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File: Csession.php

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File: Csession.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main File
Class: Csession
Session management based on temporary files
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 24 years ago
Size: 4,497 bytes



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<?php if (!defined("__PHP_SESSION")) { define ("__PHP_SESSION",1); define ("PHP_SESSIONDIR","/var/tmp/phpsession/"); define ("PHP_SESSIONINF", "/etc/httpd/conf/phpsessions.inf"); define ("COOKIE_DOMAIN", getenv("SERVER_NAME")); class Csession { var $inf,$firstcall; function sendCookie ($value="@#&") { if ($value == "@#&") $value = $this->cookie; setcookie($this->name, $value, 0, $this->cookiepath,COOKIE_DOMAIN); } function loadInf () { $fp = fopen (PHP_SESSIONINF, "r"); if (! $fp) { return; } flock($fp, 1); while ($line = trim(fgets($fp, 2048))) { $buffer = explode(",", $line); $this->inf[$buffer[0]]["path"]=$buffer[1]; $this->inf[$buffer[0]]["timeout"]=$buffer[2]; } fclose($fp); } function destructor() {$this->save();} function Csession($newname = "PHPSESSID", $forcenew=0) { $this->sessid = ""; $this->sdata = array(); $this->sfile = ""; $this->cookie = ""; $this->cookiepath = "/"; $this->firstcall = 0; $this->forcenew = $forcenew; $this->client = $GLOBALS["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $this->name = $newname; $this->sessid = $this->name . date("YmdHis") . "_" . str_replace(".", "_", $this->client); $this->sfile = PHP_SESSIONDIR . $this->sessid; $this->cookie = $this->sessid; //register_shutdown_function("session_save"); $this->loadInf(); $this->cookiepath = $this->inf[$this->name]["path"]; $this->timeout=$this->inf[$this->name]["timeout"]; $this->start(); } function start () { global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; $php_sessid = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$this->name]; if ($php_sessid == "") { $this->sendCookie(); $this->firstcall = true; return; } else { if (file_exists(PHP_SESSIONDIR . $php_sessid)) { $a_stats = stat(PHP_SESSIONDIR . $php_sessid); $delay = time() - $a_stats["9"]; if ($delay > $this->timeout) { @unlink (PHP_SESSIONDIR . $php_sessid); $this->firstcall = true; $this->sendCookie(); return; } } if ($this->forcenew) { @unlink (PHP_SESSIONDIR . $php_sessid); $this->sendCookie(); $this->sendCookie(""); $this->firstcall = true; return; } else { $this->cookie = $php_sessid; $this->sessid = $php_sessid; $this->sfile = PHP_SESSIONDIR . $php_sessid; } } @$fp = fopen($this->sfile, "r"); if (! $fp) { $this->firstcall = true; $this->sendCookie(); return; } flock($fp, 1); // get shared lock and wait $line = trim(fgets($fp, 2048)); if ($line != $php_sessid) { fclose($fp); $this->sendCookie($php_sessid); return; } else $this->cookie = $php_sessid; while ($line = fgets($fp, 2048)) { list($name, $svar) = explode("=", $line); $GLOBALS[$name] = unserialize($svar); $this->sdata[$name] = $name; } fclose($fp); } function register($var) { if (!isset($this->sdata[$var])) $this->sdata[$var] = $var; } function unregister($var) { unset ($this->sdata[$var]); } function registerFromPost ($var) { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; $this->sdata[$var] = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$var]; $GLOBALS[$var] = $this->sdata[$var]; } function registerAllFromPost ($exceptvars="") { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; $exceptvars = " $exceptvars "; reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS); while (list ($var,$value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { if (strpos($exceptvars, $var . " ") == 0) $this->registerFromPost ($var); } } function destroy() { @unlink($this->sfile); unset($this->sdata); // $this->sendCookie(""); } function save() { if (! is_array($this->sdata)) return; if (file_exists($this->sfile)) { $fp = fopen($this->sfile, "r+"); } else { $fp = fopen($this->sfile, "w"); } flock($fp, 2); // exclusive lock and wait fputs($fp, trim($this->cookie) . "\n"); $i = 0; reset($this->sdata); while ($i++ < count($this->sdata)) { $var = key($this->sdata); $data = $GLOBALS[$var]; $svar = serialize($data); fputs($fp,$var . "=" . $svar . "\n"); next($this->sdata); } fclose($fp); } } // end of class session } ?>