableName ( $table ); $typeDbToDump = $odtbl->getTypeDbToDump ( $dbname ); $odtbl->setDumpParameters (); $pobjref = $odtbl->getDumpParamsRef (); $FOLDER_DUMP_FILES = $pobjref->getParamValue('folder_dump_files'); $pdort = new PDOconn($varsDbConn ['typedb']); $pdort->setHost($varsDbConn ['hostdb']); $pdort->setPort($varsDbConn ['portdb']); $pdort->setUser($varsDbConn ['logindb']); $pdort->setPassword($varsDbConn ['passworddb']); $pdort->setPDOconn(); $odtbl->setPDOref($pdort); $phpFileDownload = $odtbl->getDownloadDumpPage(); $postVarDownloadFile = $odtbl->getPostVarDumpFile(); $postVarTypeCompression = $odtbl->getPostVarCompressionType(); $action = "checksum"; $odtbl->setCtrlVar('action'); $odtbl->wlog("start block calculation checksum table $dbname.$table"); if($flag_forced_dump_table == 0){ $odtbl->wlog("dump table $dbname.$table only on changing checksum table"); $checksum = $odtbl->getCheckSum ( $dbname, $table ); $odtbl->wlog("checksum table $dbname.$table calculated: $checksum"); } else { $odtbl->wlog("dump table $dbname.$table required at each run"); $fileDumpExistent = $odtbl->getFileDumpTable($dbname, $table); if(! $fileDumpExistent ){ $odtbl->wlog("no file dump table $dbname.$table found --> first dump of the table $dbname.$table"); $checksum = $odtbl->getCheckSum ( $dbname, $table ); $odtbl->wlog("checksum calculated on first dump table $dbname.$table: $checksum"); } else { // dump file < dbname > _ < table > _*.sql exists: since the dump is required at each run, the calculation of // the checksum is unnecessary; so the checksum is taken from the dump file name $odtbl->wlog("file dump table $dbname.$table exists with name $fileDumpExistent"); $odtbl->wlog("the dump is required at each run: a new dump is executed using the checksum found in the name of the existent file"); $fileDumpExistentNoParentDir = str_replace($FOLDER_DUMP_FILES . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $fileDumpExistent); $remainingDumpFile = str_replace($dbname."_".$table."_", "", $fileDumpExistentNoParentDir); list($checksum,$fileExtension) = explode(".", $remainingDumpFile,2); $odtbl->wlog("checksum extracted from filename $fileDumpExistent: $checksum"); } } $odtbl->wlog("end block calculation checksum table $dbname.$table"); ### customized output file with the table dump according to database type (MySQL, Oracle, etc..) $parameter_output_filename_dump = $odtbl->getDumpOutputFile(); $list_replacements = array ($dbname,$table,$checksum ); $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES = $odtbl->getPrefixOldDumpFile(); $dump_file_name = $pobjref->parseParamPlaceHoldersString ( $parameter_output_filename_dump, $list_replacements ); $FOLDER_DUMP_FILES = $odtbl->getFolderDumpFiles (); mkdir ( $FOLDER_DUMP_FILES, 0755 ); $pathToDumpFileName = $FOLDER_DUMP_FILES . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dump_file_name; $urlToPathDumpFileNameZIP = $phpFileDownload . "?" . $postVarDownloadFile . "=" . urlencode($pathToDumpFileName) . "&" . $postVarTypeCompression . "=zip"; $urlToPathDumpFileNameGZIP= $phpFileDownload . "?" . $postVarDownloadFile . "=" . urlencode($pathToDumpFileName) . "&" . $postVarTypeCompression . "=gzip"; $odtbl->wlog("start block execution dump table $dbname.$table to file $pathToDumpFileName"); $fileDumpExistent = $odtbl->getFileDumpTable($dbname, $table); $odtbl->wlog("file dump existent: $fileDumpExistent"); $titleLinkZip = ' title="If the file '.$dump_file_name.' is very large, the creation of the zip file may take several minutes before downloading "'; $titleLinkGzip = ' title="If the file '.$dump_file_name.' is very large, the creation of the gzip file may take several minutes before downloading "'; if($flag_forced_dump_table == 1){ // ######################################## DUMP TABLE AT EACH RUN ######################################## $dump_frequency = "(Dump at each run)"; $dumping = "($dbname.$table always dumped)"; $odtbl->setCtrlVar ( 'dumping' ); $odtbl->wlog("table $dbname.$table dumped at each run"); if(! $fileDumpExistent ){ // FIRST DUMP OF THE TABLE $dumping = "($dbname.$table always dumped -- first dump)"; $odtbl->setCtrlVar ( 'dumping' ); $odtbl->wlog("dump file for the table $dbname.$table not found: start execution first dump for the table $dbname.$table"); $cmddump = $odtbl->getCmdDumpDB ( $dbname, $table, $pathToDumpFileName ); $odtbl->wlog("execution dump command: $cmddump"); set_time_limit($timeoutLimit); exec ( $cmddump, $resultDump ); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>FIRST DUMP: CREATION DUMP FILE TABLE $dump_file_name</b><br/>"; if(preg_match ( '/error/i', $resultDump ) ) { $odtbl->wlog("ERROR executing $cmddump"); echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>ERROR ON FIRST DUMP: NO DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table</b></font></div>"; } else { $odtbl->wlog("table $dbname.$table successfully dumped into the file $pathToDumpFileName"); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;table $dbname.$table successfully dumped into the file <a href='".$pathToDumpFileName."'><b>$dump_file_name</b></a>&nbsp(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameZIP."' $titleLinkZip >zip</a>)&nbsp;(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameGZIP."' $titleLinkGzip>gzip</a>)"; } $odtbl->wlog("end execution first dump for the table $dbname.$table"); } else { $dumping = "($dbname.$table always dumped -- not first dump)"; $odtbl->setCtrlVar ( 'dumping' ); // THE TABLE $table HAS BEEN STILL DUMPED ON A PREVIOUS RUN // NEW DUMP OF $table FROM $dbname DATABASE IS REQUIRED BECAUSE OF THE METHOD CALL setListForcedDumpTables $odtbl->wlog("dump file for the table $dbname.$table found with name $fileDumpExistent"); $odtbl->wlog("start execution new dump for the table $dbname.$table because the dump is required at each run"); $typeDbToDump = $odtbl->getTypeDbToDump ( $dbname ); $odtbl->setDumpParameters (); $pobjref = $odtbl->getDumpParamsRef (); $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES = $odtbl->getPrefixOldDumpFile(); $partCurrentDumpTableFileName = pathinfo ( $fileDumpExistent ); $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName = $partCurrentDumpTableFileName ['dirname']; $currentDumpTableFileName = $partCurrentDumpTableFileName ['basename']; $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName = $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES . $currentDumpTableFileName; $odtbl->wlog("rename file $currentDumpTableFileName to $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES$currentDumpTableFileName as backup"); // BLOCK RENAMING CURRENT SQL FILE PREPRENDING SUFFIX TO BECOME A BACKUP FILE BEFORE DUMPING if(false === rename ( $fileDumpExistent, $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName ) ) { $odtbl->wlog("ERROR renaming file $fileDumpExistent to $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName as backup: NO DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table"); // ERROR BACKUP (RENAME) CURRENT DUMP FILE echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>ERROR renaming $fileDumpExistent to $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName: NO DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table</b></font></div>"; } else { // CURRENT DUMP FILE SUCCESSFULLY BACKUPPED (RENAMED) $odtbl->wlog("file $fileDumpExistent successfully renamed to $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName as backup: new dump of $dbname.$table"); $cmddump = $odtbl->getCmdDumpDB ( $dbname, $table, $pathToDumpFileName ); $odtbl->wlog("execution dump command: $cmddump"); set_time_limit($timeoutLimit); exec ( $cmddump, $resultDump ); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>NEW DUMP: CREATION DUMP FILE TABLE $dump_file_name</b><br>"; if(preg_match ( '/error/i', $resultDump ) ) { // ERROR NEW DUMP TABLE $odtbl->wlog("ERROR NEW DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table TO $pathToDumpFileName: restoring backup $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName"); echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>ERROR execution command dump table $dbname.$table: NO DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table</b>"; echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>restore backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName</b></font></div>"; // RESTORING BACKUP FILE $pathToDumpCurrentFileName = $odtbl->getFileDumpTable($dbname, $table); $partCurrentDumpTableFileName = pathinfo ( $pathToDumpCurrentFileName ); $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName = $partCurrentDumpTableFileName ['dirname']; $currentDumpTableFileName = $partCurrentDumpTableFileName ['basename']; $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName = $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES . $currentDumpTableFileName; $restoredDumpTableFileName = $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $currentDumpTableFileName; $FOLDER_DUMP_FILES = $pobjref->getParamValue('folder_dump_files'); $odtbl->wlog("start restoring file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName to $restoredDumpTableFileName"); if(false === rename ( $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName, $restoredDumpTableFileName ) ) { // ERROR RESTORING BACKUP FILE echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>ERROR restoring file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName in $restoredDumpTableFileName: restore file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName manually removing prefix $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES</b></font></div>"; $odtbl->wlog("ERROR RESTORING FILE $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName TO $restoredDumpTableFileName: RESTORE FILE MANUALLY REMOVING PREFIX $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES"); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName successfully restored (renamed) in $restoredDumpTableFileName"; $odtbl->wlog("Backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName successfully restored to $restoredDumpTableFileName"); } } else { // DUMP SUCCESSFUL $odtbl->wlog("execution dump command successful: removing backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName"); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;table $dbname.$table successfully dumped into the file <a href='".$pathToDumpFileName."'><b>$dump_file_name</b></a>&nbsp(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameZIP."' $titleLinkZip >zip</a>)&nbsp;(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameGZIP."' $titleLinkGzip >gzip</a>)"; // REMOVAL BACKUP FILE if(false === unlink ( $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName )) { // ERROR REMOVING BACKUP FILE echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>ERROR removing backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName: remove file manually</b></font></div>"; $odtbl->wlog("ERROR REMOVING BACKUP FILE $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName: REMOVE FILE MANUALLY"); } else { $odtbl->wlog("backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName successfully removed"); } } } // if ( false === rename($pathToDumpCurrentFileName, $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName) ) $odtbl->wlog("end execution new dump for the table $dbname.$table because dump is required at each run"); }// if (!count($pathToFileDumpFound)) } else { // ######################################## DUMP TABLE ONLY ON CHANGING OF CONTENT / STRUCTURE ######################################## $dump_frequency = "(Dump on change)"; $dumping = "($dbname.$table dumped on change checksum)"; $odtbl->setCtrlVar ( 'dumping' ); $odtbl->wlog("table $dbname.$table dumped only on change checksum"); if(! $fileDumpExistent ){ // FIRST DUMP OF THE TABLE $dumping = "($dbname.$table dumped on change checksum -- first dump)"; $odtbl->setCtrlVar ( 'dumping' ); $odtbl->wlog("dump file for the table $dbname.$table not found: start execution first dump for the table $dbname.$table"); if($flag_forced_dump_table == 0) { $dump_frequency = "(Dump on change)"; } else { $dump_frequency = "(Dump at each run)"; } $cmddump = $odtbl->getCmdDumpDB ( $dbname, $table, $pathToDumpFileName ); $odtbl->wlog("execution dump command: $cmddump"); set_time_limit($timeoutLimit); exec ( $cmddump, $resultDump ); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>FIRST DUMP: CREATION DUMP FILE TABLE $dump_file_name</b><br/>"; if(preg_match ( '/error/i', $resultDump ) ) { $odtbl->wlog("ERROR executing $cmddump"); echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>ERROR IN FIRST DUMP: NO DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table</b></font></div>"; } else { $odtbl->wlog("table $dbname.$table successfully dumped into the file $pathToDumpFileName"); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;table $dbname.$table successfully dumped into the file <a href='".$pathToDumpFileName."'><b>$dump_file_name</b></a>&nbsp(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameZIP."' $titleLinkZip >zip</a>)&nbsp;(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameGZIP."' $titleLinkGzip >gzip</a>)"; } $odtbl->wlog("end execution first dump for the table $dbname.$table"); } else { // FILE WITH THE DUMP OF THE CURRENT TABLE EXISTS: CHECK IF IT HAS AN OLD CHECKSUM OR NOT $dumping = "($dbname.$table dumped on change checksum -- not first dump)"; $odtbl->setCtrlVar ( 'dumping' ); $odtbl->wlog("table $dbname.$table dumped on a previous run: check if it has an old checksum detecting if file $pathToDumpFileName exists or not"); if(file_exists ( $pathToDumpFileName )){ // TABLE DUMP FILE EXISTS AND NO FORCED DUMP: NO NEW DUMP echo "(Dump on change)&nbsp;no new dump table <b>$dbname.$table</b> required: the file <a href='".$pathToDumpFileName."'><b>$dump_file_name</b></a> has not changed since last dump &nbsp(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameZIP."' $titleLinkZip >zip</a>)&nbsp;(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameGZIP."' $titleLinkGzip >gzip</a>)"; $odtbl->wlog("file $pathToDumpFileName exists and the checksum of the table $dbname.$table has not changed since last dump"); $odtbl->wlog("no new dump of the table $dbname.$table is required"); } else { // TABLE DUMP FILE NOT EXISTS: NEW DUMP REQUIRED $odtbl->wlog("file $pathToDumpFileName does not exist: this means that the checksum of the table $dbname.$table has changed since last dump"); $odtbl->wlog("start execution new dump for the table $dbname.$table due to a change of checksum"); $typeDbToDump = $odtbl->getTypeDbToDump ( $dbname ); $odtbl->setDumpParameters (); $pobjref = $odtbl->getDumpParamsRef (); $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES = $odtbl->getPrefixOldDumpFile(); $partCurrentDumpTableFileName = pathinfo ( $fileDumpExistent ); $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName = $partCurrentDumpTableFileName ['dirname']; $currentDumpTableFileName = $partCurrentDumpTableFileName ['basename']; $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName = $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES . $currentDumpTableFileName; $odtbl->wlog("rename file $currentDumpTableFileName to $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES$currentDumpTableFileName as backup"); $odtbl->wlog("rename file $pathToDumpFileName to $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName as backup"); // BLOCK RENAMING CURRENT SQL FILE PREPRENDING SUFFIX TO BECOME A BACKUP FILE BEFORE DUMPING if(false === rename ( $fileDumpExistent, $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName ) ) { $odtbl->wlog("ERROR renaming file $fileDumpExistent to $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName as backup: NO DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table"); // ERROR BACKUP (RENAME) CURRENT DUMP FILE echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>ERROR renaming $fileDumpExistent to $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName: NO DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table</b></font></div>"; } else { // CURRENT DUMP FILE SUCCESSFULLY BACKUPPED (RENAMED) $odtbl->wlog("file $pathToDumpFileName successfully renamed to $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName as backup: new dump of $dbname.$table"); $cmddump = $odtbl->getCmdDumpDB ( $dbname, $table, $pathToDumpFileName ); $odtbl->wlog("execution dump command: $cmddump"); set_time_limit($timeoutLimit); exec ( $cmddump, $resultDump ); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>NEW DUMP: CREATION DUMP FILE TABLE $dump_file_name</b><br>"; if(preg_match ( '/error/i', $resultDump ) ) { // ERROR NEW DUMP TABLE $odtbl->wlog("ERROR NEW DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table TO $pathToDumpFileName: restoring backup $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName"); echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<font color='FF0000'><b>ERROR execution command dump table $dbname.$table: NO DUMP TABLE $dbname.$table</b>"; echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>restore backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName</b></font></div>"; // RESTORING BACKUP FILE $pathToDumpCurrentFileName = $odtbl->getFileDumpTable($dbname, $table); $partCurrentDumpTableFileName = pathinfo ( $pathToDumpCurrentFileName ); $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName = $partCurrentDumpTableFileName ['dirname']; $currentDumpTableFileName = $partCurrentDumpTableFileName ['basename']; $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName = $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES . $currentDumpTableFileName; $restoredDumpTableFileName = $dirCurrentDumpTableFileName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $currentDumpTableFileName; $FOLDER_DUMP_FILES = $pobjref->getParamValue('folder_dump_files'); $odtbl->wlog("start restoring file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName to $restoredDumpTableFileName"); if(false === rename ( $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName, $restoredDumpTableFileName ) ) { // ERROR RESTORING BACKUP FILE echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>ERROR restoring file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName in $restoredDumpTableFileName: restore file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName manually removing prefix $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES</b></font></div>"; $odtbl->wlog("ERROR RESTORING FILE $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName TO $restoredDumpTableFileName: RESTORE FILE MANUALLY REMOVING PREFIX $PREFIX_OLD_DUMP_FILES"); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName successfully restored (renamed) in $restoredDumpTableFileName"; $odtbl->wlog("Backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName successfully restored to $restoredDumpTableFileName"); } } else { // DUMP SUCCESSFUL $odtbl->wlog("execution dump command successful: removing backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName"); echo "$dump_frequency&nbsp;table $dbname.$table successfully dumped into the file <a href='".$pathToDumpFileName."'><b>$dump_file_name</b></a>&nbsp(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameZIP."' $titleLinkZip >zip</a>)&nbsp;(<a href='".$urlToPathDumpFileNameGZIP."' $titleLinkGzip >gzip</a>)"; // REMOVAL BACKUP FILE if(false === unlink ( $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName )) { // ERROR REMOVING BACKUP FILE echo "<div id='div_dump_error_id_".$dbname."__".$table."'><font color='FF0000'>$dump_frequency&nbsp;<b>ERROR removing backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName: remove file manually</b></font></div>"; $odtbl->wlog("ERROR REMOVING BACKUP FILE $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName: REMOVE FILE MANUALLY"); } else { $odtbl->wlog("backup file $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName successfully removed"); } } } // if ( false === rename($pathToDumpCurrentFileName, $backupCurrentDumpTableFileName) ) $odtbl->wlog("end execution new dump for the table $dbname.$table due to a change of checksum"); } // if (file_exists($pathToDumpFileName)) }// if (!count($pathToFileDumpFound)) } // if ($flag_forced_dump_table == 1) { $pdort->closeConn(); unset($pdort); $odtbl->wlog("end block execution dump to file $pathToDumpFileName"); $odtbl->wlog ( "end procedure dump table $dbname.$table" ); $odtbl->end (); unset ( $odtbl );