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File: examples/init.php

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  Classes of Christian Vigh   Variable Store   examples/init.php   Download  
File: examples/init.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Variable Store
Store key value pairs in array variables
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 1,857 bytes



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        This example demonstrates various ways to initialize a variable store.


require_once ( '../Variables.phpclass' ) ;

    if (
php_sapi_name ( ) != 'cli' )
"<pre>" ;

// Initialization values for variables - 3 variables are defined here, 'word1', 'word2' and 'sentence'
    // The 'sentence' variable value references variables 'word1' and 'word2'.
$variables1 =
'word1' => 'Hello',
'word2' => 'world',
'sentence' => '$(word1) $(word2) !'
] ;

// We first define a variable store, $store1, initialized with the $variables1 array
$store1 = new VariableStore ( $variables1 ) ;

$variables2 =
'v1' => 'v1 value',
'v2' => 'v2 value'
] ;

$variables3 =
'v3' => 'v3 value',
'v4' => 'v4 value'
] ;

// We initialize a variable store ($main_store) with the contents of the $store1 variable store object
    // and the $variable2 array
$main_store = new VariableStore ( $store1, $variables2 ) ;
"After initialization with \$store1 object and \$variables array :\n" ;
print_r ( $main_store -> ToArray ( ) ) ;
"\n\n" ;

// We use the Load() method to add the contents of the $variables3 array to our $main_store object
$main_store -> Load ( $variables3 ) ;
"After loading \$variables3 array :\n" ;
print_r ( $main_store -> ToArray ( ) ) ;
"\n\n" ;

// And finally, we define a variable named 'myvar' in our $main_store object
$main_store -> Define ( 'myvar', 'the value of myvar' ) ;
"After defining the 'myvar' variable : \n" ;
print_r ( $main_store -> ToArray ( ) ) ;
"\n\n" ;