Author: Manuel Lemos
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Last month viewers: 1
Categories: Notable Packages
Many activities can only happen during the period of the day when there is light coming from the Sun. An example of that kind of activity can be for instance going to a beach to receive sunlight baths.
This class can calculate the number of hours of sunlight for a given location.
This way, users of a PHP application that uses this class may be aware of the length of the period of the day that they can use to benefit from the Sun Light.
Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.
This class can calculate the number of hours of sunlight for a given location.
This way, users of a PHP application that uses this class may be aware of the length of the period of the day that they can use to benefit from the Sun Light.
Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

The package PHP Day Light Calculator is one of the few PHP packages that was considered notable recently because it does something that is worth paying attention.
The basic purpose is: Calculate the day hours for a given location
Here follows in more detail what it does:
This class can calculate the day hours for a given location.
It can take the latitude and longitude of a location and the time zone and it can calculate several types of time values. Currently it can return:
- The current time of the day
- The Sunrise and Sunset time
- The duration of the period with Sun light
- The remaining number of Sun light left for the day
- The duration of the period without Sun light
- The remaining number without Sun light left for the day
- Data for an image that can be the Sun or Moon images depending whether it is day or night
In Spanish:
Esta clase calcula las horas de luz y de obscuridad del dia asi como las horas de puesta y salida del sol pasando como parĂ¡metro las coordenadas geograficas y el uso horario(timezone). Tambien muestra una imagen con el sol o la luna si es de dia o de noche.
Notable PHP packages can be often considered innovative. If this package is also innovative, it can be nominated to the PHP Innovation Award and the author may win prizes and recognition for sharing innovative packages.
If you also developed your own notable or innovative packages consider sharing them, so you can also earn more visibility for your package.
The basic purpose is: Calculate the day hours for a given location
Here follows in more detail what it does:
This class can calculate the day hours for a given location.
It can take the latitude and longitude of a location and the time zone and it can calculate several types of time values. Currently it can return:
- The current time of the day
- The Sunrise and Sunset time
- The duration of the period with Sun light
- The remaining number of Sun light left for the day
- The duration of the period without Sun light
- The remaining number without Sun light left for the day
- Data for an image that can be the Sun or Moon images depending whether it is day or night
In Spanish:
Esta clase calcula las horas de luz y de obscuridad del dia asi como las horas de puesta y salida del sol pasando como parĂ¡metro las coordenadas geograficas y el uso horario(timezone). Tambien muestra una imagen con el sol o la luna si es de dia o de noche.
Notable PHP packages can be often considered innovative. If this package is also innovative, it can be nominated to the PHP Innovation Award and the author may win prizes and recognition for sharing innovative packages.
If you also developed your own notable or innovative packages consider sharing them, so you can also earn more visibility for your package.
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